Startup Three Podcast

Gary Smith, MBA

Welcome to the Start Up Three Podcast! These episodes are the podcast versions of our weekly YouTube videos. You can watch all our episodes and videos at

Gary Smith is a business professor and entrepreneur from He serves up action steps and insights for bootstrapping entrepreneurs in your first 3 years in business.

Each episode is a compilation of pragmatic advice and battle-tested strategies, distilled from my years in the gritty realities of real-world business and marketing on the frontlines of start-up ventures, the crucible of real-world business skirmishes, and the rigor of graduate-level pedagogy where I’ve imparted wisdom across the halls of multiple institutions.

Whether you're at the start of launching your enterprise or in the quest to elevate it, I stand with you. Let's navigate the odyssey from ambition to achievement, turning your business aspirations into your reality. – Gary Smith, MBA

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START Your Business: 6 Steps!
May 17 2024
START Your Business: 6 Steps!
YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!Ready to turn your startup idea into a real, income-generating business? Join Gary Smith of the Startup Three YouTube channel in this insightful video as he teaches how to start a business in six essential steps to take you from concept to launch. Gary, a seasoned entrepreneur and business professor, will guide you through each phase of establishing a solid business foundation, from choosing the right business structure to opening a business bank account. Listen until the end to discover a little-known secret that could grant your new business instant credibility. Subscribe to Start Up Three for more practical business advice tailored for your entrepreneurial journey. -Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube Video. You can watch this episode and all out videos at StartupThree.comShow Notes:0:00 - Introduction to transforming a startup idea into a successful business.1:12 - Step 1: Choosing the Right Business Structure. Overview of different business structures and their implications.4:45 - Step 2: Selecting a Business Name. Tips for choosing a meaningful and effective business name.7:23 - Step 3: Registering Your Business. Necessary actions to legally formalize your business.9:55 - Step 4: Obtaining Licenses and Permits. Understanding and acquiring the necessary documentation to operate legally.12:46 - Step 5: Understanding Tax Responsibilities. Key tax considerations for new business owners.14:45 - Step 6: Opening a Business Bank Account. The importance of separating personal and business finances for credibility and ease of management.18:30 - Conclusion and final thoughts on starting your business with solid foundations.YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!
DON'T Be "That" Brand! Part 2
May 12 2024
DON'T Be "That" Brand! Part 2
YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!Join Gary Smith of the Startup Three YouTube Channel as he continues the journey (part 2) through actionable steps to elevate your brand. In this episode, Gary delves into the next three crucial strategies: engaging with your audience, leveraging platforms wisely, and making iterations based on feedback. Discover how genuine interactions, strategic platform use, and responsive adaptability can transform your brand into a beloved market leader. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, these insights will help you create a brand that resonates deeply with your audience. Don’t miss this final part where we tie all the strategies together, showing you how to achieve exponential growth. -Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at Show Notes:0:00 - Introduction to continuing steps on building a compelling brand.1:20 - Action Step 3: Engaging with Your Audience. Tips for deepening connections through meaningful interactions.2:54 - Strategies for using polls, surveys, and social media to enhance audience engagement.4:04 - Action Step 4: Leveraging Your Platforms Wisely. How to select and optimize social media platforms that align with your target audience.5:00 - Tips for testing and adapting strategies on different platforms to maximize impact.6:40 - Action Step 5: Making Iterations Based on Feedback. The importance of listening to customer feedback and integrating it into your business strategy.7:20 - How to effectively use customer feedback to make informed changes to products or services.9:30 - Conclusion: Tying all the steps together for brand growth and final thoughts.YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE!
DON'T Be "That" Brand! Part 1
May 5 2024
DON'T Be "That" Brand! Part 1
YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!Dive into the essentials of building a brand that captivates and resonates with your audience in this detailed guide you will learn effective branding techniques. Gary Smith,  of the Startup Three YouTube channel and a seasoned U.S. Army Veteran and business professor, shares actionable steps to ensure your brand stands out in today's competitive market. From defining your core message to consistently creating valuable content, discover how to establish a brand that is as authentic as it is successful. Make sure you tune back in for Part two of this two-part series for an insightful wrap-up that ties all the steps together, ensuring your brand not only survives but thrives. Subscribe to StartUp Three for more business insights and strategies tailored for your entrepreneurial journey! -Gary Smith, MBA This is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at Show Notes:0:00 - Introduction to the importance of building a compelling brand.1:37 - Action Step 1: Define Your Core Message. Understanding and articulating why your brand exists.2:19 - The role of emotional connection in branding and how to communicate your core message effectively.4:10 - Using storytelling to enhance your brand's appeal and authenticity.6:46 - Action Step 2: Creating Valuable Content Consistently. Why content is crucial and how to keep it fresh.8:08 - Tips for documenting your business journey to create engaging content.9:25 - The importance of consistency in content creation and establishing a reliable posting schedule.9:55 - Wrap-up and final thoughts on integrating all steps to strengthen your brand.10:15 - Gary's personal insights and closing advice on brand building.YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE!
Should You QUIT Your JOB to Start a Business?
Apr 25 2024
Should You QUIT Your JOB to Start a Business?
YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!In this episode we are answering the question, "Should You quit your job to start a business?”  Gary Smith of the StartUp Three YouTube channel, will discuss the benefits and challenges of starting a business while maintaining financial security through continued employment. Gary, a U.S Army Veteran and seasoned entrepreneur shares personal experiences and practical strategies to help you make an informed decision about whether to dive into entrepreneurship full-time or grow your business alongside your day job. Tune in to discover how you can effectively manage both worlds and make the right choice for your entrepreneurial journey. Don't forget to subscribe to Start Up Three for more expert business tips and advice! -Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at Show Notes:0:00 - Introduction to the dilemma of starting a business while working full-time.1:32 - Examining financial security and the implications of leaving a steady job.2:43 - Benefits of maintaining a full-time job while starting your business.4:13 - Challenges of managing financial uncertainty in new entrepreneurship.5:15 - Strategies for balancing a day job with entrepreneurial aspirations.6:15 - Pros and cons of dedicating full-time hours to your business venture.7:05 - Time management tips for juggling entrepreneurship and a full-time job.12:24 - Impact on personal life and maintaining mental health while starting a business.14:11 - Long-term vision and planning for a smooth transition to full-time entrepreneurship.18:02 - Gary's personal journey from launching a business while working at Mercedes Benz to full-time entrepreneurship.19:07 - Final thoughts and encouragement for prospective entrepreneurs.YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!
Apr 18 2024
YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!Unlock the secrets of business success with a success mindset as Gary Smith, of the StartUp Three YouTube channel seasoned U.S. Army Veteran and business professor, delves into the mental strategies employed by successful entrepreneurs. Discover six powerful insights that can transform your approach and align your mindset for business triumph. From leveraging intuition to embracing the alchemy of innovation, this video is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to navigate the entrepreneurial journey with confidence. Don't miss the intriguing discussion on synchronicities in business connections. Learn these invaluable tips and strategies to help your business flourish in its crucial early years. - Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. you can watch this episode and all our videos at Show Notes:0:00 - Introduction to the psychological aspects that influence business success.1:26 - Secret 1: Intuition - Exploring how intuition guides decision-making and its impact on business success.4:04 - Secret 2: The Alchemy Of Innovation - Discussing how challenges can be transformed into opportunities through innovation.7:27 - Secret 3: Self-Discovery in Entrepreneurship - Unveiling the journey of personal growth inherent in the entrepreneurial experience.10:07 - Secret 4: Psychology as a Strategy - How psychological fortitude and mindset play a crucial role in building a successful business.12:19 - Secret 5: The Power of Intention in Business Goals - The importance of setting clear intentions and visualizing success.15:26 - Secret 6: Synchronicities in Business Connections - Investigating the role of meaningful coincidences in forming business relationships and opportunities.18:05 - Conclusion and invitation to explore more business growth strategies.YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!
Apr 11 2024
YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE! Dive into the critical reasons why 70% of new businesses fail within their first decade with and how you can avoid the entrepreneurial mistakes make by so many other business owners with Gary Smith, of the StartUp Three YouTube channel a U.S. Army Veteran, business and marketing professor, and entrepreneur, explores the seven common mistakes that lead to business failure. From the absence of a clear business plan to the perils of cash flow mismanagement, this video is packed with actionable insights to help you avoid these pitfalls. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or looking to strengthen your existing business, these lessons are crucial for longevity and success in the competitive entrepreneurial landscape. Stay tuned until the end for an essential bonus tip that could save your business from becoming another statistic. - Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube Video. You can watch this episode and all out videos at Show Notes:0:00 - Introduction to the high failure rate of new businesses and the promise of actionable insights.1:22 - Mistake 1: Lack of a Clear Business Plan - Discussing the importance of a detailed roadmap for business success.4:00 - Mistake 2: Ignoring Customer Feedback and Market Demand - The dangers of overlooking market needs and consumer insights.6:40 - Mistake 3: Underestimating the Importance of Marketing - Highlighting the necessity of effective marketing and brand communication.9:03 - Mistake 4: Trying to Do Everything Alone - The value of delegation, team building, and seeking mentorship.11:25 - Mistake 5: Neglecting Legal and Regulatory Requirements - Emphasizing the significance of legal due diligence for business protection.13:30 - Mistake 6: Lack of Adaptability and Resilience - The need for flexibility and endurance in the face of business challenges.15:50 - Mistake 7: Cash Flow Problems - Unveiling cash management issues as the primary cause of business failure and how to avoid them.19:27 - Conclusion and invitation to learn more about successful entrepreneurship.YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!
Hobby To Hustle: What Are you Waiting For?
Apr 4 2024
Hobby To Hustle: What Are you Waiting For?
YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL HERE!Dive into the exciting world of transforming your passion into a profitable business with Gary Smith, of the StartUp Three YouTube channel a seasoned entrepreneur and business and marketing professor, shares four compelling reasons why your hobby could be your next big venture. This video is packed with actionable insights and real-world success stories to inspire you to take the leap from hobbyist to entrepreneur. Discover the secrets to turning your love for crafting, coding, cooking, or creating into a thriving business. Plus, don't miss the bonus tip at the end, where Gary reveals 10 of the most profitable hobbies turned businesses you can start in 2024. Subscribe to Start Up Three for more valuable tips and strategies to navigate the crucial first three years of your business journey. - Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. you can watch this episode and all our videos at StartUpThree.comShow Notes:0:00 - Introduction to turning hobbies into profitable businesses.1:26 - PROOF #1: Success stories of businesses that started as hobbies.1:59 - The importance of passion, in-depth knowledge, and flexibility in business.4:00 - PROOF #2: The advantages of starting small and managing risk.5:40 - How starting small allows for learning, adaptation, and building a strong foundation.7:39 - PROOF #3: Determining the viability of your hobby as a business idea.8:22 - Conducting market research, experimenting, and analyzing personal experiences.12:00 - PROOF #4: Reaching your full potential through entrepreneurship.12:35 - The benefits of freedom, personal growth, and financial rewards.15:35 - BONUS TIP: 10 profitable hobbies you can turn into businesses in 2024.19:49 - Closing thoughts and encouragement to embrace the entrepreneurial journey.YOU CAN WATCH THIS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE HERE!
Work Life Balance as an Entrepreneur
Mar 28 2024
Work Life Balance as an Entrepreneur
Learn how to mastering work life balance as an entrepreneur. In today's episode with Gary Smith, of the Start Up Three YouTube channel we uncover the crucial strategies to achieve harmony between your business ambitions and personal well-being. Whether you're a startup founder overwhelmed by the demands of entrepreneurship or an early-stage entrepreneur struggling to juggle professional and personal life, this video is your guide to finding balance. Learn the six actionable steps to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship without sacrificing your health, relationships, or happiness. From establishing boundaries and prioritizing self-care to effectively delegating and managing stress, Gary shares insights from his experiences as a U.S. Army Veteran, business professor, and entrepreneur. Plus, discover the common mistakes to avoid and how to celebrate your successes to fuel motivation and growth. Subscribe to Start Up Three for more invaluable business tips and strategies tailored for your entrepreneurial journey. -Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. you can watch this episode and all our videos at StartUpThree.comTime Stamp:0:00 - Introduction to the challenges of achieving work-life balance as an entrepreneur.1:55 - Step 1: Establish Boundaries between professional and personal life to prevent burnout.4:33 - Step 2: Prioritizing Self-care as a non-negotiable part of your routine.6:33 - Step 3: Delegating tasks effectively to focus on what matters most.9:43 - Step 4: Learning to manage stress through mindfulness and healthy practices.12:24 - Step 5: Creating a realistic timeline for your business goals to maintain patience and perspective.15:34 - Step 6: Celebrating Success, both big and small, to acknowledge progress and recharge.16:40 - Common Mistakes to Avoid in social media marketing as an entrepreneur.17:11 - Conclusion: The importance of work-life balance for long-term success and fulfillment.18:30 - Invitation to explore more business growth strategies and entrepreneurial advice on the channel.Check us out at
How To Market Your Business on Social Media
Mar 21 2024
How To Market Your Business on Social Media
Unlock the secrets and learn how to market your business on social media marketing. Whether you're feeling lost or overwhelmed by the digital landscape, this video is your roadmap to success. Dive deep with Gary Smith, host of the Start Up Three YouTube Channel a seasoned business and marketing professor and entrepreneur, as he shares the most critical strategies for enhancing your business and online presence on social media. From defining your target audience to crafting engaging content and avoiding common pitfalls, this video is packed with insights and actionable tips for businesses at any stage. Stick around until the end for Gary's bonus advice on the four most common social media mistakes entrepreneurs make and how to sidestep them for success. Don't let social media be a source of frustration—turn it into your most powerful marketing tool today. -Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at StartUpThree.comTimecodes:0:00 - Introduction to social media marketing challenges and the promise of a roadmap to success.1:59 - The importance of defining your target audience to tailor your marketing efforts effectively.3:05 - Strategies for choosing the right social media platforms where your audience is most active.4:05 - Tips for creating engaging and consistent content that resonates with your audience.5:23 - The crucial role of interaction and community building in social media marketing.6:04 - How to track your results and adjust your strategy using social media analytics.6:48 - Combining consistency with interaction for a powerful social media presence.8:07 - The four most common social media mistakes entrepreneurs make:8:22 - Inconsistent brand messaging across platforms.10:51 - Neglecting target audience research.13:12 - Focusing solely on publishing content without engaging with followers.15:43 - Relying too much on promotional content.18:34 - Conclusion and encouragement to use these insights for social media growth.18:47 - Invitation to learn more about social media growth strategies in the next video.Check us out at
Email Marketing For Beginners
Mar 14 2024
Email Marketing For Beginners
Unlock the full potential of your email marketing efforts with our comprehensive guide, "Email Marketing For Beginners." Gary Smith, of the Start Up Three YouTube Channel is talking about email marketing optimization, how to build your email list, email marketing metrics, and a whole lot more. Whether you're disheartened by low open rates and click-throughs or simply looking to refine your strategy, this video is your roadmap to success. Dive deep into the world of email marketing with us as we explore seven actionable steps designed to enhance your connection with customers, increase engagement, and drive business growth. From building a quality email list to mastering the art of segmentation, crafting compelling content, and beyond, this guide is packed with insights and strategies for entrepreneurs ready to take their email marketing to the next level. Subscribe for more invaluable tips and transform your email marketing into a powerful engine for growth. -Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at Timecodes:0:00 - Introduction to the challenges of email marketing and the promise of optimization.03:41 - The importance of building a quality email list as the foundation of successful email marketing.5:50 - How to effectively segment your email list to tailor communication and increase relevance.07:44 - Strategies for crafting compelling subject lines that boost open rates.09:39 - Tips for creating engaging email content that resonates with your audience and drives action.12:05 - The necessity of optimizing emails for mobile to enhance the user experience and engagement.14:50 - How to analyze and track email metrics to guide strategy and improve performance.18:00 - The role of testing and experimentation in evolving and refining your email marketing efforts.19:00 - Conclusion: Embracing a culture of innovation and adaptability in email marketing.19:35 - Invitation to learn more about leveraging email marketing for small business growth in our next
Email Marketing Secrets for Small Business Success
Mar 7 2024
Email Marketing Secrets for Small Business Success
Embark on a transformative journey to marketing success with our latest video, hosted by Gary Smith, of the Start Up Three YouTube channel. Today's episode is "Email Marketing Secrets for Small Business Success." Whether you're an entrepreneur feeling overwhelmed by marketing complexities or a business owner seeking practical strategies for growth, this video is your guide to harnessing the potential of email marketing. Dive into actionable steps, from building a targeted email list to mastering automation and optimization, designed to help you connect with your audience and turn prospects into loyal customers. If you're passionate about your business but struggling to see growth, join us as we explore the effectiveness of email marketing through real-world insights and tips. -Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at Timecodes:0:00 - Introduction to the challenges of marketing for entrepreneurs and the promise of email marketing.01:38 - The underestimated value of email marketing in today’s digital landscape.04:19 - Step 1: Collecting email addresses through lead magnets or opt-in forms to build your list.05:20 - Insights into the effectiveness of email marketing and why it's a crucial tool for business growth.06:58 - Step 2: Nurturing your subscribers by providing value, including tips, insights, and exclusive offers.07:57 - The importance of building trust and credibility through valuable content.09:10 - Step 3: Implementing automation to efficiently manage subscriber engagement and sales processes.11:46 - Step 4: Segmenting your email list for targeted and relevant communication.13:52 - Step 5: Optimizing your email campaigns through A/B testing and key metrics analysis.16:03 - Conclusion and the invitation to download a customizable lead magnet template.16:36 - Final thoughts on embracing email marketing as a powerful strategy for entrepreneurial success.
Social Media Growth Strategies
Mar 3 2024
Social Media Growth Strategies
Unlock the secrets of social media success with our latest episode, "Social Media  Growth Strategies" Hosted by Gary Smith, of the Start Up Three YouTube channel. Dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship and discover how truly understanding your customers can transform your business. From leveraging analytics to choosing the right platforms and crafting valuable content, this video is packed with actionable insights designed to propel your startup forward. Whether you're a bootstrapping entrepreneur in your first three years or looking to refine your approach, join us as we explore practical strategies for engaging deeply with your audience and building lasting relationships. Don't miss the foundational truth revealed at the end, poised to revolutionize your social media game. -Gary Smith, MBA This is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at Timecodes:0:00 - Introduction to the importance of knowing your customers in entrepreneurship.01:31 - The power of social media analytics in understanding customer desires and journeys.03:00 - Strategies for tailoring your content and messaging to resonate with your audience.04:15 - The significance of choosing the right social media platforms for your business.08:30 - How to create engaging, valuable content: Educational, Entertaining, and Inspirational.11:04 - Tips for building a loyal community and fostering long-term relationships on social media.13:26 - The role of interactive content in enhancing audience engagement.14:10 - Emphasizing the importance of authenticity and consistency in social media engagement.15:41 - The foundational truth of entrepreneurship: Understanding your audience is everything.19:28 - Conclusion and call to action: Subscribe and check out the video on boosting sales for more actionable tips.
Boost your Sales With These 5 Action Steps
Mar 3 2024
Boost your Sales With These 5 Action Steps
Join  business professor and entrepreneur Gary Smith on a transformative journey through the heart of entrepreneurship in today's episode, "Boost Your Sales With These 5 Action Steps." Gary, host of the Start Up Three YouTube channel shares five startup success action Items that are pivotal for every new entrepreneur aiming to not just survive but thrive in the competitive world of startups. From decoding customer desires and personalizing your sales approach to building trust through transparency, engaging with technology, and mastering continuous improvement, this video is your roadmap to startup success. Whether you're in the trenches of building your business or looking for actionable insights to propel you forward.  Let's dive into the art of understanding and anticipating customer needs, personalizing your approach, and building a legacy of trust, innovation, and continuous learning. Your entrepreneurial journey starts here! - Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at Show Notes:0:00 - Introduction to the importance of understanding customer needs in startups.0:42 - Action Item 1: Decode Customer Desires Now - Dive deep into the essence of truly understanding what your customers want, including those needs they haven't even realized themselves.4:10 - Action Item 2: Personalize and Customize Your Sales Approach - Learn why personalization is not just a sales technique but a fundamental aspect of modern business success.6:46 - Action Item 3: Building Trust Through Transparency and Integrity - Discover the critical role of trust in building lasting customer relationships and why it's more important than ever.9:39 - Action Item 4: Engage More with Tech - Explore how leveraging technology can enhance customer engagement and create meaningful connections.12:18 - Action Item 5: Master Continuous Improvement - Understand the importance of fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement for long-term success.14:31 - Conclusion and Call to Action - Gary wraps up the journey and encourages viewers to apply these action items to make their mark on the world.
Mastering Your Start Up Strategy
Mar 3 2024
Mastering Your Start Up Strategy
Dive into the essentials of startup success with "Mastering Your Start Up Strategy" This Podcast episode, hosted by Gary Smith, of the Start Up Three  YouTube channel and a seasoned entrepreneur and business professor, is a comprehensive guide designed to empower fellow entrepreneurs, dreamers, and innovators at any stage of their journey, especially those within the first three years of starting their business. From strategic planning, understanding market dynamics, and executing with precision, to managing finances, embracing adaptability, and fostering innovation, this video covers the crucial elements that compose the symphony of successful entrepreneurship. Whether you're rebranding, starting from scratch, or looking to inject new life into your business, this video offers practical action steps and insights to help you navigate the complexities of the startup world. Subscribe for more insights and join a community dedicated to transforming challenges into opportunities and dreams into realities.-Gary Smith, MBAThis is the podcast version of our YouTube video. You can watch this episode and all our videos at StartUpThree.comShow Notes:0:00 - Introduction to the journey of startup success.1:20 - The importance of a clear, compelling vision for your startup.1:52 - Strategic planning: translating vision into actionable roadmaps.2:24 - Understanding your market through continuous research and engagement.2:51 - Execution: Building a team and culture of innovation and growth.3.22 - Financial planning and resource allocation strategies for startups.3:54 - The art of adaptability learned from experience with the 82nd Airborne Division.4:39 - Differentiation: Creating a unique brand and connecting with customers.5:02 - Emphasizing innovation in approach, perspective, and problem-solving.5:35 - The role of resilience in overcoming challenges and setbacks.5:57 - Entrepreneurship as a continuous journey of growth and learning.6:49 - Closing thoughts and invitation to subscribe and engage with future content.