The Laborers Are Few Podcast

John Durant

“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”

Luke 10:2

The mission of this podcast is to showcase and spotlight those men and women who have answered the call to go out to the harvest for Jesus Christ. They are husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, deacons, priests, religious, and single men and women who labor for Christ. They are all spiritual fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. We discuss how they live out their vocation and labor in their own domestic church and in the world to bring souls to Christ.

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This podcast is listener-supported. First, we need and appreciate your prayers. Secondly, if you would like to support us financially, your generosity will go a long way toward helping us bring beautiful stories to the world about those who are laboring for God’s kingdom to inspire those who have not yet answered the call. You can support us here:

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Our mission at CLARETY33 is creating environments to experience His presence. We do that primarily through design, video, and audio means, but we also carry that into everything we do. Learn more about CLARETY33 here.

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality
