We Are Lions Ministry: The Lions Den

We Are Lions Crew

We Are Lions Ministry exists to equip, empower, and affirm beloved identity within and over all of God’s people, to cause a movement that frees them from a performance-based faith, but rather a devotion to a loving Father that desires sonship intimacy over all else.
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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Why Theology Matters
Apr 23 2024
Why Theology Matters
Thanks for joining us! Please consider donating by clicking this link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=VXCSTENBVTK68Today's Episode: Why Theology MattersWhen Pastor Cole Burks took the helm at Resting Place Church, he never imagined the profound transformation his community—and his own faith—would undergo. This episode, we're joined by the insightful pastor from Knoxville, who guides us through the intertwining paths of personal belief and collective identity. Get ready to witness a narrative of hope and change, as we uncover the story behind a church's evolution from its dwindling numbers to a congregation reborn with a deeper, more introspective mission.The theological ground beneath our feet isn't as solid as some might have you believe—it shifts, grows, and challenges us to reexamine our inherited doctrines. Throughout our discussion, we lace humor with earnest introspection, considering how well-worn our own theological "baseball gloves" are. Pastor Burks and The Lion Crew navigate the tricky waters of doctrine and belief, emphasizing how true faith isn't about adhering to rigid dogma, but instead, about fostering a living, breathing relationship with the divine that is as concerned with justice as it is with spirituality.In the grand tapestry of Christianity, what threads hold us together? This episode draws on Pastor Burks' stories and our shared experiences to answer that question, examining how our views of God shape every human interaction we have. We talk about the transformative power of incarnational theology—living out the Gospel with hands and feet, not just with our words. Join us as we explore what it means to have a faith that not only guides, but also serves, and in doing so, challenges us to reflect the image of God in the most authentic way possible. Support the Show.
Church Hurt
Jan 22 2024
Church Hurt
Have you ever walked away from a place meant for sanctuary with a heart heavier than when you entered? You're not alone. Our latest episode is a raw and empathetic journey through the often-unspoken pain of church hurt. We open up about the delicate task of healing from wounds inflicted not by faith, but by fellow believers. Throughout the discussion, we pull from the well of our own pastoral experiences, sharing insights and stories that shine a light on the path towards restoration and growth within the church body.Churches, at their core, are communities built on human connections, yet the balance between managing an organization and nurturing souls can be a precarious one. We candidly address the challenges faced by church leadership, from the dangers of reducing members to mere metrics to the risks of letting institutional goals overshadow individual spiritual needs. In these moments, we stress the importance of empathy in leadership, recounting how a shift in perspective can transform the way we guide and engage with our congregations, steering us closer to an authentically people-focused mission.Our conversation ultimately circles back to the individual, exploring how each of us can reframe hurt to foster healing and growth. We speak to the complexities of forgiveness and boundaries, emphasizing that sometimes, the healthiest choice is to chart a new spiritual course. This episode isn't just a dialogue; it's an invitation to a journey of empathy, healing, and hope, reminding each listener of their value within the church and beyond. Join us as we navigate these waters, offering a prayer for understanding, reconciliation, and the transformation of adversity into a force for good within God's kingdom. Support the Show.
Heart Posture Part 1
Dec 28 2023
Heart Posture Part 1
When I held my son after a tough baseball game, whispering truths of his inherent worth, I never imagined how profoundly it would mirror the unconditional love we're all offered from above. This episode is a journey into the depths of 'Posture of the Heart,' where we explore how to stand ready to receive and reflect divine love. It's about peeling back the layers of our heart's readiness, understanding the differences between how believers and non-believers approach this beautiful openness, and how personal stories of affirmation can shine a light on the love that awaits us.We've all felt the weight of conditional love, the kind that hinges on our successes and failures. But what if we shifted our hearts to embrace love without prerequisites? We dive deep into the parent-child dynamic to illustrate God's unwavering affection, challenging the traditional views on atonement and grace that may have clouded our perception. We invite you to re-examine your theological beliefs through heartfelt discussions and the loving lens of a Father to His children, urging you to discover an identity rooted in being a cherished child of God.Concluding our intimate talk, we emphasize the need for engagement with scripture beyond the pews, likening it to a 66-book love letter. Our reflections on the simple yet profound teachings of Jesus guide us to a place of unity and joy, and we send forth a prayer for courage to challenge our beliefs and embrace the simplicity of grace and compassion. Join us for a heartwarming episode that promises to inspire, uplift, and maybe even transform the way you perceive divine love and your place within it. Support the Show.