The Leading With Love Podcast

Shauna Arthurs

Joy • Inspiration • Conscious Conversations • Healing • Heart-Based Leadership ~ • ~ BE the Passionate, Impactful Human You Came Here to BE, and Together We Will Co-create the World We Want to Live In! read less
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Inner Silence = Transformational MAGIC 🌟 Episode Thirty
Apr 7 2024
Inner Silence = Transformational MAGIC 🌟 Episode Thirty
Why are we so afraid of the unknown?We hang on to the familiar, even when it's deeply uncomfortable.We distract ourselves and keep busy to maintain a sense of control over the uncontrollable, and deny that uncertainty is a constant in life. We will do just about anything to avoid silence ... because silence opens up space for our suppressed thoughts and fears to surface, for our inner darkness to reveal itself... and this seems far scarier than what we already know how to handle, even if that 'handling' is painful and dysfunctional.BUT.What if we're wrong? What if uncertainty can be transformed in our perspective, from discomfort and fear to the delicious anticipation of events and circumstances that are profoundly aligned with our highest good?What if EVERYthing wonderful and magical that we hope and yearn for is available on the other side of our willingness to get quiet and allow ourselves to navigate our 'darkest' places?What if embracing the unknown is the only way to access all that MAGIC, and we've been holding ourselves back from it?Just an invitation, as always ... With love,Shauna xo❤️Show Notes:Full video episode:🌺 Join us on Telegram for 'Love Notes' ~~ a little daily infusion of connection and love! 🌺 Music: Background Sound Bath:
Live FULLY: No Regrets! 🌟 Episode Twenty-Seven
Nov 23 2023
Live FULLY: No Regrets! 🌟 Episode Twenty-Seven
Wow!! We ALL need to hear this, again and again ... In a world where we can so easily get distracted for YEARS, may this be another reminder that we are LIFE FORCE embodied.May we get back into *this moment* so we can connect with our heart's dreams, our soul's callings, whatever adventures our spirits want to have in this lifetime, and the legacy our lives are asking us to fulfill.What I really love about this episode is I recorded it upon my return from Kaua'i in June of 2023, and had a tough few months where I truly didn't know if I would get back to my heart's home.  Yet ... I am posting this from Kaua'i now, with a soaring heart full of gratitude for having answered my soul's call to come back, even through hardship and existing dynamics that may have kept me from doing so. There will *always* be reasons not to do things. and, there will *always* be a little voice from your heart, calling you forward.I will leave you with some of my beloved father's fave quotes, from another stark yet beautiful reminder, Sterling Hayden's The Wanderer:"Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life?""...we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention from the sheer idiocy of the charade. "I’ve always wanted to sail to the South Seas, but I can’t afford it." What these men can’t afford is not to go. They are enmeshed in the cancerous discipline of "security." And in the worship of security we fling our lives beneath the wheels of routine — and before we know it our lives are gone."TODAY is that day ... may we live this and every other day fully, with no regrets!!With infinite love,Shauna xo❤️Show Notes:Music: video episode:🌺 Join us on Telegram for 'Love Notes' ~~ a little daily infusion of connection and love! 🌺
Your Spectacular Experiential Vehicle with Angela Smith 🌟 Episode Eleven
Feb 18 2023
Your Spectacular Experiential Vehicle with Angela Smith 🌟 Episode Eleven
Ohhh, the wisdom I enjoyed in this conversation! Angela is a powerful spirit and has much to share with us ~~ I feel like we just scratched the surface of what she has for us, and for the world. Some gems in this episode include:* Body Love and Wisdom: Why your body, in ALL its manifestations - perhaps especially those that seem unwanted or we've been ashamed of - is the most accurate and beautiful guide* Restoring Flow: Why suppressing ANYthing that wants to come through ~ from speaking truth to expressing creativity ~ 'stops the train of YOU' and leads to health issues (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual!)* Subtle or Loud: Calming your nervous system so you can receive the quieter information that is being shared* Spiritual Sleight of Hand: What you THINK is your challenge is just a gateway ... SO much healing is available once you open that up (and Angela is a genius at this!)* Personal Power: Your hero's journey and how to focus on your own path ❤️ "Your body is here for you, for the sole/soul purpose of and for you and your life experience..." ❤️ "Your first language is vibe and energy, and we all have the ability to sense and live by that..."I *LOVED* this conversation, and I trust you will too!Shauna xoShow notes:* Find Angela at and* Full video version:* JOIN Daily Love Note Audios: