Grow As We Go

Samantha Charles

If you're a self growth junkie like Sam, join her and her occasional co-host Anthony as she dives into the world of growth, healing, embodiment, and relationship. Through natural, vulnerable, and deeply connecting conversations on life as it happens, you will find keys to expanding your own personal growth. Each new topic discussed with authentic people gets deep into real-life examples of how growth affects and reflects in every one of us and makes space for transformation... and a few spontaneous rabbit trails.

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041- Life As It Happens: "My Juicy Personal Life"
3d ago
041- Life As It Happens: "My Juicy Personal Life"
Host Sam and Co-host Anthony discuss the ever flowing feminine energy present in the goddess known as Samantha Charles. Since the beginning of January, Sam has travelled to countless cities, three U.S. States, and three countries. In the adventures of a globetrotting woman, the conversation turns to curiosity around Sam's busy life in tension with the life she desires to slow down in. These discussions lead to an interesting topic: parts. Parts work is a branch of IFS (Internal Family Systems) that theorizes the ways we were treated as children end up as "parts" that we take with us into adulthood and often try and run the show in various ways. The parts work is incredible work, and it sets the framework for a lot of the discussions between Sam and Anthony. Having a part come up means that it isn't the person's whole perspective, it just means that something they've experienced is reminding them of their past. There is a lot of compassion held for those parts, as none of the parts are bad. Thus begins a deeper discussion: the ability to hear what parts have to say without taking it personally. What ensues is a powerful way to be able to communicate with your partner so that neither of you attack your partner, but still hear the part's concern. What results is a beautiful discussion that leads to a lot of clear communication, examined practices and beliefs, and a stronger bond between the participants. If you want juicy details about how Sam and Anthony communicate, just give this a listen. You'll have a model for how to practice talking to each other in a way that leaves everyone seen, heard, and feeling intimate. Listen next: 037- Sedona Listens: Finding Medicine in Retreat & Self-Reflection023- Pussy Plaster Your Way To A Better LifeThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
040- Sexual Healing: How Crying During Sex Will Lead You To God
May 23 2024
040- Sexual Healing: How Crying During Sex Will Lead You To God
Host Sam and co-host Anthony discuss crying during sex and the healing power of release.Crying during sex can lead you to God? Sure, if you’re willing to go deep into both experiences. Tears are the body’s language and expression of grief, which can come up during sex. For women, as we’ve mentioned, the yoni and the hips hold a lot of shame and loss. Sometimes, in certain conditions, those emotions bubble to the surface. The question then becomes, how does your partner hold space for those emotions? Do they freak out, not knowing what to do about the fear, tears, or anger? Or do they sit with you, caring for you, and loving you tenderly through them? Perhaps they even keep going, allowing the energy to flow between the two of you in a safe and healthy way. “Ok but, seeing God in sex? I thought that was where God isn’t?” Hell no. That’s the beauty of sexual energy is that it’s the creative source of all things. The breakthrough on the other side of learning to accept ALL the things that come up during sex is that the universe, source, God, is in you. Are you a creative being during sex? Do you surrender to all that is in you, moving that energy through  you with your hands, your partners hands, your breath, your movement, your pussy, your cock, your everything? This is how you see God. Open your eyes to all that is within, and source, universe, God will draw close to you. If you’d like to learn more about holding space, the energy around sex creating places where you can see God, or sexual energy in general , you’ve found the right podcast hosts. Contact us on Instagram to connect!Listen Next:Flowers, Bee, & EnergiesReleasing Shame For Better Sex & More FreedomUnspoken SexpectationsThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
039- Unspoken Sexpectations
May 16 2024
039- Unspoken Sexpectations
Host Sam and Co-host Anthony discuss the expectations around sex born from a real moment between the two. It’s no secret that the dance of sexual arousal between partners is a learning experience. As relationships grow and change, very often the frequency, passion, and dynamics around sex become  vastly different than they were at the start. Why is that? The task of exploring more deeply the spoken and unspoken rules that each person in a relationship has come to assume around sex is one that can take a lot of effort. How do you manage disappointment around expectations? How does someone with a high drive discuss their actual needs with their partner? Does a high sex drive take exploration to further understand what’s the drive… and when might sex be used to cover up discomfort? This episode exposes both hosts any listeners to the nuanced world that is sex life. And you’ll thank the stars that this discussion comes with a side of laughter, deep vulnerability, and authenticity that will leave you satisfied… without expectation.Listen Next:People Pleasing: A Fancy Way To Say Self AbandomentDitching Shame for Better Sex & More FreedomThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
038- Christian Mysticism: A Faith Perspective on Intuition, Sex, & God Within w/ Carrisa Johnsen
May 9 2024
038- Christian Mysticism: A Faith Perspective on Intuition, Sex, & God Within w/ Carrisa Johnsen
She shares her take on the separation of God & religion, reconstructing & dismantling  systems that are outdated, intuition & body wisdom, keeping it simple with spiritual practices, and so much more.Notes for Carrisa episode:Deconstruction/dismantling of structures and systems— up leveling of consciousnessReligious constructs and redefining what it means to believe in God and are the divine in ourselves and in everythingLife force energy = sexual energy = creative energy = creation = God energySeperation of science & spirituality, god & sexuality, belief & practice, mind & body, church on Sunday & asshole the rest of the days“Sex God” book Reconnecting the disconnection. Sitting with God. Reconnect. So much reconnection.Be the living prayer = spiritual practiceListening to your body and practical how to for that. Intuition and guides.Intuition VS instinct— parts & trauma, and disruptions to divine connection. Nervous system regulation as the way to uncovering connection to spirit guides.Miracles in the mess— be the explorer of life.“God is not outside of me” inviting people into curiosity around this connection. Helping people feel closer to God.Thank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
037- Sedona Listens: Finding Medicine in Retreat & Self-Reflection
May 2 2024
037- Sedona Listens: Finding Medicine in Retreat & Self-Reflection
Host Sam took a few days for a retreat in Sedona, Arizona and the lessons learned there will touch your heart. What does a traveling girl do with her time and her energy? Sedona is naturally a high energy concentration location. When traveling alone, it creates a different kind of energy. Does she choose to take up space or quiet herself to not attract attention? Sam also discusses the trending question of whether she would encounter a bear or a man in the woods, and a small experience of that. Taking up the space as a woman is historically a difficult thing, but what can be gained by doing so? It takes a huge amount of reclaiming what it means to be a woman, a wild woman, and all stages of her cycle.Join Sam and Stacey Nelson as they open up a retreat for the woman  who is ready to reclaim her feminine essence. If you're feeling disconnected from the woman in you, the energetic epicenter of Sedona coupled with the amazing opportunities offered by Sam and Stacey, this is exactly what you've been looking for. Reconnect to your wild woman, give permission to fully express yourself, and immerse in sisterhood and community with the Reclamation Retreat.Listen Next:Reclamation Retreat w/ Stacey Nelson Thank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
035- What is a Womb Priestess? w/ Numana
Apr 18 2024
035- What is a Womb Priestess? w/ Numana
Host Sam, Womb Priestess Numana, and  co-host Anthony discuss just how powerful a woman is. As a womb priesterss, Numana wakes a woman up to the power between her legs. Her story tells the tale of a woman’s whose cycle was off; painful and erratic. But she took the time to understand her body, her cycle, and the energy of both. This journey through the life of a womb priestess takes us from the yoni to a woman's cycle to the moon and beyond the stars. Every woman has the deep intuition in her to connect with herself and make magic happen in the world around her. The question is, how does she open herself to this power? Numana dives in to what is possible for her when she is aware of the forces of her own body, the stars, and her awakening. Join us as we reveal the sacredness that lives in a woman's womb.  Numana is offering a free Womb Wealth Workshop for Grow as We Go listeners!A 25 min Somatic Meditation to embody feminine flow, ditch scarcity, and cultivate inner abundance to enhance your outer abundance receptivity. to get in touch with Numana -Website: Moderngoddesslifestyle.comIG, FB & Tik Tok: @moderngoddesslifestyleThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
034- People Pleasing: A Fancy Way To Say Self Abandonment
Apr 11 2024
034- People Pleasing: A Fancy Way To Say Self Abandonment
Host Sam and co-host Anthony discuss the ancient art of Shibari. Following a Shibari experience with the incredibly talented @becoming_unravelled, Sam and Anthony break down what it was like to be in the art. For the uninitiated, Shibari is a practice of using ropes as a sensual and artistic experience with the human body. Tying different knots and accentuating different points of pressure and pleasure lead to a heightened somatic experience that can bring up emotions or experiences to move through. What is it like to have such a powerful experience? We tell all: the moments of bliss, even some ecstasy, the uncomfortable times, and the lessons of self-trust and people pleasing that came out of the session. You may not be aware of how much your people pleasing tendencies are draining you, but when you're tied up and are forced to ask for what you need and the discomfort of doing so arises... everything becomes much more clear. Every tie of a knot and brush of a rope tells a story, and now, you get to hear it too. If you're interested in finding out more about Kati, the Artist, check out her instagram at @becoming_unravelled Sign up for free HERE for LIBERATION a free 3 day workshop for women. Over three transformative days, you'll explore topics like the monthly cycle education you wish you'd gotten in school, why you ignore that voice even though it’s right, and gaining confidence while releasing shame. Each day is designed to empower you on your journey within, intertwining the divine & the taboo.Episodes011 Perceptions033 Shibari020 How Being Right Is Ruining Your Relationship012 Boundaries013 Attachment StylesThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
033- Finding Release While Being Restrained: Surprising Lessons From Shibari
Apr 4 2024
033- Finding Release While Being Restrained: Surprising Lessons From Shibari
Host Sam and co-host Anthony discuss the art of Shibari and the lessons that came out of their experience. Shibari is the art of using ropes to tie humans in sensual ways, often for art, release, and healing.After discussing what Shibari is, Sam dives into an experience she had involving being in her underwear and self-choking. If that gets you in, wait until you hear about the lessons of self-trust, surrender, and perceptions. Amazing, a few hours of experiencing Shibari under the care and watchful eye of Kati Bird led to a whole slew of lessons. Sam speaks about her lack of boundaries leading her down a path of surrender meaning something she didn't intend it to mean.As the episode ties up, Sam recounts her experience with the way her perceptions tinted the lens through which she viewed the entire world... and how you may have those same lenses installed without even realizing it.   Episodes Mentioned: 001- Storytime: Self-trust, Intuition, & Freedom w/ Sam 012 - Limits of love: a practical guide to boundaries 011 - Hold fast despite the pressure of perceptions013- Bringing Awareness to Your Relationship with Attachment StylesTalk Tantra to Me podcast with KatiTied By Kati - our Shibari artistThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
032- Mystic Menstruation: How Psilocybin Can Support Your Womb, Cycle, & Sex
Mar 28 2024
032- Mystic Menstruation: How Psilocybin Can Support Your Womb, Cycle, & Sex
Host Sam, guest Leslie Draffin, and co-host Anthony discuss microdosing psilocybin. How does someone go from a news anchor to a somatic psychadelic guide? In this episode, you'll find out as we dive in to what microdosing can do for your healing and integration. Psilocybin is a naturally occuring compound that can be used in medicine. Leslie discusses the ways microdosing can be used to enhance spiritual journeys and everyday experiences. Discussed is how Psilocybin is not a drug, as it is a naturally occurring substance, and often there are those who don't want to see it used in Western culture. Through discussions of Kali, religion, the menstrual cycle, and sexual history, microdosing becomes way more than anyone thought it could be. the code SISTER for 2months free to the Sanctuary, the membership for mystical women who want to use microdosing as a way to unlock deep inner healing and embodiment through sisterhood. After your first two months, it's $55/month. Check out Leslie's free beginner's guide to microdosingSolid Book Recs:Psilocybin Handbook for Women- Jennifer ChesakAwakening Shakti- Sally KemptonWhen God Was A Woman- Merlin StoneChalice & The Blade-- Riane EislerListen Next:016- Trauma Is Stored In The Body: Why Movement Is Key To Healing & Talk Therapy Is Only Half The Journey018- Ditching Shame For Better Sex & More FreedomThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
030- Stop Working Out Like A Man w/ Nikki Pepper
Mar 14 2024
030- Stop Working Out Like A Man w/ Nikki Pepper
Host Sam, Guest Nikki Pepper, and Co-Host Anthony discuss fitness and the menstrual cycle. Have you ever wondered why sometimes, as a woman, you are not able to work out as consistently as your male counterparts? The answer might be more obvious than you think... but, there is a lot of shame around a woman's cycle interfering with her ability to stay consistent. But what if there is a different way to look at consistency? Nikki, a fitness coach and sound healer, talks about what it means to stay true to yourself and stay consistent with your workouts, even if that doesn't mean hitting the gym the same way every day. As part of your cycle, you have natural ebbs and flows of energy, and Nikki speaks on tapping into the power that is your feminine flow. As we continue March Menstruation Madness, join us for this excellent episode that will leave you feeling more confident in how you train in the midst of dynamic changes in your energy. Connect with Nikki Instagram: @salt.n.peppahWebsite: hereTry L.Y.F.E. App FREE for 14 days: Apple or GoogleThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
028- Flowers, Bees, and Energies: Devotion in the Masculine & Feminine
Feb 29 2024
028- Flowers, Bees, and Energies: Devotion in the Masculine & Feminine
Host Sam and Co-Host Anthony discuss if they feel loved, and how both masculine and feminine energies connect to love differently. Do you feel loved by your partner? How do you feel that kind of love? In order to ask that question, we dive into the parts of us that understand love and how they can even be in conflict at times. Recognizing which energy a person gives and receives love out of, masculine or feminine, can help illuminate how you respond when you are or aren't feeling loved. Using the analogy of a bee and a flower, masculine energy as a bee and feminine energy as a flower, we begin to look at how these energies shape the culture and direction of every relationship. If you want to find out more, check out the links below! Episodes referenced:005 Mother Earth & Father Sky 023 Pussy Plaster Your Way to a Better Life014 Storytime - ENM, Perceptions, and Opening Your Heart to Love Part 2 Books recommended:Intimate Communion - David Deida Pussy: A Reclamation - Regena ThomashauerThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
027- Pussy Plaster Parties, Shame, & Sisterhood w/ Leola
Feb 22 2024
027- Pussy Plaster Parties, Shame, & Sisterhood w/ Leola
Host Sam & guest Leola, an artist, adventuress, and pleasure priestess and host of the podcast Talk Tantra to Me co-host a discussion on each other's podcasts in this juicy episode. Sam and Leola discuss their own sexual liberation journeys and personal narratives around the shame they've felt in their bodies, as well as the way they have developed deep connections through sisterhood. They also discuss Yoni Casting, a sacred art for women who want to connect deeper with their p*ssy through a ritual ending with a plaster replica of her yoni-verse.Sam and Leola talk about the benefits of yoni casting and clarify what it means to hold their yoni as something sacred instead of shameful. A literal life-changing experience for many women, this process lets women see the beauty of the vulva, labia, and all divine parts of a woman's yoni. The shame carried in the p*ssy is deep and embedded in youth; yoni casting is an extraordinary opportunity to remove shame from your body and release yourself to be more wild, free, and expressive of your individuality, sensuality, and sexuality.Learn more about yoni casting ceremonies or purchase your own DIY kit HEREConnect with Leola @talktantratome and check out her podcast Talk Tantra To MeListen Next:023- Pussy Plaster Your Way To A Better Life018- Ditching Shame For Better Sex & More FreedomThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
026- Storytime: The Art Of Remembering Who The Fuck You Are w/ Ceseli
Feb 15 2024
026- Storytime: The Art Of Remembering Who The Fuck You Are w/ Ceseli
Host Sam and Co-host Anthony Interview Ceseli. As the owner of a 2 year old yoga studio in Lake Jackson, TX, Ceseli is far from what many people imagine small town Texas people to be like. On this episode, she shares her story of how she joined the healing community and the events that led her down the path... some more shocking than others. She shares how the mentors she had opened up her eyes to what was possible for her when her husband suddenly passed... right as she had opened up the studio. Ceseli's journey is a testament to what is possible when the attitude towards hardship isn't to give up, but to begin to see that even unimaginable sorrows can lead to being opened in ways that we never though possible. Ceseli shares her experience in finding herself, and opens up to us the secrets of remembering who the f*ck you are. Connect w/ Ceceli Next:018 - Ditching Shame for Better Sex and More Freedom  001 - Storytime: Self-trust, Intuition, & Freedom w/ SamThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
025- Honoring Yourself: A Beginner's Guide To Self Love & Self Pleasure
Feb 8 2024
025- Honoring Yourself: A Beginner's Guide To Self Love & Self Pleasure
Host Sam and Co-host Anthony discuss self-love and self-pleasure. Are these things all about sexual fulfillment? Through the discussion, there is a recognition of pleasure as a simple thing from the taste of chocolate on your tongue to multiple orgasms. Every moment is an opportunity to feel love and pleasure. Sam teases the depth of self pleasure available as she opens the door to her own pleasure through an upcoming personal development experience. Self-pleasure and Self-love look different for each person, but does it look different for masculine and feminine. Desires and pleasures are frequently denied, and though temperance is a virtue, perhaps we've swung on the wrong side of the pendulum for a very long time. How you express your desires, how you love yourself, who puts who in front of others, and more are discussed... and cracked open to be looked at deeper next time. Listen Next:001- Storytime: Self-trust, Intuition, & Freedom w/ Sam011- Holdfast Despite the Pressure of Perceptions012- Limits of Love: Practical Guide to Boundaires018- Ditching Shame For Better Sex & More FreedomThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy
023- Pussy Plaster Your Way To A Better Life
Jan 23 2024
023- Pussy Plaster Your Way To A Better Life
Host Sam dives into the world of making yoni castings. The world is filled with ways to shame women, and that shame builds up in a woman's pussy. Sam discusses the depth of that shame and how her adventure into making a plaster cast of her own pussy turned into a significant healing journey for other women she has worked with. As Sam uncovers the meaning of what it means to have the yoni-verse at your fingertips, you'll find the power in the sacred ritual of yoni casting.Sam holds events for yoni casting regularly at retreats, workshops, and her own sacred space. A description of the yoni casting experience informs those interested about what a typical, beautiful process of yoni casting looks like While Sam claims the experience isn't for everyone... every woman will get something out of a yoni casting.Learn more about yoni casting ceremonies or purchase your own DIY kit HERE DIY vulva casting w/ TamaraEpisodes Referenced This Episode:018- Ditching Shame For Better Sex & More Freedom021- Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better015- Storytime ENM, Perceptions & Opening Your Heart To Love Part 2008- What Is BreathworkThank you so much for tuning in and being here. Any takeaways and support you can offer means the world to me so please leave a review and share on your socials & tag me @samantha__charlesLearn more about classes, workshops, collaborations HEREIf you're interested in being a guest, connect with us on Instagram and let's chat! Creating the "storytime" series requires listeners like YOU to be bold and reach out so that your story can be heard, because your story matters! We love to hear from you, so please connect with us on Instagram: @samantha__charles and @cranthonyy