The Gamecocks Gamecast

The Gamecocks Gamecast

The love child of and we bring you a podcast on video games from the perspective of people on the outside looking in.It's like we work in a video game store, except we make more money than those people and we don't.Intro song "Only" by Kris Keyser check out his other outstanding work at read less


Episode 35: It's Pronounced "re-do"
Aug 27 2014
Episode 35: It's Pronounced "re-do"
In yet another explosive episode the ‘Cocks are coming at you raw. Hot off a major earthquake in Northern California that found Angry Rob talking to Handsome Rob at 4 am while he was checking for gas leaks, they discuss a bigger story. Suge Knight, former CEO of Death Row records got shot and was thought to have died. They talk about the deal Suge made with the Devil and how pissed Vanilla Ice is. In addition Angry Rob quit his job and explains what pushed him over the edge. Nothing too exciting in new releases this week, as they struggle to find a title that they want, except for Metro Redux. Angry Rob pronounced it “re-dux” Justin corrects him saying it is a French word and it is really pronounced “re-do.” Angry Rob says he took three years of French in college with all A’s. Justin and Handsome make fun of Angry for this, only to find out that it is in fact pronounced “re-dux.” Angry Rob hot off of building his monster PC doesn’t know what games to play. They discuss strategies for the gamer new to the PC Master Race. But he did start the first Witcher game and kind of likes it. He also played Diablo 3 on PS4 and still really likes it. Justin played The Room 1&2, he doesn’t really talk about them other that he played them. Handsome Rob goes on another long diatribe about the games he is playing. In the news they talk about PSN, Blizzard, ESL and LoL getting a DDoS hack. Also, the sad reality that for a hacker that is their job interview. In keeping with the theme getting hacked Phil Fish is a target once again, except this time he wants to sell off everything. Zoe Quinn has a really stupid ex boyfriend. MS is into S&M by putting a Reddit app on the XB1. Night Trap wants to come back, the world doesn’t care. And finally they do a Gamescom recap. Music: “New Blood” by Kris Keyser “Sooner Than Now” by Sin Cos Tan
Episode 34: Handsome Rob Delayed Evolve
Aug 15 2014
Episode 34: Handsome Rob Delayed Evolve
Boom! The 'Cocks are back! This week Justin, Handsome Rob and Angry Rob talk a lot about video games, which if you listen doesn't always happen. Before they do Angry Rob almost gets into another fight while in Reno and again while trying to keep the peace. It is then decided he has the gift of getting under people's skin, who knew. Mrs. Doubtfire is an excellent movie and yet another piece of their childhood gets destroyed. In games, Angry Rob is still playing Dota 2 and it motivates him to do something odd. He is also playing Rouge Legacy, hint, it's really good. Handsome Rob describes a game called The Forest and the other two stand straight up like pole. Handsome was also part of the Evolve Alpha. He also talks more about Day Z. Justin tells you what free games from XBOX Live gold he is currently playing because he is cheap. In the news, Sony gets sued for misleading advertising, 'Cocks don't care. Casey Hudson leaves BioWare, 'Cocks don't care. Sony explains why they said no to EA Access, the 'Cocks have a few theories as to why. The PS Now beta is in full swing and it's really expensive, the 'Cocks care. Handsome Rob explains how he single handedly delayed Evolve and what's left for this year. Topic of the week is a really long one. Starting at 1:15. Angry Rob decided to join the PC Master Race. As a total rookie he enlists the help of a surprisingly engaged in the conversation Handsome Rob and Justin. They do a detailed run through if you should build or buy, what you can get at what budget and they design Angry Rob's rig. Music "Only" Kris Keyser "Made Niggaz" 2 Pac featuring Tha Outlawz "Tread Lightly" Mastodon
Episode 30: E3 2014 (I Can't Wait to Kill People With People)
Jun 10 2014
Episode 30: E3 2014 (I Can't Wait to Kill People With People)
This week the 'Cocks are laser focused and talking E3! Recording right after the Sony E3 press conference they talk about the XBOX, EA, Ubi Soft and Sony press conferences. They go over their highlights, some things that they didn't like. Did the XBOX focus on games, games, games take that concept a little too far? What games stuck out to them? They try to answer the question, why is XBOX the best place to play video games. And go over some of the games shown, including the new Crackdown game titles Crackdown, The Witcher 3 and others. They also pontificate over the number of times the word Kinect was mentioned and the number of times it was shown. Ea made it clear that there will be a new Mass Effect game as well as a brand new IP from Bioware, do the 'Cocks even care? Angry Rob has thoughts on FIFA 15. Madden impresses. The Battlefield Hardline beta breaks PSN then breaks Angry Rob's heart. Ubi Impresses with their showing of strong games. So much so that the boys have a hard picking the one game they liked most from Ubi. Handsome Rob and Nick sell Angry Rob on The Division. Angry Rob poops his pants over the new Rainbow Six game. Kevin predictably gushes over AC Unity. Sony closes out the show. Not to be outdone, they had a few tricks up their sleeve as well. But did they do enough to impress the 'Cocks? YouTube is coming, one of the 'Cocks thinks that will be the biggest thing out of this year's E3. Project Beast gets a real name. No Man's Sky, thoroughly impresses all of the 'Cocks. The Last Guardian still doesn't get shown. And yes, the new Uncharted ends the show and gets a name. Music: Intro "Only" by Kris Keyser Outro "Summer Holidays vs Punk Routine" by The Refused
Episode 26: The Education of Kevin
May 12 2014
Episode 26: The Education of Kevin
Kevin gets caught up in a twist in Mexico while paying for a hooker. The two Robs give some friendly advice while in Mexico, don't take the rose. Kevin is growing up and had a big job interview. We discover that Kevin wants to have a career in IT. Handsome Rob has yet another crazy night at work. Nick still believes in romance and takes his wife out for a nice steak dinner. Angry Rob has to throw himself his own birthday party.They also talk about Stick it to The Man, MLB the Show, Bound by Flame and Remember Me. Yes they are struggling to find games to talk about worth talking about.In the newest Segement, The Education of Kevin. The professors instruct Kevin to just say yes, to every girl no matter what. Most importantly, he needs to focus on Buffalo Girls. Not only that they go into some benefits of having a more carefree lifestyle.In the news they talk about Drive Club PS Plus, and the hidden gem of the digital version being less than the physical retail copy. Elder Scrolls Online is delayed on the Xb1 and PS4. Everyone creams their jeans over Sunset Overdrive, except Angry Rob, read into that what you will. The Destiny beta, and that they are afraid of it being just like Halo. EA loves the Frostbite engine. Square Enix is back in the black. They also rap a little bit about the MS and Sony's E3 press conferences and talk about some possible rumors of what will be shown.And now show is complete without every video gamers favorite punching bag, Nintendo. The numbers are in and they are not good. In addition to being an inept company lacking any business savvy, they are also being raked over the coals for a game not having gay relationships. Be ready as the 'Cocks take on games as social commentary.Music:Intro "Only" by Kris KeyserBreak "Old 45" by ChromeoOutro "Jayou" Jurassic 5
Episode 25: The Juice Is Loose!!!!
May 6 2014
Episode 25: The Juice Is Loose!!!!
The Four 'Cocks of the Apocalypse assemble again for the first time since December and the results are electrifying!That's right Kevin is back on a probationary basis. Of course he insults their new sponsor in the process, hurting his chances to come back. Kevin, also feels the needs to make fun of Angry Rob for vaping. Nick gets 10 viewers on his Twitch channel and he is ready to get his star on the "Walk of Hollywood." Nick then talks about the difference between Twitch and USTREAM and they all decide to switch to USTREAM. Nick thinks he can name the episodes until Angry Rob puts him in his place. Nick institutes a new 3 minute rule for Angry Rob. They talk about Warframe and how the time gate is lame. Kevin chimes in with Octodad and it doesn't impress anyone. The two Robs and Nick talk about Child of Light. Trials Fusion, goes into a conversation about how Angry Rob breaks controllers and games.In the news, they talk about the new COD trailer and why they don't care. The end of GT5's online function. The lack of PVP in Destiny and how they are happy about it. Why MS and China are a perfect match for each other. They further discuss Nintendo and the 'Cocks finally decode their business strategy. There are two topics of the week. The first, Kevin Schrepel and where he has been. Being good friends they guys try to give him some love advice. And The Gamecocks Gamecast now has a website in which we discover Angry Rob has poor grammar, can't spell and is not allowed to write anything on the site that he built.Music:Intro "Only" Kris KeyserBreak "The Wolf is Loose" Mastodon Outro "Machine Gun" Portishead