Me, Myself & My Best-Self

Claire Bennett

Welcome to "Me, Myself, and My Best Self," the podcast that turns personal growth into a playful adventure!

Join me as I unpack the secrets to positive living, goal-crushing, and the art of thriving. Dive into the "Me" moments, share laughs during "Myself" anecdotes, and gear up for the pursuit of "My Best Self."

This is your go-to guide for quick tips, inspiring stories, and a good dose of self-discovery.

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Goal Setting: Crafting a Year of Intentional Growth and Vibrant Habits
Jan 2 2024
Goal Setting: Crafting a Year of Intentional Growth and Vibrant Habits
Embark on a transformative journey with me, Claire Bennett, as we embrace the art of setting intentions that celebrate our current magnificence while paving the way for an extraordinary year of growth. This isn't about reinventing ourselves with the dawn of a new year; it's about nurturing the awesomeness that already exists within us. Together, we'll uncover how to align our goals with our deepest values, passions, and strengths, crafting a year that resonates with authenticity and joy. From reducing sugar to managing screen time, I'll share my personal examples and strategies, proving that small, actionable steps can lead to monumental changes.As we venture deeper, I'll take you through my personal roadmap for creating vibrant new habits and shedding those that no longer serve us. Imagine a life where healthy eating and setting work boundaries are as natural as breathing, where social life and career ambitions complement each other seamlessly. I'll guide you through setting precise goals, understanding your motivations, and crafting a bulletproof plan to overcome any obstacles. Whether it's attracting new coaching clients or launching a group program, the essence of this episode lies in structuring your personal development journey with intention and clarity.Finally, we close the chapter on self-improvement with a powerful affirmation of our inherent worthiness. Thriving in 2024 is not just a possibility; it's a commitment to recognizing our past achievements, cultivating resilience against challenges, and replacing self-sabotaging habits with life-affirming practices. I'll show you how to break down your big-picture ambitions into achievable milestones, always prioritizing self-care and intentional growth. Don't go at it alone—join our vibrant community, share your stories, and let's hold each other accountable as we make this the year where we live our best, most authentic lives.
Where am I now: The Art of Life Audits and Taking Intentional Action
Dec 19 2023
Where am I now: The Art of Life Audits and Taking Intentional Action
Embark on a transformative journey with me, Claire Bennett, as we explore the art of conducting life audits to design a path aligned with personal fulfilment. This episode promises to take you beyond superficial self-improvement tactics — it's about delving into the depths of your current satisfaction and setting actions that resonate with your ideal self. Together, we'll assess the different facets of life, from the daily grind to the pursuit of health, wellness, spirituality, and career ambitions. I'll share my own satisfaction scales, and we'll talk about what balance truly means, emphasizing that a "perfect ten" isn't the objective, but rather an alignment with what matters to us most.Strap yourself in for a personal tour of my own challenges, from reshaping routines to revamping my diet and honing time management to propel my business strategy. By examining the highs and lows of our existence, we'll create a vision for a year that not only looks good on paper but feels right at heart. I'll walk you through a free-form writing exercise that will unleash your aspirations and, looking ahead, tease the excitement of next week's episode on decluttering and organizing. Your journey towards intentional living and personal transformation starts here, fortified by the community we're building with every review and subscription. Here's to the empowerment that comes from genuine self-awareness and the courage to chase the life you envision.