Operation: Thriving Marriage


It‘s not enough to have your marriage survive. We want your marriage to thrive! Bringing unique perspectives from counseling individuals and couples in the church, the law, and the military, Bryon and Jennifer Harvey bring a wealth of experience and perspective to Operation: Thriving Marriage. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Ep 64 - Trad Wives
May 14 2024
Ep 64 - Trad Wives
Welcome to Episode 64 of Operation: Thriving Marriage! In this episode, we delve into the topic of Trad Wives, exploring what it means to be a Trad Wife, its roots in nostalgia versus scripture, and its impact on modern marriages. Hosts Bryon and Jen kick off the discussion by questioning the allure of the Trad Wife movement and its representation in today's culture. They dissect the aesthetic versus the practical actions associated with being a Trad Wife, highlighting the unrealistic expectations it can create, especially for young couples. The episode tackles the roots of the Trad Wife movement, emphasizing its foundation in 1950s marketing rather than biblical truths. It sheds light on how this movement, while not inherently wrong, can lead to shame and dysfunction, particularly for those unable to meet its standards. Listeners are encouraged to critically evaluate trends that claim to represent biblical truths about marriage. The hosts stress the importance of consulting qualified sources like pastors and theologians rather than relying solely on social media influencers. The discussion also delves into biblical perspectives on beauty, submission, and marital roles, providing a balanced view that encourages godly character and mutual respect within marriages. In conclusion, Operation: Thriving Marriage emphasizes the need to align marital practices with biblical principles rather than cultural trends. The episode serves as a guide for couples navigating the complexities of marriage, urging them to seek wisdom from trusted sources and to prioritize their relationship with Christ above all else. Tune in to gain valuable insights into building a thriving marriage rooted in biblical truth!
Ep 62 - Relationship Jet Lag
Apr 8 2024
Ep 62 - Relationship Jet Lag
Welcome to Operation: Thriving Marriage, where we dive deep into the intricacies of relationships and provide actionable insights to help your marriage flourish. In this episode, we explore the concept of "Relationship Jet Lag."Host Bryon kicks off the conversation with his recent frequent travels, highlighting the stark differences in how couples experience reconnection after a period of separation. Whether it's days, weeks, or even hours apart, many couples face challenges in reconnecting due to what we term "Relationship Jet Lag."This phenomenon of "jet lag" in relationships manifests as a mental disconnection despite physical presence, often caused by unmet expectations or unanticipated circumstances. It can lead to dissatisfaction, isolation, reduced communication, hurt, and anger.Navigating this "jet lag" requires acknowledgment and open communication. Couples must share their feelings and experiences, addressing unmet expectations and making joint plans to overcome them. Listening actively and giving each other space and understanding are crucial steps in bridging the gap.We delve into practical strategies, emphasizing honesty about emotional "timezones," patience during transitions, and making the most of shared moments. Additionally, we reference biblical wisdom on forgiveness and understanding, reinforcing the importance of empathy and kindness in building a resilient connection.Join us on Operation: Thriving Marriage as we equip you with tools to conquer "Relationship Jet Lag" and strengthen your marital bond. Stay tuned for future episodes focused on enriching your relationship journey. https://medium.com/@jfhct70/5-ways-to-overcome-relationship-jet-lag-b0e65540d31e
Ep - 59 Chemistry Isn’t Real
Feb 22 2024
Ep - 59 Chemistry Isn’t Real
Welcome to Episode 59 of the Operation: Thriving Marriage podcast - "Chemistry Isn’t Real." No, we're not diving into conspiracy theories, but rather debunking the myth of instant chemistry in relationships. In this episode, we explore how our notions of love have been shaped by fairy tales and romantic comedies, highlighting that love at first sight is merely lust. Thriving marriages aren't built on fleeting emotions or meet-cutes; chasing chemistry leads to short-term relationships and emotional struggles. Compatibility, not chemistry, should be your focus. Compatibility is something you build not something that magically happens or a trait that exists when you meet. Compatibility involves shared values, mutual growth, and a symbiotic relationship that evolves over time through intentional efforts. Learn how to build compatibility by prioritizing your spouse's needs, recognizing it as a gradual process, and reflecting on the positive changes in your relationship. Passion has its place, but it doesn't replace compatibility. To dating couples: Take time to build compatibility with someone you envision a future with. Ask crucial questions about liking who you are becoming together and mutual sacrifice. In conclusion, this episode reaffirms that compatibility, not chemistry, forms the bedrock of a thriving marriage. It's a journey built over time, focusing on each other's needs, and envisioning a future that surpasses the present. Tune in for practical insights on fostering lasting love.
Ep 52 - Happy!
Nov 6 2023
Ep 52 - Happy!
Welcome to Episode 52 of the Operation: Thriving Marriage Podcast, "Happy!" While we often say marriage isn't about happiness, we delve into why it's crucial to prioritize happiness correctly. Unhappiness can lead to dissatisfaction, conflicts, and decreased problem-solving abilities in a marriage. We discuss the problem of declining happiness in the US and worldwide, emphasizing the importance of happiness for making better decisions, resilience, health, and more. Our solution focuses on improving your happiness by taking responsibility for it. We introduce the CPR method – Connection, Positivity, and Resilience. We stress the role of human connections, positivity in savoring enjoyable experiences, and self-care for resilience. In the end, we reiterate that marriage is about holiness, but happiness matters too. You are responsible for your happiness, and by focusing on CPR, you can improve it. For more information, check out the articles linked below. Tune in to learn how to lead a happier and more fulfilling life in your marriage and beyond. How to Live a Happier Mor Fulfilling Life interview with Dr. Emiliana Simon-Thomas https://www.fatherly.com/life/how-to-live-a-happier-more-fulfilling-life?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=fatherly&utm_campaign=ab4d601b6a&via_email=bryon.d.harvey@gmail.com How Happy Marriages Stay Happy by Virginia Pelley https://www.fatherly.com/life/signs-of-happy-marriage-that-lasts?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=fatherly&utm_campaign=ab4d601b6a&via_email=bryon.d.harvey@gmail.com
Ep 50 - Communication Breakdowns
Oct 9 2023
Ep 50 - Communication Breakdowns
In this milestone 50th episode, airing on October 9, 2023, of "Communication Breakdowns," we dive deep into the critical topic of communication breakdowns within marriages. Host Jen starts by sharing a personal example of a case where communication faltered, highlighting the importance of effective communication in relationships. Discover the root causes of communication breakdowns in marriages, with a focus on resentment. Explore the emotions of resenting your spouse or feeling resented by them and uncover practical solutions for addressing these issues head-on. Learn how to deal with feelings of resentment, even when they stem from seemingly trivial reasons, and understand the role of negative thought patterns. The episode also sheds light on how unresolved conflicts can snowball into more significant problems, emphasizing the importance of addressing issues early, honestly, and thoroughly. Bryon and Jen touch on the common issue of arguments expanding to unrelated matters and provide insights into their underlying causes. Additionally, you'll delve into the essential link between communication and intimacy in a marriage. Discover how a lack of communication can impact intimacy and vice versa. Learn the art of active listening, focusing on the emotions behind the words, and how to communicate on a deeper level by discussing dreams, hopes, feelings, and desires with your partner. In conclusion, this episode underscores the paramount role of communication in building a thriving marriage. It reminds listeners that negative forces may try to drive a wedge between partners, but the effort to nurture a strong and healthy marriage is undoubtedly worth it. Explore strategies to address resentment, resolve conflicts promptly, and connect deeply with your spouse to create a marriage that stands the test of time.
Ep 49 - A Little Help From Our Friends
Sep 25 2023
Ep 49 - A Little Help From Our Friends
Welcome to the Operation: Thriving Marriage podcast. In this episode we dive deep into the importance of maintaining balanced and healthy friendships within your marriage. In today's fast-paced world, many of us fall into the trap of believing that our spouse should fulfill all our friendship needs. But is that realistic? This podcast explores the problem with this unrealistic expectation, how it can put excessive pressure on your spouse, and even separate you from your broader community. Join us as we discuss the biblical perspective on friendships, drawing inspiration from the profound relationships of David and Jonathan, Jesus and His disciples, God and His people, and many more. Discover how these timeless examples reveal that friendship is a core value and a vital component of a thriving marriage. We'll uncover the benefits of fostering friendships within your marriage, such as staying connected to your community, having models of healthy relationships, receiving wise counsel, and enjoying activities that your spouse may not share the same interest in. These friendships also contribute to maintaining your individual identity within your marriage, which is essential for both partners. But what about situations when friendships become threatening? We'll provide practical guidance on prioritizing your spouse, setting boundaries with friends of the opposite sex, and ensuring that your marriage remains the top priority. The evil one can use friendships to harm your marriage if you're not vigilant. In conclusion, we challenge the misconception that spouses should meet all each other's relational needs. Embracing the biblical perspective, we believe in the significance of being in a community of believers, sharing the Gospel with those outside the church, and experiencing the fullness of life God intends for you. While friendships are vital, we emphasize that they should never jeopardize your marriage. Your marriage can and should be the most important friendship you have.
Ep - 48 R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Sep 12 2023
Ep - 48 R-E-S-P-E-C-T
In this episode of the Operation: Thriving Marriage Podcast, we dive deep into the essential element of any thriving relationship - mutual respect. We'll start by asking a fundamental question: Who do you respect, and why? Join us as we explore how respect plays a pivotal role in maintaining strong and healthy connections. When we talk to couples in crisis, a recurring theme emerges - the erosion of mutual respect. Love may still linger, but the loss of respect can have devastating consequences. We acknowledge the stereotypes that suggest women need love while men need respect, but in reality, both genders crave both. Respect is the foundation on which love can flourish. Failure to communicate respect conveys a lack of value and equality in a relationship. Each spouse brings unique qualities and roles to a marriage, but they are equal partners. When respect dwindles, resentment takes root, leading to a gradual distancing between partners and strife in all aspects of the marriage. To rebuild and maintain mutual respect, we must first recognize that our spouse deserves our respect as a person of infinite worth. They've committed to us and our marriage to represent something greater together. Beyond this, we must respect our spouse for who they are, not just what they do, as valuing them solely for their actions objectifies and dehumanizes them. Here are some practical ways to express respect to your spouse: 1. Validation: Communicate what you value about them, both in their actions and as individuals. 2. Curiosity: Ask open-ended questions about their thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams. 3. Play to Strengths: Recognize that a 50/50 approach doesn't always make sense; let your spouse excel in their areas of strength. 4. Communication: Set aside time to talk and connect regularly. In the grand scheme of marriage, mutual respect is the cornerstone upon which everything else stands. When respect withers, so does the partnership. Make it a priority to respect your spouse for who they are, and learn how to convey that respect effectively. By doing so, you can breathe new life into your marriage and watch it thrive. Join us next time on [Podcast Name] as we continue to explore essential aspects of relationships.
Ep 47 - Why You Shouldn’t Get Married
Aug 28 2023
Ep 47 - Why You Shouldn’t Get Married
Debunking Unrealistic Marriage Expectations Join us for a thought-provoking episode as we dissect the common motivations behind marriage decisions and evaluate whether these expectations hold up in reality. Delve into the realm of marriage misconceptions and uncover its deeper purpose. **The Issue - Challenging Unrealistic Marriage Beliefs:** Embark on a journey to explore the misconceptions that often drive individuals to seek marriage, including unfounded beliefs in assured financial stability, complete emotional fulfillment, and an end to loneliness. We unpack these notions to uncover their true validity. **The Truth - Unveiling Biblical Insights:** Discover how a biblical perspective on marriage reveals a stark contrast to popular misconceptions. We dive into passages such as Proverbs 18:22, Genesis 2:24, and Proverbs 19:14, shedding light on marriage's intended purpose as a divine gift and a partnership to fulfill a greater human purpose. **Realignment - Purposeful Conversations and Compatibility:** For those considering marriage, we emphasize the importance of candid discussions around expectations. Is your desire for marriage rooted in societal norms or a shared commitment to align with God's divine plan? The key is to find a partner who shares your vision for a purpose-driven marriage. **Harmonizing Passion and Purpose:** Challenge the notion that focusing on marriage's purpose diminishes passion and romance. Uncover how aligning with God's intent can actually amplify intimacy within a relationship. By understanding that marriage cultivates holiness, romance flows naturally, unburdened by unrealistic pressures. **Assessing Your Marriage:** For couples already united in marriage, it's time for reflection. Does your marital experience match your expectations? Are your expectations in harmony with God's blueprint? Whether celebrating alignment or addressing disparities, this is an opportunity for growth and connection. **Conclusion - Unveiling the True Marriage Purpose:** Navigate the sea of unrealistic expectations surrounding marriage and rediscover the essence of a thriving partnership. The key lies in syncing expectations with God's design. Embrace marriage as a platform to reflect God's love and fulfill a larger purpose, transcending fleeting notions for lasting fulfillment. Tune in to this enlightening conversation, where we challenge conventional wisdom and explore the profound depths of marriage's authentic essence.