

Are you fascinated by conspiracy theories?  Join hosts Kait, Colleen, and Megan as they discuss popular “hoaxes” and give you their comedic take on what is fact and what is fiction.  If you have a sense of humor and an open mind, please tune in each week!

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Did Hitler Escape After WW2?
Apr 30 2024
Did Hitler Escape After WW2?
**Discussion begins at 8:15**Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Nazi Germany, rising as the leader of the Nazi party before becoming the head of state and government in 1934.  During his dictatorship, he initiated the European theatre of  World War II by invading Poland in 1939.  He was closely involved in military operations throughout the war and was responsible for the creation of mobile death squads to perform mass executions on 6 million Jews, as well as Catholics, homosexuals, political dissidents, gypsies, and disabled people.  In addition, 3,000 children, mostly twins were experimented on and eventually killed.  Overall, he is thought to be responsible for the murder of 19.3 million civilians and POWs, with 28.7 million people dying as a result of military action – an unprecedented number.In April 1945, as the war was winding down, Hitler was hiding out in a bunker. Hitler married his longtime partner Eva Braun just after midnight on April 29, then several hours later he shot himself in the head.  At the same time, his new wife Eva Braun and their dog, Blondi, each took a cyanide pill.  Their bodies were doused in gasoline and set on fire per his request.  Nothing remained of him except a portion of jaw bone and some teeth.We know Hitler had body doubles, could one of them be the charred body that was found? Did he and his new wife survive and flee to Argentina? Did he escape to a secret base in Antarctica?  Or…  is he living on the dark side of the moon?Source Material and Additional ContentSend us a Text Message.Support the Show.Theme song by INDA
JFK Assassination Part 2: Conspiracy or Not?
Apr 16 2024
JFK Assassination Part 2: Conspiracy or Not?
**Discussion begins at 7:00**November 22, 1963: The President and Vice President are on a campaign tour through Texas in preparation for the 1964 re-election.  Secret Service was told to back off so that the president seemed more “approachable”.  While riding in a convertible with his wife, Jackie, Texas governor John Connally, and Connally’s wife, Nellie, they departed Love Field.  The route had been published in the newspaper, and so thousands of residents had gathered along the streets, as the motorcade proceeded through the streets of downtown Dallas.  As it passed through Dealey Plaza at around 12:30 PM, shots rang out from the crowd.  The number of shots and originating location are up for debate, but in the end, Governor Conally and President Kennedy were shot, with Kennedy being pronounced dead approximately 30 minutes later at nearby Parkland Hospital.  Approximately 45 minutes later, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested.  The 24 year old marine veteran, and employee at the Texas School Book Depository, was accused of shooting and killing police officer J.D. Tippit with a different gun, before hiding out in a movie theater.  Within 2hrs of JFK’s murder, Oswald was in police custody and accused of both murders.  Unfortunately, he was shot while being escorted by police officers 48 hours later.  The gunman of his murder was identified as Jack Ruby, a local club owner with mob connections.  The following day, Kennedy is buried at Arlington National Cemetary.  But was this all tied up a little too neatly? Does the evidence match the public story?  Was JFK really assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone?  Or is there more to the story that has been covered up?Source Material and Additional ContentSend us a Text Message.Support the Show.Theme song by INDA
JFK Assassination Part 1: Conspiracy or Not?
Apr 9 2024
JFK Assassination Part 1: Conspiracy or Not?
**Discussion begins at 6:20**November 22, 1963: Th President and Vice President are on a campaign tour through Texas in preparation for the 1964 re-election.  Secret Service was told to back off so that the president seemed more “approachable”. While riding in a convertible with his wife, Jackie, Texas governor John Connally, and Connally’s wife, Nellie, they departed Love Field.  The route had been published in the newspaper, and so thousands of residents had gathered along the streets, as the motorcade proceeded through the streets of downtown Dallas.  As it passed through Dealey Plaza at around 12:30 PM, shots rang out from the crowd.  The number of shots and originating location are up for debate, but in the end, Governor Conally and President Kennedy were shot, with Kennedy being pronounced dead approximately 30 minutes later at nearby Parkland Hospital.  Approximately 45 minutes later, Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested.  The 24 year old marine veteran, and employee at the Texas School Book Depository, was accused of shooting and killing police officer J.D. Tippit with a different gun, before hiding out in a movie theater.  Within 2hrs of JFK’s murder, Oswald was in police custody and accused of both murders.  Unfortunately, he was shot while being escorted by police officers 48 hours later.  The gunman of his murder was identified as Jack Ruby, a local club owner with mob connections.  The following day, Kennedy is buried at Arlington National Cemetary.  But was this all tied up a little too neatly? Does the evidence match the public story?  Was JFK really assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone?  Or is there more to the story that has been covered up?Source Material & Additional ContentSend us a Text Message.Support the Show.Theme song by INDA
Eriksson Twins Pt 2: Folie a Deux or Government Cover Up? (With Update from Kait)
Mar 12 2024
Eriksson Twins Pt 2: Folie a Deux or Government Cover Up? (With Update from Kait)
**Discussion begins at 4:30**Ursula and Sabina Eriksson were identical twin sisters born in Sweden in 1967.  They were the youngest of 4 children, and had an uneventful, happy childhood without any evidence of mental health issues or substance abuse.  Eventually, Ursula moved to the US, and Sabina moved to Ireland where she was living with her partner and two children in 2008. On Friday, May 16, Ursula went to visit her sister in Ireland. Later that day, they are seen running into traffic on the M6, and motorway cops are sent to check on them.  The girls were initially calm, on the side of the road chatting with cops, when suddenly, Ursula, bolted into the street, running into the side of a truck traveling 90 km/hr and crushing her legs.  While officers tended to Ursula, Sabina bolted  into the motorway where she was promptly hit by a car.  She remained unconscious for 15 minutes, before waking up combative and fighting with police.  The girls were shouting at each other “I recognize you, you aren’t real” and “they’re going to steal your organs”.   Both sisters were taken to the hospital for evaluation and treatment.  Ursula was taken to surgery and spent months convalescing in the hospital.  Toxicology screens were negative for drugs and alcohol.  Sabina, however, was released after evaluation and arrested for trespassing and assault on a police officer.   At booking, she denied any medical history, psychiatric history, or suicidal ideations.  While there, she was pleasant and joking with the officers.  She stated, “We say in Sweden, that an accident rarely comes alone.  Usually at least one follows, maybe two.”  On May 19, she pleads guilty to her charges for assaulting the police officer and trespassing on the motorway, and was sentenced to 1 day in jail (or time served).  She is released from jail, and meets Glenn Hollinshead, who offers her a place to stay and to help find her sister.   The next day, he goes next door to ask his neighbor for some tea.  Glenn goes back into his house, and less than a minute later he comes out bleeding and saying “she stabbed me, she stabbed me” before dying.  Sabina eventually pleads guilty and is sentenced to 5 years in prison.  The defense claimed that she was a victim of folie-a-deux, or a madness shared by two.  They claimed that Ursula was the primary psychiatric sufferer, and Sabina only acted as she did because of the shared psychosis.  Is this an unfortunate case of mental illness?  Or were the twins involved in military experimentation, victims of mind control, involved in a drug trafficking scheme, or being observed by the police?  Is there more to the story?  This week, we discuss the theories more in depth and tell you what we believe.Source Material and Additional ContentSend us a Text Message.Support the Show.Theme song by INDA
Eriksson Twins Pt 1: Folie a Deux or Government Cover Up?
Mar 5 2024
Eriksson Twins Pt 1: Folie a Deux or Government Cover Up?
**Discussion begins at 5:00**Ursula and Sabina Eriksson were identical twin sisters born in Sweden in 1967.  They were the youngest of 4 children, and had an uneventful, happy childhood without any evidence of mental health issues or substance abuse.  Eventually, Ursula moved to the US, and Sabina moved to Ireland where she was living with her partner and two children in 2008. On Friday, May 16, Ursula went to visit her sister in Ireland. Later that day, they are seen running into traffic on the M6, and motorway cops are sent to check on them.  The girls were initially calm, on the side of the road chatting with cops, when suddenly, Ursula, bolted into the street, running into the side of a truck traveling 90 km/hr and crushing her legs.  While officers tended to Ursula, Sabina bolted  into the motorway where she was promptly hit by a car.  She remained unconscious for 15 minutes, before waking up combative and fighting with police.  The girls were shouting at each other “I recognize you, you aren’t real” and “they’re going to steal your organs”.   Both sisters were taken to the hospital for evaluation and treatment.  Ursula was taken to surgery and spent months convalescing in the hospital.  Toxicology screens were negative for drugs and alcohol.  Sabina, however, was released after evaluation and arrested for trespassing and assault on a police officer.   At booking, she denied any medical history, psychiatric history, or suicidal ideations.  While there, she was pleasant and joking with the officers.  She stated “We say in Sweden, that an accident rarely comes alone.  Usually at least one follows, maybe two.”  On May 19, she pleads guilty to her charges for assaulting the police officer and trespassing on the motorway, and was sentenced to 1 day in jail (or time served).  She is released from jail, and meets Glenn Hollinshead, who offers her a place to stay and to help find her sister.   The next day, he goes next door to ask his neighbor for some tea.  Glenn goes back into his house, and less than a minute later he comes out bleeding and saying “she stabbed me, she stabbed me” before dying.  Sabina eventually pleads guilty and is sentenced to 5 years in prison.  The defense claimed that she was a victim of folie-a-deux, or a madness shared by two.  They claimed that Ursula was the primary psychiatric sufferer, and Sabina only acted as she did because of the shared psychosis.  Is this an unfortunate case of mental illness?  Or were the twins involved in military experimentation, victims of mind control, involved in a drug trafficking scheme, or being observed by the police?  Is there more to the story?Source Material and Additional ContentSend us a Text Message.Support the Show.Theme song by INDA
Plum Island
Feb 20 2024
Plum Island
**Discussion begins at 7:45**Plum Island is a 3 mile by 1 mile island isolated off the coast of New York.  It is home to a lab run by the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Agriculture.  The lab claims to be dedicated to the study of disease in animal livestock.  They claim that in compliance with Nixon’s 1969 order, there is no offensive bioweapons research taking place there.  Instead, they argue, the goal is to focus on protecting the US against the introduction of animal diseases.  Their principal focus, they allege, is to prevent foot and mouth disease, which has not occurred in the US since 1929.  The island can only be accessed by military ferry which is escorted by armed guards, and personnel are not permitted to have pets or spend time around animals due to the inherent risk of disease spread.  While the government maintains that there is no bioweapons research happening there, evidence exists that discredits their claims.  In fact, one of the primary goals of the lab when it was first developed by Nazi scientist Erich Traub, was to research the use of ticks as bioweapons.  Since that time, people have argued that the lab is responsible for the development and spread of tickborne illnesses, including Lyme Disease and the African Swine Flu Outbreak in Cuba.  Is the government performing innocent studies to limit the spread of animal transmitted infections?  Or are they performing harmful biologic research under the guise of benign animal studies?Source Material and Additional ContentSend us a Text Message.Support the Show.Theme song by INDA
Missing Malaysian Flight MH370: Part II
Jan 23 2024
Missing Malaysian Flight MH370: Part II
**Discussion starts at 3:30**On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 took off in the early hours of the morning as the red eye flight from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, with an intended destination of Beijing, China.  There were 227 passengers on board, with 12 crew members.  The pilot in command, 53 year old Captain Zaharie Shah, was performing a final instructional flight for 27 year old co-pilot, First Officer Fariq Hamid.  It was a clear, calm night, and the flight was initially uneventful.  At cruising altitude of 35,000 feet, the flight was leaving Malaysian Air Space and was instructed to transfer to the air traffic control tower in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.  At 0119, Captain Shah radioed the Air Traffic Controllers in Malaysia “Good night, Malaysian 370”.  That was the last verbal contact with anyone on the plane.   Approximately 103 seconds later, the aircraft went dark and vanished from all radar screens in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh City.  There were two transponders onboard the plane, so to disappear, both transponders would need to cease functioning - either by catastrophic failure or by manual override by someone on the plane.  It was over 20 minutes before anyone noted the plane was missing.  It did not arrive for its 6:30AM ETA, and only had enough fuel to fly until approximately 8:15 AM.  The most expensive search and rescue operation in aviation history was initiated. To this day, we do not know where the airplane is, or what happened to the 239 souls on board.  An extensive safety report was released which did not answer many questions and had inconclusive findings.  They denied suspecting any crew was involved, and reported that air traffic control was delayed in noting the missing plane.  Theories vary, from a hijacking or suicide mission, to a military operation, and a plethora of questions still exist.   One thing is for sure, evidence of shoddy investigative work and potential cover-ups abound.  What really happened to MH370 in the early morning hours of March 8 , 2014?Source Material and Additional ContentSupport the showSend us a Text Message.Support the Show.Theme song by INDA