Trusting the Universe & Sh*t

Stacey Lee & Ané De Hoop

How do you grow your business while balancing the yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) without subscribing to the hustle culture and bro marketing type business models?

If you’ve ever felt like you can easily burn out and become uninspired in your business, or find it difficult to find an ease and flow and you want to incorporate more spiritual practices into your world of work, you’re in the right place.

Join your hosts, Stacey & Ané while we hack through the winding trails of the path less travelled–aka–owning your own business.

We explore how spirituality intertwines with the online business world – no rules required.

Occasionally we will be hosting guests & creators who inspire us to live with more ease, alignment and fulfilment with life. Having trust, faith and flowing with the feminine.

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🤯 What Taylah’s Near-Death Experience Can Teach You About Getting Out Of A Rut
May 14 2024
🤯 What Taylah’s Near-Death Experience Can Teach You About Getting Out Of A Rut
Welcome back to another episode of "Trusting the Universe and Sh*t"! In today's episode, Taylah shares her transformative journey after a near-death experience. Taylah recounts her intense car accident a few months back, a near-death experience that forced her to confront life's fragility. This pivotal moment sparked a deep reevaluation of her priorities and values, leading her to question the direction of her life and work.Caught in the relentless hustle, Taylah realized she was neglecting her true passions. Her Saturn return added to the wake-up call, propelling her into a journey of self-discovery and transformation.Despite fear and uncertainty, she embraced the opportunity to realign with her authentic desires, shifting her perspective on work and recognising the importance of fulfilment over societal expectations.The conversation delves into balancing creativity and business, exploring how Taylah navigates spontaneity and structure in her photography career. She highlights the importance of honouring both feminine and masculine energies.Taylah encourages listeners to embrace their uniqueness and explore passions without fear. She emphasises the power of allowing oneself to evolve and embrace change.The discussion also touches on visibility and vulnerability in the creative process. Taylah shares her approach to photography, creating a safe space for clients to express their authentic selves.In closing, Taylah offers heartfelt advice for those embarking on creative journeys, urging them to trust in the unfolding of their path and shape their lives according to their deepest truths.Visit Taylah and her brand Lioness creative on Insta: can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at: Ané - @ane.mgmnt✦ - @barefootbranding✦🌐 barefootbranding.academy us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.comEmail us: 📩 hello@trustingtheuniverseandshit.comIntro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -
Unconventional tips for stepping into your lucky girl era
Apr 29 2024
Unconventional tips for stepping into your lucky girl era
What moving through an impossible situation can teach us about money energetics We talk about how your boundaries are connected to your money mindset and creating your own luck.Introduction:Stacey and her co-host delve into the concept of pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo, and being open to unexpected outcomes.They share personal stories to illustrate how shifting mindset and challenging conventional wisdom can lead to surprising results.Pushing Boundaries:Stacey reflects on recent experiences, highlighting the importance of reframing situations and regulating emotions when faced with obstacles.She recounts a stressful ordeal involving lost passports and bureaucratic hurdles, ultimately leading to a reframing of the situation and a successful resolution.Reframing and Regulation:Stacey emphasizes the need to regulate emotions and reframe challenging situations, noting the impact on shifting energy and facilitating smoother outcomes.Ané underscores the value of persistence and reframing, drawing parallels to personal and professional challenges.Integration of Life and Work:The hosts discuss the integration of personal and professional spheres, sharing examples of how friendships and business relationships can intersect positively.They highlight the importance of fluidity and openness in navigating life's complexities, challenging rigid boundaries between different aspects of life.Challenging the System:Stacey shares strategies for challenging fees and rules imposed by institutions, advocating for assertiveness and boundary-setting.Her co-host reinforces the notion of challenging norms and rules, urging listeners to advocate for themselves and question societal constructs.Money Mindset and Boundaries:The hosts delve into the intersection of money mindset and boundaries, emphasizing the importance of respecting one's financial resources and setting boundaries with institutions.They encourage listeners to examine their relationships with money and assert themselves when faced with unfair fees or practices.You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at: Ané - @ane.mgmnt✦ - @barefootbranding✦🌐 barefootbranding.academy us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.comEmail us: 📩 hello@trustingtheuniverseandshit.comIntro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -
Rest as Resistance: Challenging the Cult of Productivity for Mental Health
Apr 18 2024
Rest as Resistance: Challenging the Cult of Productivity for Mental Health
Welcome to episode 38 of "Trusting the Universe and Sh*t"! In this episode, we dive deep into the intersection of social pressures and personal desires, exploring how societal norms can impact our decision-making processes.Stace and Ané discuss their unique perspectives on navigating social belief systems and desires that often clash with external expectations. We share personal anecdotes, like the pressure to resist getting seconds at dinner due to social stigma around overindulgence.The conversation touches on the concept of the "Almond Mum" and how cultural backgrounds shape our attitudes towards food and social interactions. We emphasize the importance of self-trust in making decisions that align with our true desires, whether in personal life or business.We reflect on the significance of rest as a productive activity, challenging the notion that constant productivity is the only path to success. We share insights on setting boundaries, honouring personal needs, and carving out our unique path in a world driven by societal expectations.Listeners are encouraged to embrace their desires unapologetically, trust their instincts, and cultivate self-trust as a muscle that strengthens over time. The episode concludes with a reminder that small decisions aligned with inner truth contribute to building resilience against societal pressures and lead to greater authenticity in life and business.You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at: Ané - @ane.mgmnt✦ - @barefootbranding✦🌐 barefootbranding.academy us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.comEmail us: 📩 hello@trustingtheuniverseandshit.comIntro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -
The golden shadow - Are you actually scared of success?
Apr 5 2024
The golden shadow - Are you actually scared of success?
We talk about when you start to spiral slightly, emotionally, and explore practical, spiritual, and emotional methods to navigate through them.Understanding Thoughts and Emotional States:Identifying common thoughts leading to negative emotional states.Highlighting the importance of questioning and understanding the origin of these thoughts.Embracing Grace and Reflection:Embracing grace and self-reflection during challenging times.Utilizing mantras and reflection to move through shadowy emotions gracefully.Acting with Grace:Importance of acting with grace in various life circumstances.Rejecting societal pressures and timelines to achieve certain milestones.Embracing Change and Self-Kindness:Embracing change and kindness towards oneself during challenging times.Recognizing the need for inner child healing and self-care practices.Identity and Behavior:Exploring the concept of adopting a new identity to initiate desired behaviours.Emphasizing the significance of aligning behaviours with inner identity for sustainable change.Shadow work is key for success:Reflecting on fears and shadows related to success, responsibility, and self-perception.We encourage you to look within to see what underlying fears and desires might be lurking there. Challenging Comfort Zones:Challenging comfort zones through opposite behaviours, do you actually need to do the opposite?Embracing challenges to foster personal growth and transformation.Nervous System Regulation & bed rotting:Fight, flight, freeze, fawn - sometimes we forget the fawn state (trending as bed rotting) is a sign of nervous system dysregulation Recommending activities based on nervous system state for effective regulation.You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at: Ané - @ane.mgmnt✦ - @barefootbranding✦🌐 barefootbranding.academy us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.comEmail us: 📩 hello@trustingtheuniverseandshit.comIntro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -
Numbing yourself so you don't need to feel? Maybe you don't need to.
Mar 29 2024
Numbing yourself so you don't need to feel? Maybe you don't need to.
How to move through a dark or sticky period when you're feeling down In today's world we have a tendency to resist or numb emotions, especially in a society that often values stoicism and productivity over genuine emotional expression and rest. We emphasise the importance of acknowledging and accepting emotions as a natural part of being human, rejecting the societal pressure to constantly appear composed and unaffected.We discuss the expectation to constantly project positivity and how this can lead to a culture of emotional suppression and disconnection from your true feelings. We also talk about the importance of creating spaces for genuine emotional expression and support.Also! It's eclipse season! which amplifies emotional intensity. So be kind to yourself, don't forget deep rest and self-compassion are essential practices for emotional well-being, as in this ep we challenge the notion that productivity should always take precedence over self-care.If you want to check out Jade's Women's circle coming up in April, check out this post: can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at: Ané - @ane.mgmnt✦ - @barefootbranding✦🌐 barefootbranding.academy us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.comEmail us: 📩 hello@trustingtheuniverseandshit.comIntro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -
When you get rejected, should you take that as a sign? And how do you keep going when you want to give up?
Mar 20 2024
When you get rejected, should you take that as a sign? And how do you keep going when you want to give up?
How do you know whether or not you’re making the “right” choice? We also discuss: Exploring Spiritual Bypassing:Discussion centres around discerning genuine signs from the universe versus falling into patterns of spiritual bypassing.We share personal experiences and reflections on interpreting signs and recognizing patterns of resistance.Emphasize the importance of questioning beliefs and narratives to avoid reinforcing limiting patterns.Understanding Patterns and Choices:Reflect on the tendency to avoid discomfort and resist new paths when faced with challenges.We share anecdotes about people who persevered despite setbacks, highlighting the importance of choice and resilience.Discuss the concept of being creators of one's reality and the power of shifting perspectives and beliefs.Navigating Challenges and Recognizing Signs:Offer strategies for recognizing patterns and reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth.Encourage listeners to reflect on past successes during challenging times and to note patterns in their behaviour and beliefs.Discuss the value of small shifts in perspective and the impact they can have on overall outlook and mindset.You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at: Ané - @ane.mgmnt✦ - @barefootbranding✦🌐 barefootbranding.academy us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.comEmail us: 📩 hello@trustingtheuniverseandshit.comIntro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -
Prada bags and a mansion vs inner fulfilment
Mar 13 2024
Prada bags and a mansion vs inner fulfilment
Do you know the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations? We aim to understand what it truly means to be soul-driven and heart-driven in practical terms.We often hear buzzwords like "heart-driven" and "soul-driven" but rarely unpack their practical implications.Living Internally vs. Externally:Living internally entails aligning with intrinsic motivations rather than being swayed by external desires like wealth or fame.Differentiating Soul and Ego:In this episode, we delve into the concept of living less goal-driven and more heart-driven, inspired by a tarot card pull.Wanting to pursue a passion like acting is distinct from seeking fame; understanding the underlying motivations is crucial.Embracing the Journey:The journey towards a goal is as significant as achieving the destination.Soul-driven pursuits focus on growth, evolution, and contribution, not just acquiring material possessions.Passion as a Guiding Force:Energetically, passion draws people in, while purely materialistic motivations can repel.Balancing Giving and Receiving:Social media's portrayal of instant gratification can obscure the need for a balanced contribution to the world.You can find Ané and Stacey on Instagram at: Ané - @ane.mgmnt✦ - @barefootbranding✦🌐 barefootbranding.academy us here: 🌐 trustingtheuniverseandshit.comEmail us: 📩 hello@trustingtheuniverseandshit.comIntro music by Tyler Dixon from @tones.on.toast -