Heiter bis Spiri

Dr. Sabrina Schmitz

A few years ago, I was depressed and longed to be free. I quit the golden cage of Big Pharma Drug safety, found a home in solution focused Coaching, started meditating and progressed over the years into organisational development. I ventured out to wider realms and became a trained medium and spirit healer, buildt my own shamanic drum, tried how it feels to be a taurus and homeless in a microvan and spent the winter 2023 in Bali. I love! podcasts. So 6 years ago I already launched the ”inspirations4growth” podcast. I missed this personal expression platform so this is my creative and brave addition and offering to share all the paradox universes that are found inside of me. May you find courage, belonging, tenderness and joy in them. Blessings*** PS: The episodes come in German and English, just as I feel. read less
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08 ° Soul-nourishing insights of 4 months Bali Ubud 12.23 - 4.2024
Apr 25 2024
08 ° Soul-nourishing insights of 4 months Bali Ubud 12.23 - 4.2024
Ubud Bali ° 4 months in the center of healing on the Island of the Gods Remember with me in the captivating energy of Bali as I share my transformative 4-month journey on the Island of the Gods. Leaving Germany in cold December's morning 2023 and returning in April's 2024, I invite you to experience this delicate podcast dance with structured Yang and creative content Yin. Indulge with me in the everyday delights that awakened my senses - from soul-nourishing matcha lattes to the ecstatic rhythms of dance and devotional Kirtan. Unravel the rich tapestry of Balinese culture, where negotiation is an art form infused with grace and "good luck." But the true journey unfolded within. Join me as I shed layers of conditioning, embracing embodied practices that I had so far not dared to touch. Through powerful toad ceremonies, profound sound healings, and soul-stirring conversations, I surrendered to the island's patient embrace, allowing my nervous system to release its rigid armor. Guided by the Gene Keys, I was immersed into the sacred exploration of finding my unique rhythm, facing the unexpected with courage, and emerging with an open heart, ready to receive the great mystery that awaits. Step into this portal of self-discovery and let the Island of the Gods awaken the depths of your being. For those seeking spiritual growth, embodied awakening, and a taste of the magical, this is an experience you won't want to miss. Enjoy and many blessings, Sabrina INSTAGRAM: Engage with me and share your insights on https://www.instagram.com/dr.sabrinaschmitz/ LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/dr.sabrinaschmitz