REDACTED Culture Cast


As Gun Culture dives deeper into the philosophy behind the Human Right to self defense and determination, the Cast and Guests engage in building a closer community through conversation.

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211: Why We Train for Both Proportionality and Utility
May 28 2024
211: Why We Train for Both Proportionality and Utility
In violence, as in war, two concept stand in tension with one another: proportionality and utility. McMahan identifies one understanding of proportionality as "a constraint on action that causes harm." (Killing in War Pg 19). Utility, on the other hand, often functions as the context for informing one part of strategy, tactics, and techniques. We prioritize actions of these sorts that produce the desired outcome.As such, the tension that exists between them is that they both must be accomplished or accommodated for the action to be considered moral, and further, both can be corrupted. Just as utility can lead to a might-makes-right worldview, and easily justify the absolute eradication of a warring people group, so the idea of proportionality is corrupted if we cease to believe some of those in conflict are less than human. One part of the solution, or the developed skill of managing this tension comes from training. As we have seen in Gun Culture, those who train are rarely, if ever, the ones who participate in senseless violence. It is the untrained, who are both quick to call for the death of their accused oppressors, and it is the untrained who respond to a smaller conflict with overwhelming force. This episode has been sponsored by Obsidian Arms, a manufacturer of tools, parts and firearms, as well as operating as an OEM shop for those looking to bring excellence to the market. Their Minnesota-based shop builds and cuts parts out of U.S.-sourced materials. Their gunsmith tools, custom firearms, and capabilities can be found at www.obsidianarms.comFollow Obsidian Arms on Instagram at @obsidianarmsSupport the REDACTED Culture Cast at redactedculture.locals.comSSP and boutique products at redactedllc.comFollow us on Instagram at @redactedllc
208: Composure: One Measure of a Man
May 20 2024
208: Composure: One Measure of a Man
Rudyard Kipling's poem "If" often finds home on the wall and in the minds of great men. It leads the reader through a series of character traits that make a man, opening with the line "If you can keep your head when all about you       Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,    But make allowance for their doubting too; "Throughout history, mankind has asked what it is that makes a man truly a man. Sometimes this question boils down to metaphysics, asking what it is about a being that makes them a man. In recent times even biology has been called into question, albeit comically. Yet the most personal context of this question often eats at the hearts of men as they live their lives in search of and fulfillment of the answer. The concept of composure has found itself baked into mens fashion, and different eras of masculinity. We find something truly great about a man who can keep a cool head under pressure, and have even seen the rise of attacking that point of vulnerability to set a trap. This episode has been sponsored by Obsidian Arms, a manufacturer of tools, parts and firearms, as well as operating as an OEM shop for those looking to bring excellence to the market. Their Minnesota-based shop builds and cuts parts out of U.S.-sourced materials. Their gunsmith tools, custom firearms, and capabilities can be found at www.obsidianarms.comFollow Obsidian Arms on Instagram at @obsidianarmsSupport the REDACTED Culture Cast at redactedculture.locals.comSSP and boutique products at redactedllc.comFollow us on Instagram at @redactedllc
203: Jake Knight from GRIDBASE: Don't Quit, Decentralize
Apr 27 2024
203: Jake Knight from GRIDBASE: Don't Quit, Decentralize
Decentralization might sound good on paper, but how does it work in the real world? When we look around, from media to the news to politics to culture in general, it looks like things are falling apart. And the just might be. But what happens when you shift your mindset away from the doom and gloom of how corrupt our politicians really are, and start building your own robust community that will survive the consequences of other's actions.Jake Knight brings an argument to the table: The dissatisfaction in the West far outweighs the level of disfunction in our system.  In other words, people are more unhappy, than they are incapable of doing anything about it.We trace this idea through multiple concepts, from culture, to tech, and eventually, worldview.Follow Gridbase on Instagram at @gridbasedotnetAnd check out the work at www.gridbase.netThis Episode has been sponsored by Obsidian Arms, a manufacturer of tools, parts and firearms, as well as operating as an OEM shop for those looking to bring excellence to the market. Their Minnesota-based shop builds and cuts parts out of U.S.-sourced materials. Their gunsmith tools, custom firearms, and capabilities can be found at www.obsidianarms.comFollow Obsidian Arms on Instagram at @obsidianarmsSupport the REDACTED Culture Cast at redactedculture.locals.comSSP and boutique products at redactedllc.comFollow us on Instagram at @redactedllcSupport the REDACTED Culture Cast at redactedculture.locals.comSSP and boutique products at redactedllc.comFollow us on Instagram at @redactedllc
201: Kaleb Irving on Gun Culture on the Ground Level, Repenting America
Apr 19 2024
201: Kaleb Irving on Gun Culture on the Ground Level, Repenting America
While it can be fun to try to analyze Gun Culture at the 20,000 league above view, Kaleb Irving brings the conversation down to earth. We look at what Gun Culture looks like on the ground level, and then rise higher into moral frameworks, and discuss what it might mean for the Church to repent. Gun Culture isn't so much politically aligned to moral philosophy, but dependent on it. Kaleb draws on what it was like to get into gun culture among close family who related military experience and observed the transition from the focus on SOF to the expanse into community. Kaleb is the man behind Prevail Armament, which focuses on the important things beyond the firearm. From theology, to history, to self-sufficiency, to community building.That being said, you might need to put on the Theologian's hat at one point, for the edification of the community.Follow Kaleb Irving on Instagram: @kalebprevailarmament Prevail Armament: @prevailarmamentHomesteading, Preparedness, and Gun Culture: prevailarmament.comThis Episode has been sponsored by Obsidian Arms, a manufacturer of tools, parts and firearms, as well as operating as an OEM shop for those looking to bring excellence to the market. Their Minnesota-based shop builds and cuts parts out of U.S.-sourced materials. Their gunsmith tools, custom firearms, and capabilities can be found at www.obsidianarms.comFollow Obsidian Arms on Instagram at @obsidianarmsSupport the REDACTED Culture Cast at redactedculture.locals.comSSP and boutique products at redactedllc.comFollow us on Instagram at @redactedllc