The ThinkND Podcast

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The New AI, Part 3: Generative AI in the Wild
2d ago
The New AI, Part 3: Generative AI in the Wild
How do we work through the extreme excitement, confusion, and fear that result from the rapid evolution of generative AI to understand and embrace these tools across the arts and humanities?The third event in The New AI series where we discuss what’s happening in the world of AI with cutting edge thought leaders is another step in our journey of understanding the opportunities and challenges of AI with the goal of empowering ourselves to be stewards of, rather than victims of, these new technologies and these new changes. While universities are often criticized for being slow to recognize the pulse of society and the speed at which technology changes in the for-profit sector, the University of Notre Dame is leading the way with a new course called Generative AI in the Wild. John Behrens ’83 and Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, the Notre Dame professors who co-teach the class talk with Jack Slattery ‘24 and Ahana Sood ’21, ’24 M.A., who are both Notre Dame seniors and students of the first Generative AI in the Wild class, about the challenges, surprises, and takeaways of this groundbreaking course.The New AI is sponsored on ThinkND by the Technology and Digital Studies Program in the College of Arts & Letters.  This program collaborates with the Computer Science and Engineering Department and other departments around the University to offer the Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science, the Minor in Data Science, and the Idzik Computing & Digital Technologies Minor.Featured Speakers: John Behrens ‘83 is a Professor of the Practice of Technology & Digital Studies and Concurrent Professor of the Practice in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He serves as Director of the Office of Digital Strategy in the College of Arts & Letters and Director of the Technologies & Digital Studies Program.Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, Ruth and Paul Idzik Collegiate Assistant Professor of Digital Scholarship and English, Concurrent Assistant Professor, Department of Film, Television, and Theatre; Affiliate, Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society; Affiliate, Notre Dame Initiative on Race and Resilience; Affiliate, Idzik Computing and Digital Technologies Program; Affiliate, Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center; Affiliate, the Program in History and Philosophy of ScienceJack Slattery ’24, University of Notre Dame senior student majoring in finance in the Mendoza College of Business with a Minor in Computing and Digital TechnologyAhana Sood ’21, ’24 M.A., received her masters degree in English at the University of Notre Dame and graduated in May 2024Thanks for listening! The ThinkND Podcast is brought to you by ThinkND, the University of Notre Dame's online learning community. We connect you with videos, podcasts, articles, courses, and other resources to inspire minds and spark conversations on topics that matter to you — everything from faith and politics, to science, technology, and your career. Learn more about ThinkND and register for upcoming live events at Join our LinkedIn community for updates, episode clips, and more.
Soc(AI)ety Seminars, Part 2  Driving Social Impact in Public Health and Conservation
May 15 2024
Soc(AI)ety Seminars, Part 2 Driving Social Impact in Public Health and Conservation
For more than 15 years, Milind Tambe’s team has been focused on AI for social impact, deploying end-to-end systems in areas of public health, conservation and public safety. In this talk Tambe will highlight the results from these deployments for social impact in public health and conservation, as well as required innovations in integrating machine learning and optimization. First in terms of public health, he will present recent results from our work in India with the world’s two largest mobile health programs for maternal and child care that have served millions of beneficiaries. Additionally, he will highlight results from earlier projects on HIV prevention and others. In terms of conservation, he will highlight efforts for protecting endangered wildlife in national parks around the globe. To address challenges of ML+optimization common to all of these applications, Tambe’s team has advanced state of the art in decision focused learning, restless multi-armed bandits, influence maximization in social networks and green security games. In pushing this research agenda, the ultimate goal is to facilitate local communities and non-profits to directly benefit from advances in AI tools and techniques.Brought to you by the Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society and the Notre Dame Alumni Association.Thanks for listening! The ThinkND Podcast is brought to you by ThinkND, the University of Notre Dame's online learning community. We connect you with videos, podcasts, articles, courses, and other resources to inspire minds and spark conversations on topics that matter to you — everything from faith and politics, to science, technology, and your career. Learn more about ThinkND and register for upcoming live events at Join our LinkedIn community for updates, episode clips, and more.
Soc(AI)ety Seminars, Part 1: AI and the Very Old World Order
May 1 2024
Soc(AI)ety Seminars, Part 1: AI and the Very Old World Order
Over the last few years, a growing number of scholars have argued that the impact of AI is repeating the patterns of colonial history. If European colonialism was characterized by the violent capture of land, extraction of resources, and exploitation of people for the economic enrichment of the conquering country, the AI industry is now using more insidious means to capture our behaviors, extract our data, and exploit our labor for enriching the wealthy and powerful at the great expense of the poor.Award-winning journalist Karen Hao looks in-depth at just one dimension of this AI colonialism: the labor exploitation. The AI industry has long thrived off of a model of building billion-dollar products off of a vast economically precarious workforce. Now it is refining its playbook, seeking out workers in countries of crisis to drive down their labor costs even more.Brought to you by the Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society and the Notre Dame Alumni Association.Thanks for listening! The ThinkND Podcast is brought to you by ThinkND, the University of Notre Dame's online learning community. We connect you with videos, podcasts, articles, courses, and other resources to inspire minds and spark conversations on topics that matter to you — everything from faith and politics, to science, technology, and your career. Learn more about ThinkND and register for upcoming live events at Join our LinkedIn community for updates, episode clips, and more.
Artificial Intelligence, Promise and Peril, Part 4: Adversarial Attacks on Large Language Models
Apr 26 2024
Artificial Intelligence, Promise and Peril, Part 4: Adversarial Attacks on Large Language Models
Join us for a captivating virtual event, “Adversarial Attacks on Large Language Models,” featuring distinguished speaker Zico Kolter, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Chief Scientist of AI Research for the Bosch Center for AI at Carnegie Mellon University. Professor Kolter will delve into the intriguing world of adversarial attacks, exploring vulnerabilities and defenses in large language models. Gain valuable insights into the challenges of securing AI systems against malicious manipulation and deception. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of the complex dynamics at play in the realm of AI security with a leading expert in the field.******This description was written by ChatGPT with the following prompt: “Write a 100 word description of a virtual event titled “Adversarial Attacks on Large Language Models” featuring speaker Zico Kolter, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Chief Scientist of AI Research for the Bosch Center for AI at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh.”Thanks for listening! The ThinkND Podcast is brought to you by ThinkND, the University of Notre Dame's online learning community. We connect you with videos, podcasts, articles, courses, and other resources to inspire minds and spark conversations on topics that matter to you — everything from faith and politics, to science, technology, and your career. Learn more about ThinkND and register for upcoming live events at Join our LinkedIn community for updates, episode clips, and more.
Grace Period Part 7: Christ is risen, alleluia! Christ is truly risen, alleluia!
Apr 2 2024
Grace Period Part 7: Christ is risen, alleluia! Christ is truly risen, alleluia!
As we journey together through the solemn days of Lent, the Alliance for Catholic Education and ThinkND invite you to join us as we walk toward the light that our faith tells us lies ahead.Join us for Grace Period, a weekly series of audio reflections by Fr. Lou DelFra, C.S.C. ’92, M. Div. ’03, designed to meet your busy schedule and help you pause, listen for God’s voice in your life, and begin anew.We began the journey of Grace Period on Noah’s ark, weathering the first global pandemic and the destructive waters of the Great Flood.We continued the journey on the waters of Galilee, where our travels were beset by sudden squalls that threatened to swamp our boat.And last week, Holy Week, we walked the great storm of Jesus’ Way of the Cross.These waters, which disrupted our lives, which threatened our lives and were the cause of so much fear – Christ has walked over them, and stands firmly now on the shore.How? The Gospel’s ultimate answer is so simple, yet it is our greatest discovery: Christ is risen, alleluia! Christ is truly risen, alleluia!Thank you for walking this journey of grace with us over these past weeks. May our Risen Lord who has conquered the storm fill us with hope as we guide our boats to shore.Thanks for listening! The ThinkND Podcast is brought to you by ThinkND, the University of Notre Dame's online learning community. We connect you with videos, podcasts, articles, courses, and other resources to inspire minds and spark conversations on topics that matter to you — everything from faith and politics, to science, technology, and your career. Learn more about ThinkND and register for upcoming live events at Join our LinkedIn community for updates, episode clips, and more.
Grace Period Part 5: Persevering with Hope
Mar 19 2024
Grace Period Part 5: Persevering with Hope
As we journey together through the solemn days of Lent, the Alliance for Catholic Education and ThinkND invite you to join us as we walk toward the light that our faith tells us lies ahead.Join us for Grace Period, a weekly series of audio reflections by Fr. Lou DelFra, C.S.C. ’92, M. Div. ’03, designed to meet your busy schedule and help you pause, listen for God’s voice in your life, and begin anew.How we can persevere with hope when it seems like Christ is absent during our time of need?We look to the Gospel of Mark, when a furious squall threatens to sink the disciples’ boat as Jesus sleeps.Was Christ powerless against the squall? Did he not care?Jesus was showing them (and us) what it’s like to trust, even in a storm, that we have a God who has our lives—and all that happens within them — securely in hand.The more we can allow this bedrock spiritual reality to settle into our souls, the more calm and hopeful we can be in the midst of life’s storms.Thanks for listening! The ThinkND Podcast is brought to you by ThinkND, the University of Notre Dame's online learning community. We connect you with videos, podcasts, articles, courses, and other resources to inspire minds and spark conversations on topics that matter to you — everything from faith and politics, to science, technology, and your career. Learn more about ThinkND and register for upcoming live events at Join our LinkedIn community for updates, episode clips, and more.
Shakespeare & Possibility, Part 3: The Tragedy of Hamlet and the Sistine Madonna
Mar 14 2024
Shakespeare & Possibility, Part 3: The Tragedy of Hamlet and the Sistine Madonna
Shakespeare and Possibility continues with the 13th Annual Notre Dame London Shakespeare lecture, delivered by Margreta de Grazia, Emerita Rosenberg Professor of the Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania. Her books on Shakespeare have drawn attention to the belatedness (and inadequacy) of concepts that have been key to the study of Shakespeare (and literature more generally). These range from the apparatus of the modern editorial tradition (Shakespeare Verbatim [Oxford, 1991]), to the psychologizing of Hamlet (Hamlet without Hamlet [Cambridge, 2007]), to the chronologizing, periodizing and secularizing of the Shakespeare canon (Four Shakespearean Period Pieces Chicago, 2021]). Her most recent book, Shakespeare without a Life (Oxford, 2023), focuses on our current preoccupation with Shakespeare’s biography, an interest not shared -- as her book argues – by the first two centuries of Shakespeare’s readers. She has also co-edited two Cambridge Companions to Shakespeare with Sir Stanley Wells, 2001 and 2010.Thanks for listening! The ThinkND Podcast is brought to you by ThinkND, the University of Notre Dame's online learning community. We connect you with videos, podcasts, articles, courses, and other resources to inspire minds and spark conversations on topics that matter to you — everything from faith and politics, to science, technology, and your career. Learn more about ThinkND and register for upcoming live events at Join our LinkedIn community for updates, episode clips, and more.
The Eucharist and Catholic Social Teaching, Part 1: The Eucharist Commits Us to the Poor
Mar 13 2024
The Eucharist and Catholic Social Teaching, Part 1: The Eucharist Commits Us to the Poor
In 2022, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) announced that the Church in this country would undertake a Eucharistic Revival, as a way to bolster Catholics’ belief in the real presence of Christ–body, blood, soul, and divinity–in the Eucharist. This Eucharistic Revival will culminate in a nationwide pilgrimage to the city of Indianapolis in July 2024. In the months leading up to this pilgrimage, the McGrath Institute for Church Life is contributing to this revival by underscoring the intrinsic connection between the Eucharist and Catholic social teaching. Why are we concerned about the link between Eucharistic devotion among Catholics and our commitment to social justice? Because the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “the Eucharist commits us to the poor” (CCC, n. 1397). Because Pope Benedict XVI declared in his encyclical Deus Caritas Est that “A Eucharist which does not pass over into the concrete practice of love is intrinsically fragmented” (Deus Caritas Est, n.14. ). And because we have it on good authority that whenever we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, welcome the stranger, we encounter Christ, Who assures that whatever you have done to the least among you, you do for me (cf. Matthew 25:31-46). Thus our devotion to the Body of Christ in the Eucharist must be accompanied by our equally fervent devotion to serve the entire human family, especially the poor and those who are in any way oppressed. This theme will be taken up by the Office of Life and Human Dignity at the McGrath Institute for Church Life in an eight-part series of Conversations That Matter. In our first event, moderator Michael Baxter, Ph.D., ‘83 M.Div., visiting associate professor at the McGrath Institute, will be joined by Jennifer Newsome Martin, Ph.D. and Emmanuel Katongole, Ph.D., both professors of Theology at the University of Notre Dame, and William T. Cavanaugh, Ph.D. '84, a Notre Dame alum and professor of Catholic Studies and director of the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology at DePaul University. They will explore the intrinsic connection between the Eucharist and Catholic Social Teaching, especially as it concerns the poor. Join us as we ask how, why, and in what ways “the Eucharist commits us to the poor.”Thanks for listening! The ThinkND Podcast is brought to you by ThinkND, the University of Notre Dame's online learning community. We connect you with videos, podcasts, articles, courses, and other resources to inspire minds and spark conversations on topics that matter to you — everything from faith and politics, to science, technology, and your career. Learn more about ThinkND and register for upcoming live events at Join our LinkedIn community for updates, episode clips, and more.