Dr Mary Anderson's Podcast: Healing Vocals

Dr Mary Anderson

A pod cast by Dr. Mary - where music, charity work and healthcare meet the world to make a change for the better. Showcasing  artist, producers, industry leaders in the music world who do good in the world.

Dr. Anderson is the lead creator of Healing Vocals. HV is a podcast dedicated to allowing the Music world to have a platform to talk about the good works that are achieved through music. Often times the public does not know this side of the artist or music industry.

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Exploring the Independent Music Landscape with Ryan Woodcock and Jayko The ARkiTekk
Dec 10 2023
Exploring the Independent Music Landscape with Ryan Woodcock and Jayko The ARkiTekk
Ever wonder about the struggles and triumphs of artists in the independent music scene? Well, wonder no more as we bring you an intimate conversation with Ryan Woodcock and Jayco The ARkiTekk  who are creating waves in the industry. They share their unique journeys into music, the challenges they've faced, and their inspiring stories of resilience. Listen in as Ryan reveals his transition into rap and collaborations with Haystack, while Jayco opens up about their family's musical influence and personal journey to recovery.Navigating the music industry is no mean feat, with hurdles like distribution and the influence of social media posing significant challenges. But fear not, as this episode is packed with insights on overcoming these barriers. Your host Dr. Mary, Ryan and Jayco discuss the importance of a robust business mindset, trust, and collaboration -- vital tools for any artist in the industry. We weave through the complex layers of the industry, shedding light on the unique struggles independent artists face, and call for unity as we stand together against these challenges.We then move into a deeper discussion on the critical relationship between mental health, self-care, and music. Ryan and Jayco share their experiences of performing, the impact of social media on their lives, and how music has proved to be a powerful tool for connection and healing. We also have the chance to talk about "Sacrs” a testament to the universal human experience of pain and challenge. Ryan and Jayco have a single out soon and we are looking forward to it. Dr. Mary shares her rendition of  Patsy Cline's " Walking after midnight".  "Walkin' After Midnight" is a song written by Alan Block and Don Hecht and recorded by American country music artist Patsy Cline, and we give credit where credit is due. So, get ready to be moved, enlightened, and inspired with this heartwarming episode of Healing Vocals.Support the show
A Heartwarming Journey: Unveiling the Magic of Music and Podcasting with Kaden Collins
Dec 7 2023
A Heartwarming Journey: Unveiling the Magic of Music and Podcasting with Kaden Collins
Ever found yourself drawn into the mesmerizing world of independent music? Well, you're definitely in for a treat! We are joined by podcasting extraordinaire, Kaden Collins, who takes us on an inspiring journey through his world of audio magic, ignited by the loss of his beloved grandmother and fueled by his yearning to make a difference in people's lives.We dig into the life-altering moments that podcasting has brought into our lives, featuring a particularly memorable experience with the rising music star, Danny Stephanetti. We had a good chuckle over Joe his manager where pink sunscreen being mistaken for chapstick is hilarious. And a heartwarming love story involving one of our hosts - Kaden. And guess what? We've got plenty more where that came from! A lighthearted and entertaining chat about our personal achievements had us reminiscing about the comedic genius of our manager, the hilarious mishaps that have graced our lives, and an embarrassing childhood injury of our musician friend Kaden.Rounding off our enriching rendezvous, we tapped into the profound influence of music on our lives. Reflecting on the soothing power of melodies and rhythms, we explored how music can heal us emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. We also delved into our guest Kaden's tale of overcoming adversity to pursue his passion for entertainment. It's a touching reminder to always be grateful and acknowledge those who lend us a helping hand. So, if you're craving an enticing mix of heartwarming stories, laughter, and a deep-dive into the world of podcasting and music, you won't want to miss this episode!Support the show
Code Word Gumby and Other Adventures in Modern Dating: 2023 Edition
Aug 15 2023
Code Word Gumby and Other Adventures in Modern Dating: 2023 Edition
Ever found yourself stuck in a giant rocking chair on a date, needing aid from unsuspecting strangers? Laugh along as we recount our night out stories and cautionary tales from the wacky, often unpredictable world of modern dating in 2023. We take you behind the screen to explore the challenges and joys of online dating, including the humorous but essential need for 'Gumby' as a code word in potential silly, awkward situations.From navigating dating websites to deciphering the cryptic social media personalities and dealing with unexpected instances of imposters, we share it all. We also discuss the tensions between online and real-life expectations, shedding light on how the internet continues to transform our love lives. And in a surprising twist, we reveal what's in store for us - a birthday bash in Columbia, Tennessee! With our gripping tales and insightful conversations, we guarantee you'll see modern dating in a whole new light.But we're not just about dating! We delve into the therapeutic world of music and relaxation, detailing how simple acts like listening to country music can alleviate stress and anxiety. Plus, we extend a sincere thank you to all our fans, artists, and producers for their unwavering support. Their contributions have played a pivotal role in our podcast's success. So join us on this wild ride where we fuse humor, advice, and relaxation to offer you an entertaining and enriching listening experience!Support the show
Special Episode: Soundtrack of Resilience: The Story of Westmoreland's Musical Community
Aug 2 2023
Special Episode: Soundtrack of Resilience: The Story of Westmoreland's Musical Community
Join us on a musical journey that's more than just tunes and lyrics. This episode, we're taking you backstage at the Dustin Spears Concert, a heartwarming community effort in Westmoreland to raise funds for their cherished music program. Be a part of the melody, as we share intimate interviews with Dustin Spears himself, his parents, and the tireless members of the Westmoreland School Band Boosters. With us on the frontlines, you'll feel the pulse of a community striving to protect its identity and its love for music.We're turning up the volume and baring our souls in the Dustin Spears Benefit Concert. Get a taste of their vibrant karaoke night, as we bring you live narrations from Brian, our PA system host, and our very own Dr. Mary from Zenith Harmony's podcast. Experience first-hand, the raw emotion in Dustin's music, the stories woven into his lyrics, and how they mirror the essence of this tight-knit community. This episode isn't just about music; it's about the power of unity and the role of music in preserving a way of life.In the finale, immerse yourself in the moving narratives of Dustin's parents, as they express their dedication to the music program and the need for community support. The Westmoreland Middle School Band Boosters also lay bare their hopes for the music program's future, and the value they place on music education. We end on a high note, with Dustin's gripping performance of 'Got One Shot'. This episode is a testament to the power of music and community, a celebration of Westmoreland's resilience and spirit.Support the show