The Indian American Experience Podcast


In our country, Indian Americans are a group that defies being painted in one stroke, be it in political/ideological leanings, definition of identity, or perception of their place in society. So, why not then hear directly from a diverse group of Indian-Americans, or desis, their experience, through light-hearted, casual conversations, and see if we can find common threads, maybe shed some myths, and hear some interesting stories!

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30: Suren Pai - A Tireless Individualist, Innovator, Maverick
6d ago
30: Suren Pai - A Tireless Individualist, Innovator, Maverick
Suren Pai, in his various roles as an engineer, management consultant, C-suite executive, entrepreneur, and most recently, advisor and mentor to entrepreneurs, has fearlessly followed his passion and creativity and commitment to innovation. He sees himself as a tinkerer and builder, always ready and almost impatient to apply his skills to solve a new problem and build a new product. Suren mentions it only casually but it was him along with his team that helped build the digital audio technology that now powers HD Am/Fm and XM radio. That and his other accomplishments in his various roles and avatars are a testament to Suren’s commitment to apply his creative skills to challenge status quo. In his words, there are two kinds of engineers - those that run trains and those that build them - and he chooses to be one of the latter kind. In his message to the younger generation and the community at large he reiterates the importance of using one’s privilege and resources to achieve bigger and better things. He shuns the concept of being too old for anything and my guess is his next venture may have something to do with anti-aging technology?It may be antithetical to the concept of my podcast - or maybe not - but Suren would urge everyone to not build their sense of self or identity in any way restricted by heritage or tradition and just be doggedly individualistic, which  according to him, is an opportunity that living in America allows for generously and should be fully utilized. In his view, a proud Indian American is at the same time a proud American and a proud global citizen. More about Suren Pai at LinkedIn/in/SurenPaiFollow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook: directly  contact me with questions or about being a guest on my show, email me here:
29: Puja Shah - An Author with Beautiful Strength and Thoughtful Intelligence
Jun 3 2024
29: Puja Shah - An Author with Beautiful Strength and Thoughtful Intelligence
My guest Puja Shah, one of my younger guests, may also be one of the most articulate and thoughtful. Maybe it comes from her long journey being deeply creative, or maybe it comes from an equally long journey straddling the duality of her cultural identity, or both, but it surely makes her a sensitive, responsible and outstanding member of the Indian American community.The experience of being first generation with immigrant parents was tricky and challenging, and Puja found her outlet in poetry and the spoken word from a young age.  She trained to be a dentist, but deep-seated creativity found her and brought her back to the path of writing, one of the results of which is her first book ‘For My Sister’.  Puja beautifully explains how her time spent immersed in yoga and meditation helped her close the distance between her medical training and her creative pursuits.Puja eloquently explains her experience of the duality of cultures and how she tackled it and did it justice as an Indian American woman, author, mother, wife and daughter. Talking about her writing and the importance of her book’s theme and setting (in India), she stresses the importance of “own voice” fiction in connecting with and understanding the message of a piece of writing, for example, embodying the expression ‘burying her face into her mom’s sari’.She also brings out the very important point of being critical of the not-so-palatable or the darker aspects of the Indian culture that she has encountered and learnt about and she explains with earnestness how that is something for an Indian or anyone who has inherited their culture to recognize and try to address as well as the more obvious pride-worthy aspects of it, even if they are not unique to one culture. Some issues she feels strongly about are trafficking, child marriage and colorism.  And she recognizes that the solutions can start with simply having meaningful conversations as a community and not brushing matters under the rug with the assumption that ‘this is just how it is’.  And these sentiments pervade over and have seeped into the origins of her novel. Puja also shares her aspirations for her book and allows us a taste of the theme of her second book.  Sharing stories that come from the heart and touch everyone in their own personal way, to her, is the true legacy of creative work.More about Puja Shah and her work: My Sister: Shah, Puja: me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook:
27: Rahul Gosain: A Force of Brilliance
May 20 2024
27: Rahul Gosain: A Force of Brilliance
Rahul Gosain’s is a story of generous grace, positivity, supreme accomplishment, and an attitude that would make a saint blush. Being a medical oncologist, he has no dearth of reasons to be very proud, but what he focuses on from his experience treating patients and seeing a sobering level of pain, is a determinedly down-to-earth attitude and a perspective that pervades his philosophy on life and people. Rahul is a practicing medical oncologist in Rochester, New York. Besides his clinical duties, he is also the Regional Infusion Director of Wilmot Cancer Institute overlooking 14 infusion sites. He is also a co-host of a podcast the “Oncology Brothers” with his brother Rohit (also a medical oncologist). He is a father to two young daughters. You’ll often hear him mention his wife Suparna who, in his words, is the person who keeps him grounded, sane, and is his best friend. In this interview, Rahul indulges me by reflecting on his sense of identity, how much his Indian heritage plays into it and how his time in Canada and the US modulated it. His aspirations as a parent drive a lot of his idealism, and his passion to be the best possible role model for his young children dictates the choices he makes, and is a big part of his own aspirations for the future. At the same time, Rahul also carries a strong sense of community and hopes to see the Indian American community keep finding touch-points and common ground to continue to inspire and raise one another up. Listen to Rahul’s podcast at about Rahul at me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook:
25: Sejal Desai: Working Tirelessly For Both Her Homes
May 6 2024
25: Sejal Desai: Working Tirelessly For Both Her Homes
Sejal Desai‘s is a riveting story of dedication and drive. She is an admirable steward of both the Indian and American parts of her identity. With a passion now for her nonprofit work, Sejal has had a long and varied career which has helped build an outlook that makes her embrace with pride her heritage as well as her adopted home. Sejal is the Executive Director of Akanksha Education Fund, an education nonprofit that runs public private partnership schools in India for children from low income communities. She has been a passionate advocate and supporter of various US and India based nonprofits focusing on education, hunger relief and women’s issues. Her 30-year career includes work in sectors like venture capital, M&A, accounting, entrepreneurship, nonprofit and corporate social responsibility. Among other career highlights, she was a co-founder of a tech incubator, STARTech, she also started a social venture, SevaYatra focused on engaging US-based universities and multinational corporations with India based NGOs.  Sejal was named Woman of the Year by the Greater Dallas Asian American Chamber of Commerce in 2019, and also won the Dallas Business Journal Women in Business Award in 2019 and the Audrey Kaplan Inspiring WOMEN of the Southwest award. Sejal truly is a shining example of balance, be it work-life/home-life, home culture/adopted culture, ambition/grounded-ness, and satisfaction/aspirations. I hope listening to this inspires the listeners as much as it did me.Sejal’s organization:Akanksha Education Fund – Giving and Getting Involved in the U.S. Philanthropy Alliance about Sejal at me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook:
23: Kruti and Deepak: Balancing Roots and Traditions with the American Life
Apr 22 2024
23: Kruti and Deepak: Balancing Roots and Traditions with the American Life
Kruti and Deepak’s compatibility as a couple belies their very different environments growing up. While Kruti grew up in Mumbai, India, Deepak grew up in the US in NY/NJ. Their story and their own reflections are proof that this diversity of backgrounds allows for them to complement as well as reinforce each other’s value systems.  I absolutely enjoyed myself as they candidly shared with me how they met and decided to get married, followed by Kruti’s experiences while acculturating and adjusting to life in the US. It is very revealing as well as heartwarming as they answer my questions on identity, and explain the pros and cons of having lived through the stereotype that existed for the Gujarati Indian American community in the motel industry. It is impressive to hear from them how that business model worked to uplift various members of an extended family who brought different skills to the table, resulting in success that could be ‘duplicated’. Kruti and Deepak also discuss, illustrated by funny and relatable anecdotes, raising kids and interacting with other members of the Indian American community, while working to disseminate Indian culture through celebrations of important holidays. This episode definitely stacks up as evidence, yet again, of the values that tie us all together and the individual differences that make us distinct from one another and truly a part of a mosaic in American society.Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook:
22: Rippi Karda: I Am Unapologetically Me
Apr 15 2024
22: Rippi Karda: I Am Unapologetically Me
My very accomplished guest, whose story is as much about her own success as about finding ways to help uplift others, candidly shares with me her motivations and convictions behind that aspiration, as well as, the journey that brought her to the successful place she is at currently. You might as well take notes as you listen because Rippi goes into detail about what she recognizes as the key elements in achieving success.  While recounting her personal journey, she conveys that success is neither easy nor trivial, and is surely not a solitary path. Then, she not only shares what she has learned in her long and successful journey to be the important ingredients of anyone’s success, but also, emphasizes the importance of using the success anyone has achieved to bring others up and sharing the privileges, lessons learned, and influence acquired.  She then goes on to expressively describe her personal definition of her identity, where her Punjabi, Indian, and Canadian roots have melded into her strongly American identity. She even identifies the traits that make her truly American, albeit tongue-in-cheek. Her Go Big or Stay Home attitude, and her self-proclaimed ostentatiousness that she stoutly prides herself in, in her view, make her downright American! We also go into the perception of the gender role of a woman in America, and Rippi puts to rest any doubts that I may have had as to my sense of empowerment as a woman!Rippi’s CliftonStrengths are Woo, Communication, Activator, Strategic and Futuristic. The following organizations have recognized her for her legal achievements: 2024 Influencers: Women in Business Award, Tri-County Bar Association Legal Excellence Award, Corporate Counsel Business Journal’s 2023 Inaugural Top 50 Women to Watch, NJBIZ - 2023 Leaders in Law Award, 2023 Women in Business Leaders Award, Rutgers Law School 2023 MAPS Groundbreaker Award, South Asian Bar Association of North America – 2022 Cornerstone Award, and the South Asian Bar Association of New Jersey – 2019 In House Counsel of the Year.Some of the communities, initiatives and organizations that Rippi refers to on the interview are:SABA-NJ at https:/’s Attorney of the Week series is on her LinkedIn profile at’s candidate of choice:Ravi Bhalla for Congress me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook:
18: Maneesha Ahluwalia: A Riveting yet Relatable Story of Strength, Resilience and Emotional Agility
Jan 29 2024
18: Maneesha Ahluwalia: A Riveting yet Relatable Story of Strength, Resilience and Emotional Agility
My guest Dr. Maneesha Ahluwalia is a Life Coach, specializing in coaching Indian-Americans.  She talks and writes openly about marriage and in-law stress, infertility stress, divorce and love after divorce, and more.  Her social media posts are inspiring, drawing on her courage and willingness to be vulnerable about topics usually considered taboo in Indian culture.  She's also a speaker, author, competitive tennis player, and a mom to Misha, Mirchi and Jaggery, her Indian street dog and two kittens.  In her previous avatar she worked as an Infectious Diseases physician, and recently retired from that career when she learned that Life Coaching was a calling for her in a way that medicine never was.    In this interview that may be brief but is densely candid, heartwarming, touching and even provocative, Maneesha shares her journey as a daughter of Indian parents who broke barriers, a wife and a daughter-in-law who struggled with expectations and unfair pressures, and came out on top, and at the end of it a powerful individual. She has beautifully transformed her experiences into something extremely positive, and now uses her lived experience with others through Life Coaching.  This conversation touches so many points that have come up on this podcast, especially the elusive art of good parenting, and it also lays the groundwork for my next season when I will be interviewing members of the younger generation of Indian Americans.You can find Dr. Maneesha Ahluwalia here:Website: me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook:
17: Reena and Viren: Answering Big Questions on Life, Work and The True Meaning of Yoga
Jan 22 2024
17: Reena and Viren: Answering Big Questions on Life, Work and The True Meaning of Yoga
Viren embarked on his journey to the US about 35 years back, leaving India to do MBA here. In his ensuing career he played a pivotal role in the world of  International Business. He is recently retired from his corporate career but remains an influential figure in the business and financial landscape.  Reena came here in 1990 to join Viren after they got married. After a career in accounting, she is now a full time yoga teacher by ‘passion and profession’ in her own words. Reena and Viren have two adult daughters. Together they reflect on their personal and professional lives and answer my questions on acculturation and the challenges of parenting while balancing two cultures. This interview stands out in that both Reena and Viren thoughtfully answer my difficult questions about defining what American influences looked like for them versus their Indian heritage while recalling some very interesting stories and experiences. Viren brings up building relationships as something he learnt in his Indian upbringing and talks about how he applied that to his professional roles in the American workforce. Reena shares her knowledge and deep insight into yoga and its many aspects and helps me understand something I only knew about in a cursory way earlier. As usual I also ask them about what they aspire for in the near future, and it brings forth not only some answers but also questions about what the ultimate goal of life is, and when to slow down versus continuing to fire on all cylinders for a little bit longer!Reena’s yoga website address: YogawithReena.comReena’s Instagram: @Yoga.with.reenaFollow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook:
16: Alka and Amit: Balancing Spontaneity with Wisdom and Thoughtfulness
Jan 15 2024
16: Alka and Amit: Balancing Spontaneity with Wisdom and Thoughtfulness
My guests Alka and Amit, a power couple from San Jose, California, both grew up in India: Alka in Bombay, and Amit in and around Punjab. Alka is a clinical psychologist by training and Amit is VP of Software Engineering at Applied Materials. They have two grown up sons.  Alka loves old movies and music, and writes poetry in her free time. She probably gets her creative genes from her uncle, the Indian cinema icon Dev Anand.  Amit has had a long and illustrious career in Silicon Valley, and in his free time he is an ardent reader and golfer and is an aspiring carpenter. Listen as they give their individual takes on assimilation, parenting, stereotypes, and definition of identity.  Amit explains the visible presence of Indians in the field of Information Technology as a result of the confluence of a few factors that worked in their favor historically and continue to currently.  My question on their future plans forces them to reflect and take a step inward to delve into what’s important to them.  They may, between the two of them, have different views and opinions, but it’s clear that they share an intimacy and trust that lets them give each other the space to see things their own way while maintaining a healthy common outlook … and giving me a very entertaining podcast episode!Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook: #IndianAmerican#indiansinIT#devanandfans#desisabroad#desipodcast
13: Ashish Shah: Living Artfully a Life of Calm Balance, Meaning and Humility
Dec 11 2023
13: Ashish Shah: Living Artfully a Life of Calm Balance, Meaning and Humility
Ashish Shah’s is a story of having taken with grace what life put on his plate and making of it the most - balancing his sense of duty and his heritage with his interests and inclinations in an organic, spontaneous way. From being the only student of Indian descent throughout school, to the difficult schedule during his physician training, he took it in his stride and marched on unfazed and with humility. Ashish has led a life of deep meaning, not only in his professional life in pediatrics, but also through his passion for volunteering, all of this while enjoying it all and sprinkling it with a sense of humor. His ‘looking forward to Monday morning’ sums up not only his level of comfort and expertise in what he does but also his focus on what’s right and meaningful. By reigniting his passion for music, he has added another dimension of fun and meaning to his life. His beautiful, lilting music composition that you hear on this episode and his deep-rooted understanding of music is a testament to the fact that at any stage of one’s life, one can add richness and meaning if they choose to pursue a passion and give it time and energy while fulfilling the obligations and everyday demands of life. Ashish’s favorite volunteering organization: me on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and for more podcast episode updates:Facebook: