Life Changing Challengers

Brad A Minus

Dive into the heart of transformation with "Life-Changing Challengers," a podcast that inspires listeners to turn their challenges into opportunities for growth. Hosted by Brad Minus, a seasoned endurance coach with over 13 years of experience, this show brings you compelling stories of resilience, ambition, and personal triumph.

Brad and his guests share their journeys of overcoming obstacles through endurance sports, personal development, and pursuing passions. From completing Ironman triathlons to conquering personal and professional hurdles, "Life-Changing Challengers" is your guide to breaking barriers and achieving your dreams.

Whether you're looking to incinerate your limits, find inspiration to chase your big passion or enjoy motivational stories of people who've transformed their lives, this podcast is for you. Join us to explore how embracing challenges can lead to a happier, more fulfilled life.

Subscribe, review, and share to be part of a community dedicated to making every challenge a stepping stone to success. Follow "Life-Changing Challengers" to ignite your desire, push your boundaries, and embark on your journey to the extraordinary.

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Triumph Over Cerebral Palsy: Win Charles’ Inspiring Journey
5d ago
Triumph Over Cerebral Palsy: Win Charles’ Inspiring Journey
Send us a Text Message.Ever wondered what it takes to turn life's toughest challenges into triumphs? Win Charles, an extraordinary author, motivational speaker, and Ironman competitor, joins us to share her awe-inspiring journey. Growing up in Aspen, Colorado, Win faced the relentless adversity of cerebral palsy and harsh winters, but with her mother's unyielding support and her own resilience, she carved out a path of success and independence. From her move to Phoenix in 2020 to improve her living and training conditions to her ventures in podcasting and writing, Wynne’s story is a powerful testament to human strength and perseverance.Win opens up about the emotional and physical hurdles she's encountered, including the devastating loss of her mother to a brain aneurysm, a tragedy that propelled her to launch her own podcast in 2012. She discusses the innovative use of technology, like speech dictation and Siri, to break barriers in writing and podcasting, offering a beacon of hope and inspiration to many. Hear about her remarkable experiences in triathlons, from high-altitude training in Colorado to participating in the Kona Ironman, where unique adaptations allowed her to compete and shine.Currently residing in Phoenix, Win shares her daily routine and the significance of self-advocacy in healthcare, especially for athletes with disabilities. She recounts her battles with back pain and scoliosis, the decision to undergo surgery, and her steadfast determination to live independently. This episode is not just about overcoming challenges; it's about celebrating the victories, big and small, that define an indomitable spirit. Tune in for an uplifting conversation filled with lessons on resilience, the power of a supportive community, and the relentless pursuit of dreams.Buy Win's Book on AmazonContact WinLinkedIn: Win CharlesTiktok: @wincharles622YouTube: @wincharles1195Website: Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
From Grief to Growth in the Corporate and Energetic World with Gabrielle Pimstone
May 22 2024
From Grief to Growth in the Corporate and Energetic World with Gabrielle Pimstone
Send us a Text Message.Embarking on a transformative odyssey, Gabrielle Pimstone, a corporate psychologist from Sydney, joins us to unveil the tapestry of her life and the profound impact of psychology interwoven with energy work. Through the grief of losing her father, Gabrielle's pursuit of understanding human behavior propelled her from the halls of the University of Cape Town to the labyrinthine corporate world, where she mastered the art of navigating organizational dynamics for over two decades. Her tale doesn't shy away from the shadows but illuminates her journey towards integrating energy healing with traditional coaching methods, promising a riveting look into the power of personal development.This episode is a beacon for anyone feeling adrift in the turbulent seas of corporate transformation and personal anxiety. Gabrielle and I dissect a hospital's struggle with costly meetings, reflecting on the broader challenge of effecting change in rigid systems. Meanwhile, I lay bare my own skirmish with anxiety in the corporate trenches, recounting the watershed moment that spurred me to carve a new path towards equilibrium. Together, we navigate the intricacies of seeking support, the courage found in life-altering choices, and the unexpected opportunities contracting work can present for skill-building and growth.As we steer towards the mysterious realm of energy practice and coaching, the conversation illuminates how energy blocks can entangle our lives in unseen ways. Gabrielle maps out the journey of restoring balance, sharing insights into how traumas can manifest as energetic disruptions and their potential release through healing practices. My personal explorations in acupuncture underscore the tangible benefits of holistic healthcare, providing a poignant testament to the life-altering potential of consistent care. Join us on this expedition, as we chart the course for a more harmonious existence by reconciling the worlds of psychology and energy work.Contact GabrielleFacebook: @gabrielle.pimstoneInstagram: @gabrielle.pimstoneLinkedIn:@gabrielle-pimstone-280b287Website: Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
Discovering Resilience: Dana Diaz's Journey Through Narcissistic Abuse and Beyond
May 15 2024
Discovering Resilience: Dana Diaz's Journey Through Narcissistic Abuse and Beyond
Send us a Text Message.As we peel back the layers of one woman's journey through the suffocating grip of narcissistic abuse, Dana Diaz, the courageous voice behind "Gasping for Air," joins us for an intimate exploration of the unseen scars such relationships leave behind. From a tumultuous upbringing shadowed by a teenage mother's plight, to the search for approval within a family dynamic marked by emotional neglect, Dana's narrative challenges the stereotypes about abuse survivors, and dives into the influence of early family relationships on our vulnerability to toxic partners.Venturing through the dark corridors of domestic abuse and the grueling maze of seeking justice, Dana's story unfolds, revealing the critical steps victims must take to navigate the legal system and reclaim their safety. The conversation pivots to the insidious nature of financial and legal manipulation within abusive relationships, and Dana offers pragmatic advice for those entangled in the aftermath of a toxic marriage. She emphasizes the life-saving importance of personal safety strategies, such as a 'grab-and-go' case, in times of imminent danger.In a tale of resilience, we close on a note of hope and newfound love. Dana's life, post-abuse, blossoms into an unexpected romance, proving the power of the human heart to heal and connect deeply once more. Her story serves as a testament to the strength within us all, and as an invitation to listeners who may find echoes of their own struggles in her words, to seek help and find their path to healing. Dana Diaz's presence on our show not only enlightens but inspires, leaving us looking forward to her return with future narratives of growth and triumph.Purchase Dana's Book - Gasping for Air: The Stranglehold of Narcissistic AbuseContact Dana DiazInstagram/@DanaS.DiazFacebook/@DanaSDiazAuthorTikTok/ Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
Strength Found in Adversity and the Art of the Possible with Meridith Alexander & Schuyler
May 12 2024
Strength Found in Adversity and the Art of the Possible with Meridith Alexander & Schuyler
Send us a Text Message.When life threw her the ultimate curveball, Meridith Alexander stood strong; her story of turning anguish into action is one that will stir your soul and challenge your understanding of resilience. Alongside her daughter Schuyler, who embodies courage and tenacity, they share an intimate tale of perseverance and the indomitable human spirit. Embark on a journey through their lives, from Meridith's youthful aspirations in the ballet world, sidetracked by life's harsh critiques, to Schuyler's inspiring recovery from a devastating accident abroad that tested their family's strength and unity.  Navigating through the intense emotional terrain of a family in crisis, we uncover the remarkable narratives of Rhea and Sia, whose extraordinary achievements set the backdrop for Schuyler's fight for survival. Witness the mother-daughter duo's mastery of the inner game, demonstrating how unwavering focus, positive language, and a powerful imagination can not only conquer personal adversities but also inspire a community of supporters. Their experiences are a clarion call to anyone facing their own battles, illustrating the incredible power of belief and the human capacity to emerge stronger from the depths of despair.  The episode culminates with transformative insights into achieving inner game mastery. Listeners will learn how to apply the principles of focus, language, and imagination to their own lives, unlocking the door to untapped potential. As Meridith and Schuyler's journey unfolds, we see the embodiment of the phrase "I am possible" and the realization that, sometimes, our greatest adversities lead us to discover our truest strengths. Join us for an episode that's more than just a podcast – it's a life lesson in harnessing the power of the mind to overcome the unthinkable.Contact Meridith AlexanderWebsite: GritMindsetAcademyInstagram: @MeridithAlexanderFacebook: @SchuyIsTheLimitX(Twitter): @MeridithHAlexanLinkedIn: Meridith Hankenson AlexanderYouTube: @UnleashTheEpicYou Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
Rising Above Challenges Jarrod Bruce Lee's Story of Growth and Fitness
May 8 2024
Rising Above Challenges Jarrod Bruce Lee's Story of Growth and Fitness
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a stirring journey with Jarrod Bruce Lee, the tenacious CEO of the Daring Academy, as he recounts his evolution from a young immigrant facing the brunt of cultural shocks in Auckland to becoming an emblem of physical and mental resilience. Through candid moments, Jarrod shares the poignant struggles against racism and the teasing that once cast shadows on his school days, only to see him rise, a phoenix from those ashes, as fitness provided an anchor in the storm. His narrative is a tapestry woven with threads of identity, self-discovery, and the courage it takes to come out, revealing the intricate patterns that make up the fabric of his life.Feel the pulse of personal transformation in this spellbinding conversation where Jared opens up about pivotal life decisions, from pivoting his career path towards the nourishing world of fitness and nutrition, to the dramatic and unexpected detour through the performing arts. His story is a testament to facing one's fears and embracing the opportunities that life throws your way, even when they lead you from the familiar grounds of auditing to the spotlight of musical theater and back to the empowering platform of personal coaching.As we close this chapter with Jared, the transformative power of the Daring Academy and its community-centric ethos come to light. Jarrod's profound impact on his clients, helping them tear down their mental barriers and integrate fitness into their daily lives, resonates with a sense of victory and shared triumph. His cross-cultural influence, underscored by his determination and vitality, offers a beacon of inspiration to listeners worldwide, inviting them to join a collective journey of growth, acceptance, and the relentless pursuit of one's true potential.Contact Jarrod Bruce LeeWebsite: TheDaringAcademy.comInstagram: @JarrodBruceLee Facebook: @JarrodBruceLeeTikTok: @JarrodBruceLee YouTube: @JarrodBruceLee Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
From Adversity to Authorship A Tale of Tenacity with Rhonda Parker Taylor
May 1 2024
From Adversity to Authorship A Tale of Tenacity with Rhonda Parker Taylor
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever met someone whose life is a testament to the saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"? Rhonda Parker Taylor is that person, and her story might just be the dose of inspiration you need right now. Join us as Rhonda, a true embodiment of resilience, opens up about her journey from a young girl in Noblesville, Indiana, grappling with learning disorders and undiagnosed ADHD, to a beacon of hope for many facing similar battles. Her candid recount of the struggles and triumphs through her education and personal life proves that with the right mentorship and a relentless spirit, the sky's the limit.Writing can be a salve for the soul, and nobody knows that better than Rhonda. She shares how her exploration into literature and writing became her sanctuary and led her through the labyrinth of life's toughest challenges. From her transformative experiences in a writing class to the therapeutic process of penning her novel "Crossroads", Rhonda's evolution from a struggling student to a campus director and mentorship business founder is nothing short of miraculous. Her narrative reminds us of the strength we find when we harness our inner voice and the power of the written word.In an era where social media often paints a picture of perfection, Rhonda's insights into the raw emotional landscape of the justice system and the reality of societal pressures bring us back to ground. Through her work in the Crime Watch District and her discussions on emotional intelligence, she offers a refreshingly honest perspective on finding contentment and happiness in simplicity. Rhonda's parting words, steeped in gratitude, challenge us all to chase our dreams with tenacity, reminding us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – and the courage to take it.Buy Rhonda's Book: CrossoadsContact RhondaWebsite: RhondaParkerTaylor.comFacebook: @rhonda.parker.967Instagram: @rhondaparkertaylor Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
From Rural Roots to Wellness Revolution: Angela Beyer's Transformative Health Journey
Apr 24 2024
From Rural Roots to Wellness Revolution: Angela Beyer's Transformative Health Journey
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a transformative journey with Angela Beyer, a health coach whose own battles and victories with body image and nutrition have shaped her into an inspiring advocate for wellness. Angela's story is one that began amidst the serenity of rural Germany, where her early life's simplicity set the stage for the challenges she would face in adulthood. Struggles with weight gain, societal pressures, and an eating disorder evolved into a powerful narrative of self-discovery, education, and eventual triumph. Her transition from a nutritionist to a passionate coach showcases the resilience and dedication toward not just changing her own life, but also inspiring others to do the same.This episode isn't merely a conversation; it's a masterclass in transforming your relationship with food, exercise, and yourself. Angela generously shares her strategies, from managing carbs to recognizing personal triggers, which are vital for anyone looking to create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. We also pull back the curtain on the emotional rollercoaster of competitive endeavors, from Angela's Miss Universe experience to her fulfilling career shift to personal training. Her heartfelt stories of coaching, including guiding a client to a dramatic marathon time improvement, highlight the immeasurable joy derived from empowering others on their health journeys.As we conclude our time with Angela, she extends an open invitation to anyone seeking guidance on their path to wellness. With practical tips on meal prepping, planning, and fostering metabolic flexibility, Angela equips listeners with the tools needed to take control of their health. Her contact details, including her Instagram handle, healthcoachangela, and her website,, are your gateway to connecting with a community of support. Angela's monthly three-day challenges promise to energize your routine and reset your metabolism. Remember, your first step towards a healthier you is just one conversation away.Contact AngelaFacebook: @angela.beyer.129Instagram: @healthcoachangelaWebsite: Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
Turning Trials into Triumphs: Luke Fernandez's Journey from Adversity to Empowerment
Apr 17 2024
Turning Trials into Triumphs: Luke Fernandez's Journey from Adversity to Empowerment
Send us a Text Message.When life throws a curveball, some people not only catch it but also throw it back with interest. This is Luke Fernandez's story, a personal development coach who turned his trials into triumphs. Step into Luke's shoes as he walks us through his upbringing in St. Louis, battling dyslexia, and his inspiring transformation from a victim of bullying to a beacon of hope. His journey isn't one to simply hear about; it's a treasure trove of practical wisdom that could very well be the key you've been searching for in your quest for resilience and personal growth.We all have battles to wage—some visible, some hidden within the recesses of our minds. This episode peels back the curtain on Luke's inner struggles, revealing how he turned his mental health and obesity challenges into a springboard for an astonishing 143-pound weight loss and a new outlook on life. Through Luke's narrative, we confront the raw truth about the emotional weight we carry and how shedding it requires more than just a diet plan or workout routine. It's about a mindset shift that recognizes every emotion as a choice and embraces the courage to choose differently.If you've ever wondered about the purpose of your struggles or doubted your ability to rise above them, Luke's creation of 'Anomaly' offers an intriguing perspective. Witness a journey from despair to purpose that reminds us of our individual potential to not only find fulfillment in helping others but to also reignite a passion for life that radiates to those around us. Luke's insights into daily habits for maintaining fitness, nutrition, and a positive mindset are more than just advice—they are a call to elevate your own frequency and embark on the most significant journey of all: your own path to self-improvement.Contact Luke:Website: AnomalyCoaching.comInstagram/@anomalyluke Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
The Transformative Journey of an Addiction Healer: From Navy Struggles to Empowering Philanthropy with Michael Herbert
Apr 10 2024
The Transformative Journey of an Addiction Healer: From Navy Struggles to Empowering Philanthropy with Michael Herbert
Send us a Text Message.Every so often, a story comes along that is not just inspiring, but also deeply transformational. Michael Herbert, a seasoned addiction clinician and coach, shares his riveting journey from a background of rigid discipline and absence to a life dedicated to helping others conquer their addictions. His narrative is not just one of personal triumph over substance abuse, but also a beacon for those battling similar demons. Join us as Michael uncovers the pivotal moments of his childhood, the influence of his Episcopal African American upbringing, and the trials he faced that have equipped him with an unparalleled strength and empathy in his work.The echoes of Michael's experiences resonate through the tales of his time in the Navy and the disco era's temptations that led him down the path of addiction. Engross yourself in the gripping account of his struggle with substance abuse and the military's complex social environment that both fostered and challenged his resilience. Michael's candid recollection provides a window into the often-overlooked battle that many veterans face when transitioning to civilian life, and the flawed support systems they encounter. His story is a raw and honest portrayal of the adversity that comes with addiction, and the courage required to face and overcome it.Our journey with Michael does not end with his recovery. We further explore his transformation into a certified addiction counselor, from the bustling streets of Manhattan to the sands of Egypt, where he has touched the lives of many—from lawyers to physicians—on their path to recovery. Finally, Michael takes us beyond the realm of counseling to the heart of the Afar region in Ethiopia, where his philanthropic efforts are not just changing lives but reshaping futures. His dedication to improving the world, one person at a time, leaves us with a profound sense of the impact that compassion and commitment can have on humanity. This episode is an invitation to witness the power of healing and the far-reaching influences of one man's extraordinary life's work.Contact Michael:Web: coachmichaelherbert.comFacebook: @therecoveryguideInstagram: @michael.a.herbert Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
Redefining Success: Allan Misner's Journey from Career Triumph to Holistic Health
Apr 3 2024
Redefining Success: Allan Misner's Journey from Career Triumph to Holistic Health
Send us a Text Message.When life threw curveballs, Allan Misner caught them and threw them right back. Embark on a compelling journey with our guest, fitness guru and podcast veteran, as he shares the challenges of his youth and the competitive fire that was stoked within him. His candid retellings of a high school sports career cut short and a dream of space exploration grounded by military service are emblematic of a man who's learned to roll with the punches, turning each setback into a stepping stone towards personal growth.Imagine reaching the zenith of your career but at the cost of your health and relationships. This episode peels back the curtain on a high-flying accounting professional's sobering realization that success isn't measured in titles, but in the moments shared with loved ones. Hear the heartfelt story of how a simple request from his daughter led to a transformative commitment to fitness, epitomized by the symbolic defeat of the Warrior Dash and a shift from the sidelines to the forefront of his health journey.Our conversation doesn't end with the physical; it delves into the realms of mental and emotional well-being, highlighting the oft-overlooked importance of quality sleep and the courage required to leave toxic relationships behind. Discover how prioritizing rest, nurturing healthy connections, and setting attainable goals can pave the way to a balanced, fulfilling life. Whether you're seeking inspiration to kickstart your own wellness journey or looking for practical steps to maintain it, this episode is a treasure trove of insights and relatable anecdotes ready to guide you.Contact Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
The Resilience of Spirit: Pam Sherman's Journey from Accident to Fitness Triumph
Mar 27 2024
The Resilience of Spirit: Pam Sherman's Journey from Accident to Fitness Triumph
Send us a Text Message.Pam Sherman's story is one that might leave you reevaluating the true strength that lies within the human spirit. Our latest episode takes you through the inspiring journey of this fitness guru and author, as she recounts the trials and triumphs following a severe accident that could have been the end of her active lifestyle. Instead, it became a testament to her resilience, illustrating how a foundation of health and fitness can not only protect us but also propel us through the toughest challenges life throws our way.From the gripping details of her recovery to the insightful discussions around the synergistic relationship between nutrition and exercise, Pam's narrative offers practical wisdom for anyone looking to embrace a healthier, more empowered life. The conversation moves fluidly through her personal evolution from marathon runner to personal trainer, the unexpected foray into self-publishing, and the remarkable impact of strength training and personalized nutrition on sustainable weight management. Audience members are given a front-row seat to the transformative power of setting audacious health goals, with Pam's approachable guidance lighting the way.Closing with a celebration of Pam's infectious positivity and the way her story has resonated with listeners, this episode is a beacon for those seeking motivation in their health and fitness journey. Her award-winning smile is more than just a charming endnote; it symbolizes the joy and fulfillment that come from overcoming adversity and championing one's well-being. Tune in for an episode that not only honors Pam's incredible contributions but also serves as a powerful reminder of the remarkable feats we're all capable of achieving with the right mindset and support.Pam's BooksThe Daily 3M Journal21 Days to a Leaner & Healthier YouYour Health Is Your WealthThe Perfect Balance PlanRules for Weight LossNutrition for AthletesHow to Avoid the Freshman 15Contact Pam TokYouTube Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
Embracing Life's Journey: From Personal Struggles to Higher Calling with Neal Fisher
Mar 20 2024
Embracing Life's Journey: From Personal Struggles to Higher Calling with Neal Fisher
Send us a Text Message.From the verdant depth of a North Queensland rainforest to the raw realities of personal reinvention, Neal Fisher, author of "The Unified Man," takes us on an emotive trek across life's varied landscapes. Neal's openness struck me as he recounted the paradox of his outward confidence and hidden fears, a fallout from his parents' split that many listeners might find echoes of in their own life stories. We delve into the evolving shape of family, the indispensable role of fathers, and the complexities faced by young parents, affording a mirror to society's changing contours.  The twists and turns of life's journey can often lead us down paths we least expect, sometimes to the brink of a financial abyss or the snares of addiction, as Neal knows all too well. His narrative doesn't shy from the bleak truths of ambition run amok or the harsh lessons of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. Yet, there's solace in his rediscovery of life's simple pleasures and a minimalist ethos that underlines the narrative. Neal's candid share of slipping into debt's clutches, the lure of cryptocurrency, and his subsequent rise to financial stability underscore a tale of resilience and the power of pivoting back to one's values.  Neal's quest didn't end with financial stability; it led him to a higher calling that he elucidates with wisdom won from hardship. He speaks of the synchronicity of life, the alignment with destiny, and how work can become an act of worship on the path to self-mastery. As Neal navigates through sales jobs, coaching, and encounters with impactful mentors, his story becomes a testament to the power of listening to one's internal compass. His journey reveals the importance of self-discovery and the profound impact of aligning our lives with a higher purpose, inviting listeners to consider their path and the joys of riding life's exhilarating wave toward fulfillment. Contact Neal:Instagram/@Nealfisher_Facebook THE UNIFIED MAN on Amazon Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
Triumphing Over Adversity: A Woman's Journey Through Abuse, Codependency, and Spiritual Awakening with Jo Ann Fawcett
Mar 13 2024
Triumphing Over Adversity: A Woman's Journey Through Abuse, Codependency, and Spiritual Awakening with Jo Ann Fawcett
Send us a Text Message.Imagine facing a childhood overshadowed by an alcoholic father, enduring the emotional rollercoaster of seven marriages, and confronting the specter of domestic violence. Joanne Fawcett, an author and speaker with a tale that is both harrowing and inspiring, joins us to share her extraordinary life story. Her candid revelations chart a course through the challenges of financial independence for women, the perils of codependency, and the quest for understanding in relationships, all within the framework of her experiences in the Mormon Church and beyond.Throughout our conversation, Joanne peels back the layers of traditional marriage norms, recounting her personal confrontations with gender roles and the often-troubled waters of motherhood. She details her navigation through the complexities of church teachings and societal pressures, providing a rare glimpse into the nuances of finding true happiness and forging an identity free from the confines of expectation. Her reflections offer a roadmap for personal growth, acceptance, and the courage to step away from destructive partnerships, all while managing the realities of single parenthood and the scars left by past abuses.Venturing into the spiritual, Joanne opens up about her psychic encounters and interactions with the spirit world. From sensing presences at funerals to establishing connections with spirits aboard the USS Hornet, her experiences invite us to reconsider conventional notions of the afterlife. Whether discussing the support from spirit guides or the evolution of her spiritual beliefs, Joanne's journey serves as an exploration of resilience, vulnerability, and the extraordinary influence that unseen forces can have on our lives. Join us as we navigate through these compelling stories and the lessons they hold.Takeaways:To get through trauma, do not be afraid to lean on your support systemIt is not selfish to take care of yourselfDisregard the stigma of therapy.  Do not be afraid to fire your therapist if you do not alignIn an abusive relationship, you have to call the authoritiesDo not rush into a relationship. Communicate.Jo Ann's Book & Contact InfoMidlife Magic - Jo Ann Richards (Fawcett) FacebookLinkedinEmail: Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):
Rising Above Eating Disorders to Empowerment with Amanda Russo
Mar 6 2024
Rising Above Eating Disorders to Empowerment with Amanda Russo
Send us a Text Message.SummaryIn this conversation, Amanda Russo shares her challenges growing up and the impact they had on her weight and self-esteem. She discusses the bullying she faced and the emotional eating that became her coping mechanism. Amanda also talks about her journey into fitness and how it helped her regain control of her health. She emphasizes the importance of adding in more healthy habits rather than restricting oneself. By making small changes and choosing healthier options, Amanda was able to lose weight and improve her overall well-being. In this conversation, Amanda Russo shares her personal journey of weight loss and self-discovery, highlighting the role of breathwork in her transformation. She emphasizes the importance of reinforcement and not restricting oneself in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. Amanda also discusses her experience with ayahuasca and how it led her to discover breathwork. She explains the concept of holotropic breathwork and the transformative effects it can have. Amanda concludes by providing steps for success, including starting small, paying attention to one's environment, and cultivating gratitude.TakeawaysReinforcement is crucial in maintaining motivation and confidence on a weight loss journey.Breathwork, such as holotropic breathwork and breathwork detox, can have transformative effects on mental and emotional well-being.Avoid restricting yourself and instead focus on making healthier choices and replacing unhealthy habits.Pay attention to your environment and remove any friction that may hinder your progress.Shift your perspective to gratitude and appreciate the positive aspects of your life.Contact AmandaFacebook: @amanda.russo.108Instagram: @thebreathinggoddessPodcast: Manders Mindset Contact Brad @ Life Changing ChallengersInstagram: @bradaminusFacebook: @bradaminusX(Twitter):