Julia Grace McCammon

Julia shares her Ability to See things Differently! Shining awareness, fresh perspective and insights on situations of everyday life. An experienced natural-born healer caring to find solutions and improve lives. More info at: https://JuliaGrace.ca read less
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Break Free of Constant Grading and Rating
Feb 9 2024
Break Free of Constant Grading and Rating
Over the years I have had the pain and pleasure of working with all sorts of teachers. In my area, there are two universities, one college and plenty of elementary to high schools. Some of my aunts were teachers, plus my husband and son are teachers. So, all varieties of teachers have crossed my path, needing to improve their situations and symptoms. Most teachers’ response to anything new is to grade it. It’s happened in hundreds of sessions with university and college professors, high school teachers and elementary school teachers. Let’s face it, they are trained for judging in their jobs. Rating and grading the performance of their students makes for a strong habit to rate everything. We All Rate Our ExperiencesProblems are created by a lack of intuitive connection in a world full of information and statistics. When a person’s first response is to be critical and negative, there’s no chance for change or growth in their life. It is entirely possible to shut down any chance for improvement when all judgment sees is what’s not good enough. How can we know and trust what “feels” right when our analytical mind is in control?Control Issues Block People’s ProgressAnother level of resistance many teachers present, is wanting control of every step along the way. After all, they’re trained to keep control of students in their class. Teachers aren’t the only ones struggling with this problem. Giving up control can be scary, for some, it’s all they have left. When illness has taken control, it can be brutal for individuals who are used to orchestrating every detail in life. Letting go, allowing another to guide and assist may not be an easy choice.Fear and Doubt Hide Behind ControlThe ocean of doubt produces question after question. Sometimes questioning is competitive, trying to show they know more. Why would anyone want fear and doubt to control them? Fear and doubt can keep us frozen and stuck with nowhere to go. Change can be uncomfortable as we rise and transform. Some people prefer staying stuck, living with depression and pain. It’s a comfortable misery, a familiar story they are used to.Eventually, most people let the reins go, and we make real progress together! We all benefit when we allow wiggle room for new and different experiences.Shop Services For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Summer Fizz - Refreshing Strawberry Rhubarb Soda
Aug 2 2023
Summer Fizz - Refreshing Strawberry Rhubarb Soda
In recent years, I’ve been exploring the world of fermentation to improve my gut health, digestion, and lower inflammation. I’ve tried lots of different recipes with various foods to help heal my gut. Fermented drinks and fermented foods have definitely improved my digestion and overall tummy comfort. I’m going to share a favourite fermented soda recipe I’ve had fun creating. It’s such a lively summer flavour, I thought you might enjoy it.Website post - Fizzy & Fresh – Fermented Strawberry Rhubarb SodaIt’s a Strawberry Rhubarb fermented soda that’s lacto-fermented. For my lacto-fermentation soda recipes, you will need to start with a ginger bug. You’ll find lots of recipes for a ginger bug on YouTube and in other places. It’s a combination of sugar, ginger, and water that you add at various times to build up and get it fermenting. It becomes the activator for all of your fermented soda drinks.Today’s flavour is Strawberry Rhubarb. The colour is just beautiful and the flavour is really refreshing! Let’s get into the ingredients. I figured the ratio that’s best for me is double the amount of strawberries to rhubarb. What I’ve used lately has been 2 1/2 cups of cut up fresh strawberries and 1 1/4 cups of sliced rhubarb from my garden.Then I add 1 cup of organic sugar and put all of that in a pot with about 4 or 5 cups of filtered water. You do not want any chlorine in any of this. Always remember to use filtered water. I let that simmer with the lid on for about 20 minutes to keep all the flavour in. Then I take the whole pot and put it in an ice bath in my kitchen sink to cool down to about room temperature. You need to get it cooler because you don’t want to kill off your ginger bug when you add it later.Next, you strain off the juice into a larger, pourable container and pour that juice into a 2 quart glass Mason jar. To that, you will add 1/2 cup of the strained ginger bug and then top it up to the top of the bottle with more filtered water. Give it a stir with a non metal utensil, then we put on a lid. I use the silicone fermentation lids that go on the top and you can put a metal ring or plastic ring on top of that. Once you have it all together, it’s time to allow this colourful mix to become a lacto-fermented soda.You’re going to let it sit out of the sunlight for about 3 to 5 days, as it gets going with lots of bubbles and activation. Place it in another room away from other fermentation projects like bread, so it doesn’t get cross contaminated. Every day, I shake it once or twice to keep it moving and prevent mould. After a few days, you will find it starts to get nice and bubbly. If you use regular canning lids, watch out for pressure building in the jar and burp as needed. As it gets more bubbly and very active, it’ll be time to give it a taste.Just lift off the lid and stir it up. Don’t use metal utensils. If tasting too early, it may taste too sweet. If you let it go too long, it’s going to get boozy. Somewhere in between, give it a little taste and see if it suits you. If you like it, it’s and it’s at the right point, it’s time to bottle it. I use swing top glass beer bottles. For this amount, you can fill four of them. I actually use only 3 at a time, along with 1 plastic bottle. I reuse a plastic drink bottle about the same size as my tester. It’s handy for testing when the strawberry rhubarb soda is ready.After bottling and putting all the caps on, you leave it on the counter somewhere out of sunlight. The plastic bottle is handy because you can squeeze it to feel how much pressure is building. At first, it will give a lot, and then as time goes on, it will become firmer over about 12 to 18, 24 hours. I don’t have an exact time. I check it every few hours. It depends on your environment and temperature. You’ll feel the difference as it gets firm. Once that tester bottle is hard to squeeze, your fruity fermented soda is ready for tasting.I pour a little into a small glass over a couple of ice Cubes to see if it’s fizzy enough and tastes delicious. When you are happy with this fermented soda flavour, it’s time to put all your bottles in the fridge. This slows fermentation and prevents too much pressure. You don’t want blow ups. Keep them in the fridge and enjoy drinking within about 2-3 weeks. This is about the longest I’ve had them last because I really like the flavour. For longer storage, be sure to occasionally burp them.Keep your hand on top of the bottle when burping. Lift the cap a little to let some pressure off. That’s why I put a hand over the top. One time, my son quickly opened a bottle, and it sprayed a ton of fizzy goodness all over the place. That’s your warning about the bubbliness. This lacto-fermented strawberry rhubarb soda is a lively, refreshing probiotic drink that’s good for gut health. Using the ginger bug is my favourite way to make these fermented sodas. They have a really nice flavour and a little zip. I’m sharing it to help and encourage those who suffer with indigestion. Plus, it’s fun to try new things, and I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen. I hope you like it. If you want to know more, I’ll share more recipes along the way. For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Life Memories and Mulberries
Jul 3 2023
Life Memories and Mulberries
Have you ever had the opportunity to go berry picking?I’m not talking about the little packages of berries you’d pick up at the store.I used to do a lot of berry picking when I was young, and it was a favourite activity. It usually also involved a chance to go out for a picnic with my mom and grandfather, Cappy Guy. My mom would prepare the meal and pack it up for the three of us. We would take off in Cappy’s little car, which he never did seem to get, to handle and how to shift it properly! So I remember bouncing around while riding in the back seat, but I loved every second of the trip.After dinner, they would sit and have coffee together and Cappy would light up his pipe. I still like the smell of pipe tobacco when I get a whiff. It always reminds me of Cappy Guy and picnics. Then we would start berry picking. Mom taught me to dress in clothing that would keep me covered up to prevent vicious scratches from the berry bushes. I did get a few scratches each time. It was unavoidable, I was young and those prickly Blackberry bushes were nasty to reach into.I remember the delight of getting down into the woodsy area where the berries grew. The three of us would quietly be picking berries. Of course, we would be eating a few berries along the way. A lot went in my mouth first. Then when I was full of berries, they would started piling up in my little container. No one was talking. We were all quiet, enjoying picking the berries. When a container was full, I would hear them talking to each other. I was rarely the first one with a full bucket since many berries went into my stomach.It was such a calm, peaceful place. Being in nature, safely tucked away in the forest with my mom nearby. Everything was green, lush and warm, and it was a beautiful time of the year. There were birds and breezes I would pause and listen to. It was a joy to be in nature. Do you feel that way when you get out in nature, whether it’s in a park or provincial park or in the woods somewhere?Nature Brings Us To A Calm PlaceIt settles us down to a more grounded, peaceful space. Unfortunately, we don’t get to that space often enough.To this day, I am grateful for every opportunity I get to pick fresh berries. My husband laughs at me when I full stop to pick a few wild berries when I spot them.These days he’s gets a chuckle seeing me at the front of our house. When we moved here, we discovered a special tree at the front of our house. Just beyond my office window there is a beautiful little mulberry tree. This year it is a very happy tree loaded with nutritious, yummy mulberries. I have been out there daily picking some of our prolific crop of sweet little purple mulberries. I certainly eat more than I keep, that is half the fun of this tree. Plus they fall off the tree so easily, many go on the ground and the birds steal those ones. It is a pleasure having my own mulberry tree for berry picking. Every time I go for more berries I think of my mom, knowing she would be right beside me if she were here today.It is important to remember and enjoy and be grateful for our fond life memories as they arrive. Enjoy those little pleasures in life, even if there isn’t a fond memory attached. I suggest that you enjoy your little pleasures. Take a moment to pick those berries. Take a moment to breathe in fresh air. Notice your surroundings and be grateful. We must recognize the lovely little treats in our life that come along. Be grateful for them and for those who taught us how to recognize a good opportunity.I will always be grateful to my mom for teaching me the pleasure of picking berries and tending to a vegetable garden, for watching things grow in nature and being grateful for its gifts.Shop Services For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Do Foods We Eat Fill A Void Or Feed Our Body?
Mar 23 2023
Do Foods We Eat Fill A Void Or Feed Our Body?
The foods we eat, do they fill a void or feed our body? How do we analyze what is good or bad for us? Simply put, how do you feel after eating or drinking certain foods? We all have some foods that upset our stomach and our gut. Were you in a hurry and chomped down the food without even noticing its taste or aroma? Hurry, hurry, hurry. We do that a lot, don't we? Were you calm and able to enjoy the meal? Or were you upset and agitated in the middle of an argument? Our stomach and intestines and more all want a peaceful environment. It's like riding over a bumpy road at high speed. Things get jostled around and sometimes they break. Do you want to be stuck at the side of the road in need of repair? Paying attention to what we eat is important for good health in our body. One easy step is to start noticing how you are feeling both during and after a meal. This small change alone in focus will help you be more aware of yourself on the inside and less distracted by what's going on around you. For over 35 years, I lived with IBS and its symptoms. That's Irritable Bowel Syndrome, in case you don't know. It would always flare up in stressful times. I suffered over and over with horrible, painful cramps and other stuff that we won't go into right now. The way I described it at the time, I would say it feels like I'm being cut in half with a knife. It was just awful. It went on for years and years.  In my 20's, I went through the whole thing of upper and lower GI series that the doctor ordered. Not fun. Swallow a bunch of barium and get X rayed way, way, way too much. Then in my 40's, I was given a prescription to stop the cramps, a muscle relaxant that made me feel like a zombie. I was so zoned out. I tried it twice and said, No thanks. I had two young children, a business I was managing, so much stress in my life. It was crazy! There was no way I could be that totally numbed out and out of touch. It just didn't make sense. This led me to dig deeper over the years and recognize how much healing I really needed. I researched a lot and became involved with lots and lots of training and many different healing modalities, or tools I would call them, of what you might call energy healing and transformation. Let's just call it change, creating change in the physical body, mind, spirit, all areas. In the process of clearing out my own emotional traumas, I was going through all these changes. I was learning many ways in which the body can heal itself. Along that journey, I realized my job was to share my skills at finding solutions for all sorts of situations. Fast forward to recent years, I've been digging into research papers and articles about our gut microbiome. There’s all sorts of information connecting the food we eat or don't eat, with overall health and even some specific illnesses. I'll be sharing more about specific foods and recipes I've played with along this journey. Yes, played with, because I enjoy new learning and the adventure of the whole thing along the way! That's all we're going to talk about today, and I'll talk with you again soon! For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Struggling In Life - Do We Rise Up Or Give Up
Sep 17 2022
Struggling In Life - Do We Rise Up Or Give Up
I know it's been a while. I've been moving through my own struggles in life. I was living with a lot of swelling and pain in my body, and I've been working it through, learned a lot. I'm on the other side of it now, recovering nicely. Quite thankful on that, but it did make me aware of a lot that I had not dealt with. We think we've looked at everything and healer type people are supposed to be perfect and always healthy.  Well, gosh, every one of us has stuff! Anyone who tells you they've dealt with everything and everything's just fine. Okay, well, they can see. I hope they have, and I hope they are, but there can be some speed bumps that come up that you don't expect. Like for me, this, it had started with one foot, under my foot bothering me, and slowly it got to be more. Anyway, let me just start with some history here, because I knew my first thought was to do with my overuse of my body. Let's just say I had a history, a big history of physically pushing my body past its ability and capacity at the time. I did this again and again. As a child I rode horses and competed at horse shows in summer. Now, in English riding, there are some rules. How you hold the reins and where your feet sit in the stirrups. Like hands together down low, not flailing around in the air, and how your heels are down in the stirrups. Just the ball of your foot in the actual stirrup. These two things strained my wrists, fingers and ankles and feet a lot over the years. Now let's move forward. I've always been a craft type person. Knitting, sewing, like knitting as a teen. I was knitting sweaters, hats, and later on, blankets that my children used to like to curl up in. I sewed my own clothes and lots and lots of cooking and baking. Let's just say my hands have been really busy over the years. In my twenties, I did a three-year Crafts and Design program at Sheridan College. Talk about using my hands! Wow, it was a super creative time, and I loved it. Designing and drawing and photography, silk screening fabrics, weaving. Where I spent most of my time was in the ceramic studio. My hands and arms were pushed far beyond the strength and ability they had at the time. We had to mix our own clay body to make pottery with. I'd be lifting, this scrawny little 20 something, lifting a 100-pound bag of clay up into the mixer. That's several types, because you wouldn't be just using one ingredient in the mix, so you'd be doing this again and again. I remember the strain. It was so hard to do because I didn't have the muscles. Before you start making pottery on what's called a wheel, a throwing wheel, you have to wedge it. It's kind of like kneading bread but requires a lot more muscle. Then when you're throwing wet clay on a potter's wheel, it makes such demands on the wrists, the fingers, again and again, and your hands are in wintertime, cold water again and again. My wrists used to ache when I'd get home. Especially when you start to create bigger pieces, you're dealing with a lot more weight of clay. You're pushing your wrists super hard, bending them to center the clay, before you start to pull it up into thinner walls. Let's see, now we can fast forward to last fall. I was having fun learning how to dehydrate foods from our garden. It started when we had way too many tomatoes! I was using my hands way beyond their capacity again, chopping and slicing far too much. This is around when I started having my hands swelling and my wrists and oh, my goodness, my feet and ankles. Anyway, it got really painful, and I continued to persevere. Thinking, all right, I've got to work through this and sort it out. I was working on myself, and I could get it settled down to a certain extent. It wasn't until I realized that I had been holding myself back, really forever, in thinking I didn't deserve care. I was taught to take care of everyone else and I didn't clue in to taking care of myself. I had pushed and pushed and pushed my physical body all my life. I had to get the big lesson of caring about myself and loving myself and asking for help. Once I settled into that, which wasn't easy, I started to move forward. Got some help and looked for other resources that could help and through a variety of things, moved this forward. Now today, I can walk more easily and use my hands more, they're still weak. I have to rebuild muscles, but things are coming along nicely. What I wanted to point out is at times in our life, like when I was in a lot of pain, frustrated and struggling in my life at that point. It's what we do at those points. Do we give up and wallow in it and self-pity and think there's nothing we can do? Or do we rise up and go, all right, how do we solve this? What needs to happen? When we can settle down and look at things more calmly. Often the reality, the true self within can give us a little talk, that little intuitive voice inside. If we can accept that we need some help, and then sort out a lot of what's going on. Wow, the possibilities are endless to move forward, rise up, get up, get moving and enjoy life! It’s all in how you look at it. Is life giving you a struggle or are you struggling in how you're looking at it? I was struggling in the fact I'd much rather be helping others than myself. It was very interesting! It was a great lesson, but I won't forget it. I just want to say that you're not alone. You don't have to solve everything for yourself. If you'd like some help, I'm here, available, if you'd like it. We can do sessions or whatever you like. Please don't feel you have to struggle in your own life on your own. For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Judgy Fear Hurts Relationships
Dec 10 2021
Judgy Fear Hurts Relationships
We humans are built to connect with each other. Our friends, our family, our associates we work with. Even the people behind the cash register when we're out at stores and restaurants, throughout the larger community, and as we travel the world. When I was young, I had to work at my dad's hardware store every summer from about age 13 to 16. I learned a lot about serving others and how it feels to be behind the counter, and how that can affect relationships with those customers. I had to accept and work with such a variety of people. You see, I grew up in a small town that in summer would double in size, with lots of people visiting, staying at their cottages or visiting other people's cottages. It's a beautiful place in the Eastern townships of Quebec. There is a big, beautiful deep lake and just a lovely environment with the mountains around. Often in the store, my dad's store, I got to encounter so many different characters. There were some who treated me with respect and others who were impatient. Full of ego and expectation that they should be waited on first, even though there were four people ahead of them. It was a real learning experience. When the ones that were kind and respectful and patient came in, I would jump to take care of them and do everything I could to find whatever it was in the store. If you don't know, hardware stores can contain a lot of different things, a lot of variety! Then there were the ones who'd come in and be so demanding. I took a little longer to get to those ones. I thought, you know what? You can learn a little patience. I'm not sure how we can get quickly caught up in judgment and thinking that it's the other person's fault. Blaming the other person and accusing the other person and belittling another person or ignoring, dismissing, all those fun words that you can think of. The way that we can be cruel and mean to others. Why is that? How is it that we can go from being calm and just plain reasonable and considerate of others, to raving, mad, impatient, afraid, judgy, smallminded, self, self, self-focused people? I have a real problem with giving too much attention to people who behave in a cruel way. It's troubling to think that really what they're being is bullies and that they can get away with it. So if we don't let them get away with it. If we don't let bullies or demanding people determine how we feel, what we think, how we behave, wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't it be nice to stand in our own power and first consider what feels right for us? Instead of listening to everyone else and following the lead of everyone else and following the crowd? Look at the situation we're in today with so much division within family and friends over life choices of what people do in their life. When did it become okay to judge so harshly, all of a sudden and forget the incredible relationship that you have? To forget, the bonds that you have, to forget the love that you share. All because of one decision that's been broadcasted again and again and again and again and again to convince and divide us. Come on. We're all human beings. We have so much else in common. It's time to get off the fear train and throw out your fear bunnies. Calm the heck down. Take a breath and realize what's important to you. Don't throw away your relationships so quickly. These are relationships that have been formed over the years. Now, if someone is treating you badly and cruelly, bullying and abusing you. Of course, those are relationships that have to end. Just be wise and don't be the bully. Don't be the abuser now just because you think you're better and you think you're right. You think you made the right decision and you think they're stupid because they made a different decision? No! Who made you the judge? Stop. Take a breath. Love the people you have loved all along. Get out of your head, into your heart and feel what's right. You'll know then what the priority is. I hope that you can see you have choices in your life. I hope that you can see that we don't need to be separate. It's just so sad to see people get hurt and crushed along the way. It's so harmful to be controlled by fear. I'd say, take a look at yourself. Take a look within. I find it a pretty good exercise to look within myself and go. Okay, what part of this is me? What part of this is something that makes me uncomfortable, so I'm overreacting? Especially when occasions come up where normally we would gather together, such as soon it will be Christmas time. Don't let conflict destroy friendships and relationships that have meant a lot to you for many years. Like I said, get off the fear train. Take a look around. Have a few breaths and enjoy your relationships. Yeah, there's bumps along the way, but there's so much that you have in common. Again, be strong in your heart, not your head and know what feels right for you and go with that! For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Faith Or Fear In Our Life
May 28 2021
Faith Or Fear In Our Life
Is faith or fear running your life these days? How would we describe our life in general? There is a lot going on. Are we comfortable in our choices, in our views? Is there calmness and peace in our environment? I'm not so sure. In my own life and with clients, I see lots of stuff coming up. People are feeling worried and fearful, wondering what's coming in the future. Changes are happening, whether people like it or not, with their work, where they are living, moving. There's a jumble out there of stuff individuals and families are having to deal with, and it's not all pretty and it's not all easy. We have to remind ourselves and look at where is our viewpoint coming from? Do we live with joy and feel blessed with all that we have? Or are we resentful for what we don't have? Are we envious or jealous of what others have? What i's driving our life? Fear of all that will come or faith that we will make progress in ways we may not see at this moment. We all have choices so we can stay scared. Or we can be calm, knowing how to put one foot in front of the other, one day at a time, and that brings progress. Even if our egos want to have instant improvements. It is definitely a time to let patience be our guide. When we see all the new possibilities and let nature inspire us, it can bring back that joy. Whether it's in small little things of getting out your gardening tools and repotting your plants in your home or outside in the garden, if the weather is good. Going for walks in nature if there's a park nearby or some woods to walk around in and feel the lovely grounding of the trees around you. It is a choice we can make. We can either be all tense and fearful and, oh my gosh! Our body just starts to shut down and we get sicker, and we make ourselves more available for sickness. Or we can calm down, take a breath, have some water. Enjoy the little, tiny things in life, little progresses when you accomplish a small task, when you enjoy a good meal. I've been having fun doing more cooking because for a few years I was having a lot of trouble with my hands, past potter issues where I'd overstrained them. I've been having a blast getting into doing more in the kitchen. I am a little bit of a mad scientist where I like to tweak recipes and have fun with that. What are, where are the ways that you find joy? What are the things that you enjoy? Pick some of those out even if you haven't done them in a long time. Maybe they could be a little inspiration for you to have some fun. We have choices of where we are looking and how we view the world. I hope that you can find your inspiration and your joy and be well!  If you want to know more visit https://JuliaGrace.ca For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
The Value Of Women
Feb 12 2021
The Value Of Women
Today I want to talk about the value of women. It's been a hot topic, really, with all of the Me Too movement and everything recently. I really want to talk about overall the fact that so many women have never realized their true value and accepted all that they bring to the table. Often we've been taught, by previous generations or in our family, how useless and worthless we are. Or that our values and our thoughts and our opinions mean nothing. I mean, I'm a boomer. I grew up in the days where, my mom stayed at home and did a wonderful job feeding everyone. But really, my father ruled and he had final say and all of that, and that was what I witnessed. So the first thing I wanted to do was get away and find independence. So I did at a far too young an age. But the the thing I experienced throughout my growth in my lifetime has been so many times, like from early days, working in offices where there were lots of secretaries that were women but very few bosses and salaries. Oh, my goodness, don't even start me on that one, earning way less than men. Then as we progressed through, we did try to make some changes as women. The next generation as a boomer, with our own children to try and adjust that relationship a little better. But there were things that I didn't know, I didn't have a clue. I didn't even think about, like I should have kept my own last name. My kids I thought of, it was for my kids. Well, if I have kids in the future, they're going to have these double names and it's going to sound stupid. I won't bother. Yet then in finances, the thing was for the guy to be in control. We started that and wow, that was a quick wide open, what do you call it? Eyeopener with my husband. It was like, no, I've been managing my finances for way longer. I was kind of a natural, it was a natural thing for me with numbers. So, yeah, I took over that one pretty quickly. But the things that we learned and the things, we were trying to be better than, every generation is right? Trying to do better than the previous generation. I'm sure my kids will do better than I ever did. We in those early days were trying to find more freedoms and adjust things. We were trying to have more balanced relationships and get the guys more involved with raising our kids. The only weakness I really saw, one of the big ones, I'm sure there's lots of them you could name, was where the dads tended to want to be the kid's buddies. They didn't want to be so much the dad as they want to play with them and have fun with them in good times. But guess what? Mom has to be the enforcer, the bad cop, the one to say no. The one to, really push home, that the kids have to be responsible and have to behave themselves and not have too much expectation that everything's done for them. I mean, those hilarious moments when our kids totally make us aware of our failings are really valuable, because you have to look at that and take responsibility for it. I know there's tons of places where I was wrong, I did it the wrong way. I used to be a huge perfectionist. That's how I was trained, that whatever I did, I had to do it 100 percent or it had no value. I luckily have broken that one down over the years for myself. But what pieces have we thrown at our kids? What pieces were thrown at us? How many of those pieces have we recognized are valuable, and how many of those pieces are not valuable? The ones to toss out, the BS things that we've believed in the past that aren't true. The more we can accept our own value as women and see the the potential and show others gratitude for their parts. Also be glad for what we have provided, for what we can do. I'm telling you, in a crisis, yeah, I would look to a woman first to see, let's just say some leadership and grit. Because we've had to have grit in so many times in our lives. The ability to stand up on our feet again after we're flattened. The ability to think in a crisis and get out of it, because we've had to so often. I know that on both sides there are some obviously useless women and some obviously wonderful men. But our training, our history definitely has been showing the woman more as the anchor of a family. Well, that anchor carries a lot of weight and sometimes it gets bloody overwhelming and unrecognized and unappreciated. I'm here to say, women, you have value! You have much more value than you realize often. Thanks for listening, bye, bye. If you want to know more visit https://JuliaGrace.ca For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Loving Animals and Caring For Others
Nov 28 2020
Loving Animals and Caring For Others
Many of you know I grew up with animals, I loved them and they were my friends. We always had a cat and dog but around 8 years of age I was thrilled the moment I rode a friend's pony. I asked my father if we could get a pony and he told me if we did, I would be responsible for the care and feeding of the pony. Of course I agreed, having no clue of what was involved and how much horse poop I would shovel. We started with one pony, then 2, then 2 more and their foals, then a horse for Dad, and a horse for Mom. My sister brought home "cute" baby chicks that she cared for for a few weeks, and then I got to care for as adults in the barn. Not sure how I (youngest of 5 children) became a caretaker for so many animals when all I wanted was a pony! Needless to say my Dad and I shoveled a lot of ...! Then one day Dad arrived with four pregnant cows and plans for beef in the freezer.He didn't appreciate the relationships I developed with the cows. I named and tamed two and could even ride dear old Francis the black Angus. It was rather a comedy to see a human being riding a cow, but it was fun! She didn't mind. Animals create an opportunity to share our hearts and enjoy their company They don't have minds full of doubts and fears, they just are. Animals allow us to be ourselves and will give love beyond measure when we respect and honour them. I learned so much about having responsibilities and working hard at a young age. The bonus of all my caretaking hours was being able to enjoy time with horses; riding, practicing and competing in horse shows. My personal favourites were summer trail rides in the country with a picnic and swim with the horses after at the lake. Horses are like big kids splashing around when they get into a lake! You have to hold on because they get slippery when wet and those hooves can hurt. Oh, what a sweet and wonderful adventure I was lucky to experience! I am grateful for my early training in nurturing and learning to care for others If you need care and assistance, let's get started! Sessions Info & Shop For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Fall Clean Up and Inner Peace
Nov 11 2020
Fall Clean Up and Inner Peace
When you were a child, did you ever get to dive into piles of leaves in Autumn? First of all, the leaves are raked up into a big heaping pile. Then you take a few steps back and run for it. When I was a kid it was a blast, diving through the air, landing in a huge pile of soft, dry leaves. Of course, those leaves got stuck in your hair and clothes, but it was totally worth it!   As Adults we don't find it such a blast because we rake leaves to clean up the yard. Sometimes wind slows our efforts, but when we push through and finish, it feels good! Our outdoor mess is cleaned up and our home space looks tidy.   Whether outdoors raking leaves or indoors dusting off plant leaves, these are opportunities to clean up our surroundings. How often do we try and avoid that, letting clutter pile up? I am not just talking about physical clutter. What about our emotional clutter and negative thoughts? Collecting piles of doubt, fear and sadness with reluctance to move forward?   The most life-changing gift I have received is Life Force energy transmissions. These provide all sorts of benefits while boosting our awareness and Life Force energy. I was able to sift through old emotional traumas, gain more clarity and consciousness. A new perspective gives a chance to sort through and clean out garbage that holds back a cluttered mind. When perception improves, we have more focus and discipline. We take action to get on with the next steps in our life.My pleasure is seeing the endless variety of benefits clients receive through Life Force energy healings   We all know sorting out clutter at home and getting rid of unwanted stuff feels great!  Are you now prepared to deal with your inner clutter, the old stuff that’s stuck in your head? All that garbage information you don't need anymore. Past events that hurt, but only hold you back. If your inner world is cluttered and causing trouble, contact me. Let’s find a solution to get you on track, with calmness, clarity and peace in your life!   A Big Bonus Is Better Sleep   My goodness, I used to suffer through the night, tossing and turning. Now the depth of my sleep is so divine. No rustling around worried and upset with lack of sleep. It is quiet and peaceful, a much more restorative sleep.    Want to feel calm and get a jump-start cleaning up your inner world?  Start now! Choose Your Program at JuliaGrace.ca For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Functional Hands and Green Tomatoes
Sep 29 2020
Functional Hands and Green Tomatoes
Have you ever considered how important it is for your hands to function? Or do you just assume they're going to just keep on working exactly as they have? You may be lucky and yours have always worked well, but until recently mine were fine. I learned a lesson a few years back.It started in childhood when I was riding horses English style. In riding school every summer, competing in horse shows and equitation classes and the sort. Where there are strict rules about how your wrists are, where your wrists are. You're holding the reins a certain way between your fingers. Not to mention all of the pulling a horse can do, especially if they get skittish or something like that. There was a lot of pulling over the years with my hands and wrists.The next challenge time? Well, I also did a lot of crafts too, knitting and sewing along the way, and always cooking. The next challenge I know where I really put them through a lot was in college, Crafts and Design. I was doing mainly pottery, which involved at times mixing up one hundred pounds of clay at least. Shoving around big chunks of clay, you had to wedge it to prep it for working with the clay on the on the wheel or wherever.I remember at the end of the day, if I'd been throwing on the wheel. That could be even up to 40 pounds of clay, shoving so hard with my wrists and hands. When I was this slim twenty something woman with hardly any muscles in my arms. I was really forcing my wrists and hands to take the load. This went on for three years. I remember at the end of the day, if I was throwing all day. I'd come home and my hands would be just aching from being in that cold water back and forth, working away.Then let's go forward to more recent years where I suddenly found myself having a really tough time using my hands. It hurt to hold a pen, to hold a mouse, on the computer I was really struggling and cooking. I couldn't even stir or chop or lift a pot. To put my hand, my arm through a sleeve, was painful. Everything was causing this intense sharp pain to go up my arm. Mainly from my wrist and thumb, let's just fill you in on that little detail. Anyway, this was a big problem and it's taken a long time to fully heal.I am so grateful at this point to be regaining that function in my hands and strength in my hands and to be hardly ever in pain, only if I overdo it. It has taught me a lot, that we have to be grateful for what we have.Now in recent times, one of my fun things I wanted to share was that I've been getting back to trying new recipes. Which used to be a favourite thing of mine, to take on that challenge. Sometimes there'd be hits and sometimes there would be misses, trying out new recipes.In the last week we were emptying out the garden of the tomato plants. My husband presented me with this box of little tiny green tomatoes. I thought "Well, I'll see what I can find on the Internet" and I found this recipe for Green Tomato Cake. I'd never heard of it and I thought "All right, let's see what happens with this". I made the cake the other night and it was really good! It turned out to be excellent, really moist, not very sweet. I'll put the link to the recipe in the text below the podcast here for you if you're interested. The only substitutes I did was the nuts. I switched them to sliced almonds and the coconut. I made sure it was unsweetened, because I don't like things too sweet.Anyway, we've been enjoying that and I just wanted to share that a small thing can be very big, like the hands that you take for granted. Don't take them for granted. Be grateful that they work for you. Be grateful for the little things in your life that are going smoothly and operating well. If we can't have gratitude for the little things, how can we expect to see more available to us. How can we be ready to receive more, if we're just assuming and expecting everything to be right there for us? I'm just suggesting you take a look at what's in your life now and be grateful for that. For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Build A Strong Relationship
Sep 5 2020
Build A Strong Relationship
How is your relationship going? Is it easy and smooth or are you having some challenges? I've been hearing about people going through really emotional roller coasters with online dating.All that apprehension beforehand and the challenges of texting or not texting and how often to text and different rules and observations. Then the experiences of having people reject you or you reject them. Boy, I sympathize with you because I'm just an old married lady who had her anniversary last week. It was forty four years for us, but I gotta say, it hasn't all been smooth.It has been a roller coaster at times and there were points where, frankly, I was ready to give up. But I can say that when you do commit and if you're each able to speak freely about your own feelings and your own goals and have independence, you can enjoy a happy relationship.You can allow each other flexibility to grow, and I think it's super important that in a loving relationship, it's feeding you, not draining you. It is bringing you joy and peace, not anxiety and fear and doubting yourself. This is a really important choice. Our choice of partner is an important piece in our puzzle of life. Making that wrong choice or hanging in with that wrong choice when it's just being brutal to us, isn't healthy.If people are not feeling good in a relationship, it's important to talk about it. It's important to give voice to those feelings. Don't stuff it down because it will just grow, and then there's a nice little nest for illness to happen. It's much better to have a conversation to sort things out than to just pile up resentment, swallowing what you want to say and building it up until you blow up like a volcano. Don't do that. Say it now, don't save up all your garbage to dump on someone when you are at your limit. It's much easier to work it through if you each have a chance to talk.Our experience has been up and down and a roller coaster at times. In the end, the best stuff that's happened is the calm conversations and solutions that come from them. That would be my best advice as a person who's hung in there in a relationship for a long time, since I was very young. It is that you try to give it a chance to be looked at from both sides. Don't be too self-centered and stuck on just what you're feeling but look from the other side. Let each other speak of how you feel. Don't shut either of you down. Don't block, don't avoid. Another avoidance people go through in relationships is frankly using other things. Other activities keeping busy, whether it's with a lot of drinking or drugs, or travel or something. Always doing something, so they don't have to deal with their actual feelings and stuff that's been piling up in a relationship. Maybe the COVID times have helped bring some of that to the surface. So people actually talk about what they need to talk about and look at life a little more realistically, because there's so much potential for it to be better. You just have to be open to shifting and listening and changing. Seeing things from a different perspective, you both can grow and you both can enjoy your life together. For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Chompers In The Garden
Aug 13 2020
Chompers In The Garden
My adventure today involved wandering outside to check on our tomato plants we've been growing this summer. We've been enjoying having fresh tomatoes again and some cucumbers. I was out having a look and noticed some branches getting a bit black on the edges. I thought “Something's going on” and I went to start trimming off a little bit of a few branches on one plant. I was working away trimming and no big deal, but then I started to notice a few little tomatoes had been chopped in half and eaten, and got a little more suspicious. As I was going along, I was reaching for another branch and touched underneath. It felt weird, it felt different and felt soft and puffy. So I bent down and looked and there was this big giant, creepy hornworm. Well, if you don't know what heartworms are, and you don't like bugs, this might sound a little icky. Anyway, he was this long thing, they chomp away and devour tomato plants really quickly if they go unnoticed. This guy had been chomping away all night, I think, so a few branches were stripped down and bites out of the tomatoes. I ran back in the house and got a little container with some soapy water and some tongs to pull them off with. It's amazing if you've ever dealt with these fat green guys that they really chomp, they really hang on.They just will not let go, like other pests in our lives. I had to pull them off and stick them in the soapy water, and then they were done. I found two of them. I don't know if I'm going to find some more, but hopefully that was it on that plant.  But of course, it got me thinking about life in general, and how we can have pests hanging on in our lives. How some of those pests just like to chomp away at us and take little bites, especially the ones that like to just nibble at us and throw in doubts and fears and worries. Chop away at our confidence and just hold us back enough while they devour more and more. It sucks to have a pest chewing on you and hanging on you. Yet even our thoughts can be pests and our thoughts can be learned from those before us. Whether it's our parents or our siblings, our friends. So many useless thoughts can hang on and glom on. Doubts about whether we're good enough and doubts about whether we'll have a job and doubts about whether we can work or how long we're going to live or blah, blah, blah. They go on and on and fear, oh my goodness, fear is such a powerful one. Fear is like one big giant green hornworm; I think just chewing us up and spitting us out and moving on to the next branch. A lot of the time, the history behind all of this, can be what was planted when we were kids. Whether it's how we grew up and the roles we played and how our parents treated us, and how they treated other siblings differently, blah, blah, blah, how they were treated. We are all trained into these stupid patterns of worry and doubt and fear and denial. Then, oh, there are some other juicy ones, too, that can take hold, like expectation. We think, depending on how we were treated, we expect things to continue. "This is the way my life was" and if we've had everything provided for us, having that expectation that it should continue. Or having no expectation and not trusting anyone because you didn't have that support when you were young . Do you see how I mean, all these things are like big giant bugs, aren't they? They just kind of glue on to you and just keep chewing away. So that's why the big green hornworms got me thinking about people in our lives that chomp away at us and the importance to recognize that. I think the sooner we recognize the damage that's being done, it's key for our growth to move on and get out of that pattern. If we can recognize whose voices are in our heads.I hear adult people today saying, long after their parents have passed on "Oh, I hear my father or my mother's voice" in their head. They can't believe in their own thoughts. They've got to hang on to their parents’ thoughts. My goodness, how useless is that? It's time we started to be the adults in the room and take responsibility and recognize "All right, this is a stupid thought, let's move on and get to something more productive". There's a point right there. Instead of letting ourselves be devoured, why not step up and recognize that and say "Enough!" to those people who are harmful to us "Stop it, back off!" Let them go from your life. We don't need everyone in our lives, especially those ones that act like parasites, just chewing away at us. There is no need. It's OK for you to say "Enough!" and establish some boundaries for yourself, so that you can grow and flourish like a healthy plant. I know that tomato plant is going to recover. I got two of these big suckers off of there, and if any more are there, I'm going to get them too! You just have to take the time and allow yourself to reflect and recognize. Where your pests are, who they are and the memories and all of that stuff that hangs on. If you need some help with that, let me know . Otherwise, take a good look at yourself. It's OK to take responsibility for all the garbage, the thoughts that you allow to flourish that don't do any good for you. Then recognize your strengths, your abilities, recognize what you bring to the table and what you can put forth. You don't have to listen to those old voices and those old stupid thoughts. You have great thoughts of your own about how you want to live and what you can do best. Go with that.  For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Mixed Beans and A Howling Cat
Aug 4 2020
Mixed Beans and A Howling Cat
Have you ever been really excited to get something, then let down when it actually turned out to be something else? Yesterday I started preparing a mixed bean salad with a variety of vegetables. After making the salad dressing, I cut up lots of vegetables. It was quiet in the kitchen, a little Zen time as I sliced and diced the fresh produce. Next job was to open a can of bean medley, a fancy name for mixed beans. You've probably heard the expression "open up a can of worms", well I was about to open up a can of beans! It's amazing how our pets can be out cold, sound asleep and yet hear the tiniest noise that might bring them a treat.😺 Instantly after the can opener punctured that can, our cat was suddenly awake and trotted into the kitchen. She started meowing and with each turn of the handle she got louder, and louder! Clearly, she thought bigger and brighter things were about to happen, like a can of tuna being opened. She knows, when tuna sandwiches are being made, she usually gets a taste.  Here I was working away with this crazy cat howling, trying to get her way. I kept saying "No, there's nothing here for you" but she kept howling and carrying on. She sat right beside me in the kitchen and refused to leave. It got to be a comedy scene as I continued prepping, despite her obvious displeasure.  I looked down to see this cat, so determined not to give up and let go. At one point she was so ticked that she sat with her back to me. I don't know if she was thinking "This is what I want it to be and there is going to be tuna". Well, there wasn't and after about 15 or 20 minutes she finally gave up and went off silently. It really made me think about something. How we humans can get stuck and hung up on something we want so badly. We live with delusion, thinking if we wish and hope long enough, it's just going to happen. We expect it will show up and we're going to get our way, when in reality, we have to take action. We have to create the situation; we have to grab the opportunities and do something about it.  We can't just sit there with our back turned and stubbornly think "I'm going to get what I want" while not doing anything about it. Granted, a cat can't open a can, but we humans can do a lot. We can make an effort to do our best and create an outcome. We can strive to improve rather than sitting on our butts saying, "Nothing's going to change, it's always the same, blah, blah, blah". That whole negative thinking, self-pity talk is a trap we can fall into when things don't go as planned.  The time has come to own our stuff and take responsibility for our actions and inactions. Avoiding, denying, doubting, procrastinating and worrying are familiar wastes of time. Wishing and hoping for the best won't help us to achieve anything. Take responsibility and actually do something about it. I suggest you take action, enjoy the action and the accomplishment of whatever it is that you complete!  Be happy with that and get that feeling going for you. Enjoy the process. Look forward to the process, the challenge. Jump at the opportunities. You will be surprised at how far you can go when you just start to jump, take action and believe in possibilities!  For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Handling a Handle
Jul 26 2020
Handling a Handle
I'm going to share a story about how I handled a handle. It started months ago. We were having trouble with the handle on the back of our car. It's for the liftgate on our hatchback, so it’s a pretty important handle for any job where you need to put something into the back of the car. It had partly broken, was half attached and felt very fragile. Every time I had to pull that handle, I wondered if it would snap off in my hand. After dealing with it a few times, we took the car to the garage to find out what could be done to fix the problem. We were told that it could only be replaced, it couldn't be fixed. A young guy in the service department told me that he could order the part, then have it painted and put on the car. What we would have to do is just have some patience while they got the part. I said "Fine, go ahead" and we waited, and we waited. After a while my husband, David, called and asked what was going on. He was told that they couldn't find a part, so he asked "What about ordering or finding a used part?" because our car isn't new. It is seven years old, an older little hybrid car that we're fond of with low mileage. There's no reason to rush for a new car when this is the only problem. The same man said "Well, I'll look around and see what I can find." Then we never heard him, again.  Several more months went on. In the meantime, here we were, struggling with this handle, barely hanging on. Every time I would go to put groceries in the car, I was gently lifting it and thinking "How much longer do we have to put up with this?" Finally, my patience was done and I made a phone call to the dealership, where we bought the car, where they were looking for the part. I talked to the same man and asked him "Why is this taking so long? Can't you find us a used part?" His response was "Well, nowadays they don't sell just the part. Nowadays we'd have to buy the whole door and I'm still looking." He said "Let me have another look and I'll get back to you, I'm going to check on it again." I hung up, feeling a little discouraged and thought, OK, we'll see what he finds. Soon after, I started going into worrying thoughts "Oh, geez, if this thing snaps off, we're going to have this hole on the back of our car. It's a nice little car. It's going to look like crap, it's going to be a pain to open the back, water is going to go in there, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." My mind was running with it.  Then I suddenly stopped myself and realized. Wow! Am I part of the problem Are my thoughts part of the problem? All my old garbage - not trusting in people to follow through or trusting there could be a solution, trying to do things on my own... All these years, old garbage thoughts were sitting in my databank and now feeding this problem? I stopped myself and paused, saying "OK, cancel all that out! I am going to choose to see this part coming in quickly and easily. The solution is coming, it's going to be fine." And I let it go.  Well, within an hour, that same man in the service department called back. He left a message to call him because I wasn't available at that moment. When I saw the message, my first thought started to be "Oh, he's got bad news, blah, blah, blah" and I stopped myself again, choosing "No, no, no, don't do that. We're going to have a quick and easy solution."  I called him back and he was happy to say to me "I found a part for you, and I can have it painted and ready to go on your car in a couple of days." I was thrilled to hear that the solution had been found and how quickly it appeared! I was so grateful and continue having gratitude whenever I reach for that handle. The new one is a perfect colour match and it works every time! The lesson I learned from this long process of solving a growing problem, is to stop getting in my own way. Our thoughts, our negativity, our assuming the worst, our critical thinking, blah, blah, blah... All that garbage needs to be shoveled out and kicked to the curb, if we really want to see the possibilities for something better.  So there you have it. This is how I Handled a Handle. If you need help sorting through your old garbage thoughts, contact me and we can start shoveling together! For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Having  Awareness And Perception
Jul 5 2020
Having Awareness And Perception
Being sensitive is not a weakness!Awareness and perception are our early warning system and a good thing to strengthen more and more. It’s not a weakness to be sensitive to the energy around us and notice what we feel.At first it can be unsettling to notice you are not feeling comfortable in a situation. It can happen anywhere, at a public event, a family gathering, at work or at home. Have you ever felt tired at the end a telephone call?We can be affected by the people in our surroundings, we may get stressed out and stirred up in any locationI have always been very sensitive to the people and energy around me so being crammed in a crowd is not my favourite place. The good news is after suffering with low energy, low consciousness people sucking the life out of me most of my life, my leaks are finally sealed!Crowded places used to overwhelm me, one time I remember wanting to leave a show of famous artwork on display at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. The entire event was crowded with people lined up before and all the way though the entire exhibit to the exit. At one point I could sense 3 people draining my energy, it kind of feels like someone has stuck a straw in you and is taking a big long drink of your essence and life force. It’s a creepy feeling I’ve experienced again and again, especially in public places.It is important to note these can be smiley faced people who seem “so nice” just as easily as nasty, negative, selfish people who care only for themselves. They aren’t aware of the negative impact of their taking. It even happens at live “Healing” workshops and seminars, these definitely attract a few “Energy Vampires”, there for a Big Gulp of energy from whoever is leaking. These energy leaks allow toxic people to access and feed off our life force energy, leaving us drained and exhausted. Allow this to happen enough times (I have) and the body can become a great nest where illness can settle.Life Force energy knows exactly what we need. Clients comment on how their awareness has changed and they perceive life events differently. Situations that used to upset and agitate them are now moved through with ease and calmness.Life Force energy transmissions have been the secret to my success in this area. I did not realize how much of my own energy was constantly being drained until it began to stop. Now I am able to walk into any area and simply notice how people feel. Are they content and happy in their life or afraid and anxious about the future? Are they independent or are they sucking up the energy from people around them?Patience is required on the journey to sealing energy leaks and gaining strength, it’s not an instant process. But oh, my goodness the reward can be great to go where you please without being energetically tackled by others.Shop Services at JuliaGrace.ca For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Life Lessons In A Vegetable Garden
Jul 3 2020
Life Lessons In A Vegetable Garden
My Mother was an amazing cook who managed to feed a family of seven very well despite her limited budget. Her large vegetable garden provided heaps of vegetables in summer and delicious pickles all year. As a child I helped prepare, plant and harvest vegetables from that garden every summer.I felt respect for Nature when my hands were in the soft prepared earth, gently placing seeds in the soil. It requires patience to carefully plant at the right depth and space, sometimes one seed at a time. Next the miracle would happen as the sun’s life force energy would awaken these tiny seeds to germinate and grow into plants. I enjoyed the view as our vegetable garden transformed from mounds of brown dirt to delicate green plants sprouting in rows and patches.There are valuable life lessons in growing a vegetable gardenIt takes planning and preparation, first choosing correct varieties of vegetables, important when you live in Canada’s limited growing season. Second is preparing the soil and mixing in fertilizer, in those days my father hauled old cow manure to the garden and mixed it in with a rototiller. The soil wasn’t flawless, like dirt from bags, but it was rich in nutrients and ready to grow an abundance of nourishing food for our family.After planting seeds, we made sure the garden was consistently watered to maintain healthy growth for all the plants. We all benefit from continuous growth throughout life, or we get stagnant and stuck.Next the weeds must be pulled to make room for vegetable plants to receive the most sunlight and nutrition.How many weedy people are present in your life, stealing nutrition and blocking sunlight?As many vegetables grow, they become tightly crammed together and must be thinned out to allow the strongest to thrive. As plants mature they need to be harvested and evenly thinned again for the benefit of any remaining plants. Sometimes we must let certain people go to improve our quality of life.Throughout summer I would run up to the garden and pick vegetables Mom needed, fresh ingredients for our next meal or her latest batch of pickles. My fondness for pickles comes from childhood experiences enjoying many tasty homemade varieties. Her generation learned to “get by” and “make do” with whatever ingredients were available. People loved her spicy sweet “Slab pickles” made from enormous overgrown cucumbers, we’d throw aside today. As a child it was fun carrying armfuls of these fat, faded, giant cucumbers to the kitchen!My Mom was a caring woman who gave so much to her family, friends and endless relatives. My life was rather different as a mother working full-time running our business. She was able to give more of her time to family, home and community. When my children were young, I did my best to create similar experiences for them. We had a vegetable garden each summer, so they could experience preparing, planting and harvesting. I felt this was a valuable life lesson for young children to learn about putting in effort and receiving a bounty of harvest along the way.My son loved to pick and eat fresh green beans and tender peas while standing in the garden. It always made me smile, fondly remembering doing the same thing as a child. Freshly picked vegetables contain life force energy, it makes sense that we are drawn to enjoy their colour and fresh taste.  For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise
Changing Times
Jul 2 2020
Changing Times
Hi, my name is Julia Grace McCammon. Have you been going through some challenges in all these changing times in recent months? Me too. It's interesting to see what shows up for myself and for other folks and how we observe things, and whether we get the clues or messages of how we can move forward. It certainly is a time of flexibility that's really required to get through all the different rules and regulations and steps we must take. Whether it's to go out to buy food or go to a restaurant or go to work or not go to work to see family, friends, etc.But I do think it's a really big opportunity for each of us to go within, actually, and look at what those feelings are that are bubbling up. Whether it's if you're feeling upset or angry with frustration about various situations or if you're sad and feeling lonely. These are all opportunities, these feelings all need to be expressed and not stuffed down. Or they need to be looked at at least, to go within, within ourselves. It's such an opportunity to look inside and see why. Where is this coming from? What's triggering this feeling in me? Because you can learn so much from your own self rather than busily judging and criticizing others for the way they're behaving. Take a look at yourself. See what you feel, how you feel in any situation, whether it's the lack of of seeing people physically. Well, we're still connected, we're all connected energetically. We don't have to have that physical hug necessarily. I was missing it very much because I'm a touchy feely person. But you know what? These months have taught me that, oh, energetically I can love my kids and clients. You know those feelings are there, but energetically they are there as well. We don't have to hang on to the person to have that feeling, and we don't have to have everything be exactly the way it was months ago. Maybe some of these changes are going to stay with us.But it's really how you look at it. Do you look at it as? All right, so this is an opportunity to do this differently. How can I move forward with this? Rather than digging our feet in like little spoiled children, having temper tantrums going "NO I want it to stay the same way!". Nah, that's not going to happen, so move on. Really, move on, and stop blaming the situations in the world and blah, blah, blah, and being in a state of fear.Just calm down. Calm down. Live your life. Move forward. You know, we all can be wise. We don't have to be dumb about realities in the world. If we look at it with fresh eyes and see the truth. That's where we're going to feel so much better and find that calmness. That's what I help clients with over the years. What I've seen, so many things in so many situations, I decided to start sharing some of these little bits of grace that show up. So if you'd like to hear more from me, just stay tuned. There'll be more posted. That's about it for now, and I will share my little siftings of truth and realizations on my journey. Thanks bye bye. If you need help clearing your inner clutter, find me at JuliaGrace.ca  For more updates - Join my list! The information provided on A BIT OF GRACE podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Subscribe to A BIT OF GRACE on Soundwise