The Coach's Corner

Denley McIntosh

Hosted by Denley McIntosh, The Coach's Corner explores life, both personally and professionally, with the goal of coaching and empowering others to listen with compassion, act with courage and live with purpose and joy in the community of others. Learn more at: read less


Living the Renaissance Life – Steps for Pivoting Well & Recreating Your Life During Midlife Moments with Nasoan Sheftel-Gomes
May 21 2024
Living the Renaissance Life – Steps for Pivoting Well & Recreating Your Life During Midlife Moments with Nasoan Sheftel-Gomes
What do you do when your life is falling apart? When the people you depend on seem to have walked out, leaving you alone? How do you pick up the broken pieces and start again? In a time of global change and disruptions, many lives have been unexpectedly shattered. How do you pivot and recreate your life?In this podcast, we’ll explore how to start over and recapture the best of the past to create a brighter future. Join me and my guest, Nasoan Sheftel-Gomes, as she shares insights on living the renaissance life. If your life has been broken in some way, don’t miss this episode—it’s all about picking up the pieces and starting anew.Nasoan Sheftel-Gomes, is an attorney, leadership coach, and diversity, equity inclusion and belonging strategist. Her expertise is in organizational development, program development, operations, human resources, labor management, strategic planning, and compliance. She has led organizational transformation, diversity and anti-bias initiatives and supported leadership development within unionized and non-unionized workforces. Nasoan's passion lies in supporting the development of tomorrow's leaders to shape and grow organizations that center equity, uphold anti-racism, value diversity and support leadership at all levels.  Nasoan’s consulting and coaching business, Transformative Leadership Collective, coaches leaders to examine their role in creating organizational culture and connects them with their core leadership values, self-awareness, resilience, strengthens relationship building skills, improves decision-making skills, and support an equity-driven organizational culture that inspires a sense of worker cohesion and collective purpose. Nasoan believes good leadership requires the skills to engage in difficult conversations that further connection and understanding. Nasoan supports leaders in developing the skills needed to lead diverse teams, de-bias systems and create transformational organizations. Nasoan received her JD from the City University of New York School of Law, her Masters in Journalism from the University of California Berkeley, and her bachelors in Sociology from Clark University. She is a certified professional leadership coach and received her Certification in Diversity Equity and Inclusion through Cornell University. She is licensed to practice law in the State of New York and lives in Los Angeles, CA.To learn more, visit: to more episodes on Mission Matters:
Time is All a Child Hears: How to Make Your Time Count with Your Child
Apr 23 2024
Time is All a Child Hears: How to Make Your Time Count with Your Child
Our children are facing unprecedented challenges, and they need our support more than ever. As the U.S. Surgeon General aptly stated, these difficulties are uniquely complex and difficult to navigate. Despite our best intentions, many of us find ourselves unsure of how to help. There’s no simple solution, and the path forward is far from straightforward. But one thing is clear: it will require time and intentional effort to truly understand and connect with our children.The Surgeon General reminds us that there’s no map for this journey. The road is winding, filled with unexpected twists and turns. As parents, educators, and caregivers, we grapple with questions: How do we bridge the gap? How do we guide our children through this intricate landscape? The answer lies in recognizing the value of time—the precious moments we spend getting to know our children.Time is more than minutes ticking away on a clock. It’s an investment—an opportunity to build trust, understanding, and connection. When we truly know our children—their dreams, fears, and aspirations—we can better support them. But if we overlook the significance of time, the crisis will persist.Join us on this podcast as we explore how to use this time effectively, so our children can truly hear us and find their way in this complex world.To learn more, visit: to more episodes on Mission Matters:
Entering the World of Your Child: Tips for Parenting in a Changing World
Mar 12 2024
Entering the World of Your Child: Tips for Parenting in a Changing World
In today’s world, parenting has become more challenging. The cacophony of competing voices, the plethora of options, and the relentless demands can overwhelm even the most well-intentioned parents. We often unwittingly contribute to this pressure by setting high expectations. But here’s the catch: we don’t always comprehend our children’s world. When we lack understanding, we inadvertently appear alien to them. So, how can we bridge this gap?Join us on this special episode of The Coach’s Corner. I’ll be in conversation with Chris Tompkins, CEO of Muskoka Woods, and Tajé McIntosh, Co-Founder and COO of RenewIQ  Consulting. Together, we’ll explore what it means to be a parent today—how we can step into our children’s world, connect authentically, and navigate the complexities of their lives. Whether your child is a toddler, a teenager, or even a student who is an adult child, this episode is for you.Tajé is the co-founder of RenewIQ Consulting and the Director of Client Delivery at Pearl Operational Design. She is an organizational culture and change management champion, who works diligently to help organizations improve operational processes. She works with clients to ensure transformations (whether culture, process, or systems) are adopted in a way that puts people first.To learn more about Tajé, visit:RenewIQ Consulting: Operational Design: learn more, visit: to more episodes on Mission Matters:
Bridging Two Worlds: Steps to Balance the Duality of Identities with Zeina Habib
Feb 13 2024
Bridging Two Worlds: Steps to Balance the Duality of Identities with Zeina Habib
How do you connect seemingly opposing worlds? Not distant galaxies or parallel dimensions, but the ones right here on Earth. Imagine one world feeling like an alternative universe compared to the other. Yet, you’re tasked with making both these worlds your home and an integral part of your existence.Whether you’re an immigrant adapting to a new country, transitioning between jobs, or navigating diverse relationships, you find yourself bridging the familiar with the unfamiliar. It’s a delicate dance of balancing core identities—one in one setting and another in a different context, be it at home, work, or in a foreign land.Join us for an insightful discussion on “Bridging Two Worlds: Steps to Balance the Duality of Identities.” Our guest, Zeina Habib, will share practical steps to embrace your authentic self while remaining connected to your community and family. Tune in and discover how to thrive in the intersection of two worlds.Zeina Habib is an embodied leadership coach and trainer, specializing in assisting result-oriented tech professionals. Her focus is on empowering them to gain confidence, communicate effectively, and connect deeply with others to bring their ideas to life. Utilizing a distinctive body-mind coaching approach, she integrates her international experience from living in three countries, her in-depth coaching skills, and her enthusiasm for dancing and movement. Additionally, Zeina is a contributing author to the 'She is Remarkable' book initiative and has written several articles addressing women's issues.Voice Within: Navigate change with balance and resilience to live a life you love learn more, visit: to more episodes on Mission Matters:
The Bridge of Discipline: Why This is Needed for you to Cross to Success & 10 Practical Steps to Build It. (Part 2)
Jan 30 2024
The Bridge of Discipline: Why This is Needed for you to Cross to Success & 10 Practical Steps to Build It. (Part 2)
Are you finding yourself already losing motivation for your goals? Are you finding that re-reading your goals is not getting you back on track? In this episode, we get into Part 2 and discuss why discipline is important and offer 10 key steps to help you be more disciplined in 2024 and beyond to achieve the goals you’re looking to achieve personally or professionally.After all, many people write New Year’s resolutions with the hope that this year will be different. They set goals for themselves, only to find themselves writing the same goals again the following year. It can feel like a never-ending cycle of progress and regression. The problem is that there seems to be progress at the beginning, but then the bridge to cross to the promised land of achievements and goals is missing. What is that bridge?The bridge is called DISCIPLINE. Without discipline, it’s difficult to achieve our goals and see that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Discipline is the key to success. In this next episode, we’ll talk about why discipline is important and how to build it. This could be the difference between solving the reason you’re falling off that horse and how to get back on it and stay there. Remember, discipline is the bridge that will take you from where you are to where you want to be.To learn more, visit: to more episodes on Mission Matters:
Who Are you: Tips for Discovering Yourself with Jeff Harnois
Nov 7 2023
Who Are you: Tips for Discovering Yourself with Jeff Harnois
Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Who am I?” Or has someone else asked you, “Who are you really?” Many people are pondering this question, and some are struggling to answer this fundamental question of their existence. It’s a question that begs the person asking, “Do I really understand myself?” Sometimes we do, but many times we don’t, and we need help to discover who we are.Think about the opportunities lost, conflicts created, and relationships that fell apart all because we didn’t take the time to “know thyself.” This is crucial to being the best person we can be at home, on the job, or in the office. Yet we don’t take courses at school or get provided with a textbook of ourselves to help us with this lifetime subject.In our next podcast, we’re going to explore how to better understand who we are. I have Jeff Harnois as our coach in this corner, who will be bringing his expertise to this topic and show us the tools out there for this discovery. Let’s check it out.Jeff Harnois, CEO of iBridged is passionate about helping people and teams reach new heights in performance and relationships. With a focus on understanding “current state” using key diagnostics like MBTI and Everything DiSC , Jeff and his team gain deep and actionable insights for clients.  These insights often lead to significant improvements in communication, connection and confidence with both individuals and teams alike.Clients enjoy improvements in executive level communications, executive presence, leadership development and team development with an emphasis on understanding their natural superpowers along with potential blind spots.  Clients repeatedly report higher levels of communication effectiveness coupled with deeper, more meaningful connections with colleagues, friends and family!     Jeff has enjoyed many rewarding and successful career opportunities from Fortune 50 companies to living the start-up experience, multiple times. Working with companies like: Apple, Inc., Hewlett Packard, AT&T, Microsoft and Bank of America have given Jeff a unique perspective that add rich experiences to share and leverage with clients.Jeff is a graduate of the University of San Francisco’s School of Management, earning a Master of Science degree in Organizational Development. Additionally, Jeff is a certified practitioner of the Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team along with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.Jeff loves to volunteer in his community as well. He is the former VP of Football Operations, Head Coach for PeeWee football and PeeWee cheer-leading for the Police Athletic League in Campbell, Ca. He also volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, Second Harvest Food Bank and serves as the former President of the Bay Area Alumni Association.In his free time, Jeff enjoys trail and motocross riding on his Yamaha WR 450, weight training and golf. Jeff is at an expert level on Xbox…To learn more, visit: to more episodes on Mission Matters:
Moving Through Change with Tajé McIntosh
Oct 10 2023
Moving Through Change with Tajé McIntosh
When was the last time you celebrated the process of change? Feeling the rhythm and joys of change is not something most people think about. Many times, moving through change brings frustration, impatience, and stress. People often curse the change taking place. But what if we embraced change? What if we had a mindset that sees change as an opportunity to thrive, not just survive? Where would it take us? Where would it take you in your career and life?This mindset can help you navigate through the discomfort of unfamiliar situations and help you grow in your career and life. In fact, one of the most common unconscious mindsets is that “change is temporary; this will pass” but when you see something as temporary, you tend to cope with it instead of accepting and embracing it. The reality is that change is a constant, and you’ll need to navigate it.In this podcast, we’re going to explore how to embrace moving through change with peace and joy. I have in my corner as coach, Tajé McIntosh, who will be bringing her expertise to this topic.Tajé McIntosh is the co-founder of RenewIQ Consulting and the Director of Client Delivery at Pearl Operational Design. She is an organizational culture and change management champion, who works diligently to help organizations improve operational processes. She works with clients to ensure transformations (whether culture, process, or systems) are adopted in a way that puts people first.When she’s not busy working with clients to transform their organizations, she is spending time with her family and giving back to the community. Her strong desire to serve has led her to work with many different grassroots, established community groups and non-profit organizations over the last 25 years – in service to youth and marginalized people.  To learn more, visit: to more episodes on Mission Matters: