Jul 5 2022
E 12 - Outlets Options
Everyone should have an outlet - that thing that when they do it, they can release their energy and feel great! Outlets, hobbies, interests, passions, etc. are so important to staying fulfilled, vibrant. The other word in the title was Options. I also feel that everyone should create the option to retire for themselves. YOYO stands for You're On Your Own! Meaning if you want to have a great retirement, it's up to you to create it. The Corporate pensions are largely a thing of the past. Social Security is in terrible financial trouble. Therefore, now more than ever, Americans need to realize that the only person who can financially take care of the Retiree they hope to be, is the Pre-retiree they are today!
Retiring Right! is all about advice, strategy, techniques, common sense approaches and more. For your personal no-cost consultation call us at Family Tree Financial Group (904) 657-0896 or email us to schedule at info@FamilyTreeFG.com