Unabridged You

Julie Hest

Greetings and Welcome to Unabridged You, the podcast that is dedicated to celebrating the entirety of who you are.  We're not focused on societal roles or job titles; instead, we explore your unique stories, experiences, life lessons, and passions that contribute to the unabridged version of you.

Each week, we have the pleasure of sitting with remarkable individuals from diverse backgrounds.  These guests include storytellers, artists, adventurers, environmental activists, and community builders - individuals who have carved their own paths in life.

In a world where we often feel compelled to prioritize certain aspects of ourselves over others, this podcast was created to honor your genuine self and acknowledge your many dimensions.

You can follow along with Unabridged You on
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_you
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UnabridgedYou
Webpage https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/

If you have a story you would like to share you can contact the podcast directly via email: unabridgedyou@gmail.com

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Personal JournalsPersonal Journals


Hazel Katherine Larkin: The Power in Naming Expereinces
May 13 2024
Hazel Katherine Larkin: The Power in Naming Expereinces
In this episode, our guest Hazel joins us via zoom from Ireland.  Hazel begins her story by reminding us of the fairytale character Rumpelstiltskin and how he teaches us what power there is in naming a thing.  In this episode the named things that are addressed include acknowledging histories of trauma and experiences such as abuse, gaslighting, narcissism and the lived experience of being a female with ADHD.  In this conversation we also consider Story in a different light.  In this podcast I hold the idea and vehicle of story quite high for how it can help with personal growth and social impact, but Hazel explains how story can be used to bend reality to the tellers will and I feel this is something important to be aware of going forwards. At the same time, Hazel reminds us that our stories are our stories and it is up to us what we do with them, how or when or if we share them.  I acknowledge Hazel's honesty, because by her naming her experiences it may help others understand their own journeys to becoming unabridged.If you would like to be in contact with Hazel these are the link to her webpage where you will also find the link to her podcasthttps://traumarecovery.ie/Please follow alone with Unabridged You wherever you feel comfortable, there are our links:Our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UnabridgedYouInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_youWebsite: https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/ If you have any questions or are interested to be a guest you can contact me via DM or email at: unabridgedyou@gmail.com
Lucinda Roberts: Being an Organ Transplant Recipient and Health as a Journey
Apr 8 2024
Lucinda Roberts: Being an Organ Transplant Recipient and Health as a Journey
In this episode UK woman Lucinda Roberts shares her lived experience of receiving the diagnosis of an incurable autoimmune disease at 17.  She shares the story of her health journey and it has been a journey full of ups and downs and twists and turns including the realization of her mortality, her hedonist phase, being in liver failure and her hope for the future by being an organ donor recipient in her early thirties.   She also spoke of her passion for art, and the written word, her joy of animals, and her lived experience of being an organ donor recipient.  I appreciated Lucinda’s candour, her willingness to share her experience and bring more light to the reality of needing an organ transplant and how accessible that is or is not in the UK, as well as sharing her learnings on health and wellbeing.  Part of shining a light on this area of health has been to make the information assessable in a children’s book called Lucy’s Liver Transplant which is currently translated into nine different languages.You can follow along with Lucinda or learn more on alternative healing modalities on her website www.thishealingfeeling.com or at her podcast This Healing Feeling available on both Apple and Spotify or on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thishealingfeelingYou can follow along with Unabridged You here:Our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UnabridgedYouInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_youWebsite: https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/ If you have any questions or are interested to be a guest you can contact me via DM or email at: unabridgedyou@gmail.comNext Episode due 7 May 2024
Bill Lee-Emery:  Healing Through and Thriving After Cancer
Apr 1 2024
Bill Lee-Emery: Healing Through and Thriving After Cancer
Bill covers so much this episode.  The power lies in how he speaks first hand about his lived experience of life. Everything from the recognition of how contemporary society effected his health to motivate him to leave a traditional job, to witnessing the way people were effected by the way they were spoken to and spoke to themselves, to his conscious choice to heal through and thrive after his shock cancer diagnosis.Among the jewels of wisdom Bill shares is the power of our self narrative.  Of obtaining a download of 24hours worth of self talk.  What do you think?  For me all of the thoughts aren’t totally thought out, but the negativity that can happen in my head some times… I wouldn’t talk to someone else like that and I would not be proud for someone to hear me talking to myself like that… Thank you Bill for offering this simple illustration to share your point.  The narrative we tell ourselves is very important.Previous guests have spoken about meaning and in our last episode I spoke about meaning, truth and perspective.   I think that, in general, we can see how we give meaning to the would around us.  I had not taken the idea further to consider if the meaning I give a thing, an experience, a thought, a perspective, an understanding, is useful or not.  Bill asks us to consider it the meaning you prescribe to a thing have use, and what is that use?  Is it constructive or is it necessary?  Not that those two things are mutually exclusive, but this is a way of thinking I will employ more in the future.If you would like further guidance from Bill here are his social media links and you can find his program through his website www.thrivingaftercancer.infohttps://www.linkedin.com/in/billlee-emery/https://www.facebook.com/bill.lee.emeryYou can follow along with Unabridged You here:Our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UnabridgedYouInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_youWebsite: https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/ If you have any questions or are interested to be a guest you can contact me via DM or email at: unabridgedyou@gmail.comAs always, please give this episode a thumbs up, hit subscribe wherever you have listened to the podcast, leave a review or share it with someone who you think might find it interesting, helpful or supportive.Thanks for listening!
Leslie Maloney on Positive Ageing and Having Moxie
Mar 18 2024
Leslie Maloney on Positive Ageing and Having Moxie
In this episode Leslie Maloney, host of the podcast Meaning And Moxie After 50, shares her story.  Having been an educator for a lot of her life, helping people explore other perspectives she comments that she recognizes there is wisdom at all ages and has a current focus on positive ageing which she is promoting with her story based podcast.In this episode particularly enjoy hearing about Leslie's desire to inspire and provide role models through the stories on her podcast.  She explains that she is also living the life she talks about by actually living life, taking chances, showing moxie and going on adventures such as the trip she will take in a few weeks to walk the 512mile Camino Del Norte trail in Spain. I am really keen to have her back to share about this journey, hopefully this will not be the last we hear from Leslie.If you think to hear more from Leslie, or find out about the life of a full time Santa and real life treasure hunter among other awesome guests, you can check out her website to find all the ways to connect with her including her podcast and bookshttps://meaningandmoxieafter50.com/ You can follow along with Unabridged You here:Our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UnabridgedYouInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_youWebsite: https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/ If you have any questions or are interested to be a guest you can contact me via DM or email at: unabridgedyou@gmail.comAs always, please give this episode a thumbs up, hit subscribe wherever you have listened to the podcast, leave a review or share it with someone who you think might find it interesting or helpful.Thanks for listening!
Nikki Umbers: Grief as an Alchemist and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Mar 11 2024
Nikki Umbers: Grief as an Alchemist and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
In this episode Nikki shares her story which was sparked by grief.  Nikki speaks of her Dad passing and how this deeply affected and effects her, how it lead to her being broken down and busted open.  An experience she can now look at with gratitude as it prompted her to explore her beliefs, stories and energies.  All of this lead to Nikki to begin to comprehend Grief as an alchemist which has helped her understand herself better; why she was showing up in the world in the way she was and how she would like to show up going forwards. Unraveling or unfurling these beliefs, stories and energies, slowly but surely also allowed her to alter her experience of imposter syndrome.Nikki and I talk about creating something, planting a seed, showing up how we want to be in the world and recognizing that the way the created thing, the experience, the seed is taken and nurtured or not by another person is up to the perspective of that person.  You worth or value is not tied up in their perspective and in that way, it becomes even more precious to explore the way you want to be in the world. I quoted the Eagles "don’t let the  sound of your own wheels drive you crazy", be at peace with your actions and the choices you make for yourself without waiting for validation.   I hope you get something out of this conversation, I certainly did.  Each of these episodes teaches me something and opens my eyes to another way to view the world.If you think Nikki might be a person to help you on your journey through grief or connecting with your self you can find her here: https://www.facebook.com/kindsoulrisingYou can follow along with Unabridged You here:Our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UnabridgedYouInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_youWebsite: https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/ If you have any questions or are interested to be a guest you can contact me via DM or email at: unabridgedyou@gmail.com
LAPIZ on Street ART, His Story and ART as Discussion
Mar 4 2024
LAPIZ on Street ART, His Story and ART as Discussion
In this episode LAPIZ shares his story. He explains he has travelled and lived in a few places in the world, that art was a hobby that became his full time.  As a scientist, his PhD helped him learn a way to think that he now applies to art.  The experience allowed him to learn a lot about resilience and his experience living in different places adds to his political art as a type of social commentary.When LAPIZ speaks about art he explains that as an artist he feels he has a responsibility to create discussion, continue discussion, and change discussion, with his art.  Although people have his prints in their houses and he has displayed his work in galleries, creating a mural in a public place is one way his art opens those discussions, by making available ideas in the form of images that one may not normally consider or be aware of.LAPIZ mentions, and I think it is a really interesting discussion point even by itself,  that “art is only whole with an audience”.  What do you think?These social media and website links for LAPIZ are https://www.instagram.com/lapizgraffitihttps://lapiz.caYou can follow along with Unabridged you here:Our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UnabridgedYouInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_youWebsite: https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/ If you have any questions or are interested to be a guest you can contact me via DM or email at: unabridgedyou@gmail.com
Bart Verboven: Crystals, Covid and being an Entrepreneur
Feb 19 2024
Bart Verboven: Crystals, Covid and being an Entrepreneur
In this episode Bart shares his story of crystals, covid and being an entrepreneur.  We hear how Bart had a childhood interest that was resparked when he was in Romania and wanted to buy a meteorite from the states.  Being the thinking person that he is he realized if he brought a couple more smaller meteorites he could sell them online and make back his shipping costs.  After that Bart started to look for a niche, first with amber and then the business grew as he and his partner paid attention to what people wanted to buy and provided that opportunity for them.To me, Bart's story is unabridged because he was able to take things he has learned and apply them to interests he has and create a viable income (even if people didn’t think it was possible when first proposed).Bart shares with us some tips about how to turn an interest into an income.  He suggests Social Media is a good option to become known by but that it is a game of patience.  He says to do your research and stay at the front of where people are looking for what you are selling.  Bart also touches upon the idea that as well as being able to tell a good story to sell you product it is also very important to listen to your customers, that way you learn what they need and you can provide that.  You can’t sell what people are not willing to buy.You can find the links to Bart's websiteshttps://www.debarnsteenspecialist.nlhttps://www.kristalkartel.com/You can follow along with Unabridged you here:Our new Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UnabridgedYouInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_youWebsite: https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/ If you have any questions or are interested to be a guest you can contact me via DM or email at: unabridgedyou@gmail.com
Amber Harris on Solo Travel, Hoodoo and Destination Cheating
Dec 25 2023
Amber Harris on Solo Travel, Hoodoo and Destination Cheating
The guest on episode 6 of Unabridged You is New Zealander Amber Harris.Amber is the owner and crafter of the hoodoo botanica store Roomie and Wilde and the dynamic host of the podcast Wilde.  She has been a radio host and is an internationally published tourism and indigenous rights journalist. Among other talents she is an Iridologist, conjure and rootworker woman and her self professed most important role is Mum to her wee daughter.In this episode with Amber she shares her journey from small town New Zealand to self discovery through solo travel and ancestry to get to know herself and figure out how she would like to be in the world.  Particularly, she shared with us about the hoodoo wisdom tradition, iridology and her experience of the New York minute.I mention that one of my favorite quotes is “Wherever you go, there you are” it is a simple idea that you may have heard in many different ways.  I grew up listening to the Eagles in their song Take it Easy they say “you may lose or you may win, but you will never be here again, don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy”.  This all relates back to what Amber called Destination Cheating and what we could consider as the idea of consciously living or being mindful of being present in the moment.  This idea is explored a bit further in the next episode of Unabridged You.These are the links to Amber's worldSocial media Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/romiandwilde/This link will take you to her shop and her podcast Wilde https://linktr.ee/romiandwildeYou can follow along with the Unabridged You on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/unabridged_youThe podcast webpage is currently https://unabridgedyou.buzzsprout.com/ If you have a story to share you can contact us directly at unabridgedyou@gmail.com