Raising Kind Humans

Katie Doughty

Let's adventure together as we discover new ways to raise our kids to be kind. We'll hear from experts, nonprofits, and charities, and learn about new opportunities to involve our children in kid-friendly community service. Want to join in? Find me on Instagram @Katie_Doughty, join the Facebook group: Raising Kind Humans, or check out the website: TeamKindHumans.com read less


55. Kimmy Gibbler, Mental Health, and Kindness with Andrea Barber
Dec 17 2023
55. Kimmy Gibbler, Mental Health, and Kindness with Andrea Barber
Sweet cheese! You are NOT going to want to miss this epic episode with Andrea Barber! We dive deep into her book Full Circle and touch on topics like mental health and strategies to care for yourself and others.  We discuss the ins and outs of Kimmy Gibbler and how showing up authentically as yourself is courageous and needed! We also geek out over Tinkerbell and running!Andrea shares her story, heart, and wisdom around mental health and embracing your inner Kimmy Gibbler.  She also has a surprise declaration (time frame: TBD) that you will be thrilled to hear! Andrea is your girl if you need an example of a kind human.  I know you will love listening to what she has to share!Follow her on Instagram @andreabarberListen to her podcast How Rude, Tanneritos and catch up with old friends as she recaps your favorite Full House episodes!Donate to her favorite charity National Alliance on Mental Health!ALSO:Join Team Kind Humans and make 2024 the YEAR OF KINDNESS! I've got you covered for authentic, tangible, engaging community service projects for your kids.  Come learn directly from organizations, children's book authors, and experts doing great things in this world.  Head to teamkindhumans.com/membership and sign up for just $1.I'm leaving Leaping Letters at my low birthday price of just $19.84 through the end of the year.  Grab your subscription to this interactive digital preschool course and come play through the alphabet with me!You can also find my children's books, Pat and the Great Penguin Race, and Waddle I Do? Kindness Activity Guide on Amazon for those last-minute gift ideas!Start your KindSchooling journey today! Head to www.teamkindhumans.com or follow me on Instagram @katie_doughty!