THESIS: Trends in Higher Education Systems in International Spheres

THESIS Podcast

The THESIS podcast aims to explore higher education across the globe through a range of perspectives, discuss relevant topics in a critical and digestible manner, and contribute to discourse among students, scholars and experts in the higher education field. It is organized and produced by several students in University of Oslo’s Master of Philosophy in Higher Education’s 2021 cohort who come from across the world who have an array of experiences and interests in the Higher Education field. read less


India’s Intention to Become a “Global Talent House” through Internationalization
Dec 20 2023
India’s Intention to Become a “Global Talent House” through Internationalization
In today’s episode I speak with Dr. Mona Khare about India’s bold policy vision to not only increase the number of international students coming to India, but the country’s broader goals for embedding internationalization into the higher education system.  Dr. Khare has immense knowledge from her research on the context of international student mobility into and out from India.  She was recently appointed to be Director of the University Grants Commission- Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre and is a professor and Head of the Department of Educational Finance at the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, as well as a member of the 15th Finance Commission for Education sector funds estimation, for the government of India.  Finally, she has served as a consultant for organizations including UNESCO, Asia Productivity Organisation, UNICEF, the World Bank and government bodies as expert on higher education internalization, Graduate employment and employability, Gender and child Budgeting, Education financing and Regional disparities in Economic development. Relevant work by Dr. Mona Khare: Khare, M. (2021). Trends and strategies towards internationalisation of higher education in India.  Khare, M. (2023). External Aid: Shifting Dynamics of India’s Higher Education Cooperation and Exchange. Number 83: Special Issue, The Boston  College Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE).   Khare, M. (2015). India’s Emergence as Regional Education Hub. Khare, M. (2014). Ideological Shift in Indian Higher Education Internationalization. International Higher Education, Number 78: Special Issue, The Boston College Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE). Khare, M. (2019). Making India a Sought –After Destination for Higher Education, in Laura E Rumbley and Hans de Wit ed “Innovative and Inclusive Internationalisation, CIHE Perspectives" No.11, World Education Services and The Boston College Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE). Khare, M. (2020). "Inbound Student  Mobility In Indian Higher Education: A Concern for Gendered Realities," University News, Vol. 58, No 30, AIU, New Delhi with Sonam Arora. Recent publications by Dr. Mona Khare: Khare Mona Ed. (2024). "Sustainable and Dynamic Graduate Employability: A Comparative Overview Across Geographies."  The book is available for pre-orders.  Varghese, N.V., & Khare, M. (Eds.). (2021). India Higher Education Report 2020: Employment and Employability of Higher Education Graduates in India (1st ed.). Routledge India.  Khare, Mona. (2023). “Gendered Concerns of Improved Female Participation in Higher Education.” In George Noblit (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press.   “Investing in education for the common good" in  Gerard A. Postiglione,Christopher J. Johnstone, and Wesley R. Teter, (ed) Handbook of Education Policy , Elgar Handbooks in Education, Edward Elgar Publications.UK pp 99-115 (2023).
(England & Hungary) Unequal Outcomes: The return to a higher ed degree for First-in-Family students
Oct 25 2023
(England & Hungary) Unequal Outcomes: The return to a higher ed degree for First-in-Family students
In this episode we are joined by Dr. Anna Adamecz and Dr. Nikki Shure to discuss using first-and-family as an indicator of widening higher education participation and the labor market outcomes of first-and-family students. We look specifically at the cases of England in the United Kingdom and Hungary. Both of our guests hold positions at the University College of London Social Research Institute, where Dr. Adamecz is a research associate and Dr. Shure is an associate professor, where they collaborate on this research. In addition to her role at UCL’s institute, Dr. Adamecz is a Research Associate at the Institute of Economics Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (KRTK KTI). LINKS:  ‘First in family’: higher education choices and labour market outcomes - Project on the Nuffield Foundation website VIDEO: ‘First in family’: higher education choices and labour market outcomes Adamecz-Völgyi, A., Henderson, M., and Shure, N. (2022) The Labor Market Returns to 'First in Family' University Graduates. Journal of Population Economics. doi: 10.1007/s00148-022-00908-y Adamecz-Völgyi, A.,  Shure, N., and Henderson, M. (2020) Is 'First in Family' a Good Indicator for Widening University Participation? Economics of Education Review. doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2020.102038 Henderson, M., Shure, N. and Adamecz-Völgyi, A. (2020) Moving on up: ‘first in family’ university graduates in England.  Oxford Review of Education doi: 10.1080/03054985.2020.1784714 Adamecz, A., Henderson, M., and Shure, N. (2023): Intergenerational educational mobility – the role of non-cognitive skills. Education Economics. doi: 10.1080/09645292.2023.2176826
Keeping the Hustle: First-Gen Students in Ghana and Zanzibar, Tanzania
Aug 23 2023
Keeping the Hustle: First-Gen Students in Ghana and Zanzibar, Tanzania
Today we are discussing the capacity for first generation students in Ghana and Zanzibar, Tanzania, to "hustle." We are joined by Dr. Millicent Adjei, Director of Diversity and International Programs & Leadership Lecturer at Ashesi University in Ghana and Dr. Emily (Markovich) Morris, a Fellow at the Brookings Institution's Center for Universal Education. Emily and Millicent, who met during their PhD program in comparative and international development education at the University of Minnesota, co-authored a thought-provoking paper titled "First Generation Students Navigating Educational Aspirations in Zanzibar and Ghana” where they developed Dr. Adjei’s concept of “hustle” for first generation students in the Global South context. Resources: Adjei, M. & Markovich Morris, E. (2020). First Generation Students Navigating Educational Aspirations in Zanzibar and Ghana. In S. Swartz (Ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Global South Youth Studies, 419-431. Oxford University Press.  Morris, E. (2021). Re/writing gendered scripts: A longitudinal research partnership reshaping gender and education policy in Zanzibar, Tanzania. In M. J. Maynes, D. Levinson, & F. Vavrus (Eds). Children and Youth as Subjects, Objects, Agents. Palgrave Macmillan. Problematizing “Dropout”: Zanzibari Youth Narratives on Being Pushed Out of School Fellow page and blogs at Brookings.
(Chile) Policy Impacts on First-Generation & First-Generation Indigenous Students
Aug 9 2023
(Chile) Policy Impacts on First-Generation & First-Generation Indigenous Students
Today we are speaking with Dr. Andrea Flanagan-Bórquez and Dr. Andrew Webb about different policies  and their effects on first-generation and first-generation indigenous students in Chile. Our guests provide the context of Chile’s higher education system and indigenous communities and proceed to share findings from their research and discussions with first-generation students. Dr. Andrea Flanagan-Bórquez is a Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Valparaíso where she conducts research on first-generation students and comparative education, and Dr. Andrew Webb is an Associate Professor at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, where he focuses on the educational trajectories of Mapuche youth.  Webb, A. (2022). Indigenous Identity Formation in Chilean Education: New Racism in Schooling Experiences of Mapuche Youth. (Book) Flanagan-Bórquez, A., Rojas-Murphy Tagle, A., Guzmán-Valenzuela, C., & Varas-Aguilera, P. (2023). Análisis crítico del estado de la investigación sobre estudiantes de primera generación en Latinoamérica. (Article) Guzmán-Vlaenzueal, C., Darwin, S., Flanagan, A., Aguilera-Muñoz, A., & Geldres, A. (2022). (Un)Limited choice: analysing the strategic choices fo first-in-generation students in neoliberal higher education. Segovia Gonzalez, F. & Flanagan-Borquez, A. (2019). Challenges of Being a First-generation Indigenous Student in Today's Chilean Universities.