con-sara-cy theories

Sara Causey

Join your host, Sara Causey, at this after-hours spot to contemplate the things we're not supposed to know, not supposed to question. We'll probe the dark underbelly of the state, Corpo America, and all their various cronies, domestic and abroad. Are you ready?

Music by Oleg Kyrylkovv from Pixabay.

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Bonus Episode: JFK - The Pleasure of His Company ☘️
3d ago
Bonus Episode: JFK - The Pleasure of His Company ☘️
Tomorrow, May 29th, is JFK's birthday. Given the efforts over the years to recast him as everything from a closet Communist to a right-wing neocon to an all-around jerkwad, I wanted to do something different for this bonus episode. The purpose here is not sackcloth and ashes, but rather to focus on the positives. Links: with his glasses on:'s press conference re: Steel Crisis: (if you listen to it, you can hear the aggravation in his voice) more? You can visit the website at: or my own site at: Don't forget to check out the blog at:
Episode 16: JFK - Mark Lane's "Rush to Judgment" Documentary Film
May 9 2024
Episode 16: JFK - Mark Lane's "Rush to Judgment" Documentary Film
Mark Lane was one of the first with access to a major audience to question the Warren Commission Report. He released the book version of Rush to Judgment in 1966 and the subsequent documentary film the year after. Lane sets up the film as a sort of "defense counsel," i.e., had Oswald lived, he would have been entitled to an attorney and a defense strategy. In watching the witnesses, it's clear to see how people trusted the government more in the 1960s than they do today. One conspiracy theory around Lane's book is that it was partially funded by the KGB. (Oh that good old Cold War propaganda game.) Lane denies this claim, of course.So what do we think of Rush to Judgment? Links:'s-leading-hearse-chaser.pdfNeed more? You can visit the website at: or my own site at: Don't forget to check out the blog at:
Episode 12: Operation Zapata & the "other" George Bush?
Apr 11 2024
Episode 12: Operation Zapata & the "other" George Bush?
Or should I say the other  other George Bush. Not Poppy and not W.  A George W. Bush, yes, but not the other George W. Bush. A different one. 😵‍💫 Confused yet? ➡️ Should JFK have asked more questions about the Bay of Pigs before moving ahead? Yes. I think he assumed he was getting solid information and that was the wrong assumption to make.   ➡️ Reading the testimonials in the book Operation Zapata  regarding the Bay of Pigs really shows what a giant sh*tshow it was from the beginning. Was this evidence of the planners being morons or was this done intentionally to force Kennedy into deeper military action?➡️ Poppy Bush is a cofounder of Zapata Petroleum in 1953. Two naval vessels were repainted and renamed for their usage in the Bay of Pigs invasion. The names selected were "Barbara" and "Houston."  Links: more? You can visit the website at: or my own site at: Don't forget to check out the blog at:
Bonus Episode: RFK Jr's Interview with VLADTV
Feb 24 2024
Bonus Episode: RFK Jr's Interview with VLADTV
I recently watched RFK Jr's interview with VLADTV. If nothing else, it's interesting to listen to someone's own defense. So often we hear the worst of the worst and many people involved in the stories are no longer alive to offer a rebuttal or file a lawsuit for defamation. Even if JFK hadn't been murdered, since he was born in 1917, he wouldn't still be with us in 2024 to counter some of the bizarre and spurious claims we hear.To Vlad's credit, he doesn't lob softballs. There are questions about heroin addiction, flunking the bar exam, Mary Kennedy's suicide, Joseph Kennedy's rumored involvement in bootlegging, ties to the mafia, the infamous sex diary, etc.  Links:,_Marchioness_of_Hartington more? You can visit the website at: or my own site at: Don't forget to check out the blog at: