
Landmark Church

Rechurched podcast is meant to inspire conscience and instigate conviction, so people may know God and show God. In a day and age where the Church has been commercialized, the Christian secularized, and the cross sanitized, it’s time to return to a biblical faith that knows our life is to be crucified. The Apostle Paul said, “For I have determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (I Corinthians 2:2). Rechurched builds upon the time-tested and true brick and mortar of the Bible by calling the nominal Christian back to their faith’s foundation. Too many people are just going to church but have never experienced the transforming power of being the Church. So join us as we not only start the conversation about the identity crisis, but we end the conversation where Christ is, period. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality

Season 3

The Four Plays From Nazi Germany Currently At Play In America  - Discerning The Devil's Playbook E3
Aug 19 2024
The Four Plays From Nazi Germany Currently At Play In America - Discerning The Devil's Playbook E3
Send us a textEthan Hoover & Matthew Maher discuss “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook” and break down the four plays from Nazi Germany that are currently at play in America. Listen in and join the conversation!Show Notes:IntroDiscerning The Devil’s Playbook OriginsWhere We See The Plays TodayThe History of Absolute TruthThe Four PlaysContradict The TruthControl the NewsConflict to GroupsConvert the YouthOutroResources: Discerning The Devil’s Playbook Breakdown questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 3 content for our Question & Response episode here. Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!

Season 2

Church Historically Is Not Always Church Biblically - Church Then & Now E1
Aug 1 2022
Church Historically Is Not Always Church Biblically - Church Then & Now E1
Send us a textIn this Season 2 flyover, Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher talk about some of the major events in Church history and hint at some of the consequences that will be further discussed in Season 2. Listen & learn!"Just because it happened in 'Church history' does not mean it was the DNA of the Church biblically." - Matthew MaherShow Notes: Closing the gap between the Church historically and Church BiblicallySome of the Major Events in Church History:Early ChurchEstablishment of ChristianityThe Rise of the Roman Catholic ChurchProtestant ReformationEnlightenment to the Modern ChurchEpisode 2 teased outResources: Church Ages At A Glance: History: Was Constantine The Great? Is Roman Catholicism? Were The Crusades? Were The Dark Ages? Was The Protestant Reformation? Was William Tyndale? History Timeline: questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 2 content for our Question & Response episode here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website.Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
The Rights & Roots of the Early Church - Church Then & Now E2
Aug 8 2022
The Rights & Roots of the Early Church - Church Then & Now E2
Send us a textIn episode 2 of Season 2, Matthew & Ethan define what the Church is and explore its roots, biblically. They start by looking back into the Old Testament,  continue with where the Church is first mentioned, and then continue in their discussion in defining this living organism called "the Church."Show Notes:IntroLooking back to the Old TestamentSeeing God's desire come to lifeEden: God's presence with mankindSin enters: Disrupting the connection we hadMoses & then the temple: God is with one person at one locationJesus & then the Church: God is with every believer everywherePrinciple of first mentionWhen "Church" was first mentioned: Matthew 16Jesus the High Priest & the Perfect TabernacleAre we actually representing God on earth?Determining how we live out being "the Church"What is the Church?Ekklesia: What does it Mean?A secular word used to describe the purpose of what's sacredThe Church has been given the keyBinding & loosing clarifiedTo be a "called out one" you must be a "witness"Witness"Martyr"Acts 1:7-8The Church is to be 1) powered by Holy Spirit & 2) Jesus' witnessExample of modern court systemTypes of witnessesCharacterEyeFalseResources:What Is The Church? Ministry of Truth: Is The Origin of Christianity? Are The Keys Of The Kingdom? questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 2 content for our Question & Response episode here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website.Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
The Facts & Acts of the Early Church - Church Then & Now E3
Aug 15 2022
The Facts & Acts of the Early Church - Church Then & Now E3
Send us a textJoin Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher in their conversation about the formation (the blueprint & construction) and the acts  (the works they performed) of the Church. Before listening, it will be helpful to listen to the previous episode where they define what the Church is and what it's called to do.Show Notes:Peter's confessionJesus builds his ChurchThe blueprint for the ChurchInstructionPentecost (Acts 2)A look at the parallels between themes of Passover & Pentecost and when Jesus started the ChurchBrief discussion about denominations & the Early ChurchActs 2:17A look at the Holy Spirit in both Old Testament & New Testament contextsHoly Spirit in us, with us, on us: the differencePastor Matthew Glancey's sermon about the Spirit in the Old Testament: Watch hereTemplate for gatheringsWhat Jesus didWhat we see in Acts 2Sermon & fellowshipChurch receiving the WordPaul's epistlesMeant to get back to "the template"Biblical fellowship in Acts 2Community: Giving of self & stuffPurpose to move message forwardClosing the gapPray about how you, individually, can better reflect the biblical church where you are currently placed todayThemes found in the rest of ActsThe same themes we should see today in our church if we are practicing biblical church & communityMaher drops an impromptu spoken wordImportance of being part of a local churchResources: The Ministry of Truth: Is The Day Of Pentecost? Is The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit? Is The Purpose Of The Church? questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 2 content for our Question & Response episode here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website.Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
Christ In the Canon and God in the Genealogy - Church Then & Now E5
Sep 5 2022
Christ In the Canon and God in the Genealogy - Church Then & Now E5
Send us a textIn this episode, a continuation of the conversation of doctrine, Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher discuss the "canon" - not to be confused with a "cannon." Their discussion explores the definition of the word, the criteria for how books/scrolls of the Bible came be accepted & collected, and who the true author of this book was."The more you get to know Scripture, the more you want to know Scripture." -Ethan HooverShow Notes:What is a "canon"?Dictionary definitionCriteria & collectionGnosticism at play during the Early ChurchThe books of the Bible were inspired by GodHow the Old Testament was canonized & acceptedThe difficulty with the canonization of the New TestamentCriteria for books to be included in the canonUltimately, God was the author and used man (in His sovereignty) to put the right books in the collection we call the "Bible"Resources: What Is The Canon of Scripture? And When Was The Canon Of The Bible Put Together? Speaks Bible: questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 2 content for our Question & Response episode here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website.Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
After Christ and Before Constantine - Church Then & Now E6
Sep 12 2022
After Christ and Before Constantine - Church Then & Now E6
Send us a textIn this episode, Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher walk us through what went on during "the gap." The timeframe after Christ and before Constantine. Show Notes: IntroRecap of Season 2 up to this pointHistorical details matterWhat happens during “The Gap”Between the era of the Early Church and the Rise of the Roman Catholic ChurchThe apostles pass the batonChristianity spreading outside of JerusalemTo Middle East, Greece, Rome, etcChristians are heavily persecuted by RomeNero, Diocletian, etcAttacks on the church change from outside-in, to inside-outThe church by name gains more visibility, while the true church becomes invisibleEthan has a flash from the past: The Storytellers animated series from his childhoodHow spiritual-political rulers are used throughout scriptureNebuchanezer > Cyrus > Xerxes > And onThrowing it forward to a use of a spiritual-political ruler in the End TimesThe cycle that God usesHistory lessonTyrants that come before ConstantineThe difference between the title of a “Caesar” and “Augustus” Where did Constantine come from? His story told.Was the early church’s goal to conquer through war?Why would Constantine use the sign of the cross? What was he after?The edict of toleranceThe mixture of paganism and ChristianityPolytheism enters the “church” This is the moment where the visible church completely separates from the true/invisible churchThe State churchResources: The Spread Of The Early Church: Look At The Early Church: Was Constantine The Great? & the Early Church: Era of Constantine, When Church Met State: questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 2 content for our Question & Response episode here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website.Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsorFollow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
The Start of the State Church - Church Then & Now E7
Sep 19 2022
The Start of the State Church - Church Then & Now E7
Send us a textBuckle in everyone, Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher discuss the start of the "State church" and universalism, who the "Queen of Heaven" is, and how changing the capital of Rome gave way to a church split and start of a new religion.Show Notes: IntroRecap for Season 2 and Episode 6Constantine and Licinius ruleEdict of Tolerance (Edict of Milan)A marker of UniversalismConstantine declares himself the head of both state and church Paganism enters the churchGods/goddesses changes into “Saints”Nimrod and his mother-wife “the Queen of Heaven”The title of “Queen of Heaven” is passed down from Babel into every culture from that point forward, just repackaged in a different name.The “queen of heaven” in Catholicism: Mary Let’s talk about celibacyConfession and a lot of other really good stuffMore history about ConstantineConstantinople: the beginning of the end of RomeA wedge is created from this capital changeRoman Catholic Vs. Eastern OrthodoxThis wedge leads to another religion: IslamThe fade of the Roman Empire What we’ll cover nextResources: What Was The Edict Of Milan? Is The Origin Of The Roman Catholic Church? Does The Bible Say About The Pope / Papacy? Is The Queen Of Heaven? Was Semiramis? questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 2 content for our Question & Response episode here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website.Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
Man-Made Additions to a Divine Design (Part 1) - Church Then & Now E8
Oct 3 2022
Man-Made Additions to a Divine Design (Part 1) - Church Then & Now E8
Send us a textJoin Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher as they explore the inner workings and beliefs of Roman Catholicism. Are sacraments Biblical? What is a eucharist? And, what was the true church doing?Show Notes:IntroRoman Catholic (Universal) Church HistoryThe State ChurchThe early church was built on: Teach the found. Reach the lost. Period.Anything more is a man-made additionMain question: What is the true church doing?Exploring the Catholic ChurchWhat do they believe?Leadership structureSacramentsCatholic Hierarchy: Pope, Bishops & Cardinals, Priests then PeopleNot BiblicalChristian Hierarchy: Jesus Christ, then the PeopleElders are shepherds and leaders and accountable to the people but not greater than the peoplePluralityWhat is a sacrament?Outward expression of an inward belief: a demonstrationThe seven sacramentsHoly OrdersThe difference between the different roles and their abilitiesWhat is transubstantiation?Us, the royal priesthoodThe actual offices of the New Testament Church Good Shepherd sermonsBaptismThe catholic’s initial form of salvation ConfirmationAdditional form of salvationA symbol of “membership” to a parishEucharist (Communion)The Last SupperThe true purpose of communionIt’s not about just doing it, it’s about the meaning behind it (remembrance of Christ)OutroResources:What is Roman Catholicism? Saint Peter The First Pope? Does The Bible Say About Hierarchy? Does It Mean To Be Above Reproach / Blameless? The Seven Catholic Sacraments Biblical? Good Shepherd: Good Shepherd (Part 2): Does The Bible Say About Infant Baptism? Does The Bible Say About Ordination? Is Transubstantiation? questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 2 content for our Question & Response episode Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
Man-Made Additions to a Divine Design (Part 2) - Church Then & Now E9
Oct 10 2022
Man-Made Additions to a Divine Design (Part 2) - Church Then & Now E9
Send us a textEthan Hoover & Matthew Maher continue their conversation about the Roman Catholic Church by discussing the last 3 sacraments and their Biblical basis.Show Notes: Intro (Recap of Episode 8)The people not knowing the WordLatin (dead language)Led to the man-made additions that people didn’t know were wrong because they didn’t know the WordContinuing the sacraments conversation from Episode 8Reconciliation (Penance)Confession to a priest: Nowhere taught in ScriptureWhy go to a priest to confess?Looking at James 5:16Christian sanctification (accountability to the Lord and one another)Anointing of the Sick“Anointing” is from the Old Testament and comes from the JewsThe difference between Christians and Catholics practice of “anointingSaving faith leads to obedient faithMatrimony Catholics (generally) believe what the Bible says about marriage: One man & one womanThe Pope’s recent contrary statements in support of LGBTQIA+The purpose of marriage?The imagery of marriage for Jesus & His ChurchThe “State Church” founded by Constantine is playing itself out todayAdditional thoughts on sacraments & matrimony Resources: Are The Seven Catholic Sacraments Biblical? Does The Bible Say About Confession Of Sin To A Priest? Does The Bible Say About Anointing Oil? Is The Catholic Catechism? us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
The Pros and Cons of Councils and Creeds - Church Then & Now E11
Oct 24 2022
The Pros and Cons of Councils and Creeds - Church Then & Now E11
Send us a textIn this episode, Ethan Hoover & Matthew Maher discuss what councils & creeds are and how they affected the church of old and how they still make waves in the church of today.Show Notes: IntroRecap: Where have we been?Early Church through State ChurchInvisible vs. Visible churchThe enemy couldn’t affect the Church outside-in, only inside-outWhat is a council?What is a creed?“Ecumenical” defined and it’s dangerLet’s talk about the councils...Who gathered in them and what they didRabbit trail: Apple & ApolloThe Apostles Creed“That was written a long time ago”The OG Protestants (before the reformation)Where was the true church during this time?The true “social services” of their dayCouncils are still gathering today“Chrislam” & the Pope’s actionsResources:What Were The Ecumenical Councils? Is The Apostles Creed? Ecumenism Biblical? questions?Submit your question relating to our Season 2 content for our Question & Response episode here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website.Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!
The Splinter of Islam & a Church Split - Church Then & Now E12
Nov 7 2022
The Splinter of Islam & a Church Split - Church Then & Now E12
Send us a textAs Ethan Hoover and Matthew Maher continue their thread on the "Church Then & Now", this episode looks at the start and rise of Islam and the Great Schism, which is known as the first big church split.Show Notes:IntroWhat is this new religion? (Islam)Who is Muhammad?What does Revelation & Galatians say about adding or subtracting from the Scripture?IslamMuhammad hears a revelation from the angel GabrielleMonotheistic (similar to Christianity and the Jewish beliefs)Base their beliefs on their Arab lineage that goes back to AbrahamBut not Isaac (the blessed lineage), they are from IshmaelIslam means “submission”Muslim means “one who submits”There are extremists in every religionIsaac Vs. IshmaelStarts with Abraham, ends with Islam not accepting Jesus: that’s the problem with itBottom line: It’s a false religionThe 5 pillars of IslamCopy paste from every man-made religion: works basedThe caliphates (Muslim rulers)How they expanded Islam through conquest The Great SchismWhat was it and why did it happen?Excommunication between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox ChurchThey are different, yet similarPerpetual virginity & other beliefsThe Nation of Islam vs the religion of IslamResources:Who Was Muhammad? Is Islam, And What Do Muslims Believe? Is the Qur'an? Do Jews And Arabs / Muslims Hate Each Other? Is The Difference Between Christianity And Islam? & West Schism: The Growth & Spread of Islam: The Rise of Islmanic Empires & States: Great Schism: Great Schism Educational: Got questions?Follow us on Instagram! Follow @rechurchedpodcast or click here. Learn More: To learn more about the podcast and your hosts, visit our website. Looking to sponsor Rechurched? Apply to be a sponsor!