Gospel Grit

Taylor Windham

This podcast exists to create content based on the Bible for the Church.

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The Moral Compass of Law in Light of Divine Commands
Apr 19 2024
The Moral Compass of Law in Light of Divine Commands
Discover the divine blueprint for government authority and unravel the scriptural wisdom within Romans 13:1-4 as we examine the delicate balance between church and state powers. In this critical election year, Gospel Grit brings you a thought-provoking journey through the intersection of politics and spirituality. We're not shying away from the tough questions: How does God's sovereignty inform our understanding of political authority? Where do the church's responsibilities end and government's begin, especially in light of potentially oppressive regimes? This discussion is vital for anyone seeking to navigate the murky waters where faith and civic duty converge.Then, we shift gears to address the foundation of our legal system and its roots in God's moral law. Can the Ten Commandments serve as a modern legal framework? And more importantly, does our allegiance lie with divine ordinances or man-made laws when the two are at odds? As we explore the enforcement of morality and our ultimate accountability, this episode promises to challenge your perspective and deepen your understanding of how these principles apply in society today. It's a conversation that reverently applies the Word to our lives for His glory, and one that you won't want to miss.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Soli Deo Gloria: Gods Plan For All of Life
Apr 19 2024
Soli Deo Gloria: Gods Plan For All of Life
Could it be that amid life's harshest trials, God's love is most profoundly at work? Join me, Taylor, on Gospel Grit as we tackle the perplexing issue of evil and suffering and their place in God's plan. We'll sift through the common yet flawed perceptions that happiness is our divine right and that we might sway an all-knowing God with our prayers. In a world that often equates divine love with earthly comfort, we'll reorient our understanding towards the profound purposes that pain and adversity serve within the tapestry of God's sovereign design.Navigating the complex landscape of human suffering, I invite you to consider the sovereignty of God and His ultimate intentions. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing our empathy surpasses that of the Creator, but in this heartfelt conversation, we confront such misconceptions head-on. We examine the essence of true compassion and divine governance, using scriptural insights to reshape our view of God's role amidst our struggles. Together, we'll scrutinize the misguided expectations we place on prayer and the folly in thinking we can counsel God.As we draw to a close, we affirm the inherent goodness of God, acknowledging that every chapter of our lives, both joyous and challenging, is delicately woven with threads of divine love. Reflecting on the lives of biblical figures like Job and Jesus, we'll illustrate how God masterfully redeems even the darkest moments for a greater purpose. Our journey through Gospel Grit culminates in the reassuring truth that God's unchanging nature and ultimate victory over evil are not abstract concepts but tangible realities that shape our everyday existence and eternal destiny.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Unveiling Christ's Sinlessness: The Pillar of Our Faith and Salvation
Apr 19 2024
Unveiling Christ's Sinlessness: The Pillar of Our Faith and Salvation
Could the very foundation of our faith hinge upon the sinlessness of Jesus? We're tackling this pivotal question head-on, unraveling the threads of Christian theology to reveal the untarnished nature of Christ and its implications for our salvation. Journey with us as we dissect the temptations Christ faced and the flawless life He led, a cornerstone belief that's absolutely vital for every believer to grasp. Explore with us the scriptural affirmations from 2 Corinthians 5:21 to Hebrews 4:15 that establish the sin-free existence of the Savior, and understand why this conviction is non-negotiable for the integrity of the Gospel.This episode peels back the layers of what it means to live a sinless life—Jesus' life. We break down the nuanced differences between sins of commission and omission, and how Jesus' life was untouched by either. His perfect obedience to God's law wasn't just about what He didn't do; it was about everything He did do, culminating in the ultimate "great exchange" that defines our faith. We also step into the arena of theological debate, confronting the question of whether Jesus could have sinned, and the profound consequences such a possibility would have on our understanding of His divine and human nature.As we wrap up, our hearts are stirred to share the profound truth of the Gospel and the hope it brings to our everyday lives. We reflect on the gravity of Jesus' sacrifice and His role as the sinless Son of God, inviting you to join in the conversation and engage with the transformative power of His love for us. Whether you're a longtime believer or seeking answers, our dialogue extends to you, promising a deeper appreciation of the Savior's unique and impeccable nature. Stay tuned for our continued explorations into the Word of God and its glorious application to our lives.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Soli Deo Gloria: Embracing God's Exclusive Role in Our Salvation
Apr 19 2024
Soli Deo Gloria: Embracing God's Exclusive Role in Our Salvation
Ever wondered who truly deserves the credit for the miracle of salvation? Our riveting conclusion to the five-part series on the five solas of the Reformation brings to light the profound principle of "soli Deo gloria"—that all glory should be directed to God alone. We navigate through the intricacies of this concept by dissecting the monergistic approach to salvation, which stands in stark contrast to the synergistic theology proposed by the Roman Catholic Church. As we traverse the pivotal scriptures in Romans 8, we uncover the awe-inspiring truth that from start to finish, the journey of salvation is an exclusive act of God, leaving no room for human boasting.Why should it matter that Christ alone is the architect and finisher of our faith? In the heart of this episode, we make it clear that our admiration, our worship, and indeed, our very lives must be an ode to the glory of God. We challenge each other to examine the role of human constructs like creeds and church figures, reaffirming that their purpose is not to garner praise but to direct it towards the Almighty. Prepare to be inspired to live out your faith with the sole purpose of magnifying His name, as we come together in the spirit of Romans 11:36, dedicating every thought, word, and deed to His sovereign glory. Join us for this empowering conversation that promises to reshape your understanding of salvation and worship.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Theodicy Explored: Revisiting the Problem of Evil in Light of Divine Omnipotence and Benevolence
Apr 19 2024
Theodicy Explored: Revisiting the Problem of Evil in Light of Divine Omnipotence and Benevolence
Why does a good and all-powerful God allow suffering and evil to exist? Join us as we grapple with this age-old dilemma, challenging the notion that the presence of pain negates divine benevolence and omnipotence. Examine with us the philosophical and theological intricacies as we revisit critical arguments and their counters that confront the nature of God in the face of worldly suffering. Discover the possibility of a deeper divine purpose behind human tribulations, and unpack our own misconceptions about the definitions of good and evil, exploring how our limited perspectives might influence our understanding of these profound concepts.Venture beyond conventional theology with us as we scrutinize the growing popularity of open theism and process theology, movements that dare to reimagine God's classical attributes. These schools of thought propose a God who evolves in knowledge and doesn't entirely control the future—an idea that shakes the foundations of traditional doctrine. We scrutinize the scriptural fidelity of these perspectives, all while dissecting the concept of free will and its biblical context. This episode doesn't just paint the big picture; it invites you into a meticulous dissection of sin, salvation, and sovereignty, aiming to align contemporary Christian thought with the unchanging truths of Scripture.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Scripture's Supremacy and the Reformation Spark
Apr 19 2024
Scripture's Supremacy and the Reformation Spark
Discover how a single monk's defiant stance against the medieval Church ignited the flames of Reformation, forever altering the Christian landscape. Our latest Gospel Grid episode takes you back to 1521, where Martin Luther's proclamation of 'sola scriptura' – the idea that scripture alone is the ultimate authority for believers – sets the stage for a riveting exploration of faith, authority, and truth. As we dissect the implications of Luther's doctrine, we reveal the monumental impact it has on the way we interpret religious teachings and the enduring influence it holds over the church's understanding of biblical authority.Join us for a thrilling journey through history, theology, and personal conviction. We examine the roles of creeds, councils, and church leaders, acknowledging their historical significance while discerning their fallibility in the light of scripture. No bishops, no pastors, not even popes are immune to error, and we discuss why it is essential to continually reform our understanding of the Word of God. This episode of Gospel Grid is more than just a history lesson; it's an invitation to grasp the power of God's Word and its singular authority in guiding the people of God towards His glory.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
The Enigma of Evil: Reconciling Suffering with God's Sovereign Design
Apr 19 2024
The Enigma of Evil: Reconciling Suffering with God's Sovereign Design
Why does a loving, omnipotent deity allow a world riddled with pain and suffering? This haunting question is at the heart of our latest podcast, where we confront the theological and pastoral concerns it raises. As your host, I dismantle the common argument against God's existence due to the presence of evil, presenting seven robust objections that highlight the nature of God as described in the Bible. We venture beyond the surface of this profound enigma, approaching it with the sensitivity it deserves and offering a fresh perspective that reconciles the existence of evil with God's all-good, all-powerful character.In our earnest exploration, I propose a thought-provoking viewpoint: Could the existence of evil actually serve a purpose in God's grand design? We examine how the darkness of sin and suffering ultimately casts light on God's attributes of justice, wrath, and righteousness. There's no guest needed as we tackle the complexities of this issue, navigating the waters of God's sovereignty and the human condition. Join us for a session that's not just about intellectual musings, but one that provides solace and reaffirms faith amidst life's tribulations. Your participation and input are not only welcomed but also essential, as we build a community dedicated to understanding and living out the divine mysteries for His glory.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Solus Christus: Unpacking the Sole Sufficiency of Christ in Salvation
Mar 27 2024
Solus Christus: Unpacking the Sole Sufficiency of Christ in Salvation
Could the key to eternal salvation possibly be found in two words: 'Christ alone'? That's the transformative revelation we unpack in the third installment of our Roman Catholicism series, an episode that's as much a celebration of faith as it is a theological deep-dive. Join the Gospel Grit family as we share our heartfelt gratitude for the support that's been the lifeblood of this journey, fueling our passion project and fortifying the community we've built together.This episode isn't just another discourse; it's an invitation to affirm the complete, transformative work of Christ in our lives. We scrutinize the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice, contrast Protestant and Roman Catholic viewpoints, and articulate why the act of salvation is exclusive to the work of Jesus, void of any additional human deeds. Furthermore, we challenge the traditional need for mediators beyond Christ Himself, emphasizing the priesthood of all believers and the direct connection we share with God. It's an exploration into the foundations of our doctrine, celebrating the immense power and sufficiency at the heart of 'solus Christus.' Join us in a profound affirmation of our shared belief, where we find strength and unity in the cornerstone of our faith—Christ Himself.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Hell's Crucial Role in Christian Theology: A Gospel Grit Inquiry
Mar 27 2024
Hell's Crucial Role in Christian Theology: A Gospel Grit Inquiry
Can the belief in hell truly ignite our desire to save souls? Join me, Taylor Windham, in a profound exploration of hell's realities and its pivotal role in Christian theology. This episode of Gospel Grit peels back the layers of misunderstanding surrounding this most formidable of topics. We venture through Scripture's stark depictions, from the weeping and gnashing of teeth in Matthew 13 to the rich man's torment in Luke 16, revealing hell not as a medieval scare tactic but as a cornerstone of Divine justice. As we unpack the implications of eternal separation from God, we grasp more deeply the urgency of our mission to share the life-saving message of the gospel.Venturing into the sobering teachings of Jesus, we confront the uncomfortable truth that the path away from God leads to a place of unquenchable fire, as stated in Matthew 7. This episode doesn't shy away from tackling views that stray from orthodox belief—materialism, annihilationism, universalism—and why they fall short in light of scriptural evidence. Hell's existence underlines the gravity of our choices and emboldens our understanding of salvation as deliverance from sin and eternal despair. Reflecting upon our inherent purpose to glorify and serve the Creator, we are reminded that the stakes are high, not just in this life, but for eternity. Stay tuned for more Gospel Grit, where we continue to wrestle with the truths of Christianity, seeking to honor God with every difficult question we dare to ask.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Sola Gratia: Grace that is sufficient
Mar 27 2024
Sola Gratia: Grace that is sufficient
Prepare to have your understanding of one of Christianity's most critical junctures challenged and refined as we explore the seismic shifts of the Reformation. We trace the roots of religious upheaval to Martin Luther's 95 Theses and dissect the contentious Council of Trent, laying bare the contrasting views of grace and salvation that divide Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. This episode isn't just a history lesson; it's a deep dive into the gospel's core, where I take a stand for the purity of grace as a free and complete gift from God, untainted by human effort or ecclesiastical decree.As we tackle the profound differences between Catholic and Protestant doctrines, I confront the Catholic concept of grace as something dispensed through sacraments, contrasting it with the Protestant view of grace as an irrevocable act of divine generosity. I make the case that the stakes couldn't be higher, as misconceptions about salvation can lead souls astray, and call for a return to what I believe is the true biblical gospel—a message of repentance, renewal, and the definitive work of Christ.The culmination of our examination is an impassioned appeal for all, especially our Roman Catholic listeners, to critically examine their beliefs and embrace the liberating truth of the gospel as presented in Scripture. With an urgency underscored by the eternal implications, I implore believers to share the unadulterated message of grace, ensuring the gospel we uphold remains the unchanging good news that has the power to transform lives. This episode is a clarion call for spiritual regeneration and a reaffirmation of the Gospel's transformative power.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Responding to Trinitarian Heresies: The Trinity in Christian Faith
Mar 27 2024
Responding to Trinitarian Heresies: The Trinity in Christian Faith
Embark on a profound journey as we confront the enigmatic and divine mystery of the Trinity, the core of Christian theology that has confounded and comforted believers through the ages. With a careful dissection of the Westminster Confession of Faith, we illuminate the intricate relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, unraveling misconceptions and cementing the essence of this sacred doctrine. This episode promises to arm you with a deeper, scripturally sound grasp of the triune God that stands as the bedrock of our faith.As guardians of orthodoxy, we stand at the crossroads of grace and truth, treading the delicate line between heresy and misunderstanding. Through historical insights and theological discourse, we defend the biblical roots of the Trinity against naysayers and skeptics who claim pagan parallels. The dialogue takes us from the consistent monotheism of the Old Testament to the full revelation in the New Testament, solidifying the Trinity's biblical foundation. Join us in reaffirming the central, unshakable tenet of Christianity: the Trinity, a beacon of light guiding us in the pursuit of divine truth.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Sola Fide: Unearthing the Roots of the Protestant Reformation
Mar 27 2024
Sola Fide: Unearthing the Roots of the Protestant Reformation
Discover the radical convictions of John Huss that ignited a revolution in Christian thought and set ablaze the trail for the Protestant Reformation. Join Taylor Windham and step back into a time where 'sola fide'—faith alone—became the battle cry that challenged centuries of Catholic doctrine. We'll honor Huss's legacy, not only examining his courageous stance against the church's practices and his consequential martyrdom but also how his teachings inspired Martin Luther and reshaped the Christian faith. As we unfold this historical tapestry, you'll gain a deeper appreciation of the crucial distinctions between Protestant and Catholic beliefs that continue to shape our understanding of salvation.Prepare to challenge your preconceptions as we explore the multifaceted concept of grace through a Protestant lens, contrasting it sharply with Catholic perspectives. We'll dive into the heart of theological debate, scrutinizing the Catholic portrayal of grace as an infused presence requiring sacramental nurturing against the Protestant view of grace as an imputed, unearned gift from God. This episode is not just a historical recount; it's a journey to the core of what it means to embrace 'sola gratia'—grace alone—and its transformative impact on the doctrine of salvation. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that promises to enlighten your spiritual path and bring clarity to the profound questions at the heart of Christian doctrine.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Divine Cataclysm and Antediluvian Secrets: Unearthing a Biblical View of Earth's Origins
Mar 27 2024
Divine Cataclysm and Antediluvian Secrets: Unearthing a Biblical View of Earth's Origins
Embark on a groundbreaking odyssey as we challenge the bedrock of scientific consensus with scripture in hand, shedding light on a world before our time—a world shaped by divine cataclysm. On this episode of Gospel Grit, we clash with the steady-state universe theory, advocating for a young Earth molded by rapid, transformative events, particularly the Great Flood detailed in the Bible. With Noah's Ark as our compass, we navigate through a timeline that defies Darwinian evolution and the Big Bang, aligning instead with a history inscribed by divine intervention. Witness the unveiling of a narrative that reimagines the stature and longevity of pre-fall humans, connecting the degeneration of our current condition to mankind's original sin.Step into the antediluvian past where giants walked and megalithic marvels perplex modern minds. We scrutinize the possibility of no seasons before the Flood, questioning the age-old scientific account of continental drift and proposing a supercontinent that aligns with biblical chronology. From the underground waters predating geological discoveries to the colossal megalithic sites such as Gobekli Tepe, we probe the advanced capabilities of ancient civilizations. These mysterious structures, including the Great Wall of China and the Moai statues, stand as silent witnesses to a forgotten era of knowledge, challenging our understanding of ancestral ingenuity.Join us in gratitude as Gospel Grit reaches a milestone—a testament to our shared journey in faith and the quest for truth through biblical teachings. As we celebrate this feat, we reflect on our commitment to exploring the spiritual paths of the faithful, always seeking enlightenment and growth together. Your support has been the cornerstone of our community, enabling us to delve into the enigmatic past and the prophecies of our future as foretold in the Holy Scriptures. Thank you for being an integral part of these conversations that bridge the gap between our daily lives and the profound wisdom found in the Bible.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.
Charting the Course from Nihilism to Redemption
Mar 19 2024
Charting the Course from Nihilism to Redemption
Embark with me, Taylor Windham, on a soul-searching journey across the Gospel Grit, where we scrutinize the essence of atheism and its stark contrast with faith-based worldviews. Stepping out from the shadows of my own godless past, I unravel the tapestry of beliefs that compete for our hearts, examining the implications of a life devoid of deity against the backdrop of monotheism, polytheism, and pantheism. Listen closely as we traverse my transformation from staunch atheism to a profound Christian awakening, revealing the hidden costs of a life stripped of divinely ordained purpose.In the heart of our discussion, we confront the seismic impact of atheism on one's moral compass and quest for eternal hope. Through the lens of Christianity, I illuminate the perilous waters of moral relativity that beckon without the anchor of a divine moral lawgiver, and the potential void where absolute truth and post-mortem hope should reside. This conversation is an invitation to those wrestling with the allure of nihilism to discover the indomitable strength and redemptive power waiting within the embrace of faith and the timeless solace found in Christ's outstretched arms.If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, follow, share the episode, like, or check us out in YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvAv52Ldvfjf4CgYhYTZigAs always, thank you for watching Gospel Grit, where we seek to apply the Word of God, to the people of God, to the glory of God.