The Truth in The Word

Tennille Amor

The Truth in the Word - Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor, is for anyone interested in doing an in-depth study of The Word to unlock the life-changing Truths that are found in it. For those who may be curious about the Bible, but feel overwhelmed and need some support to start reading. For Christians who want a deeper Scriptural understanding and for people of other faiths who are interested in knowing more about God through the Bible. Beginning with a Bible Study and later hearing from people whose lives have been changed for the better from understanding 'The Truth in The Word.' read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Dec 29 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so here: For merch, go here: In Episode 13 we read from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 25-28. In this episode, Jesus tells His disciples 3 parables preparing them for Heaven. In The Parable of the Ten Virgins, He reminds them of the importance of being ready, because we do not know when He will return to judge the world. In the Parable of the Talents, we are told to be faithful with what we have been given in order to multiply it and receive more. In The Sheep and the Goats, we learn that it is better in Jesus’ eyes to be considered a sheep rather than a goat, because those who are the sheep of The Good Shepherd are the ones who will be with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus has His famous “Last Supper” with His disciples and says that one of them will betray Him. Shortly after, Judas betrays Jesus, and hands Him over to be crucified. Peter denies Jesus 3 times, just as Jesus told him he would. Jesus prays and asks The Father if there is any other way for humanity to be saved, but acknowledges that His death for the forgiveness of all sins is the only way, and so accepts His fate. We read about Jesus’ awful death on the cross from Matthew’s perspective, and hear about what happened immediately after He died. We learn about what happened to those who died before Jesus came to earth, and find out about the temple veil being split in two. The guards at Jesus’ tomb witness the miracle of His resurrection, but accept a bribe to lie about what actually happened. We hear a supporting account from Matthew of what we learned from John’s Gospel, about the importance of women when it came to spreading The Good News about Jesus’ resurrection. While He could have chosen anyone to reveal Himself to after He rose from the dead, Jesus chose to go to the women first, and told them to share the news with His disciples. Another example of the revolutionary power of a God Who exists outside of time, but Who uses the culture of the time to make clear the message - that salvation is available to everyone, and that all are equal under Christ. Jesus tells His disciples to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” “and teaching them to obey” His commandments. He tells them that He will be with us until the end of the age. And with that, we complete our study of the Gospel of Matthew, and wrap up this season of ‘The Truth in The Word.’ Thank you so much for taking this journey with me, and God willing, I will see you again soon for Season 2.  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text. If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T") and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Dec 22 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so here: For merch, go here: In Episode 12 we read from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 24.  In this episode, we discuss The End Times, as they are described by Jesus in Matthew 24, and prophesied about in the Book of Daniel from the Old Testament. We will learn about the Antichrist, and will continue to discuss whether “The Rapture” is a theory that can be supported by Biblical Scripture, and from Jesus’ own words. I compare the vision that was supposedly given to Mohammed as the foundation of Islam, with the prophecies and visions that are found in the 66 Books in the Bible, from over 40 different authors. We learn about “The Abomination that causes Desolation,” and are told that many “false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” I share my thoughts on the strange “signs and wonders” that are happening in the world today, from the mysterious “drones” that have recently appeared all over the United States, to AI, to Elon Musk, to Neurolink, to the deception of social media. We are told what will happen to “the wicked,” and are told to prepare for the coming tribulation, so we are able to endure until the end. We hear about Jesus’ Second Coming, what will happen on His return, and are told that He will reign in an Everlasting Kingdom, where “all nations and people of every language [will] worship Him.” Since it took me longer than I thought to get through this Chapter, you will be getting a bonus episode next week, to wrap up Season 1 of ‘The Truth in The Word.’  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved
Dec 15 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so here: For merch, go here: In Episode 11 we read from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 20 - 23). In this episode, we see more of Old Testament prophecy fulfilled through the life of Jesus. Jesus reminds us that in order to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, we must humble ourselves, and become like children, because “the first will be last, and the last will be first.” He tells us that while we may think that we know who God will allow into Heaven, we may be surprised at who will actually be there. He says that tax collectors and prostitutes will get in before some of the religious people listening to His message. Jesus addresses the Pharisees and Sadducees in different ways, giving both groups warnings about their wrongful practices. He says that many of the overly religious people are behaving like hypocrites and actors, more concerned with how they are being perceived by others, instead of really changing from the inside, out. Jesus highlights the importance of changed behavior when we say that we are followers of God. He makes it clear that we must know what we want when we ask Him for something, and says that those who have faith and do not doubt, but believe, will receive what they ask for. Jesus asks the Pharisees whose Son the Messiah is, and corrects them when they say that He is the Son of David. He lets us know why He is worthy of being praised, and tells us that He is the cornerstone of our faith. Jesus shares God’s invitation to the Kingdom of Heaven with us, and reminds us of the importance of the Commandments to love God above all things, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. He tells us that we have only One Father (God in Heaven), and only One Teacher (the Messiah), meaning that none of us should elevate ourselves above others. He says that our perception of what happens in Heaven to those who are married on Earth is wrong. He reprimands the Sadducees for their abuse of the Temple, and differentiates between what belongs to Caesar, and what belongs to God. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, as was predicted by the prophet Zechariah, and the crowd in attendance says, “Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.”  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Dec 8 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so here: For merch, go here: In Episode 10 we read from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 15 -19). In this episode we hear about the Transfiguration of Jesus, when He was met by Moses and Elijah at the top of a Holy mountain with 3 of His disciples, and God appeared in a bright cloud above them and said, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!” We also hear of the Pharisees and Sadducees testing Jesus on what He believes. We learn of the faith of a Canaanite woman, which proves, once again, that Jesus came not only for the Jews, but for everyone. Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah that the Jews had been waiting on, and Jesus tells him that He will build His church on him. Jesus predicts His death, and Peter tries to stop Him. Jesus says that with faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains. Jesus tells Peter to “go fish” for money. Jesus tells the disciples that in order to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, we must become like little children. We learn about the importance of forgiveness. Jesus explains the Heavenly perspective on marriage, divorce, and singleness, and we are warned about the trappings of wealth.  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Dec 1 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so here: In Episode 9 we read from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 11-14). In this episode, we will be contemplating whether “The Rapture” is Biblical. We hear about the time that Jesus walked on water, and what He said to Peter after He called Him out of the boat to walk on water with Him. We hear about John The Baptist’s last days on Earth, and his tragic death. Matthew shares the miracle of feeding the 5000 from his perspective. We find out some of Jesus’ views on the Sabbath, and learn about more of His many miracles. Jesus tells us to find rest in Him by taking on His yoke. We hear about Jesus fulfilling more of the Old Testament prophesies. We learn about the one unforgivable sin. We find out about the importance of being mindful of our words. Jesus tells us that He is the only sign we need to know that God is Who He says He is. We learn about the True followers of Jesus, and who He considers to be His family. We find out the importance of having The Holy Spirit dwell in us. Jesus tells The Parable of the Sower, The Parable of the Weeds, The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast, The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl, and the Parable of the Net. His disciples ask Jesus why He speaks in Parables, and He tells them what it means to have “eyes to see and ears to hear.” Jesus warns us about the deceitfulness of wealth, and where to find True treasure, and He says that a prophet doesn’t have honor in his hometown because the people there don’t have the faith to see them for who they Truly are. I encourage you to seek out your True purpose if you haven’t yet found it, and to follow the path that God has called you to, with unwavering faith if you feel certain about what you are here to do.  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Nov 24 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so here: In Episode 8, we read from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 6-10). In this episode, we continue in Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount, where we learn about the importance of righteousness, and endurance in the faith. Jesus tells us how to pray (with The Our Father), and teaches the necessity of forgiveness. We are told how to fast, and reminded of how blessed we truly are. I explore the idea of life being like a dream. Jesus tells us where to find our True treasure, and teaches us the difference between abundance and scarcity mindsets. We are told that we cannot serve both God and money, and Jesus tells us not to worry about anything, because God knows what we need before we even ask. He tells us to “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and God’s righteousness,” and everything else will be added unto us. We are told that we have to ask for the things that we want, seek in order to find, and knock for the doors to be opened. Jesus tells us that we should not judge anyone, or we will be judged by the same measure. We are told to watch out for false prophets, and what it means to be a True Disciple of Christ. By their fruit, we will know them, so we must get better at discerning between the fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We have to enter through the narrow gate, because wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and not everyone who says “Lord, Lord,” to Jesus will enter into Heaven.  We must make sure to build on a strong foundation and we will be blessed according to our faith. Jesus performs many miracles and calms a storm, proving again to be God in the flesh. He is even recognized by the demons that he casts out of people. Jesus tells His disciples to follow Him, and even includes unlikely characters, like the author of this Gospel, Matthew, who was a tax collector. Jesus says that the harvest is plentiful, but that the workers are few, so He calls His disciples (and all of us), to share the Gospel. He sends us out as “sheep among wolves,” and prepares us for the inevitable persecutions and betrayals that we will face, but we must stand firm in our faith, and endure till the end.  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Nov 17 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so ⁠here⁠.  In Episode 7, we read from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 2-5). In this episode, we hear about Jesus’ birth, and the ways that Joseph listened to the guidance he was getting from his dreams to ensure that Jesus was protected, both before, and after His birth. We are told about the Magi (the wise men) who came to worship baby Jesus after hearing about His birth. We learn about “Herod the Great,” one of the most powerful men in history, and are told how he tried to kill Jesus when He was still just a baby. We are re-introduced to John the Baptist (this time, through Matthew’s portrayal of Jesus’ baptism). Satan tries to tempt Jesus 3 times by using the Word of God in an attempt to trick Him, but Jesus responds with a deeper understanding of God’s Word, proving that He is, in fact, the True embodiment of The Word in the flesh. Jesus calls on His young disciples to follow Him, and begin their tutelage under Him. Many people from multiple towns of both Jews and non-Jewish people follow Jesus because of his teachings. In Chapter 5, we begin to read Jesus’ famous ‘Sermon on the Mount,’ where He shares some of His most quoted Scripture. In ‘The Beatitudes,’ Jesus gives us an unlikely list of those who are blessed by God. Jesus tells us that He did not come to abolish the Law, but instead to fulfill it. He instructs us to be the “Salt of the Earth,” and tells us that we are “The Light of the World,” emphasizing the importance of representing His light to others in our lives. We are given a deeper understanding of what God meant by His commandments not to murder, commit adultery, divorce, or swear by oaths. Jesus makes it clear that the most important thing to understand about these laws is that God wants us to have a heart posture of righteousness and mercy. Jesus tells us that we are to love not only our neighbors, but also our enemies. We are told that this is what will make us stand out as followers of Christ, as opposed to those who are following other beliefs and religious practices. We being called to be perfect, as our Father in Heaven is perfect.  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Nov 10 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so ⁠here⁠.  In Episode 6, we read Chapter 20 and 21 in The Gospel of John, and begin the Gospel of Matthew by reading the Genealogy of Jesus and the rest of Chapter 1. I give historical and cultural context to the Scripture and provide a deeper understanding of the text as we read.  In this episode, we learn about Jesus' resurrection, and the role that women (specifically Mary Magdalene) played in spreading The Good News (The Gospel). I share a dream that God gave to me to reveal the Truth about Jesus. We learn about the proof that Jesus provided to Thomas to ease his doubt about His death and resurrection. We learn about the sacrifices Peter made to ensure that he never betrayed Jesus again, and we gain an understanding of the significance of the Genealogy of Jesus through His adopted father, Joseph, as found in the Gospel of Matthew.  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Nov 3 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so ⁠here⁠.  In Episode 5, we read from The Gospel of John, Chapters 15-19. I give historical and cultural context to the Scripture and provide a deeper understanding of the text as we read.  In this episode, we learn about the importance of remaining in Jesus ("the True vine"), in order to bear good fruit. We are given Jesus' command to “Love one another,” and are told that there is no greater love than “to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” We are also told that as Christians, we should come to expect resistance and some sort of persecution in this life, because the teachings in the Bible are countercultural. But we are told not to worry about the suffering we face in this life, because we are “not of this world.” Jesus makes clear the role of the Holy Spirit, and shares the responsibility of being part of The Body of Christ. He tells us that whatever we ask for in His Name will be granted to us by God. We hear of Judas’ ultimate betrayal of Jesus, and read about the charges brought against Him to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. Jesus tells Plilate that He has come “to testify to the Truth,” and Pilate asks Him, “What is Truth?” We hear about the crucifixion and the death of Jesus, and the ways in which this fulfilled more of the Old Testament prophecies. “It is finished.” This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Oct 27 2024
Welcome to '⁠⁠The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'⁠⁠. If you would like to go deeper with a like-minded community, or want to work with Tennille directly, you can do so ⁠here⁠. In Episode 4, we read from The Gospel of John, Chapters 10-14. I give historical and cultural context to the Scripture and provide a deeper understanding of the text as we read.  In this episode, we hear about Jesus raising a man from the dead, after weeping and empathizing with His loved ones. We learn about the fulfillment of many of the Old Testament prophesies, from the books of Isaiah, Zechariah and Psalms. We hear about Jesus riding on a donkey, and come to understand what it means to be a Good Shepherd. We are told that when Jesus returns to the Father, we will receive The Spirit of Truth (or the Holy Spirit), which will guide us on the path of righteousness. We learn the importance of having a servant heart, and are told that we must love one another. Jesus says that He will do anything that we ask in His Name, as long as we obey Him and follow His teachings. We learn that Jesus and God, The Father, are One, and that The Father is glorified in The Son. Jesus says that He is “The Way, The Truth, and The Life,” and “no one comes to The Father, except through (Him).” He is the gate, and whoever enters through Him will be saved.  This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text.  If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and ⁠⁠follow on Instagram⁠⁠.  PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE (All Rights Reserved)
Oct 20 2024
Welcome to 'The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor'. In Episode 3, we read from The Gospel of John, Chapters 6-9. I give historical and cultural context to the Scripture and provide a deeper understanding of the text as we read. If you would like to go deeper in your walk, click here. In this episode, we hear about Jesus feeding 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. We learn about the importance of giving thanks for everything that we have, and letting nothing go to waste. We hear about Jesus walking on water and giving sight to a blind man. We learn that Jesus is the Bread of Life, and find out what it means to "eat (His) flesh, and drink (His) blood," in order to have Eternal Life. We question whether Jesus was a prophet, or the promised Messiah. We learn about Him being "The Light of the World." We explore the topic of slavery in the Bible, and what Jesus meant when He said, "The Truth will set you free." We find out that Jesus existed before Abraham, even though Abraham was on Earth thousands of years before Jesus was born. We uncover more prophesies from the Old Testament which speak about the coming of Jesus, including Daniel's prophesy about "The Son of Man." This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text. If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes, and follow on Instagram. PODCAST PRODUCED BY: THE KING'S TABLE
Oct 13 2024
Welcome to The Truth in the Word: Understanding the Bible with Tennille Amor. In Episode 2, we read from The Gospel of John, Chapters 1-5. I give historical and cultural context to the Scripture and provide a deeper understanding of the text as we read. If you would like to go deeper in your walk, click here. These Chapters introduce Jesus as The Word in the flesh, the Son of God, the Messiah, the Anointed One, and the Savior of the World. We learn about what it means to be "Born again," and hear about Jesus' first miracles, including turning water into wine, and healing the sick. This is the part of the Bible where we find the well-known verse, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." It also contains the famous story of 'The Woman at the Well,' and the paralyzed man who Jesus tells to "Get up" and "walk." Jesus also compares Himself to the Prophets of the Old Testament, and other "prophets" who may come after Him, giving a clear reason for why we should follow Him. This is a great introduction to the Bible if you've never read it before, and hopefully provides some new perspectives, if you've read it many times and are looking for a deeper understanding of the text. If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes.
Oct 6 2024
Welcome to 'The Truth in The Word' with Tennille Amor. In Episode 1, I share my reasons for starting this podcast, and give some of my personal testimony. I talk about my search for Truth by studying different religions and philosophies, and share about the many dark paths that I went down before finally surrendering to the fullness of God's light. I explain some of the differences between Judaism, Islam, New Age Spirituality and Christianity, and how I went from agnosticism to faith in Christ. I also read from The Book of John, Chapter 1, Verses 1-14, breaking down the meaning behind The Truth in The Word. If you are on a journey to Truth (with a capital "T"), and if you want to understand why Christianity presents the most logical explanation of God, then this is the podcast for you. If you have always wanted to know what is in the Bible, but feel too overwhelmed and daunted to read it for yourself, then this is the podcast for you. If you are Christian, and want to brush up on your understanding and reading of The Word, then this is the podcast for you. If you are any other religion (or atheist) and want to have a better understanding of what is found in Christian Scripture, then this is the podcast for you. If you are on a journey of discovery, and want to know The Truth in The Word, then this is the podcast for you. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I look forward to sharing more of The Truth in The Word with you. Please be sure to subscribe for weekly episodes.