The Kelly Sullivan Walden Show

Mind Body

We all dream, we all have blessings, and we all have challenges… and if we were truly lucid, we wouldn’t take any of those things laying down. Join Dream Expert and Bestselling author, (the irreverent) Reverend Doctor Kelly Sullivan Walden, as she explores nighttime dreams, daytime desires, and the best ways to transform the tragic into magic. Kelly’s excited to explore the topic of her new book with you, A Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste, (released Spring of 2023). Join Kelly in exploring the ways in which you can make the world a lighter, brighter, more beautiful place…one dream at a time. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


The Healing Moment, 7 Paths to Turn Messes into Miracles with Dr. Donna Marks
May 22 2024
The Healing Moment, 7 Paths to Turn Messes into Miracles with Dr. Donna Marks
Are you ready to emerge from your cocoon but struggle with pseudo-comforts like food, drugs, technology, and relationships that are no longer working? Are you ready to listen to the voice of love rather than the voice of fear? If you said yes, this is when the healing moment occurs when you decide to flip your internal switch and let light flood your consciousness. With this change, you can regain control of your life and recognize you are enough. In The Healing Moment, Dr. Donna Marks integrates psychology, personal experience, and A Course in Miracles to teach people how to use their traumas and pain as the doorway to enlightenment and happiness. The seven paths that Dr. Marks introduces can help turn negative experiences and mistakes into meaning and purpose. Triggers like a lack of love, respect, trust, and more can be transformed by understanding how the mind uses our own fear to manipulate our lives. This is your sign to choose to open your awareness to the voice of love and experience your own healing moment. Dr. Donna Marks has been a licensed psychotherapist and addictions counselor in Palm Beach, Florida, for over thirty years. In 1989, Dr. Marks developed a chemical dependency training program at Palm Beach Community College, which has grown into a four-year degree and received the Florida Governor’s Council Award. She is also a certified gestalt therapist, psychoanalyst, hypnotist, sex therapist, and teaches A Course in Miracles, along with sharing her methods with hundreds of thousands of listeners on podcasts and radio shows. Dr. Donna Marks on YouTube Dr. Donna Marks Facebook Instagram Connect with Kelly Sullivan Walden  X-Twitter Instagram YouTube LinkedIn  TikTok Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How Your Dreams Can Help You Win the Lottery with Timothy Schultz
Mar 20 2024
How Your Dreams Can Help You Win the Lottery with Timothy Schultz
Timothy Schultz, a dynamic YouTuber and the charismatic host behind the captivating podcast, "Lottery Dreams and Fortune," has a story that resonates with millions. In 1999, he defied the odds by winning the Powerball jackpot in the USA at the age of 21, becoming one of the youngest lottery winners in history. Following this life-altering win, Schultz pursued his passion by returning to college to study broadcast news and immerse himself in film and media productions. Today, Timothy Schultz seamlessly blends his firsthand experience of sudden wealth with his experience in broadcast news to curate compelling interviews with fellow lottery winners, experts, and individuals about defying the odds and the enigmatic realm of luck. With an unwavering belief that anything is possible, Schultz's platform serves as a beacon of inspiration, where the realms of intuition, mindset, manifestation, and destiny converge. Notably, Schultz's journey is underscored by a remarkable premonition—a vivid dream foreshadowing his serendipitous lottery win. With appearances on renowned media outlets such as BBC, CNN, Discovery Channel, Fox News, Good Morning America, Inside Edition, the TODAY Show, and TLC, Timothy Schultz's story has captivated audiences worldwide. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Don't Move Before You Listen to this Show!
Mar 15 2024
Don't Move Before You Listen to this Show!
Is it just me, or do you also assume that no matter how much spiritual work you do, moving anywhere--across the street, state, or country--will be a nightmare? Well, it no longer has to be that way. My amazing guest, dear friend, and literary agent, Devra Jacobs, just wrote a book called A Happy Move: Everything You Need To Know Before And After The Boxes Are Packed. This is the book I wish I had read about 25 moves ago. With her wisdom under my belt, moving can now be a dream! A Happy Move aims to help people experience a functional, less stressful change of residence. We discuss her book on the show, the first of its kind. It provides suggestions, worksheets, and first-hand accounts of what to do and what NOT TO DO before, during, and after your move. Whether you’re making a military-related move, going across the city, or across the country, this book will help you enjoy A Happy Move! With over 29 moves under her belt, Devra is practically a professional! She and her family have moved to Korea and across the USA even once. Although she did not personally serve in the military, several of her moves were because she was married to an Army man. Along the way, Devra learned numerous valuable lessons on everything from how to pack properly for do-it-yourself moves to how to hire the right movers for cross-country moves. On the show, she shares the good, the bad, and the happy experiences that can help others experience a happy move. By the way, she’s also my amazing literary agent, the owner of Dancing Word Group! Find Kelly Sullivan Walden on YouTube Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Proof of Life After Life: 7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife with Dr. Raymond Moody & Paul Perry
Feb 24 2024
Proof of Life After Life: 7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife with Dr. Raymond Moody & Paul Perry
Are you growing older and beginning to wonder about the meaning of life? Are you someone whose enjoyment of life is being severely restricted due to a persistent, intrusive fear of death? Or are you just naturally curious about anything and everything related to the life beyond? If any of those descriptions fit you, then this conversation is for you! Join me as in Interview the legendary Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry—as they share their personal and professional experience and advice based on sixty years of experience studying this mystery. After decades of persistent, rigorous skeptical inquiry, they are confident of a life after death. Raymond Moody, MD, PhD, is the leading authority on the “near-death experience”—a phrase he coined and an experience he defined in the late seventies. His seminal work, Life After Life, completely changed the way we view death and dying and has sold more than thirteen mil- lion copies worldwide. The New York Times calls Dr. Moody the “father of the near-death experience.” For more than five decades, Dr. Moody has regularly enlightened audiences with his lectures and public speaking events. His Life After Life Institute provides a place for leading-edge researchers and thinkers to share their investigations into near-death phenomena and offers online courses and personal consultations. Dr. Moody is also in the private practice of philosophical counseling and consulting on dying, training hospice workers, clergy, psychologists, nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals on matters of grief recovery and dying. Paul Perry is the coauthor of five New York Times bestsellers, including The Light Beyond with Raymond Moody, Saved by the Light with Dannion Brinkley, and Evidence of the Afterlife with Jeffrey Long, MD. Perry has cowritten a dozen books on near-death experiences, four of them with Dr. Moody. His books have been published in more than thirty languages around the world. Find Raymond Moody MD, Ph.D on Facebook and Instagram @dr.raymondmoody Find Paul Perry on Facebook and Instagram @pperry87 Connect with host Kelly Sullivan Walden (Doctor Dream) Best Selling Author, Dream Expert, Media Personality Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Romancing the Muse with Suzie Plakson
Feb 14 2024
Romancing the Muse with Suzie Plakson
Has your creativity felt stifled lately? Have you been looking for the breakthrough in your ability to access higher energies? Do you wish you could press a button and dissolve all creative blocks and generate new ideas? Well, today’s show is for you! Instead of cattle prodding the muse, or playing hard to get…let’s light some candles, play soft music and ROMANCE THE MUSE! To help us do this, I called on the most talented human on the planet…Suzie Plakson. If you don’t know her, here’s a little background… 7,000 years ago, Suzie Plakson started life as an actor pounding the pavements of New York City –she did tons of temp jobs, some improv comedy, some off-off-off Broadway theatre fiascos, played Maleficent in a Disney spectacular at Radio City Music Hall, and at long last landed the lead in a national tour, playing four characters opposite the musical theatre legend, Anthony Newley – a turn of events which dropped her off in Hollywood. Since then, she’s appeared in things like Mad About You, Wag the Dog, Love and War, Dinosaurs, Everybody Loves Raymond, How I Met Your Mother, Star Trek, a bunch of other guest star roles, and a few seriously bad pilots. As a multi-media artist, she creates sculptures large and small in her otherwise unused oven, sings and writes different styles of songs – most recently the pop song/empowerment anthem U*B*U. She’s written short stories, poetry, a solo theatre show, and an alternative country rock album, out of which sprang the music video DidnwannaDoIt! She’s also written and narrated her metaphysical myth for the eternally young at heart:  The Return of King Lillian. Facebook Find out more about Kelly Sullivan Walden (Doctor Dream) Best Selling author, Dream Expert, Media Personality Learn more about your ad choices. Visit