Nov 24 2024
Welcome to 'The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so here:
In Episode 8, we read from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 6-10).
In this episode, we continue in Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount, where we learn about the importance of righteousness, and endurance in the faith. Jesus tells us how to pray (with The Our Father), and teaches the necessity of forgiveness. We are told how to fast, and reminded of how blessed we truly are. I explore the idea of life being like a dream. Jesus tells us where to find our True treasure, and teaches us the difference between abundance and scarcity mindsets. We are told that we cannot serve both God and money, and Jesus tells us not to worry about anything, because God knows what we need before we even ask. He tells us to “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and God’s righteousness,” and everything else will be added unto us. We are told that we have to ask for the things that we want, seek in order to find, and knock for the doors to be opened. Jesus tells us that we should not judge anyone, or we will be judged by the same measure. We are told to watch out for false prophets, and what it means to be a True Disciple of Christ. By their fruit, we will know them, so we must get better at discerning between the fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We have to enter through the narrow gate, because wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and not everyone who says “Lord, Lord,” to Jesus will enter into Heaven. We must make sure to build on a strong foundation and we will be blessed according to our faith. Jesus performs many miracles and calms a storm, proving again to be God in the flesh. He is even recognized by the demons that he casts out of people. Jesus tells His disciples to follow Him, and even includes unlikely characters, like the author of this Gospel, Matthew, who was a tax collector. Jesus says that the harvest is plentiful, but that the workers are few, so He calls His disciples (and all of us), to share the Gospel. He sends us out as “sheep among wolves,” and prepares us for the inevitable persecutions and betrayals that we will face, but we must stand firm in our faith, and endure till the end.
This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.
If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and follow on Instagram.