Real and Raw with Ben Taylor

Ben Taylor

Communicating truth to the world of liars. read less
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From Narcissism to Optimism with Ben Taylor
May 19 2024
From Narcissism to Optimism with Ben Taylor
Join Ben Taylor on this poignant episode of Real and Raw as he unravels his transformative journey from a narcissist to an inspirational figure. In this episode, Ben shares the learnings, struggles, and triumphs of his journey which was a result of hours of therapy, mentorship, and personal development. The importance of self-focus, self-actualization, and the integral role of truth as a tool of transformation are discussed unreservedly. Amidst this enlightening narrative, Ben's personal story unveils his transformation from a toxic life to a deeply connected relationship with his wife, God, and daughter. Ben sheds light on the role of our children in reshaping our perspectives, sharing personal anecdotes about fatherhood. Experience his journey toward conscious parenthood and the unexpected lessons it taught him about trust, reliance, and self. Highlighting gratitude, he draws connections between his familial happiness and personal growth. Further, he dives into the roles of feelings, emotions, and facts in life, along with acknowledging his professional calling in coaching and his experiences at Warrior. The episode winds up with a divine dialogue with God, highlighting the influence of prayer in personal growth and purpose. Dad's Influence: Shaping a Child's Perception of GodIn this thought-provoking episode, the speaker takes a deep dive into the powerful journey of fatherhood and its influence on a child's view of God. He shares raw emotions of anticipation, fears, and doubts tied with the weighty responsibility of being a father. Discussing the effect of a fatherless society on Christian faith, the speaker underscores the significance of a father in moulding a child's first impression of God. Beyond fatherhood, the speaker explores the principle of listening to God's voice promptly and consistently. Using prayer, meditation, and open conversations with God, he deciphers various means of tuning into divine directives. In addition, he exposes misconceptions around how and where people expect to hear from God. This macabre yet enlightening episode ends with an illuminating exploration of fatherhood in context with religion and personal growth. For those seeking transformational insights, this episode promises to be a compelling listen.
A Narcissist's Journey towards Transformation
May 13 2024
A Narcissist's Journey towards Transformation
Join me, Ben Taylor, in this episode of 'Real and Raw', as I navigate through my personal journey of self-recognition and transformation. Embark on an unusual journey, as I, a diagnosed narcissist, leverage years of therapy, mentorship, and a disciplined state of self-awareness to confront my narcissism head-on. Discover how my unique mental stacking process, faith in a higher power, and a fact-driven life helps me separate factual truths from twisted perceptions. Experience the transformations of a self-aware narcissist who devotes his daily life helping women heal from abusive relationships. In this episode, we delve deep into the multilayered inner dialogues, struggles with self-worth, revelations about the deceitful nature of feelings, and the intensity of self-improvement. Discover how perseverance, faith, and relentless self-improvement can lead to the revelation of divine purpose. Learn how I balance my life across various domains such as physical health, spirituality, relationships, and business. Explore my insights on how one can thrive in all these aspects, reinforcing the saying that one must lead from where they live. Being an entrepreneur, a healer, and a life transformer, I share my transformative journey which aims to inspire you to rise and transform. Concluding this episode, I underline the importance of acting based on God's directives rather than fleeting emotions. If you desire to embark on your journey of transformation or if this episode resonates with your experiences, I invite you to reach out via email or visit for more insightful resources and guidance.
The Cost of Victimhood
May 5 2024
The Cost of Victimhood
DescriptionIn this thought-provoking episode of Real and Raw with Ben Taylor, journey through the transformational story of moving from living in constant victimhood to embracing victory. Ben Taylor candidly shares his experiences of overcoming a victimhood mentality that strained his relationships and hindered personal development. Through this enlightening discussion, the topic of 'stacking', a concept of reshaping thought patterns through facts instead of feelings, is explored. Ben delves into the dynamics between good intentions and the destructive outcomes of his actions that led to dissolving friendships and strained relationships. A crucial part of this episode focuses on the power a misleading narrative can hold, and its traumatic impacts it can have on close relationships. Learn the importance of acknowledging one's actions and the impact they have on others, and the preventive measures to avoid alienating loved ones. Discover the detrimental effects of sustaining a victimhood mindset, how it discourages those who genuinely wish to help, and the critical role of responsibility in the healing process. The essence of this episode lies in understanding the repercussions of poor actions and embarking on a journey towards sincere self-transformation. The episode emphasizes on victimhood as a universal experience, not limited to individuals with a history of abuse or trauma. The narrative encourages listeners to identify and evaluate instances where they might be playing the role of a victim unknowingly, thereby giving away their personal power. We conclude with an empowering call to action, urging individuals to abandon the victim mentality, discover their purpose, and forge ahead buoyantly. This journey from victimhood to victory is within everyone's reach - all it takes is the decision to reclaim control over your narrative, your life, and your destiny. Register for the upcoming Soul Purpose event on May 17th and 18th to explore and claim your purpose in life. Visit and embark on your transformative journey today!
Embracing Growth, Managing Conflict, and Evolving as a Father.
Apr 28 2024
Embracing Growth, Managing Conflict, and Evolving as a Father.
In this compelling episode of Real and Raw with Ben Taylor, delve into an intriguing journey of personal growth, conflict management, and the evolution of fatherhood. Ben opens up about his life's rapid pace discussing several transformative projects he and his team from Raw Motivations have embarked on, which aim to improve and transform lives. The episode dwells on his vivid studio experiences and how divine intervention helped him connect deeply with his viewers. A special mention is made to the topic of conflict, particularly in personal relationships, as Ben shares personal anecdotes and insights on managing conflict and viewing it as opportunities to deepen bonds and evolve. Ben also tackles the topic of triggers and conflict instigation, sharing personal strategies on managing conflict effectively without avoidance. The episode synthesizes the importance of gratitude practice and how it influences success and growth. As a coach, Ben expresses his joy in making a positive difference, especially for individuals stuck in toxic relationships seeking improved growth and healing. The discussion extends to the effects of the right association on personal growth and recognizing when some relationships no longer serve your purposes. Ben narrates his joyful experiences as a father, emphasizing the importance of communication and providing a safe space for children's emotional expressions. This episode showcases an intimate reveal of the host's personal journey. From being detached emotionally at his first child's birth to the anticipation and bonding with his unborn second child, Ben captures his transformative journey beautifully. Additionally, he emphasizes introspection, prayer, and slowing down in his fast-paced world, as these have greatly influenced his personal growth. In conclusion, this episode is a powerful testament to a man's transformation, from being emotionally distant to actively participating, continuously growing, and eagerly expecting a new family member. Listen in for an inspiring round of real, raw experiences, personal growth, and transformation.
Insightful Journey Towards Gratitude Stacking and Personal Growth
Apr 21 2024
Insightful Journey Towards Gratitude Stacking and Personal Growth
Welcome to the latest episode of Real and Raw with Ben Taylor, where our focus is on personal growth and transformation. This intriguing episode centers around the practice of gratitude stacking, a unique way of expressing, understanding, and appreciating the experiences and things that evoke a sense of gratitude within us. Discover how embracing gratitude as more than just spoken words can profoundly change your perspective and instigate happiness and joy in your life. Despite the overwhelming burden of numerous projects, explore how you can interpret them as significant gains symbolizing your progress. Join our host as he shares how this shift in perspective has proved inspiring and uplifting, enabling the focus on the journey's entirety rather than the hurdles along the way. Following a path paved by spiritual understanding, our host's journey encompasses an enlightening mix of content creation and introspection. Listen and dive into thought-provoking discussions about breaking free from taxing relationships, overcoming trauma, and fostering confidence despite setbacks. Grasp important lessons about letting go of control, entrusting in a higher power, and reveling in the exhilaration of surrender. Get inspired by partnering stories highlighting the healing power of faith and personal transformation. Navigate through conflicts within the family dynamics, witness real-life instances of reactions, triggers, and reconciliation, and learn valuable lessons about self-awareness and conflict resolution. Become acquainted with the intriguing concept of "gap" and "gain" and get encouraged to view your current situation as a potential gain in the future. Realize the significance of clarity in recognizing your direction and purpose under divine guidance. Finally, embark on a gratitude-filled journey that inspires constant self-improvement and reinforces unshakeable faith. Start today, and begin a transformative journey towards growth, love, and abundant gratitude. Tune in for this groundbreaking session!
Frustrated with Daughter and the Father's Love
Apr 14 2024
Frustrated with Daughter and the Father's Love
Welcome to "Real and Raw with Ben Taylor". This intriguing episode explores the process of 'stacking', a tool for managing our emotions, feelings, and life triggers. Through personal anecdotes and profound insights, we unravel the path to self-transformation and growth. In sharing my journey, the focus is on the positive aspects of life, understanding the importance of trust, surrendering control, and personal growth. We delve into common feelings of insecurity when comparing ourselves to others, and underline the value in acknowledging our own growth and transformation. This episode serves as a testament to the extent of personal development that one can experience via introspection, faith, discipline, and tools like stacking. The discussion explores physical transformation, shifts in perspective, and learning to protect one's energy. With experiences from transformation in body, being, balance, and business, this episode takes you on a riveting journey of personal victories, lessons in relationships, and the growth of a business aimed at fostering personal growth. Listeners are encouraged to give themselves grace while recognizing and celebrating their growth. Finally, the intimate spiritual journey deciphers the struggle with feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and an innate desire to run away from shame. However, it's about realizing that these emotions are merely stepping stones on the path to freedom, giving way to profound transformations. This episode truly is an intimate exploration of self-discovery and spiritual evolution, guiding listeners to identify their divine purpose, explore their spiritual existence, and live life to the fullest. Get ready to be inspired!
Breaking Free from Narcissism and Embracing Change
Apr 7 2024
Breaking Free from Narcissism and Embracing Change
Welcome back to an invigorating episode of 'Real and Raw with Ben Taylor' where we delve deep into dealing with fear, anxiety, and personal limitations. With my unique journey as a backdrop, I reveal my approaches to helping women escape narcissistic abuse and aiding men in overcoming narcissistic tendencies. This episode delves into the importance of investing in personal growth and demonstrates how transformative the pay-off can be. Sharing insights from my personal journey, I disclose how my involvement in different accountability groups aided in my behavioral transformation. I discuss my time with 'Wake Up Warrior', highlighting how its teachings enabled me to establish nurturing relationships. As a coach, I'm committed to helping women in abusive relationships and men battling negative behaviors. I stress the importance of investing in self-development courses, therapy, mindset shaping tools, and I challenge listeners to question the investments made in their personal growth. Deeper into the discussion, I lay out the many facets of self-investment beyond monetary considerations, including time, attention, and effort. Drawing experiences from my personal growth journey, I place a spotlight on the extraordinary power of the human mind when nurtured rightfully. Pulling no punches, I delve into the importance of moving away from short-term gratifications to embrace long-term transformation and growth. This profound episode concludes with a powerful call to action for listeners. My aim is to inspire them to contemplate their self-investment, break old, unproductive cycles, and start working towards their heightened thought development, and ultimately, their destiny.
From Fear to Trust – Unveiling the Power of Faith in God
Mar 24 2024
From Fear to Trust – Unveiling the Power of Faith in God
Welcome to this enlightening episode of 'Real and Raw with Ben Taylor', wherein Ben narrates an incredible journey through the complexities of fear, scarcity, and trust. We dive deep into marriage dynamics under pressure, self-growth, mindset challenges, and the importance of gratitude in our spiritual journey towards surrendering our all to God. Through engaging anecdotes, Ben explores his personal struggles towards self-improvement, self-awareness, and a trust-based life free from fear and scarcity. He brings to light key life lessons and challenges listeners to reflect on their own thought processes, feelings, and life experiences. The episode emphasizes the significance of love, joy, and gratitude as foundational elements of faith in God, arguing that a deeper sense of gratitude leads to joy, forming the basis of love. We delve into the hurdles one might encounter on the path to entrusting in God and offer insights into the transformative effects of gratitude in shielding against negativity and self-centeredness. This episode stimulates introspection on our personal truths, calling on the listeners to assess whether anxiety, stress, and fear have been dictating their life-truths and hindering their unconditional trust in God's plan. If you're striving towards self-awareness, personal growth, and faith in God, this episode has invaluable insights to provide. We conclude the episode with a definitive call to action: Engage with gratitude on a profound level, from a genuine sense of thanks rather than obligation. We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us towards embracing God's divine plan fully. Find support and resources for your healing process on
Overcoming Life's Obstacles & Re-wiring Mindsets
Mar 17 2024
Overcoming Life's Obstacles & Re-wiring Mindsets
Welcome to an introspective episode of the Real and Raw podcast, where host Ben Taylor shares profound insights on overcoming life's struggles and re-wiring mental paradigms. He delves into a transformative journey of self-improvement, emotional liberation, and personal growth, highlighting the power of intention, gratitude, and faith in shaping one's life. In a compelling narrative, Taylor unravels his own journey - from being emotionally trapped in a toxic relationship to redefining his perspective and stepping into a life of emotional freedom. He emphasizes the crucial role of nurturing relationships, highlighting intentional actions that have strengthened his bond with his family. This episode also shines light on the often-neglected aspect of intentionality in relationships, with Taylor stressing on its vital importance for meaningful connections and growth. Particularly, he shares his emphasis on intention as a key to fostering deep relationships with his wife and daughter. As he delves deeper, Taylor explores his personal interpretation of divine calling, illustrating God's guiding hand driving his purpose and ambition daily. Believing that he has been chosen for a higher purpose, he passionately discusses his mission to help others rise, painting a vivid picture of spiritual journey and growth. Throughout the episode, we follow him as he breaks free from his past, battles self-doubt, and learns to view his failures as opportunities for growth through daily practice of gratitude. He emphasizes the power of faith, demonstrating how it guided him through his toughest trials and became his beacon of hope amidst chaos. As he ties the narrative together, Taylor makes a powerful call-to-action, urging listeners to negate perfection, embrace their divine calling, and embark on their own path of liberation. By shedding light on his journey, Taylor invites others to step out of their toxic relationships to find healing, freedom, and growth.
Breaking Free from 3 Lies
Mar 10 2024
Breaking Free from 3 Lies
In this engrossing episode of Real and Raw with Ben Taylor, we delve deep into Ben's personal journey of transformation, breaking free from harmful habits and mindsets, and embracing personal growth powered by faith. Travel through an introspective exploration as Ben dissects his experience of 'stacking', a process aimed towards radical personal transformations. As Ben paints a vivid picture of overcoming his fears and insecurities - akin to climbing a challenging mountain - he shares his transformative journey of learning to let go, trust in a higher power, and silence the self-harming narratives he once told himself. From refuting lies that hold him back, such as feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy, to standing strong in the face of external criticism, Ben shares all. This episode offers a profound dive into the mental battles we face daily, emphasizing the importance of confronting our inner demons and encouraging individual spiritual growth, self-belief, and personal transformation. This episode poses thought-provoking questions about the power and necessity of personal transformation. Ben encourages listeners to identify and eradicate the lies holding them back, rise above their past traumas, and engineer a mindset for freeing and empowering transformation. If you're prepared to embrace your truth and accelerate your journey towards personal growth, this episode throws the doors wide to a world where transformation isn't just possible, but inevitable.
Navigating Wellness, Personal Challenges and Embracing Growth
Mar 3 2024
Navigating Wellness, Personal Challenges and Embracing Growth
In the latest episode of Real and Raw with Ben Taylor, take an enlightening journey with Ben as he shares inspiring narratives from his life experiences, providing practical tips on cultivating a growth mindset. Delve into the art of balancing life and approaching challenges with a positive perspective to achieve balance. Be engaged by Ben's candid discussions about struggling with feelings of lagging behind in life and learn from his invaluable lesson of patience as a tool for personal growth. Appreciate the concept of the gap and the gain from a unique perspective as Ben teaches about the importance of celebrating your achievements, no matter how far you feel you are from your goals. Hear about his workout journey and the transformations he has gained from it, in a dramatic representation of the endless pursuit of fitness. This rich mix of insightful discussions on personal growth, personal narratives, and useful tips on maintaining a healthy mindset make for an engaging and emotional journey in this episode of Real and Raw with Ben Taylor. Dwelling in Divine Providence: Struggle, Faith and Self-EmpowermentIn this enlightening episode, be led on a spiritual journey of self-transformation and deep faith. Understand the challenge of cultivating the perfect balance between looking forward to the future and reflecting on past achievements. Listen as the speaker confronts self-doubt and reveals how the same can be equated to doubting the divine, evoking a significant lesson in faith and trust. Immerse yourself in an exploration of the affirmation of individual callings and the impacts of clear, directed communication. The speaker breaks new ground with the discussion on the art of holding space, offering insights on handling conflicts and finding joy in challenging situations. This captivates while exploring faith, self-empowerment, effective communication, and the art of meaningful engagement. Breaking Barriers: A Journey of Understanding, Persistence, and Freedom In a profoundly emotional episode, follow the journey of a man who navigates his life and relationship while awaiting the birth of his child. Learn how understanding and compassion can deepen relationships and magnify love. Listen in as the speaker reveals professional frustrations and his battle with self-doubt, demonstrating the importance of self-belief and personal accountability. The episode reaches a climactic end as it details the journey of breaking free from toxic relationships. A call out to listeners to begin their journey towards positive change underlines the hopeful tone of this episode. This journey demonstrates the power of openly facing emotions, overcoming self-imposed barriers, and the clarity that moving forward brings. Step into a journey of acceptance, growth, transformation, and love.
Embracing Emotions and Acting on Faith
Feb 18 2024
Embracing Emotions and Acting on Faith
Join us in the latest exciting episode of Real and Raw with Ben Taylor, where our host fearlessly dives into the depths of personal development. Ben offers a rare glimpse into his personal journey, centering around the concept of 'stacking', a practice aimed at achieving mental clarity. In a bout of pure honesty, Ben reveals how he recalibrated his mindset after recognizing his past mistakes. Our host shares his penchant for analyzing personal scenarios with listeners in the hope of fostering a conducive personal growth environment for them as well. He reveals how he tackles his fears, emotions and obstacles, taking us through an intense 'Emotional Soul Release' incident. Further, we are drawn into an intimate moment from Ben's life, an insightful couples' therapy session. This session forces him to face distressing emotions and insecurities head-on, opening a new path for introspection and realization. This allows him to debunk the societal myth that emotional vulnerability is a sign of weakness. Ben's truthful exploration proves that the path to personal development involves confronting suppressed emotions, enhancing empathy, connectivity, and coaching capabilities. This episode is a true testament to personal growth, emotional realism, and authentic leadership. The narrative also embarks on a spiritual journey, as Ben leans on his faith amid feelings of self-doubt. He confides in the teachings of God, examining their implications for personal improvement and acting swiftly upon His guidance. Despite the accompanying fear of judgment, Ben pushes forward, prioritizing his divine calling over personal apprehensions. In essence, this episode invites you on a transformative journey of faith, self-discovery, and the power of 'listening and acting'. It's a constant learning curve, marked by unyielding persistence, faith, and divine inspiration. Join Ben on this inspiring journey and contemplate your own steps towards growth, development, and spiritual fulfillment. Reach out to Ben at to continue this conversation.