Jill Scott Presents: J.ill the Podcast


Jill Scott, Laiya St.Clair, and Aja Graydon-Dantzler are music and entertainment icons, but they’re also experts in the art of no-holds-barred conversations. Jill Scott Presents: J.ill the Podcast is like chilling with that friend who says what everyone wants to say but is too afraid to – times three. Expect unfiltered talk about relationships, health, art, and everything else that comes with surviving and thriving as a Black woman in the world read less

Our Editor's Take

Jill Scott Presents: J.ill the Podcast is an entertaining podcast. Singer-songwriter Jill Scott brings this show to life. She's a powerful force, a strong voice, and someone with lots to say. Joining her are entertainment icons Laiya St. Clair and Aja Graydon-Dantzler. The trio speaks about everything from media, culture, race, emotions, and more. Opinionated, enlightening, and humorous, this podcast has a bit of everything.

Jill Scott Presents: J.ill the Podcast is a show that essentially occurred offline before its official release. Scott and her fellow hosts have always shared what's on their minds. Before the podcast, they were just doing that among the three of them. With this show, they welcome listeners into their conversations. The point of inviting audiences in is to spark further conversations afterward. Scott often mentions that she hopes the topics ignite something within listeners. It could even be something bright enough to ignite a revolution.

Everything from shame, parenting, boundaries, loneliness, and holidays gets discussed here. Some topics are heavier, others more lighthearted. Listeners should know, though, that the hosts don't restrain themselves. They're not afraid to get uncomfortable or dig into taboo issues. In fact, they encourage it. Whatever topic they discuss, there's always something to learn, uncover, and ponder. The wide range keeps the show lively and ensures listeners have exposure to a wide range of issues. Afterward, audiences are likely to feel more knowledgeable. But they're also likely to have lots to mull over (and even discuss with their own friends).

As an influential personality with great success in music, Jill is a fitting host. She and her cohosts have soulful, soothing voices, resulting in easy listening. Sometimes light jazz intersperses content to mark topic or section changes. Unsurprisingly, the show will likely be enjoyable for fans of the singer. New Jill Scott Presents: J.ill the Podcast episodes come out each week.

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