Gas Glue Guardrails. The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show with Pete Havel

Pete Havel

Pete Havel's Gas, Glue and Guardrails--The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show will educate and inspire people interested in building better cultures, leaders, careers, and lives. Pete Havel is the author of "The Arsonist in the Office: Fireproofing Your Life Against Toxic Coworkers, Bosses, Employees, and Cultures", a workplace culture and leadership consultant for a vast array of organizations needing profound cultural change, a speaker and a trainer in some of the workplace's most challenging environments. Pete defines the "Gas" as those things that fuel us, "Glue" are those that unites us, and the "Guardrails" are the things that keep us from running off the road to success. On this program, you'll hear from people with interesting perspectives, who have done amazing things, who have failed and learned, and who do things exceptionally well. Listen to the powerful, the successful, those who graduated from the school of hard knocks, and those who have rebounded from the worst moments of their lives and turned them into successes. Want to become a better leader? Do you care about creating better cultures in the organizations you're involved with? Do you want a more successful stable career? Learn from the best on Gas, Glue, and Guardrails!
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How to Succeed and Survive in a Tough Environment--with Congressman Henry Cuellar
Jul 11 2023
How to Succeed and Survive in a Tough Environment--with Congressman Henry Cuellar
He's not far left or far right--those would be much easier places to be in today's politics. To survive as someone who votes on principles, for the needs of his district, and by getting out the word about his hard-fought successes and achievements, isn't easy.But Congressman Henry Cuellar, a 10-term member of congress and member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, has survived and thrived in Congress as the man who builds relationships with members of congress across the political spectrum, who's learned that old-fashioned outreach and conversations can move mountains, and that the hard work of having uncomfortable conversations and holding the line on principles pays off through respect and results.People in both political parties spent more than $20 million to defeat him in the last election cycle and he's still standing.He's proof that nice guys can finish first--if they work hard, tell their story, and build relationships.Listen to Pete Havel and Rep. Cuellar talk about career skills you need to survive when so many are targeting you.  He's the master of building relationships and success. when everyone else is making headlines. To learn more about Congressman Henry Cuellar, go to .You can reach Pete Havel at http://www.fireproofedleadership, com via email at, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and by phone at 214.244.7906.To buy a signed copy of his book, The Arsonist in the Office, click HERE.To purchase an unsigned copy of Pete's book, The Arsonist in the Office, go to AmazonAudiobooks can be purchased at Audible
The United Way of Scandal and Silence--The Lisa Bowman Story
Mar 20 2023
The United Way of Scandal and Silence--The Lisa Bowman Story
Lisa Bowman served as a top executive for the United Way, a nonprofit known for caring for others. A hotbed of harassment, Bowman endured abusive sexual harassment from a colleague for a while, but eventually spoke up. And when she did, she saw her department budget slashed, colleagues around her targeted, and was eventually fired by a CEO who later walked away with millions in donor donations.She went to the United Way's Board of Directors, a group filled with representatives of organizations with strong anti-harassment policies'll hear the rest of her story in this compelling episode.Lisa is the author of "Harasshole: A Cautionary Tale of My Time at America's Favorite Charity", a book that's available at, A foreword from Lisa's book:​"What makes this story different is that we hear, and are used to hearing, about these issues every day in every sector, entertainment, sports, the government and corporate America. We haven’t heard it much in the Non-Profit sector, and surely, it happens. What rings sad here is that these are the very people who are tasked with doing good for our larger society."Gretchen Carlson​Co-Founder Lift Our Voices, Female Empowerment Advocate, Journalist, AuthorYou can reach her at LisaBowmanAuthor@gmail.comYou can buy her book,Harasshole: A Cautionary Tale of My Time at “America’s Favorite Charity,” on Amazon at You can reach Pete Havel at http://www.fireproofedleadership, com via email at, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and by phone at 214.244.7906.To buy a signed copy of his book, The Arsonist in the Office, click HERE.To purchase an unsigned copy of Pete's book, The Arsonist in the Office, go to AmazonAudiobooks can be purchased at Audible
Toxic and Treason Threats--The Courageous Story of Ashley Yablon
Mar 6 2023
Toxic and Treason Threats--The Courageous Story of Ashley Yablon
Hold onto your seat! Imagine getting your dream job--the one you've spent your life planning for--and realize that you're facing the mindblowing decision of "Do I keep doing exactly what I'm doing and risk treason charges?" or "Do I trust my conscience and implode my career?  That was the impossible and--for a person of integrity and conscience-- yet easy decision that faced attorney Ashley Yablon several years ago.  He literally put his life and his career in danger by standing on principle against the most unprincipled of employers.His is a story faced in much smaller ways every day by people who face unethical and toxic pressures at work.  Yet none of them--and none of us--have to wonder if we could get out of our companies alive and have the FBI ready to launch a strike to save us. But he did.Ashley Yablon, a former general counsel, risked it all. He's the author of "Standing Up to China"--a book you need to buy today.Hear his story of being set up to take the fall by a multi-billion $$$ company backed by a government that plays dirty and for keeps.  Learn what he learned when he became the target in a story of spying, international business, leadership, survival, adversity, and outrageous courage.Ashley Yablon's links:Social Media: Sales: can reach Pete Havel at http://www.fireproofedleadership, com via email at, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and by phone at 214.244.7906.To buy a signed copy of his book, The Arsonist in the Office, click HERE.To purchase an unsigned copy of Pete's book, The Arsonist in the Office, go to AmazonAudiobooks can be purchased at Audible
The Career Fall and the Comeback--The Poncho Nevarez Story
Feb 19 2023
The Career Fall and the Comeback--The Poncho Nevarez Story
Hear an amazing story of a powerful person who lost that power and prestige in the drop of an envelope. Poncho Nevarez was an influential, political rising star until his career ended in a life-changing destructive moment that he now calls one of the best moments of his life. He was caught up in the power and  loved the political game,  but it consumed him. To look for an edge and to cope with the battles, he became an addict. And that addiction led to him being investigated by the same people he oversaw as a high-powered legislative committee chairman. Hear the story of how that drop of an envelope led to a changed life, the type of perspective that only adversity can bring us, a new appreciation for family and friends, and his new mission in life: learning from his mistakes, rebuilding, and starting his second act.You're going to face career adversity--maybe personal adversity--at some point. Your image and ego may be obliterated in an instant. If you're wondering how you can gain perspective to prevent it, deal with it, and understand it, this episode is for you.  You can reach Pete Havel at http://www.fireproofedleadership, com via email at, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and by phone at 214.244.7906.To buy a signed copy of his book, The Arsonist in the Office, click HERE.To purchase an unsigned copy of Pete's book, The Arsonist in the Office, go to AmazonAudiobooks can be purchased at Audible