The 2nd Location


A true crime podcast with in an depth analysis of crime. If you are little obsessive with needing to know every detail about a crime you are at the right place. I’m not just reading Wikipedia here folks. If you don’t blindly believe everything that the police says, then sit down and listen because you just found a friend. Together we will talk about horrific murders with a focus on both the victims of crime and the victims of the state, the wrongfully accused. read less
True CrimeTrue Crime


The Austin Yogurt Shop Murders Episode 1
Oct 2 2023
The Austin Yogurt Shop Murders Episode 1
The evening of December 8th, 1991, started off innocently enough 2 teenage girls were working the closing shift at the local yogurt shop in Austin, Texas on a Friday night. Also in the shop with the 2 older girls that were working that night were the younger sister of one of the workers and her even younger friend.  The younger girls were just hanging out and helping with the closing of the shop and afterwards they planned to hitch a ride home with the older sister for a highly anticipated sleepover.     What started as an evening of work and friendship would end in murder. By 11:48 p.m. all 4 girls would be dead, but not before they were forced to strip naked, sexually assaulted, and then shot in the head. Before the killers fled they set the yogurt shop on fire, leaving the 4 girls lying on the floor of the backroom to be discovered by firefighters. It’s 28 years later and we still don’t know “Who Killed These Girls?,” but with the advancement of DNA technology science is closing in on the killers. Who murdered Eliza Thomas, Sarah Harbison, Jennifer Harbison, and Amy Ayers? At this point we are waiting for science to give us the answer.  Sources: "Who Killed These Girls?: The Unsolved Murders that Rocked a Texas Town," Beverly Lowry "Murdered Innocents," Corey Mitchell 48 Hours, CBS News Are Two Never-Identified Customers Key to Solving Austin's Yogurt Shop Murders?, Stephanie Slifer