Loving Beyond The I DO

Jason & Tina Marie

Building stronger marriages by talking about real issues on love, relationships, and marriage longevity. Breaking down the barriers and engage in healthy conversation

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Why Trust Love: Unveil How to Trust and Be Transformed
Mar 27 2024
Why Trust Love: Unveil How to Trust and Be Transformed
Send us a Text Message.The podcast episode titled "Building Trust and Transparency in Relationships" hosted by Jason and Tina Marie delves into the crucial aspects of trust and transparency within relationships. In the introduction, Jason and Tina Marie emphasize the significance of trust and transparency as foundational elements for healthy relationships. They introduce the episode's focus on proactive strategies to nurture and maintain trust within relationships. Throughout the discussion, the hosts define trust as a delicate yet essential component that requires careful attention and effort to build and sustain. They also highlight transparency as a fundamental aspect of fostering strong, trusting connections between partners.Jason and Tina Marie explore various tools and techniques for building trust within relationships. They introduce the concept of the "RAM in the bush," which stands for Restore and Maintain, as a practical approach to promoting vulnerability, enhancing listening, and creating a safe space for open communication within the relationship. Additionally, the hosts suggest weekly check-ins as dedicated time for couples to engage in open dialogue, goal-setting, and reflection on their feelings and concerns.Furthermore, the episode emphasizes the importance of honesty, truthfulness, and reliability in fostering trust between partners. Jason and Tina Marie stress the need for consistency in one's actions and commitments to demonstrate reliability and build trust over time. They also extend the discussion to acknowledge that trust dynamics exist in various relationship types, including parent-child relationships and friendships, underscoring the importance of nurturing relationships in all areas of life.The episode concludes with reflective questions posed to the audience, encouraging listeners to consider how they actively nurture trust in their own relationships. Jason and Tina Marie recap the key points discussed and invite listeners to subscribe, share, and engage with the podcast community. They conclude with a farewell message, inviting audience interaction and suggestions for future topics. Overall, the episode provides practical insights and actionable steps for listeners to enhance trust and transparency within their relationships, fostering stronger and more fulfilling connections with their partners.
Mastering Boundaries: How Mindset Shifts Can Save Your Marriage
Mar 20 2024
Mastering Boundaries: How Mindset Shifts Can Save Your Marriage
Send us a Text Message.We emphasize the value of self-care and individual growth within a relationship. They stress the importance of supporting each other's personal development, contributing to a dynamic and supportive partnership.Key Takeaways:Shared Vision: Mutual goal-setting creates unity and purpose.Effective Communication: Prioritize transparent and constructive dialogue for a healthy relationship.Quality Over Quantity: Enhance emotional connection through meaningful interactions.We encourage couples to embrace these foundational principles to cultivate a legendary relationship. Tune in next week for more insights and tools to strengthen your connection.We emphasize the importance of setting boundaries in relationships to maintain a healthy and thriving connection. They introduce several tools and exercises throughout the episode to aid couples in understanding, establishing, and respecting boundaries. Jason & Tina Marie discuss mindset shifts, techniques, and exercises such as the Boundary Awareness Journal, Boundary Clarification Conversation, Boundary Audit, Boundary Origin Reflection, and the Boundary Agreement Exercise. They stress the idea that boundaries are not about building walls but creating bridges that foster understanding and growth. The hosts also touch upon the proactive aspect of setting healthy boundaries and creating a safe space for emotional and physical connection.Three Takeaways:Boundary Awareness is Key:The importance of being aware of boundaries, understanding their origins, and recognizing unproductive ones. The Boundary Awareness Journal and Boundary Audit are tools introduced to facilitate this self-awareness. This takeaway underscores the idea that awareness is the first step towards fostering a healthier relationship dynamic.Communication, Negotiation, and Compromise:Setting boundaries involves open communication, negotiation, and compromise. We introduce the Boundary Clarification Conversation and the Boundary Agreement Exercise as tools to establish clear, respectful boundaries. This takeaway highlights the importance of teamwork in relationships and emphasizes that setting boundaries is a collaborative effort that caters to the needs of both partners.Proactive Approach to Relationship Growth:The proactive aspect of setting healthy boundaries. The Boundary Origin Reflection encourages couples to reflect on past experiences and understand the motivations behind their current boundary-setting behavior. The hosts argue that being proactive in establishing boundaries is akin to preventive maintenance, ensuring a relationship grows in a positive direction. This takeaway encourages couples to envision their relationship evolving positively as they navigate and explore the realm of boundaries together.
Revitalize Your Relationship_ A 2024 Kickstart for Couples
Mar 13 2024
Revitalize Your Relationship_ A 2024 Kickstart for Couples
Send us a Text Message.Tina and Jason speak on the key elements of building a legendary relationship as we kickstart the new year. They provide valuable insights, tools, and exercises for couples to strengthen their connection.Setting Intentions TogetherThe hosts emphasize the importance of setting mutual goals for the year. They introduce a goal-setting template for couples to facilitate effective communication and alignment in their aspirations.Takeaway: Mutual goal-setting fosters a shared vision, promoting unity and purpose in the relationship.Effective Communication StrategiesTina and Jason discuss techniques for improving communication. They offer a communication exercise and role-play tool, emphasizing the significance of transparent and constructive dialogue.Takeaway: Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship; it requires active listening, empathy, and vulnerability.Quality Time vs. Quantity TimeThe hosts explore the difference between spending time together and meaningful time together. They share techniques to enhance the quality of time spent as a couple.Takeaway: Prioritize meaningful interactions to deepen emotional connection, rather than focusing solely on the quantity of time spent.Rediscovering RomanceThe hosts provide practical tips on keeping intimacy alive, including date night ideas and personalized romantic plans. They stress the significance of small, thoughtful gestures to demonstrate love and affection.Financial AlignmentDiscussing strategies for financial planning, Tina and Jason highlight the importance of transparent budgeting and shared financial goals. They recommend various budgeting apps for couples to manage finances together.Self-Care and Individual GrowthThe hosts emphasize the value of self-care and individual growth within a relationship. They stress the importance of supporting each other's personal development, contributing to a dynamic and supportive partnership.Key Takeaways:Shared Vision: Mutual goal-setting creates unity and purpose.Effective Communication: Prioritize transparent and constructive dialogue for a healthy relationship.Quality Over Quantity: Enhance emotional connection through meaningful interactions.We encourage couples to embrace these foundational principles to cultivate a legendary relationship. Tune in next week for more insights and tools to strengthen your connection.
Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and Validating Feelings
Feb 28 2024
Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and Validating Feelings
Send us a Text Message.In this episode, Jason & Tina Marie get into the intricate realm of emotional intelligence (EQ) and its paramount significance in relationships. Emotional intelligence involves a harmonious interplay between intellect and feelings, contributing to mental stability—a crucial element in fostering healthy connections.Defining Emotional IntelligenceThey break down emotional intelligence, emphasizing its role in self-awareness and social awareness. They stress the need for a continual development of emotional intelligence, comparing it to building muscles in the gym. Just as one doesn't rush into helping others at the gym without personal training, the hosts advocate for a foundational understanding of one's emotional intelligence before attempting to navigate the emotional intricacies of a relationship.Balancing EQ and IQThe conversation shifts to the importance of maintaining a balance between general intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence. The hosts stress that this equilibrium leads to mental stability. They draw parallels between emotional stability and stability in various facets of life, such as financial stability in a relationship.Achieving Mental StabilityResearch underscores that mental stability is the key to a healthy relationship. They encourage listeners to assess and strengthen their emotional intelligence and intellect, fostering mental stability that acts as a foundation for successful connections. The hosts liken the process to identifying and repairing cracks in a relationship's foundation to ensure a stable structure.Key Takeaways:Continuous Development of Emotional Intelligence: Treat emotional intelligence as a skill that requires ongoing development, akin to working out at the gym. This development is essential before attempting to navigate the emotional complexities of a relationship.Balance Between IQ and EQ: Strive for a harmonious balance between general intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). This equilibrium fosters mental stability, a cornerstone for healthy relationships in various aspects of life.Prioritize Mental Stability: Recognize that mental stability is crucial for relationship success. Assess and strengthen emotional intelligence and intellect to build a stable foundation, addressing any cracks in the relationship's structure.This episode serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and enhancing emotional intelligence, providing listeners with actionable insights for cultivating healthier and more fulfilling relationships.
Foundations for Connection  The Importance of Communication in Relationships
Feb 21 2024
Foundations for Connection The Importance of Communication in Relationships
Send us a Text Message.In this podcast segment, we get into the importance of effective communication within relationships, emphasizing the need for congruence between verbal and non-verbal cues. They introduce the MVP technique, which involves expressing thoughts verbally while ensuring that non-verbal signals align with the spoken words. The hosts specifically mention body language, facial expressions, and gestures as crucial components of non-verbal communication.A practical example is provided to illustrate the importance of this technique, where expressing love verbally should be complemented by non-verbal cues that match the sentiment. The hosts stress the potential misalignment when verbal and non-verbal messages convey different meanings, leading to misunderstandings.The conversation shifts to the impact of childhood experiences on communication styles in adulthood. They highlight a case where a participant learned about his tendency to leave during arguments, a behavior learned from observing his parents. We stress the need to analyze and understand how past experiences shape one's approach to conflict and communication.Furthermore, we discuss the misconception that arguing indicates a failing relationship and challenge this notion, emphasizing the inevitability of disagreements and the importance of respectful communication. They advocate for the use of "I" statements instead of accusatory "you" statements to foster open communication.
Getting in Sync Shared Responsibilities in a Relationship
Feb 14 2024
Getting in Sync Shared Responsibilities in a Relationship
Send us a Text Message.Jason & Tina Marie  focus on the essential elements of maintaining a healthy and fulfilling romantic relationship. They particularly emphasize the significance of self-care and shared responsibilities between partners. The discussion revolves around personal experiences and reflections on neglecting a partner's needs during the challenges of parenting and family life.Jason & Tina Marie stress the importance of self-reflection, acknowledging past mistakes, and learning from them. They highlight the common issue of one partner feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, leading to a breakdown in communication and potential relationship strain.The conversation delves into the dynamics of shared responsibilities, exploring the societal expectations placed on men and women and the need for open conversations about these roles. The hosts encourage couples to engage in regular check-ins to assess each other's needs, avoid misunderstandings, and prevent resentment from building up.A notable part of the discussion is about recognizing the diversity of responsibilities within a relationship, whether it be financial, household chores, or emotional support. They stress the significance of effective communication and reevaluation of roles as life circumstances change.The importance of consistent self-care and self-checks, highlighting how taking care of one's mental, physical, and emotional well-being contributes to a positive impact on the relationship. They share personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate the benefits of this approach.Throughout the episode, the hosts encourage listeners to engage with the podcast community, participate in activities, and share their experiences. They announce a super fan initiative, urging followers to share their content and offering rewards to the most engaged community members.In summary, the episode provides valuable insights into the intricacies of maintaining a successful relationship, emphasizing communication, self-care, and shared responsibilities as crucial elements in fostering a strong and lasting connection.
How To Start A Serious Relationship
Mar 1 2023
How To Start A Serious Relationship
Send us a Text Message.Join Jason and Tina Marie with their guests, Diana and Scott, as they talk about how to Start a serious relationship and the game they are currently working on. Sasha is a former executive turned coach with over a decade of experience and a masters-level trained clinician. With Better Topics, they created games to help couples communicate better. David has been a high school teacher for 20 years and enjoys making games. Turned the concept of dating and games into a researched base where we can learn some fundamental things about marriage, dating, and making good choices. Stay tuned!Here’s a breakdown of what to expect in this episode:When you choose the right partner, choose a good partner for yourselfIntroduce a game with learnings about marriage, dating and make good choicesHelp teenagers think about the future through the game they created Reflection on your priorities in life, answers based on your lifestyle, choiceIt’s not how long the relationship. It’s how long you have been happy And so much more!~About Diana Indries:Diana Indries is the owner and creator of Better Topics – the card game for couples. Better Topics is a couple’s card game dedicated to the success of their relationship, a replayable card game that makes deep conversations approachable and engaging.~You can find Diana Indries on . . .Website: https://www.bettertopics.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-indries-279645112/~Connect with Jason and Tina Marie!Loving Beyond the I Do Website: www.lovingbeyondtheido.com Legendary Relationship Website: www.legendaryrelationship.com Instagram: @legendaryrelationshipJason’s Instagram: @mrjayscottTina’s Instagram: @tinamarie_8Facebook Page: @legendaryrelationshipFacebook Group: @marriageboss YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCriE1bLih4npMYVPd4mTxiA
Identify And Overcome Intimacy Issues
Aug 24 2022
Identify And Overcome Intimacy Issues
Send us a Text Message.Being intimate with someone who came from a different background comes with it inevitable issues. Most often than not, couples are not even aware that these issues exists. To help us identify and overcome intimacy issues, join Jason and Tina Marie with their guest, Wendi Sanyour Dumbroff, in this another exciting episode of Loving Beyond the I Do. Wendi is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in Couples Therapy. She is currently pursuing further studies in Sex Therapy. Stay tuned!Here’s a breakdown of what to expect in this episode:Her passion storyWendi on Sex and intimacyBeing a therapist and its positive effect on her familyMindfulness therapyWhat to do when your partner would not say sorryThe Golden gem in marriageAnd so much more!~About Wendi:Wendi Dumbroff is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She works with individuals, couples, and families who are dealing with many different kinds of problems. These include depression, anxiety, couples conflict and affairs, family conflict, divorcing families, raising adolescents, parenting issues, parent/child relationships (including parents and adult children), LGBTQ issues, sexual issues, and so much more.She views counseling as a collaborative process that is co-created between therapist and client(s). There is no one “truth” that fits for everyone, as each individual and each relationship are unique and special entities. She believes it is important not only to address the things that are not working for clients, but also, to bring forth the many strengths and positive qualities they possess.She had specialized training in family and couples therapy, which she obtained through a post-graduate program at the “Ackerman Institute for the Family” in New York City. She is currently pursuing post-graduate certification in the area of sex therapy. Sexual issues are very prevalent in her work with couples as well as individuals, whether they identify as heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer, and whether their sexual preferences are more mainstream or kinky. She will provide you with a safe, sex positive environment to discuss your most personal issues.~You can find Wendi Sanyour Dumbroff on . . .Website: https://wendidumbrofftherapy.com/ ~Connect with Jason and Tina Marie!Loving Beyond the I Do Website: www.lovingbeyondtheido.comLegendary Relationship Website: www.legendaryrelationship.comInstagram: @legendaryrelationshipJason’s Instagram: @mrjayscottTina’s Instagram: @tinamarie_8Facebook Page: @legendaryrelationshipFacebook Group: @marriagebossYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCriE1bLih4npMYVPd4mTxiA