The Freedom Records

Young Americans Against Socialism

Welcome to The Freedom Records, hosted by Morgan Zegers and powered by Young Americans Against Socialism. Join us to hear remarkable stories of those who overcame oppression, tyranny and communism from around the world. By learning from the past we can teach future generations how to protect and preserve what matters most: our freedom. Visit our Website & Support ’The Freedom Records:’ read less
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Surviving Communism in Romania | Andy Ionescu | The Freedom Records
Oct 6 2022
Surviving Communism in Romania | Andy Ionescu | The Freedom Records
Welcome back to The Freedom Records! This week, Andy Ionescu joins us to discuss the rise of the Communist party and Dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu in Romania. Andy lived through decades of socialism and eventually, communism in Romania. He experienced mass indoctrination while serving in the Romanian navy, and saw the 1989 Romanian Revolution take place, firsthand. After the 1989 Revolution, communism was outlawed after 42 painful years of rationing, famine, tyranny, oppression and the death of millions. While 1989 was not a good year for communism, Romania’s Revolution was different from other European countries in a plain but crucial way; while communists no longer were the ruling party, those who had been in the Communist party were still running it. Andy reflects on the socialist infiltration we are currently experiencing today in America and shares his perspective on the future of America. It’s clear the playbook has not changed all these years, but there is still so much to learn from Andy. You deserve to know the truth about socialism and the real devastation that it brings. Andy now resides happily in Texas with his family and enjoys writing for his blog in his spare time. “Applied on a large scale in the USSR before the war, the starvation of Romanians and of the other nations in the countries occupied by the soviets in Central and Eastern Europe spoke volumes to the world about the true face of the so called humanism of the Marxist- Leninist doctrine, the ideology that gave birth to communism.” - Radio Romania International   Andy's Substack:   Take a tour of American Journey Experience: Visit our Website & Support 'The Freedom Records:'
Cuban Escapes Communism And Joins the US Military | Ray Armas | The Freedom Records
Sep 1 2022
Cuban Escapes Communism And Joins the US Military | Ray Armas | The Freedom Records
In this episode, you will meet Ray Armas, who was one of our first interviews we did in 2019. It's an honor for us to have him back to share his experience growing up in Cuba under the Communist Dictator, Fidel Castro, and what drove him to plan his escape. You won't want to miss this unfiltered and passionate discussion with Ray as he delves into exactly who the Communists were and what they set out to do in Cuba. Ray begins with him being indoctrinated as a young child, explains the prison system in Cuba, who Che Guevara was and the fact that today in America, he is portrayed as some sort of icon among young people and celebrities. Ray goes on to share how the US was portrayed in Cuba as "the Empire", the realities of socializing the government and healthcare, food rations, and the many nonsensical and arbitrary laws set in motion by Castro. Lastly, hear how Ray ultimately escaped communism and what led him to serving in the US Army. This interview will broaden your understanding on world history, the destruction and chaos communism perpetuates, and the importance of protecting the freedoms we have today in America. Thank you so much for watching and don't forget to like, subscribe, comment and SHARE this interview with all those you love and care for. When we continue to share these interviews, we equip people with the truth about socialism.   Stay Connected with Ray! Truth Social: @RayArmas   Ray's Cuban School Photo - A Note from Ray: "...that's me in First grade with my teacher giving me the “now I know how to read and write” certificate (that used to be a thing in 1989s communist Cuba). Sadly, in those days only 5 people had a camera in the entire island...haha yeah, there is not much private memories of people in pictures from the 70s and 80s in Cuba. But yes, that's the uniform of the “Pioneritos” - Little pioneers- (Red shorts, white shirt and that blue tie) we all had to stand in attention and produce a military salut while yelling “PIONEROS POR EL COMUNISMO, SEREMOS COMO EL CHÉ” - Pioneers for communism, we will be like Ché -"   Take a tour of American Journey Experience: Visit our Website & Support 'The Freedom Records:'
Escaping Communist China & The Importance of Saving American Youth from Leftist Indoctrination | Dr. Pingnan Shi, Ph.D. | The Freedom Records
Aug 18 2022
Escaping Communist China & The Importance of Saving American Youth from Leftist Indoctrination | Dr. Pingnan Shi, Ph.D. | The Freedom Records
Welcome back to The Freedom Records! Our guest, Dr. Pingnan Shi, Ph.D., is a skilled engineer, author and genuinely passionate about children receiving a quality education in America. Born and raised in China, Dr. Ping saw first hand the brutal dictatorship of Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party. As his own parents were members of the Chinese Communist Party, Dr. Ping can clearly outline the many communist tricks and tactics that are currently being implemented throughout the American society. Dr. Ping shares what happened leading up to the Tiananmen Square massacre, an event that is highly censored in China today. He was able to escape China, and moved to Canada for his Masters and Doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering and eventually found himself in the United States. He quickly became aware of the mass infiltration of communist thought throughout the school system, urging him to write articles based around Marxist theories, indoctrination and communist thought. He compiled them into a book, Our Children Are Not Prepared. (Link below) This is a conversation you won't want to miss! Please SHARE this interview with everyone you know that cares about the future of America. Knowledge is power and we must learn from history to prevent it from happening again.   Stay Connected with Dr. Ping! Twitter: @DrPing1994 Facebook: @pingnan.shi Podcast: Dr Ping's YouTube Channel, 'Taking Back Education:' Dr. Ping's Book, 'Our Children Are Not Prepared.',aps,163&sr=8-1&pldnSite=1   Dr. Ping's Essay on Substack, 'Marxist roots of CRT:'   Death of Chairman Mao, Headline & Info:    Take a tour of American Journey Experience: (or) Visit our website & support 'The Freedom Records:'
USSR Born Family, Leaves Estonia for America | Olga Voloshina | The Freedom Records
Aug 4 2022
USSR Born Family, Leaves Estonia for America | Olga Voloshina | The Freedom Records
This week on The Freedom Records, hear from Olga Voloshina who is from the Baltic country Estonia. Her family lived under Soviet rule during World War II until the 1990’s, when they claimed their country’s independence peacefully. Her story is one of faith, family, entrepreneurship and the American dream. Estonia has an unique history, as it was under Nazi rule and then ultimately, Soviet rule beginning in the 1940’s. Olga was born into communism in the USSR and learned quickly that she had to censor her family’s belief in God. She saw the failed promises of communism first hand and what communism really was: complete control over the people. Olga shares stories her grandmother told her about their family history, including her grandfather sent off to prison by the early stages of the KGB, the secret police of the USSR. Olga eventually moved to the United States to seek ultimate freedom where she relishes her life with her husband and family in Texas. We love Olga’s story – it’s full of resilience and faith – and speaks truth to precisely how the communists operate. Be sure to Like & Subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram & Facebook for more! @thefreedomerecords   Connect with Olga! Website:   Soviet Socialist Constitution:   Take a tour of American Journey Experience: (or) Visit our website & support 'The Freedom Records:'
Olympic Shooter Leaves Socialist Venezuela | Gabby Franco | The Freedom Records
Jul 10 2022
Olympic Shooter Leaves Socialist Venezuela | Gabby Franco | The Freedom Records
Join us this week on The Freedom Records to hear from Gabby Franco, a competitive shooter, firearms instructor and former Olympian from Venezuela! Gabby sits down with us to share her experience growing up in pre-socialist Venezuela, to what it was like as the democratically-elected socialist Hugo Chavez implemented his ideologies throughout Venezuela’s culture and economy. Socialism devastated the Venezuelan people. Gabby explains the dangers of Chavez's policies expanding the government, giving it more control; such as the steady rise of government restrictions and regulations on firearms and ammo, a problem we are facing today in America. Gabby is not only intelligent, talented and kind, she is a proud American. We are honored to amplify her voice as she boldly speaks on the dangers of socialism. Like us, we hope you feel compelled to use your voice to speak up against dangerous and destructive socialist ideologies, just like Gabby. We all deserve to know the truth about socialism.   Connect with Gabby! Instagram: @gabbyfrancots4 Twitter: @GabbyFrancoTS4 Website: YouTube Channel:   Venezuelan Celebrities Call for Gun Control - Watch:   Watch Gabby on TOP SHOT S4 - History Channel: Amazon:   Visit our website & support 'The Freedom Records:' Take a tour of American Journey Experience:
Family Surviving the Salvadoran Civil War | Jorge Ventura The Freedom Records
Jun 26 2022
Family Surviving the Salvadoran Civil War | Jorge Ventura The Freedom Records
This week on The Freedom Records, front line reporter Jorge Ventura joins us to share his parents' story as young teenagers in El Salvador when the violent Salvadoran Civil War erupted in 1980. The twelve-year war began in El Salvador between the FMNL, a revolutionary communist rebel group, and the National Salvadoran Army. At the time, the Soviets were funding the communist movement during the Cold War, driving former US Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan to provide economic aid to the Salvadoran government. Many innocent civilians were caught in extreme upheaval, including Jorge's parents. In his career as a journalist, Jorge has covered the border crisis in depth and explains how the open border allows sex trafficking, gangs like MS-13, and drug cartels to flourish, specifically endangering Latino communities across the US. Like Jorge, we believe Americans would have a greater appreciation for this country if they knew of the sacrifices their families made in the past to create a better future. That is why we do what we do. We hope you appreciate learning from Jorge's powerful family history and perspective as he recognizes the value of respecting a strong heritage, while also cherishing our American way of life and the freedoms we have today. Connect with Jorge! Instagram: @jorgeventuratv Twitter: @VenturaReport Dally Caller: Carterville USA Documentary: Visit our website & support 'The Freedom Records:' Take a tour of American Journey Experience: