Girl Out of Order Podcast

Christine Gale

"Girl Out of Order" (G.O.O.O.) was birthed from a fierce desire to inspire and equip women to more fully embrace their unique selves and stop trying to fit into someone else’s mold. We tackle any topic that touches, impacts and changes the lives of women. Nothing is off-limits! On G.O.O.O., you can (& must) show up as you are, BUT, be prepared to leave inspired & equipped to never again deny a single part of your beautiful self in the quest to fit in. Your host, Christine Gale, is a family law attorney, public speaker, mastermind leader, and most importantly, is a mama to her very own girl gang. Christine employs humor, rare vulnerability and bold challenges to give women the courage to make the choices necessary to dramatically improve their lives. Get ready for some real, raw, and honest conversations designed to unlock the unlimited potential of female humans. If you're tired of feeling like you’re TOO much & yet NEVER enough, and if you are ready to embrace the freeing belief that NOT fitting in is the PERFECT fit, then Girl Out of Order is your home! Ladies, if you’re ready to do the brave work, come on in and let’s get started!

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#58 - Expanding Mother Impact with Amy Edwards of The Amy Edwards Show
May 20 2024
#58 - Expanding Mother Impact with Amy Edwards of The Amy Edwards Show
"The influence of a mother’s love is unparalleled, a force that shapes lives, molds futures, and leaves an indelible mark on the world." - UnknownOn this episode, we welcome the incomparable Amy Edwards of the Amy Edwards Podcast. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur and shares her journey of reinvention and embracing life at ALL stages. Becoming a mother was a turning point in her life, as she lost her own mother shortly before giving birth. This experience made Amy reassess everything and consider what she was modeling for her daughters. Her diverse pursuits, including being a rock and roll singer, podcast host, and advocate for women, have all blossomed from her role as a mother. In this conversation, Amy and I discuss the importance of trusting our intuition as mothers the importance of having, authentic, open communication with our children. This allows them to trust their own instincts.Amy shares her work with Fight for Her, a nonprofit initiative that focuses on providing healthcare, education, and business opportunities for the Batwa Pygmy women in Uganda. Amy's inspiring story shows us that we all have the power to expand the power of mothering to impact the whole world.You can find Amy Edwards in ALL the places:The Amy Edwards Show: The Amy Edwards ShowInstagram: @realmyedwardsFacebook: have a NEW gorgeous website! Check me out at SOOOO many amazing things are coming!The Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we have some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.comhttp://girloutoforder.com
#57 - Healing Mother Wounds
May 13 2024
#57 - Healing Mother Wounds
It's okay to miss Mom AND feel relief.Mother's Day can be a complicated holiday for many women. Mother wounds run deep and can affect every aspect of our lives. These wounds can be emotional, mental, or spiritual injuries inflicted by your mom, usually starting in childhood, but can persist throughout our adult lives. And you can love and admire you mama, like I did mine, AND have to work through the myriad ways she damaged your ability to live the fulfilling life you need, want and desire.Whether you endured neglect, criticism, absence, enmeshment, abuse or some other way you were let down or hurt, in order to heal, you must become aware. Name it! In this episode, we explore the nature and impact of mother wounds and give you concrete tools to begin the healing process from wounds from your mama. Hear this: even if she never intended to harm you, if the wounds are there and you have the courage to name them and get the help you need to heal, you will gain the freedom you deserve.We have a NEW gorgeous website! Check me out at SOOOO many amazing things are coming!The Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we have some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com
#56 - CEASEFIRE! Stopping the "Mommy Wars"
May 6 2024
#56 - CEASEFIRE! Stopping the "Mommy Wars"
CEASEFIRE! It is TIME for mamas to stop devouring one another and start building genuine community -- common unity. In this episode, we discuss the 'mommy wars' and the impact they have on all mamas. There are proactive ways you can contribute to the ceasefire and start building a beautiful community of all different kinds of mamas. provides five ways to help stop the judgment and criticism between mothers. I've been a stay-at-home mom, part-time working mom, full-time working mom, and now as a business owner so I have truly seen it all! It's time to wake up, step up, reach out, speak out, and welcome in other mothers. By doing so, we can end the mommy wars and create a more compassionate and understanding environment for all mothers.TakeawaysThe 'mommy wars' between stay-at-home moms and working moms are real and harmful to women.Mothers should support and uplift each other instead of tearing each other down.Building common unity among mothers is essential for creating a more compassionate and understanding environment.By waking up, stepping up, reaching out, speaking out, and welcoming in other mothers, we can end the mommy wars and create a supportive community.Motherhood is challenging, and all mothers are doing their best with what they have.Chapters00:00Cease Fire: Ending the Mommy Wars25:17Building Common Unity Among Mothers30:25Speaking Out and Creating ChangeSOOOOO excited to announce that I will be speaking as part of a leadership panel at the LA Tribune's Leadership Week on May 7, 2024. Join me and 6 of my TLC sisters as we discuss leadership in our different industries. The Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we have some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com
#55 - Your Story Is WORTHY To Be Told
Apr 29 2024
#55 - Your Story Is WORTHY To Be Told
Your story is WORTHY to be told and the world is waiting...What is that story you've always bee too afraid to tell? Is there a story from your life that you've minimized, ran away from or told yourself it just won't make a difference? In today's episode, I am here to right that wrong view in your beautiful mind. Your story matters and it MUST be told!Words change worlds. You have a decision to make about what words you share with the world - from your closest friends and family to the wider world community. It's time to get real. It's time to step into the light. It's time to be brave. The world needs what ONLY you can give, what only you can bring, the story only YOU can tell. What are you waiting you for?Your story, sisters, is worthy to be told because only YOU can tell it! What if you shared the story that makes you squirm and the lives of other women were healed and you became the catalyst for them to to leave that abusive relationship, get out of crushing debt, start that beautiful business or no longer hide themselves in shame? There is true magic that happens when we courageously share our stories.   Today, I share a story that has burned within me. This past week, my eyes were opened to the need to share it and the impact that awaits. I choose to start today. What will YOU choose?SOOOOO excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we have some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com
#54 - Self-Worth Is Your Ceiling - My 5 Favorites Keys to Raising Your Self-Worth
Apr 22 2024
#54 - Self-Worth Is Your Ceiling - My 5 Favorites Keys to Raising Your Self-Worth
“We don’t rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our self-worth” Jamie Kern LimaAre you ready to raise your standard of worthiness and unleash your true potential? Join us for this juicy episode filled with tangible tools you can apply NOW to raise the ceiling of worthiness in your beautiful life. Do you know deep inside that you've ben playing small, settling for less than you deserve but aren't sure how to break out of this damaging pattern? We've got great news for you! You absolutely can break the cycle starting today!It's time to step up, set new standards for your own self-worth and today, you'll get my 5 favorite tools you can immediately apply that will begin the shifts you need and deserve. So grab your favorite beverage, your notebook and settle in because it's time to get real, commit and raise the ceiling of YOUR worthiness!Join the Girl Out of Order Community for our 1st EVER live zoom community call! The "Unlock Your Worthiness" Community call takes place Monday, April 22nd at 6 pm CST. Register here: excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we have some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#53 - People Pleasing Rehab - When to Say "Yes" and When to Say "No"
Apr 15 2024
#53 - People Pleasing Rehab - When to Say "Yes" and When to Say "No"
Any people pleasers in the house? It's time to go to rehab and kick this habit for good!"I was a people-pleaser, but the only person who wasn’t pleased was me." OprahPeople pleasing is one of the most destructive habits that hinders our self-worth. It can show up in obvious ways like over-apologizing and saying yes WAY too often to more subtle ways such as suppressing emotions and not asking for help. No matter how it rears its ugly head, people pleasing takes and keeps us down, hindering our ability to love, nurture and respect ourselves. So how do we break this often life-long habit?Join us this week as we explore the many facets of people-pleasing and get practical tools to recognize it, rehab it and break free from its grip. This episode is FIRE and is already changing me! I can't wait for it to help you transform your self-worth as well.Join the Girl Out of Order Community for our 1st EVER live zoom community call! The "Unlock Your Worthiness" Community call takes place Monday, April 22nd at 6 pm CST. Register here: excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we have some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#52 - 5 Tips to Bust Imposter Syndrome
Apr 8 2024
#52 - 5 Tips to Bust Imposter Syndrome
It's time to BUST through the imposter syndrome that holds you back, keeps you down and robs the world of your greatness!"The beauty of the impostor syndrome is you vacillate between extreme egomania and a complete feeling of: 'I'm a fraud! Oh God, they’re on to me! I’m a fraud!' So you just try to ride the egomania when it comes and enjoy it, and then slide through the idea of fraud." Tina Fey, actress, comedian, and writerThe feeling of being a fraud, a fake, an imposter is epidemic in female humans. From Tina Fey to Michelle Obama to Serena Williams, imposter syndrome is ever-present. But here's the great news! We can combat it and relegate it to the shadows as we take our place in the light!  While there are probably many more tactics and strategies to fight imposter syndrome, here are my top 5!STACK Your Proofs, NOT Your Doubts – every single day, write down successes, no matter how small.INQUIRE about the BS you’re believing – Byron Katie’s The Work CELEBRATE your Successes, DON’T Minimize them! Create new patterns of celebration, not downplaying, of sharing, not shrinking. This is NOT prideful or arrogant, this is a powerful antidote to playing small and feeling like an imposter.REDEFINE FAILURE: Change your perspective on failure and mistakes - view as opportunities to learn and grow rather than as reflections of your inadequacies.Create a TRIBE of Empowering Humans who will remind you who you are when you forget and what you are capable of when you feel wobbly and unsure.Freedom awaits, sister! You are made to have a gorgeous, fulfilling life and the world needs what ONLY you can provide.SOOOOO excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we have some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#51 - From Prison to Paradise - Chelsea Alba's Worthiness Journey
Apr 1 2024
#51 - From Prison to Paradise - Chelsea Alba's Worthiness Journey
It took prison for Chelsea to find her gateway to paradise."The phoenix must burn to emerge." – Janet FitchChelsea Alba has been on a journey of worthiness for most of her life. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Chelsea lost her way as a teenager and found herself immersed in a world of drug-fueled partying. After experiencing a terrible trauma, Chelsea swiftly became and addict who found herself in and out of jail until she finally ended up serving a sentence in state prison. What could have broken her, ended up saving her and setting her on a completely different path and she eventually met me in Fiji. Join us for this beautiful conversation as Chelsea provides a roadmap for her own worthy journey and gives us all hope that we too can develop empowering self-worth no matter our circumstances, our traumas or our challenges.  Chelsea is truly a phoenix who rose from the ashes.    Find Chelsea here and get support if needed: excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we have some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#50 - You Are Worthy of NEVER Giving Up On Your Dreams - Celebrating Episode #50!
Mar 25 2024
#50 - You Are Worthy of NEVER Giving Up On Your Dreams - Celebrating Episode #50!
You are SO WORTHY OF NEVER giving up on your dreams!"If you don't see a clear path for what you want, sometimes you have to make it yourself." Mindy KalingIt's time to CELEBRATE! After 3 years, I'm dropping my 50th episode and I. AM. GIDDY! The process has been neither easy nor a straight line, but I will not doubt myself out of my dreams or my destiny. Come along with me as I look back on where Girl Out of Order has come from and get excited about where we're going. You, dear sisters, are  meant to live the life of your dreams. Just don't quit! You're never too old. It's never too late. For goodness sake, the world is waiting for what ONLY YOU can provide. I am one of those women waiting for you, dear one, so get back up, stay in the game and start running again in the direction of those beautiful dreams of yours.  Get Jamie Kern Lima's "Worthy" book here: excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#49 - The World Needs What Only YOU Can Give
Mar 18 2024
#49 - The World Needs What Only YOU Can Give
There is only 1 unique and marvelous YOU in all of human history! It's time to show up for your 1 beautiful life & the world that is in need of what ONLY YOU can provide.EmpoWORDs for the week: "If you're comfortable with yourself and know yourself, you're going to shine and radiate, and other people are going to be drawn to you."Dolly PartonIn this episode on our Worthy Journey, we explore just how flippin' unique each one of us is & how this hurting world needs our one-of-a-kind presence & contribution. By definition, you are not only 1st, but there has never been & never will be another human with your distinct heartbeat, story, perspective, voice & take on things. At GOOO, we have a truth to live by: this community needs what only YOU can provide.You are wanted. You are needed. You are worthy, sister. It is time to start showing up, standing up & shining forth your brilliant light. This hurting world is waiting for you!Check out the AMAZING Loren Lahav, a true champion for women's voices, here: you'd like to join me and thousands of other incredible women in 2025 for the Own Your Worth Experience, you can get a BUY ONE GET ONE deal here:   Get Jamie Kern Lima's "Worthy" book here: excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:
#48 - I Am Owning My Worth
Mar 13 2024
#48 - I Am Owning My Worth
I am OWNING my worth, baby!I had the privilege of speaking on stage at Loren Lahav's Own your Worth Experience, an incredible women's conference held in Las Vegas on March 9-10, 2024. By sharing my story and speaking my truth, my self-worth has grown exponentially. Come along with me as I trace how my own worthy journey has progressed like crazy in just the 1st 2.5 months of 2024!I have found my true voice and I am committed to using it to make a tangible difference in the lives of women. Check out the AMAZING Loren Lahav, a true champion for women's voices, here: you'd like to join me and thousands of other incredible women in 2025 for the Own Your Worth Experience, you can get a BUY ONE GET ONE deal here:   Get Jamie Kern Lima's "Worthy" book here: SOOOOO excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#47 - Your Past Does Not Equal Your Future
Mar 4 2024
#47 - Your Past Does Not Equal Your Future
"Your past does not equal your future unless you choose to live there." Tony Robbins.Welcome to a full month of Worthiness! As we step into March and the Spring season, “coming alive” is on my mind! This month, we are delving into the topic of worthiness. 80% of women don’t believe they’re enough. 75% of female executives deal with imposter syndrome. And 91% of girls and women don’t love their bodies. This. Must. END!Before you can live a life of worthiness, you must deal with your past. The beautiful truth is your past does NOT equal your future. You get to choose what you past means and decide to use your story to grow, transform and contribute to the healing of others.You are worthy, sisters, as you are. I see you. I feel you. I am you.  EXCITING NEWS ALERT!!! At the speaking intensive, I won a spot to speak at Loren Lahav's Own Your Worth Conference on March 9, 2024!!!! I am so incredibly excited for this opportunity. If you'd like to join me and thousands of other incredible women at this conference, you can get a virtual ticket here:   Check out the AMAZING Loren Lahav, a true champion for women's voices, here: excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#46 Women Heal With Women - Female Friendship February Finale
Feb 26 2024
#46 Women Heal With Women - Female Friendship February Finale
Women heal uniquely with other women. That is just the truth. There is an indescribable power for healing that happens in a collective of safe women. While so much focus can be on the negative interactions between female humans, when we chose to look at female friendships through the lens of healing, seismic shifts in perspective happen.Join me for the FINALE of Female Friendship February where I share my transformative experience at the True Voice Speaker Intensive and what I learned about women healing in the presence of other women. My eyes were opened. My walls cam tumbling down. And my TRUE VOICE broke free!EXCITING NEWS ALERT!!! At the speaking intensive, I won a spot to speak at Loren Lahav's Own Your Worth Conference on March 9, 2024!!!! I am so incredibly excited for this opportunity. If you'd like to join me and thousands of other incredible women at this conference, you can get a virtual ticket here:   Check out the AMAZING Loren Lahav, a true champion for women's voices, here: excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#45 - Lifelong Friendships with Guin Mathey and Caroline Suitts Ross - Female Friendship February
Feb 19 2024
#45 - Lifelong Friendships with Guin Mathey and Caroline Suitts Ross - Female Friendship February
Lifelong friendships are an unbreakable bond.Join me and my 2 besties of over FORTY YEARS as we dish on the unique blessings and challenges of lifelong friendships. Guin Mathey and Caroline Suitts Ross and I have know each of since the early 1980's! More importantly, we have loved and fought for each other just as long. Lifelong friendships enrich our lives in different ways than newer friendships and they should be nurtured and valued.Guin, Caroline and I get real and real honest about what it takes to maintain and sometimes resurrect these  unique bonds . Sisters, whether you've got lifelong friendships or not, this episode will enrich and challenge you as you build your beautiful girl tribe.  SOOOOO excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   Our Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is  growing by leaps and bounds! WE WANT YOU THERE! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#44 - Unexpected Friendships with Lydia Davis - Female Friendship February
Feb 12 2024
#44 - Unexpected Friendships with Lydia Davis - Female Friendship February
"The best friendships are often the ones you never saw coming." - UnknownToday on Girl Out of Order, we explore the beauty and surprise of friendships that come from the most unexpected places. When you open your mind, your eyes and most importantly, your heart, you may find the truest of friends are right there, hiding in plain sight.  Come along with my bestie, Lydia Davis, and I as we tell the story of a friendship no one would've predicted. We make no sense on paper -- 52 vs. 32, 4 kids vs. no kids, vegan vs. SO NOT! Lydia went from my nanny to my person and our story serves as a powerful reminder to not limit yourselves when creating your own girl tribe. Sometimes the most life-giving relationships are those you would never have sought. So grab a cup o' joe or a glass of wine and open your beautiful heart. Adventures, connection and the unexpected awaits you, sister.SOOOOO excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   The Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is evolving in 2024! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#43 - Necessity and Complexities of Female Friendships - Female Friendship February
Feb 5 2024
#43 - Necessity and Complexities of Female Friendships - Female Friendship February
WELCOME TO FEMALE FRIENDSHIP FEBRUARY!Buckle up, sisters and get ready to tackle one of the most important topics affecting female humans: friendships! In this month of LOVE, Girl Out of Order is celebrating the beautiful blessing of friendships. In today's episode, we delve into the intricate world of female friendships, exploring the unique dynamics, challenges, and triumphs that define these relationships. And then we get very juicy and very practical, exploring 10 of my BEST tips for cultivating and maintaining meaningful female friendships. From the joys of deep connections to navigating misunderstandings, we uncover what makes these bonds both complex and beautifully rewarding. Sisters, if you're willing to do the brave work, your life will be rich with friendships full of connection, laughter and shared experiences. SOOOOO excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   The Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is evolving in 2024! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#42 - Healing Through Self-Forgiveness with Lisa Tahir of All Things Therapy Podcast
Jan 29 2024
#42 - Healing Through Self-Forgiveness with Lisa Tahir of All Things Therapy Podcast
In the tapestry of healing, self-forgiveness weaves threads of strength and resilience. Join me as we talk about the journey of healing through self-forgiveness with the AMAZING Lisa Tahir of the All Things Therapy Podcast. This podcast is rich with deep insights and tangible tools you can start applying right away! Lisa is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing as an Intuitive Psychotherapist. She is the founder of Psychoastrology® and the author of The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness, which has been endorsed by His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama who says, “As a student of Buddhist Science, I have great confidence in the role empathy and forgiveness play in human development. The Chiron Effect, will be of interest to many and will greatly benefit readers." Lisa is the host of the weekly podcast All Things Therapy which she began in 2016. Dedicated to Changing Consciousness One Conversation at a Time, Lisa’s show promotes personal growth and transformation, advancing the conversation on emotional, psychological, physical, financial, and spiritual development. Among her guests in over 360 episodes are Marianne Williamson, Dr. Daniel Amen, Nancy Levin, John Gray, Ph.D, David Kessler, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Alan Weiss, Judith Orloff, M.D., Ora Nadrich, and many others. Lisa is also an invited Executive Contributor at Brainz Magazine.Find Lisa in ALL the places:https://www.nolatherapy.com Lisa's Book on Amazon: Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here: Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is evolving in 2024! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#41 - Let's Talk About Sex & Pleasure with Courtney Boyer
Jan 22 2024
#41 - Let's Talk About Sex & Pleasure with Courtney Boyer
Rewrite Your Sex Story.When it comes to your sex life, do you ever ask yourself, "What's wrong with me? Am I broken?" You are not alone. For so many women, their sexuality is a source of pain, shame and disappointment. At a minimum, it's just not talked about.  That stops now.On today's episode, we have a frank, open and fun conversation with Courtney Boyer, a relationship and sexuality expert and author of "Not Tonight, Honey - Why Women Actually Don't Want Sex and What We Can Do About It." In her earnest and approachable style, Courtney pulls back the veil of discomfort around this essential topic. Sex is such a beautiful and critical part of who we are as women and we must no longer push this topic to the side. Come along with Christine & Courtney and get ready for your walls to come down and your life to be truly transformed!Get Courtney's book here: Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here: Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is evolving in 2024! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#40 - Charting the Atlas of Curiosity & Friendship with Zequille McLean
Jan 16 2024
#40 - Charting the Atlas of Curiosity & Friendship with Zequille McLean
Conversations with a friend are EVERYTHING!Be ready to laugh your head off with Christine & Zequille "Z" as they explore their unique friendship and discuss the role of curiosity in connection and building bridges. As Einstein said, "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons."C & Z laugh, cry and reflect on the role of curiosity and inquiry in their friendship and personal development journeys. You'll be challenged to choose curiosity over certainty, vulnerability over armor and learning over knowledge.So buckle up and prepare to laugh and learn alongside your new girlfriends.SOOOOO excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here: The Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is evolving in 2024! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!
#39 - Giving Yourself Grace in the New Year
Jan 8 2024
#39 - Giving Yourself Grace in the New Year
What if you just took a moment to breathe?There’s so much hustle & bustle, frenetic goal-setting, resolution making & resetting that happens at the beginning of a new year. What if you aren’t quite feelin’ it?  What if you’re slower to roll out those plans, finish the vision board or join the rush of workshops, webinars, masterminds or challenges? What if you rolled into the New Year with such self-love that anxiety and comparison just melted away? Sisters, give yourself grace with how you start your new year and be gentle with your beautiful self. In this episode, we discuss what grace looks like amidst the pressure of ALL the things that launch at the start of each year.Come along with me as I start this year unlike any other - with a sweet gentleness to my beautiful self. I am here at the right time with the right amount of focus. There's plenty of time for my year to be planned out, for dreams to be mapped. And I can do this while giving myself the kind of love, compassion and patience I extend to those whom I love. How about you?SOOOOO excited to announce that the Girl Out of Order Podcast is now on YouTube! Please subscribe so we can share this message with ore women and build up our G.O.O.O. tribe of outstanding women creating compelling lives! Click here:   The Girl Out of Order Facebook Community is evolving in 2024! Make sure you join because we hav some very exciting developments coming and communities forming!So join our online community of women who committed to discover their true selves & connect with other like-minded humans: share my course called Demystifying Divorce for Women where I lead women to the goal of having an empowered divorce experience:’s connect! We want to hear from you!Email me at Christine@girloutoforder.com - Check out our new gorgeous website!