Studying Perinatal Well-being

Dr. Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo

Join us as we discuss all things related to studying perinatal well-being. We will release monthly episodes with a different guest each month to discuss relevant topics and get to know the podcast guests! One of the Marcé of North America’s missions is to promote studying perinatal mental health through continued education, research, and encouragement of creativity. We’ll see you here soon!

Studying Perinatal Well-being Podcast

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Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Karen Martínez-González, MD (offered in English, with Spanish at end of interview)
3d ago
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Karen Martínez-González, MD (offered in English, with Spanish at end of interview)
Join us this month to learn about the critical findings on the effects of natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal women in Puerto Rico. Dr. Martinez-Gonzalez also provides policy recommendations for ensuring perinatal people have the social support needed during large-scale events. She also shares exciting information about research opportunities for clinicians interested in working with Latinos in Puerto Rico and the US. You’ll enjoy her Spanish call to research engagement at minute 36:40 of the bilingual interview.For more information about training opportunities, please contact Dr. Martinez-Gonzalez at Karen G. Martinez-Gonzalez, MD, MSc, is a child and adolescent psychiatrist in San Juan, Puerto Rico.  She is an Associate Professor at the University of Puerto Rico, where she directs the Center for the Study and Treatment of Fear and Anxiety and is the Chair of the Department of Psychiatry. She also completed a post-doctoral master’s in clinical and translational research in 2006 and is now the program's Principal Investigator (R25MD007607) and Director.  She was also one of the Principal Investigators (R21MD013652) of a grant studying the epigenetic and microbial profile of prenatal stress related to Hurricane María in collaboration with the School of Dental Medicine.  She is one of the Principal Investigators of the Puerto Rico Racial & Ethnic Minority Acceleration Consortium for Health Equity (PR-REACH) FDA award U01FD007977.  She is an active member of several professional organizations, such as the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Trauma and Disaster Committee, past president of the Puerto Rico Chapter, and past president of the Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS).  Her current research work is on stress-related disorders and how to promote wellness among highly traumatized or stressed populations.  She is a founding member of the University of Puerto Rico Center for Perinatal Mental Health.
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Rhonda C. Boyd (offered in English)
Apr 1 2024
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Rhonda C. Boyd (offered in English)
Dr. Boyd has expertise in adapting interventions for adolescents and perinatal people, particularly African Americans. Listen to this month’s episode to learn about the innovative strategies deployed by Dr. Boyd to ensure interventions are culturally sensitive and reduce perinatal depressive symptoms, improve parenting, and address suicidal ideation. Dr. Rhonda C. Boyd is an Associate Professor in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. Additionally, she is a researcher at CHOP PolicyLab and a member of the National Scientific Council on Adolescence. Dr. Boyd is the Associate Director of the CHOP’s Child and Adolescent Mood Program in the outpatient clinic, where Dr. Boyd practices as a licensed psychologist specializing in the evaluation and treatment of youth with depression and suicide risk. She has served as a Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator on multiple federal grants, including those from the National Institutes of Health and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Dr. Boyd has conducted several studies examining maternal depression and its impact on children, particularly focused on Black families. She has developed and adapted interventions for urban, diverse families with maternal depression in multiple settings, such as community, mental health, and primary care. Dr. Boyd is a Co-Investigator for two Practice-Based Suicide Prevention Research Centers funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. She is also a fellow of the American Psychological Association.
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Xochitl Carlos Mendez (Offered in Spanish)
Mar 6 2024
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Xochitl Carlos Mendez (Offered in Spanish)
Muchos miembros de la comunidad invierten en atender las necesidades de las comunidades perinatales. Este mes, Xochitl comparte sugerencias perspicaces para involucrar a las mujeres perinatales latinas y de habla hispana y a las comunidades latinas en investigaciones e intervenciones. Xochitl también ofrece a los miembros de la comunidad consejos para participar en la investigación.  Este episodio del podcast menciona un tema delicado como lo es el abuso sexual infantil. El testimonio que se presenta puede resultar desafiantes para algunos oyentes. Se recomienda discreción al escuchar, especialmente para aquellos que puedan haber experimentado traumas infantiles similares. Enel episodio se menciona el abuso.Ofrecemoslos siguientes recursos en español:La Línea de Ayuda Nacional Online de Abuso Sexual: El Centro Nacional de Recursos sobre Violencia Sexual (NSVRC): Directorio de organizaciones: Xochitl Carlos Méndez es la Gerente del Programa Cultural en Español de la Alianza de Salud Mental Perinatal para Personas de Color en Postpartum Support International (PSI). Es una líder dedicada que encabeza los esfuerzos de divulgación en los países de habla hispana y crea alianzas estratégicas con organizaciones globales y proveedores perinatales. Con una formación arraigada en México, Xochitl tiene una licenciatura en Educación Especial y una maestría en Psicoterapia Infantil. Poseedora de una sólida experiencia en defensa y activismo por las comunidades más vulnerables, Xochitl encabezó numerosos proyectos sociales y cofundó múltiples organizaciones sin fines de lucro en México, lo que la llevó a obtener honores y premios en derechos humanos. Al emigrar a los Estados Unidos, su defensa se desplazó hacia la intersección de las mujeres, las sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica, la salud mental y la comunidad inmigrante. Después de su viaje hacia la maternidad, donde experimentó trastornos perinatales del estado de ánimo y ansiedad (PMAD, por sus siglas en inglés), Xochitl centró sus esfuerzos en crear conciencia, educar y difundir información sobre PMAD entre los profesionales del campo perinatal y su comunidad circundante. El objetivo de Xóchitl es establecer una nueva realidad en la que las madres que se enfrentan a PMAD tengan acceso a profesionales adecuadamente capacitados y culturalmente sensibles que satisfagan sus necesidades y reduzcan el sufrimiento.LinkedIn : :
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Simone Vigod, MD (Offered in English)
Jan 2 2024
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Simone Vigod, MD (Offered in English)
Helping patients make decisions about treatment during the perinatal period is a critical process for the birth person and their provider. Dr. Simone Vigod, MD, explains how her team developed a patient decision aid. Dr. Vigod also shares the research benefits of large datasets. Dr. Simone Vigod (MD 2003, FRCPC 2009) is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and Head of the Department of Psychiatry at Women’s College Hospital, one of the University of Toronto’s nine fully affiliated academic health sciences centers. Dr. Vigod is a leading expert in perinatal mood disorders and has conducted some of the largest studies worldwide on maternal mental illness around the time of pregnancy. Mental illness at this life stage poses unique risks to mothers and their children at a critical juncture in both of their lives. Her research is helping raise awareness about gaps in access to specialized perinatal mental healthcare and identifying vulnerable populations where these gaps are most prominent. She also designs and evaluates novel health system interventions to improve access to and care uptake for affected women. Dr. Vigod leads a clinical research program at Women’s College Hospital as a Senior Scientist and the Shirley A. Brown Memorial Chair in Women’s Mental Health Research at the Women’s College Research Institute. She is a Senior Adjunct Scientist at ICES in Toronto, Ontario, where population-level administrative health data for her epidemiological studies are securely held.
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Bolea-Alamanac, PhD (Offered in Spanish/En español)
Nov 1 2023
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Bolea-Alamanac, PhD (Offered in Spanish/En español)
Este mes, discutimos la investigación específica del sexo y el papel del sexismo en la salud mental perinatal con la Dra. Blanca Bolea-Alamanac. Escuche las perspicaces observaciones y hallazgos que la Dra. Bolea-Alamanac ha realizado utilizando grandes conjuntos de datos y a través de su programa de radio en español ofrecido en Toronto, Ontario.La Dra. Bolea-Alamanac es profesora asistente de psiquiatría en el Women's College Hospital de la Universidad de Toronto, Centro de Adicción y Salud Mental, y directora de SCOPE (Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience). La Dra. Bolea-Alamanac recibió un doctorado en Epidemiología Psiquiátrica centrado en la salud materno-infantil de la Universidad de Bristol, Reino Unido, y una maestría en Neurociencia Afectiva de la Universidad de Maastricht, Holanda. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen la salud mental materno-perinatal, el TDAH en adultos, la psicofarmacología de género, el síndrome de boca ardiente y la epidemiología psiquiátrica. Obtenga más información sobre el Dr. Bolea-Alamanac en: month, we discuss sex-specific research and the role of sexism on perinatal mental health with Dr. Blanca Bolea-Alamanac. Listen to the insightful observations and findings Dr. Bolea-Alamanac has made using large datasets and through her Spanish-language radio program offered in Toronto, Ontario.Dr. Bolea-Alamanac is an Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at Women’s College Hospital at the University of Toronto, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and Director of SCOPE (Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience). Dr. Bolea-Alamanac received a PhD in Psychiatric Epidemiology focusing on maternal and child health from the University of Bristol, UK, and a master’s degree in Affective Neuroscience from Maastricht University, Holland. Her research interests include Maternal Perinatal Mental Health, Adult ADHD, Gender Psychopharmacology, Burning Mouth Syndrome, and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Learn more about Dr. Bolea-Alamanac at:
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Katherine Wisner, MD (Offered in English)
Aug 2 2023
Studying Perinatal Well-being with Dr. Katherine Wisner, MD (Offered in English)
Discover the inspiring story of Dr. Katherine Wisner.  Explore how Dr. Wisner convened a group of perinatal specialists at the historic Perinatal Mental Health Conference in Chicago, IL, leading to the creation of the Marcé of North America, also known as MONA. You will also hear about Dr. Wisner’s critical work addressing the needs of perinatal women with mood and anxiety disorders. Send comments to L. Wisner, M.D., is a distinguished pioneer in perinatal psychiatry, currently serving as a member of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Standing Committee on Reproductive Health, Equity, and Society. In this role, Dr. Wisner joins a team of esteemed experts to assess the health, social, and economic impact of reproductive healthcare access both within the United States and globally. Their valuable evaluations inform the development of relevant programs and activities at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. With an extensive academic background, including an M.S. in Nutrition and an M.D. from Case Western Reserve University, as well as board certifications in general and child and adolescent psychiatry, Dr. Wisner has gained international recognition for her research on mood disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Her contributions have earned her substantial funding and prestigious awards from renowned medical associations and societies. Dr. Wisner's commitment to advancing reproductive health equity aligns seamlessly with her passion for perinatal psychiatry and her dedicated service to the field. Beyond her professional accomplishments, she enjoys family picnics, perennial gardening, dressage riding, and she remains an avid Pittsburgh Penguins fan.