Healthy Habits 180, Fitness Over 40, Weight Loss, Quick Workouts, Easy Meal Prep

LaDawn Hickman I Nutrition Weight Loss Coach, Fitness Accountability Coach

The GO TO PODCAST For Women Over 40 Who Want To Lose Weight! Do you feel like getting older is making it harder to lose weight? Are you struggling to find the time and discipline to see a fitness program through? Do you know you need consistency and accountability but can’t find either? I’m LaDawn Hickman, a Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss and Accountability Coach. I worked in corporate for many, many years and I was a health and wellness coach and a fitness competitor. But I struggled to have the body of a competitor while still craving Cheetos and Reese’s Cups. I put on weight, my hormones began to change and I struggled with high blood pressure after 40. As a 50+ wife, mom and busy professional, I’m here to tell you, you CAN lose weight. AND keep it off for good WITHOUT spending hours working out or eliminating foods you love. Stick around and I’ll tell you how!! In this podcast, I will teach you: → How to lose weight and keep it off → Quick workouts for women over 40 → Easy meal prep → How to stay committed to your fitness journey Losing weight is possible after 40 and it can be simple. I didn’t say it was going to be easy but it doesn’t haven’t to be complicated! So stop putting off your health journey and join me as we do a 180 and build some healthy habits together. How to connect with me Essential Wellness FaceBook Community read less
Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness


46 | Weight Loss Expectations - 3 Tips for Women Over 40
Apr 1 2024
46 | Weight Loss Expectations - 3 Tips for Women Over 40
Hey Love!  It’s that time again, March Madness, well technically it’s April - but go with me on this!!!  And I’m not talking about the sweet 16, final four or the championship.   I’m talking about the time of year when some of us realize, spring is here and in full effect, summer is coming up fast and you’re not even close to your summertime goals. So this is where the madness begins, we start trying all the things to drop 10, 20 or more pounds to fit in into that dress for a class reunion or a wedding or maybe it’s a swimsuit for a cruise.  Join me as I talk about reasonable weight loss expectations and I’ll share tips to make sure that you aren’t caught up in the spring weight loss madness! I hope you find this episode inspiring and encouraging.   Peace and Blessing!   LaDawn Hickman Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss and Accountability Coach   What’s Next?! Want a customized plan? Book a call with me!   Join the Community! If you would like more support and to be a part of a community of women like you, please join our Facebook Community at   Previous Podcast Episodes and Article Links:,60%20%5B4%2C5%5D.
45 | Protein Powders - Do They Harm or Help Your Weight Loss Goals
Mar 18 2024
45 | Protein Powders - Do They Harm or Help Your Weight Loss Goals
Hey Love! You already know that protein has countless benefits, especially for us, women over 40 and 50.   But it can be a challenge to get the amount of protein you need on a daily basis.  So many of us, self included, use some kind of protein supplement to help meet our protein goals.   But how good are these protein supplements?  Particularly protein powders, are they really worth the investment?  Because let's be honest, food in general is expensive these days – not to mention adding the costs of supplements.   So listen in as I share my two cents worth about the pros and cons of adding protein powder supplements to your daily lineup.  I hope you find this episode informative and encouraging.   Peace and Blessing!   LaDawn Hickman Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss and Accountability Coach   What’s Next?! Want a customized plan? Book a call with me!   Join the Community! If you would like more support and to be a part of a community of women like you, please join our Facebook Community at   Previous Podcast Episodes and Article Links Mentioned In This Episode:
43 | Top 10 Non-Negotiable Habits for Weight Loss Over 40 - P2
Feb 26 2024
43 | Top 10 Non-Negotiable Habits for Weight Loss Over 40 - P2
Hey Love! Listen to the second episode of this three part series as I share more of the top 10 habits I consider “non-negotiable” for weight loss.   If you’ve been on your weight loss journey for any amount of time, then you know there is a lot to consider and everyone’s journey is different. But in my opinion, these 10 habits can apply to anyone on their weight loss journey because they are the building blocks of weight loss. I hope you find this episode inspiring and encouraging. Peace and Blessing!    LaDawn Hickman Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss and Accountability Coach   What’s Next?!   Want a customized plan? Book a call with me!   Join the Community! If you would like more support and to be a part of a community of women like you, please join our Facebook Community at   Previous Podcast Episodes and Article Links:,Dr.,to%20results%20on%20the%20scale.
42 | Top 10 Non-Negotiable Habits for Weight Loss Over 40 - P1
Feb 7 2024
42 | Top 10 Non-Negotiable Habits for Weight Loss Over 40 - P1
Hey Love! Knowing what I know now, if I was just starting my weight loss journey, there are the top 10 habits I would consider “non-negotiable”. Because if you’ve been on your weight loss journey for any amount of time, then you know, there is a lot to consider and everybody's journey is different and everybody’s body is different. But in my opinion, these habits can apply to anyone on their journey and as I stated before - they are non-negotiable because they are the building blocks of weight loss. Listen to this three part series and learn how to apply these top 10 to your weight loss journey.   I hope you find this episode inspiring and encouraging. Peace and Blessing!   LaDawn Hickman Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss and Accountability Coach   What’s Next?! Want a customized plan? Book a call with me!   Join the Community! If you would like more support and to be a part of a community of women like you, please join our Facebook Community at   Podcasts mentioned in this episode:    Macro Calculators
39 | The 3 Super Spices You Need
Dec 11 2023
39 | The 3 Super Spices You Need
Hey Love! Listen in as I share the “Top 3 Super Spices” you need to add into your weekly rotation.  The benefits and ways to use these spices are endless.    I hope you find this episode inspiring and motivating. Peace and Blessing! LaDawn Hickman Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss and Accountability Coach   What’s Next?!  Want a customized plan? Book a call with me!   Join the Community! If you would like more support and to be a part of a community of women like you, please join our Facebook Community at Links to articles mentioned :,Nausea%20relief.   Tea Recipes: Ginger, Cinnamon Clove Tea Ingredients:  ½ inch or thumb fresh ginger1 Cinnamon stick¼ teaspoon of clovesDirections: Trim off the tough knots and dry ends of the Ginger.  Peel and cut into thin, crosswise slices and add the Ginger slices, cinnamon stick and cloves into a mug.  Pour in boiling water and cover. To get all the goodness of the ginger, cinnamon and cloves, let it steep for at least 10 minutes. Turmeric Tea Like ginger, turmeric root can be made into a nourishing and tasty tea. Here’s Brown’s method: Ingredients:  2 tablespoons turmeric root chopped or 2 teaspoons turmeric powder Directions:  Bring to a boil in 1–2 cups water Lower to simmer for 5 minutes and then strain. “You can drink turmeric tea warm or cold, and add lemon and/or honey to change the taste,” Brown advises.
35 | Fit and Festive : Navigating Holidays Over 40
Nov 28 2023
35 | Fit and Festive : Navigating Holidays Over 40
Hey Love! We are in the THICK of the holiday season with four weeks left in the year.  This is the time when many of us are overcome by all the holiday festivities and put our exercise goals on the shelf. We’ll don’t worry, I got you covered.  Tune in while I tell you all the reasons why you should stay active during the holidays and I have five quick workouts that will set you up for success. I hope you find this episode inspiring and encouraging.   Peace and Blessing!   LaDawn Hickman Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss and Accountability Coach  What’s Next?!   Want a customized plan? Book a call with me!   Join the Community! If you would like more support and to be a part of a community of women like you, please join our Facebook Community at   Workouts Remember to consult with a healthcare provider or fitness professional before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any existing health conditions or concerns.    Body-weight Circuit Workout: This workout focuses on strengthening your entire body using your body weight as resistance:Jumping jacks: 1 minuteBody-weight squats: 3 sets of 15 repsPush-ups (on knees or against a wall if needed): 3 sets of 10 repsPlank: Hold for 1 minuteBody-weight lunges: 3 sets of 15 reps per leg Perform all these exercises three to four times with minimal rest between sets for an effective full-body workout. Cardio Dance Workout: Get your heart rate up by dancing and most important, having funWarm up with light cardio (marching in place, light jogging) for 5 minutes.Pick five or six of your favorite songs, which should be about 20 to 30 minutes and just dance!!!!Add some line dancing, who remembers the “Electric Slide??  Do whatever you like to make the workout enjoyable and fun so that you keep moving!  Cool down with slower dance moves and deep breathing exercises. HIIT Workout: This workout is great for burning calories and improving your heart health. Remember it doesn’t have to be high impact to be high intensity, so modify when neededJumping jacks: 1 minuteHigh knees: 1 minuteWall Sits: 1 MinuteMountain climbers: 1 minute Perform three to four sets and rest 1-2 minutes between sets. Pilates Workout: This workout focuses on core strength, stability, and flexibility. Pilates roll-ups: 3 sets of 10 repetitionsBicycle crunches: 3 sets of 15 repetitions per sideLeg circles: 3 sets of 10 repetitions clockwise and counterclockwisePlank with alternating leg lifts: 3 sets of 15 repetitions per legPilates bridges: 3 sets of 15 repetitions Focus on controlled movements and proper form to effectively engage your core.  Yoga and Stretching Routine: The goal of this yoga routine is to improve flexibility, balance, and promote relaxation.Start with deep breathing and gentle stretching to warm up.Perform the following poses at your own pace: Downward Dog, Warrior I and II, Tree Pose, and Child's Pose.Focus on deep stretches for your hamstrings, quadriceps, back, and shoulders. End the session with deep breathing and meditation.