The LibParlor Podcast

The LibParlor Podcast

The LibParlor Podcast is an open peer review podcast for information professionals interested in a feminist, care-based approach to research. read less


Ep. 04: Collaborative autoethnography as research method
Apr 26 2024
Ep. 04: Collaborative autoethnography as research method
Description: In this episode, we talk with a team from New York University who have recently published on using collaborative autoethnography as a research method. We learn about how the team chose to implement this practice, lessons learned, and tips for information professionals interested in pursuing autoethnography themselves. Access the transcript. Guests: Dawn Cadogan (she/her) is an Assistant Curator and Librarian for Education & Human Development at New York University. Her research interest focuses on the relationship between student motivation, research practices, and information literacy.  Stephen Maher (he/him), MSIS, LMSW, is an Assistant Curator and the Librarian for Social Work and Psychology at New York University. He holds a Master of Information Science degree, with a concentration in information management and policy, from the University at Albany, State University of New York and is a licensed social worker with a Master of Science degree in Social Work from NYU. Stephen’s research interests center on curiosity and its role in the integration of mental health and social services in libraries as well as information literacy in social work education. Stacy Torian (she/her) is Assistant Curator and a Librarian for Health Sciences at New York University. She is a graduate of Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her interests include critical librarianship, health equity, and poetry as a liberatory force. Brynne Campbell Rice (she/her), MA, MS, MLIS is an Assistant Curator and Librarian for Health Sciences at New York University.  She holds an M.S. in Adolescent Education (Biology) from the University of Rochester, an M.A. in Food Studies from NYU, and an M.S. in Library and Information Science from Long Island University’s Palmer School.  A former high school chemistry teacher and current nursing librarian, her research interests focus on information literacy as it relates to science, nutrition, and health.  She is particularly interested in issues of credibility, authority, and ways of knowing at the intersections of health equity and health misinformation.   Show notes: Guests’ LOEX presentation, Your Story, My Story, Our Story: Collaborative Autoethnography for Librarians Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship special issue on the place of teaching in academic librarians work Cadogan, D., Campbell Rice, B., Maher, S., & Torian, C. (2023). One within many, many within one: A collaborative, dialogical exploration of librarian-teacher identity. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 9, 1-28.  Fourie, I. (Ed.). (2021). Autoethnography for librarians and information scientists. Routledge. Hernandez, K. A. C., Chang, H., & Bilgen, W. A. (2022). Transformative autoethnography for practitioners: Change processes and practices for individuals and groups. Myers Education Press. Haberstroh, A & Campbell Rice, B. (2024). Health literacy & health misinformation: A multi-dimensional relationship. In E. Vardell & D. Charbonneau (Eds.), Health literacy and libraries. Rowman & Littlefield.   International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference NYU SoTL Symposium 2024 Production and editing by Amber Sewell. Audio mixing by David Ramos Candelas. Music is Palms Down by Confectionery by Blue Dot Sessions (  Submission forms for researchers and reviewers available at Citation: Sewell, A. (2024). Ep. 04: Collaborative autoethnography as research method [Audio podcast episode]. The LibParlor Podcast.
Ep. 00: Building an augmented reality game for academic libraries with Amber Sewell, reviewer Charissa Powell, and guest host Lori Beckstead.
Sep 15 2022
Ep. 00: Building an augmented reality game for academic libraries with Amber Sewell, reviewer Charissa Powell, and guest host Lori Beckstead.
In this pilot episode, host Amber Sewell offers up her instructional design case study about building an augmented reality learning experience at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for discussion. Peer reviewer Charissa Powell gives her critiques and suggestions, and guest host Lori Beckstead provides valuable perspective from outside the discipline. Lori Beckstead is the co-host and co-producer of The Podcast Studies Podcast and an associate professor of sound and audio at the Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, Canada. Charissa Powell (she/her) is the Head of the Student Success and Curriculum Partnerships Department at the Library, Museums and Press at the University of Delaware. Some of her research interests include information privilege and feminist pedagogy. She edited, with Ingrid Ruffin, The Emotional Self at Work in Higher Education. Charissa is also co-founder and editor of The Librarian Parlor (, a community for researching librarians. You can find her on Twitter @charissaapowell. Show notes: Music is Palms Down by Confectionery by Blue Dot Sessions ( forms for researchers and reviewers available at to become a co-host.The Podcast Studies Podcast:’s podcast, Open Peer Review Podcast:’s book, The Emotional Self at Work in Higher Education: augmented reality appLaBrake, M., & Deptula, M. (2018). Reinventing new student orientation with an augmented reality scavenger hunt. Marketing Libraries Journal, 2(1), 96-103.Transcript available at