Black Executive Men

Jewel Love

The Black Executive Men podcast helps Black men in corporate America get the skill sets and mindsets they need to reach 7-figure jobs and businesses they love. read less


Ep. 57: Personal Transformation with DeWayne Allen
4d ago
Ep. 57: Personal Transformation with DeWayne Allen
"Transformation is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth. It involves understanding one's true market value and how to present oneself to the world."   In this episode, Jewel Love interviews DeWayne Allen, an accomplished professional in the aerospace and defense industry. DeWayne shares his journey from growing up in Memphis to becoming a successful engineer and leader in the field. He discusses the importance of transformation and how it has shaped his career. DeWayne also emphasizes the value of coaching and external validation in unlocking one's true potential. He highlights the significance of celebrating successes and understanding one's market value.   Key Takeaways: Coaching plays a significant role in the corporate black community, often becoming more prevalent at the VP level. External coaching provides unbiased perspectives and helps individuals explore new opportunities. The BEM Network is a valuable resource for black executives, offering a supportive community and opportunities for networking and collaboration. Celebrating successes is essential for personal development. It allows individuals to acknowledge their achievements and build confidence in their abilities. Creating a personal brand and platform opens doors to new opportunities, such as speaking engagements, consulting, and thought leadership.   Links: ➡️ DeWayne Allen on Linkedin ➡️ Black Executive Men on Linkedin    If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at
Ep. 52: Success in Life Sciences Industry with Mike Moise
Apr 23 2024
Ep. 52: Success in Life Sciences Industry with Mike Moise
"Riches are in the niches."   In this episode, Jewel Love is joined by Mike Moise, a rising star in the life sciences industry. They discuss the opportunities and challenges for black professionals in the field, the impact of race and racism, and the importance of ownership and specialization. Mike highlights the potential for financial success and career growth in the life sciences industry.  Throughout the episode, hey envision of making a positive impact in the industry and elevating the voices of underrepresented individuals.   Key Takeaways: The life sciences industry offers significant opportunities for financial success, but it is important to be aware of the lack of representation for black professionals in the field. Niche expertise is crucial in the life sciences industry, and specializing in a specific area can lead to greater success and recognition. Technology, including AI, is disrupting the industry and has the potential to accelerate drug development and improve operational processes. Acquisitions and partnerships are common in the industry, as larger companies seek to acquire innovative therapies and technologies developed by smaller biotech companies. Building relationships, networking, and finding mentors are essential for success in the life sciences industry.   Links:   ➡️ Mike Moise on Linkedin ➡️ Black Executive Men on Linkedin    If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at
Ep. 48: Overcoming Burnout and Building Resilience
Mar 26 2024
Ep. 48: Overcoming Burnout and Building Resilience
"The most important thing that a CEO has to do is protect their mental capacity. Because at the end of the day, the business lives or dies by the quality of decisions that you're making."    In this episode, Jewel Love interviews Brian Shields, an expert in buying and selling businesses, about his experience with transparency and burnout. Brian shares his journey of acquiring and revamping companies, as well as the challenges he faced along the way. He discusses the importance of aligning one's life and resources to sustain success without sacrificing personal well-being. Brian also emphasizes the need for black men to support each other and openly discuss burnout to create a community of understanding and resilience. Key Takeaways: Burnout can manifest in various ways, including physical symptoms, mental fatigue, and difficulty focusing. It is crucial to recognize the signs and take proactive steps to address burnout before it becomes debilitating.Surrounding yourself with a community of like-minded individuals who have experienced similar challenges can provide valuable support and understanding. Taking a sabbatical or extended break from work can be a necessary step in recovering from burnout. It allows time for rest, reflection, and rejuvenation, ultimately leading to improved performance and mental health.Engaging in activities such as sound baths, acupuncture, and consulting can help in the recovery process and build resilience.Creating supportive networks and communities that understand the unique challenges they face. Sharing experiences and resources can empower black men to sustain success and avoid burnout.   Links: If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 47: Is there a "Right Type" of Black Man for Corporate Success?
Mar 19 2024
Ep. 47: Is there a "Right Type" of Black Man for Corporate Success?
"Don't be afraid to reach out to somebody who's already there, whether they're black, white, or other." In this episode, Jewel Love introduces Derek Jackson, a valuable member of the executive success team at Black Executive Men. They discuss the importance of having a vision for your career and life, building a supportive network, and the role of corporate identity in professional success. Derek shares his journey and the lessons he learned about dressing appropriately, developing business acumen, and adapting to the culture of corporate America. Throughout the episode, they delves into the concept of the "right type" of black man in corporate settings and the enculturation process necessary to advance in these organizations.   Key Takeaways: Having a clear vision for your career and life can attract support, guidance, and connections from others who align with your vision.Building a strong executive success team requires finding mentors, advisors, and guides who can provide valuable insights and support.Adapting to the culture of corporate America, including dressing appropriately and developing business acumen, is crucial for professional success.The concept of the "right type" of black man exists in traditional corporate organizations, where certain behaviors, appearances, and values are expected for advancement.Learning from successful individuals within the organization and modeling their behaviors and skills can help accelerate career growth.Problem-solving, executive presence, storytelling, and relationship-building are essential skills for advancing in corporate settings. Links: If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 46: Success in Business Through Health and Wellness
Mar 12 2024
Ep. 46: Success in Business Through Health and Wellness
"Take care of your health, take care of your body, and you'll be winning on all levels."    In this episode, Jewel Love discusses the importance of physical health for black men in corporate America. He shares his journey of prioritizing his health and how it has positively impacted his career and confidence. He then dives into three key areas of focus for maintaining good health. Jewel encourages listeners to set weight goals, track their calorie intake, prioritize sleep, and engage in regular physical activity. By taking care of their health, black men can improve their energy levels, performance, and overall well-being.   Key Takeaways: Prioritizing physical health is important for black men in corporate America, as it can impact career opportunities and longevity.Tracking calorie intake and setting weight goals can help individuals achieve their desired weight and improve their overall health.Getting enough sleep, ideally 7-8 hours per night, is crucial for energy levels and muscle recovery.Regular exercise, such as weightlifting or engaging in sports, can improve physical fitness, confidence, and overall well-being.Taking care of one's health can lead to increased energy, better performance, and a sense of accomplishment.     Links: If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 45: A Golden Age for Black Investors
Mar 5 2024
Ep. 45: A Golden Age for Black Investors
"Angel investing gives you a glimpse into the future, gives you a chance to multiply your investment dollars over time."    In this episode, Jewel Love discusses the world of angel investing with Dr. Keita Broadwater. They explore the concept of angel investing, its potential for high returns, and the risks involved. Dr. Keita Broadwater shares his personal experience as an angel investor and highlights the importance of deal flow and building a diversified portfolio. He also discusses the current landscape of black angel investing and the opportunities available for individuals to get involved. Throughout the episode, they provide valuable insights for those interested in angel investing and offers guidance on how to navigate this investment strategy. Key Takeaways: Angel investing involves investing in early-stage companies with the expectation of high growth. It is a high-risk investment strategy that can lead to significant returns if successful.Deal flow is crucial in angel investing, as it refers to the pipeline of startup companies available for investment. Building a network and joining angel investment groups can provide access to quality deal flow.Angel investing is becoming more accessible to a wider range of investors, thanks to crowdfunding platforms and new legislation that allows unaccredited investors to participate.It is important to carefully assess one's financial situation and risk tolerance before getting involved in angel investing. It is a long-term investment with the potential for loss, so only invest what you can afford to lose.Investing in the founder's tenacity and drive can be a key factor in angel investing. Startups often go through pivots and challenges before finding success, and backing founders who can navigate these obstacles is crucial.   If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Links: A network for Black men in corporate America seeking community and skills to land their dream job. Join Like and Follow: Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 44: Black Startup Insights with Dr. Stanley Lewis
Feb 27 2024
Ep. 44: Black Startup Insights with Dr. Stanley Lewis
"We have to realize that ain't nobody coming to save us but us. We need to help ourselves and empower our community."    In this episode, Jewel Love welcomes Dr. Stanley Lewis, founder and CEO of 28 Therapeutics. Dr. Lewis highlights the importance of addressing diversity in healthcare outcomes, increasing diversity in STEM fields, improving diversity in clinical trials, and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. He also discusses the significant disparity in funding for black entrepreneurs and the potential economic and societal benefits of investing in diverse founders. Dr. Lewis emphasizes the need for both external and internal conversations to drive change and empower the black community.   Key Takeaways: Diversity in healthcare outcomes is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed, as disparities in health outcomes for black individuals are shocking and inhumane.Increasing diversity in STEM fields is crucial for preparing a diverse workforce in the life sciences and promoting equal opportunities for black individuals.Diversity in clinical trials is essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatments for a broad range of populations, including people of color, women, older individuals, and pediatric patients.Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace is not only a matter of fairness but also has economic benefits, with diverse companies showing improved productivity and profits.The lack of funding for black entrepreneurs in the healthcare industry is a significant problem that hinders innovation and progress. Investing in diverse founders can lead to breakthroughs and advancements in healthcare.   If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Links: A network for Black men in corporate America seeking community and skills to land their dream job. Join Like and Follow: Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 43: Unlocking Self Love and Earning Potential for Black Men
Feb 20 2024
Ep. 43: Unlocking Self Love and Earning Potential for Black Men
"Having positive people pouring into you over years fills up our cup. Many times we think self-love means we have to do this ourselves. But the reality is we're communal people."   In this episode, Jewel Love explores the importance of self-love and its connection to success in the business world. He shares personal experiences and insights from his background in therapy and coaching to shed light on the factors that can contribute to a lack of self-love. Jewel emphasizes the significance of addressing past traumas, seeking therapy, working with a coach, and building a supportive network of like-minded individuals. By focusing on self-love and healing, black men can unlock their self-worth and achieve their financial and personal goals. Key Takeaways: Self-love is directly connected to how much one believes they deserve to earn. Setting ambitious financial goals, such as earning seven figures, can help unlock potential and increase self-worth.Past traumas, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as abandonment or a lack of love, can contribute to a lack of self-love. It is important to acknowledge and address these traumas to heal and build self-love.Therapy can be a powerful tool for healing and increasing self-love. Working with a black male therapist can provide a safe space to explore past hurts and develop a healthier relationship with oneself.Coaching can help individuals set and achieve their goals, providing accountability and support. A coach can assist in overcoming fears and obstacles, leading to personal growth and increased self-love.Building a network of supportive men, such as a men's circle or brotherhood, can provide a sense of community and connection. Sharing experiences, celebrating successes, and holding each other accountable can contribute to increased self-love. If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Links: A network for Black men in corporate America seeking community and skills to land their dream job. Join Like and Follow: Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 42: Take Action & Follow Up
Feb 13 2024
Ep. 42: Take Action & Follow Up
In this episode, Jewel Love addresses a major problem within the black community: the lack of follow-up. He emphasizes the importance of staying connected and maintaining relationships, especially when it comes to professional opportunities. Jewel stresses that success is built on relationships and encourages to actively engage with their network, providing updates and showing genuine interest in others' progress. By doing so, individuals can enhance their reputation, expand their opportunities, and ultimately achieve financial success.   Key Takeaways: Following up with professional connections is crucial for success. By staying connected and providing updates, individuals can build and maintain relationships that can lead to career advancements and new opportunities.Success is not an individual pursuit. It is achieved through community and collaboration. By joining networks and engaging with like-minded individuals, black men can support each other and collectively overcome challenges.Reputation is key. Failing to follow up with referrals or connections can negatively impact one's professional reputation and hinder future opportunities.Building a strong network is essential. By actively participating in communities and networks, individuals can tap into a wealth of knowledge, resources, and connections that can propel their careers forward.Success is not limited by age. It is important to shed the mindset of being "too young" and instead focus on the possibilities and opportunities available at any stage of life.   If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Links: A network for Black men in corporate America seeking community and skills to land their dream job. Join Like and Follow: Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 41: Succession Planning for Black Men
Feb 6 2024
Ep. 41: Succession Planning for Black Men
"Black men should actively seek out opportunities for advancement and communicate their desire for promotion openly."   In this episode, Jewel Love emphasizes the importance of succession planning for black men in executive positions. He highlights the need for black men to identify potential successors within their organizations and to position themselves as potential successors for higher-level roles. Jewel encourages black men to actively seek out opportunities for advancement and to communicate their desire for promotion openly.    Key Takeaways: Succession planning is crucial for black men in executive positions to ensure a smooth transition and maintain the organization's stability.Building a strong network and establishing mentorship relationships can increase the likelihood of being part of a succession plan.Succession planning involves identifying potential successors within the organization and grooming them for higher-level roles.Black men should focus on the four pillars of career success: the 100% formula, internal marketing campaigns, professional development, and networking.   If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Links: A network for Black men in corporate America seeking community and skills to land their dream job. Join Like and Follow: Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 40: Embracing Hypergrowth for Black Men
Jan 30 2024
Ep. 40: Embracing Hypergrowth for Black Men
"When you move into a place of hypergrowth, you start moving so fast, you start meeting so many new people that are on the level that you are moving into."   In this episode, Jewel Love discusses the concept of hypergrowth and the importance of setting seven-figure expectations for black men. Drawing from his own experiences of traveling and meeting successful individuals, Jewel emphasizes the need for continuous learning and taking action to achieve hypergrowth. He also addresses the fear of leaving people behind as one progresses in their professional journey and encourages listeners to embrace the process of shedding old relationships and forming new ones in alignment with their goals.   Key Takeaways: Hypergrowth is a state of continuous learning and taking action that leads to concrete results and success.Setting seven-figure expectations is crucial for black men to achieve financial freedom and provide for their families.Moving into hypergrowth often requires leaving behind old relationships and forming new ones with individuals who are on the same level of success.It is important to embrace individualism and focus on personal advancement while still maintaining connections with old friends and networks.Joining a community or network of like-minded individuals can provide support and opportunities for growth in a hypergrowth state.   If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Links: A network for Black men in corporate America seeking community and skills to land their dream job. Join Like and Follow: Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 39: The Third Pillar of Career Success
Jan 23 2024
Ep. 39: The Third Pillar of Career Success
"Professional development should be as strategic as everything else in your career. It's about constantly renewing your skills and knowledge."   In this episode, Jewel Love discusses the third pillar of career success: professional development. He emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and staying ahead in a competitive business world. Jewel shares a strategic plan for professional development, which includes setting annual, quarterly, and weekly goals. He highlights the value of attending conferences, workshops, and training programs outside of the company to gain new skills and knowledge.   Key Takeaways: Setting annual, quarterly, and weekly goals for professional development is crucial for career growth.Attending conferences, workshops, and training programs outside of the company provides valuable insights and skills that can be applied in the workplace.Being the best in the world at what you do requires knowing your competitors, staying updated on industry trends, and constantly improving your skills.Professional development is essential for staying recession-proof and being prepared for any changes in the market or industry.   If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Links: A network for Black men in corporate America seeking community and skills to land their dream job. Join Like and Follow: Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Ep. 38: Leveling Up the Black Men Job Search
Jan 16 2024
Ep. 38: Leveling Up the Black Men Job Search
"We have to have people level set with us. Your brand is the most important brand in the universe."   In this episode, Jewel Love emphasizes the importance of level setting and having high expectations for oneself. He shares his background and how he transitioned from a therapy background to executive coaching. Jewel highlights the need for black men to aim for seven-figure incomes and explains why having high expectations is crucial for success. He also addresses the common mistakes made by job seekers and provides actionable steps to increase one's value in the job market.   Key Takeaways: Level setting is essential for success. Have high expectations for yourself and strive to become a seven-figure earner.Focus on one business instead of trying to become a serial entrepreneur without prior experience.Increase your perceived value in the job market by optimizing your resume, having a flawless headshot, and developing a strong personal brand.If you're not getting the desired results in your job search, seek help from professionals such as career coaches or join job search boot camps.Invest in your professional development and be willing to pay the price for success.   If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at    Links: A network for Black men in corporate America seeking community and skills to land their dream job. Join Like and Follow: Let's connect on LinkedIn: