Love u Miss u Bye

Christi Chanelle

LUMUB is a podcast about figuring it all out.

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Standing Up for Self-Worth and Celebrating Personal Growth
Jun 3 2024
Standing Up for Self-Worth and Celebrating Personal Growth
Send us a Text Message.How do you navigate the turbulent waters of self-worth and career advancement? Join me for a heartfelt reflection on my podcasting journey, where I share lessons from my solo series on Code Green Plant. You'll hear the inspiring story of Suzanne Somers and her fight for equal pay on Three's Company, and how her courage has influenced my own experiences with asking for a raise. Despite the self-doubt and rejection I faced, these moments have shaped my understanding of standing up for oneself and recognizing personal worth.As I celebrate turning 50, I discuss the wisdom and personal growth that come with age. From launching two companies and another podcast to the viral success of my video short, this episode is a tribute to achievements and the importance of continuous self-improvement. Inspired by my late mother's journaling, I emphasize the significance of leaving behind written memories for my children. Tune in to embrace personal growth, maintain a positive mindset, and celebrate the connections we make along the way.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
A Journey of Resilience: Cancer Survival, Rebuilding Life, and Authentic Storytelling
May 28 2024
A Journey of Resilience: Cancer Survival, Rebuilding Life, and Authentic Storytelling
Send us a Text Message.What happens when life gives you a second chance? Discover Suzanne’s extraordinary journey from surviving cancer to reclaiming her life with resilience and hope. This episode kicks off with Suzanne sharing the uplifting news of being declared no evidence of disease and her anticipation for reconstructive surgery. Despite some technical glitches, we've creatively integrated TikTok clips from Suzanne's page to ensure you don't miss a beat. Listen as Suzanne reflects on the emotional impact of her therapy sessions, including a touching compliment from her therapist that celebrates her strength and compassion as a parent. This chapter is a testament to the power of therapy and the unwavering support from friends.Next, we tackle the harrowing reality of overcoming a toxic marriage, guided by the themes of intuition, self-worth, and resilience. Suzanne opens up about the psychological toll of gaslighting and infidelity, and the crucial process of rebuilding life after such an ordeal. This segment is a heartfelt discussion intended to inspire those facing similar challenges to seek help, trust their instincts, and boldly start anew. With personal anecdotes and valuable insights, we emphasize the importance of supportive friends and the courage it takes to transition into a new career while raising children.Finally, we explore the complexities of sharing personal stories on public platforms like podcasts and TikTok. Suzanne and I discuss the therapeutic benefits of openness, overcoming the fear of oversharing, and the ripple effect of bravery and authenticity. From handling social media dynamics to strategies for gaining followers, we share the emotional highs and lows of putting oneself out there. Stay tuned for tips on engaging viewers, maintaining authenticity, and the upcoming exciting segment, "Part Three." This episode is a blend of raw emotion, practical advice, and inspiring moments that underscore the power of storytelling and community support.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Unanticipated Impact and the Pursuit of Empowerment
May 27 2024
Unanticipated Impact and the Pursuit of Empowerment
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever wondered about the weight of your digital footprint? When a casual self-Google turned up an article featuring my off-the-cuff TikTok remarks on a contentious corporate issue, it was both surprising and affirming. This episode peels back the layers of our online presence, examining the far-reaching impact of what we share. I'm diving into the unexpected ways my commentary on workplace empathy and flexibility has echoed across the digital sphere, sparking deeper reflections on corporate individuality and human leadership.But that's just the starting point. This discovery has reignited my curiosity and ambition to venture into life coaching, a path once obstructed by financial hurdles but now pulsating with potential. While I lack formal credentials, my life is rich with experiences that hold the power to guide and uplift others. Join me as I consider the thrilling prospect of marrying social media influence with life coaching to foster genuine empowerment. I'm eager to bridge the gap between digital expression and human connection, and I'm looking for a therapist collaborator to enrich this journey—if you know one, reach out! I would love to you have them on the show!Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Confronting Controversy: Harrison Butker's Commencement Speech and the Debate on Life's Goals
May 20 2024
Confronting Controversy: Harrison Butker's Commencement Speech and the Debate on Life's Goals
Send us a Text Message.When NFL kicker Harrison Butker took the stage at a Catholic church's commencement ceremony, his words sparked a firestorm of reactions—mine included. Today, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to confront his claims head-on, discussing why the assertion that marriage and children are life's ultimate goals, along with his condemnation of IVF, surrogacy, LGBTQ+ rights, euthanasia, and abortion, can't go unchecked. This episode isn't just about Butker's speech, it's about the echoes it leaves in the lives of those in the audience and beyond.Navigating the choppy waters of public discourse, we grapple with the impact of influential figures airing divisive views and the ripple effect it has on our society. The conversation touches on what it means to chase happiness in a world brimming with personal beliefs and societal expectations. I'll share insights from my own life, a tapestry woven from many faiths and philosophies, illustrating why choice and empathy are paramount. Join me for a candid discussion that's as much about introspection as it is about what transpired at that commencement ceremony.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
My Daughter Hannah takes Over the Show and Shares Our Focus Word of the Week
May 16 2024
My Daughter Hannah takes Over the Show and Shares Our Focus Word of the Week
Send us a Text Message.Join me and my delightful co-host, my daughter Hannah Marie, as we explore the strength of heart that comes with courage in our latest chit-chat. We've stirred up a little controversy, but not the kind you'd expect – it's all about dropping the masks we hide behind (no, not those masks) and embracing our true selves. This week, we're going beyond the surface, delving into how staying true to oneself is not only an act of bravery but also a powerful source of empowerment.Hannah, the star that she is, lights up this conversation with her candid take on what courage means to us both. We share impromptu moments and laughs that are sure to bring a smile to your face, and maybe even provoke a thought or two about living a life led by the soul. Don't miss out on our heartwarming and somewhat fumbled sign-off, which has become our signature way to say, "Love u, Miss u, Bye." So, grab your headphones and let us brighten your day with a quick little episode that's as uplifting as it is insightful.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Suzanne's Journey: Overcoming Adversity and Embracing Hope
May 13 2024
Suzanne's Journey: Overcoming Adversity and Embracing Hope
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever witnessed the sheer tenacity of the human spirit, or seen the light of hope flickering in the darkness of adversity? Suzanne's saga, which she shares with unfaltering honesty on my show, is a stirring narrative that's bound to move you. From the trials of escaping an abusive relationship to the tenderness of reconnecting with a childhood love, her story is a beacon for anyone navigating the rocky terrain of life's challenges.Suzanne's candid tales embody the complexity of personal struggle, the intertwining of love and loss, and the courage it takes to rebuild and choose joy. Her experience of confronting family trauma, wrestling with the throes of menopause, and facing a daunting breast cancer diagnosis are more than just stories; they're profound lessons in resilience. They remind us of the shared human experience, the scars that shape us, and the unwavering strength we possess to emerge stronger on the other side.Crucially, this episode isn't merely a recounting of past events—it's a space for healing and understanding. As we navigate the vicissitudes of love, family dynamics, and health crises, Suzanne's journey offers a mirror to our own lives. Her openness invites you to reflect to find solace in her words and connect with your journey.  Join us for a heartfelt exploration of life's unpredictability and the enduring power of the human spirit.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Navigating the Waves of Mother's Day: A Journey Through Love, Loss, and Healing
May 11 2024
Navigating the Waves of Mother's Day: A Journey Through Love, Loss, and Healing
Send us a Text Message.Twenty-five years ago, I faced my last Mother's Day with my mom, a day wrapped in emotion and marked by a precious necklace gift that symbolized my unspoken words of love. As Mother's Day approaches, I, Christi Chanelle, invite you to a heartfelt episode where we explore the intricate dance of sorrow and serenity that accompanies this time of year for those of us missing our mothers. It's a conversation for anyone navigating the tender balance of cherishing memories while confronting the ache of absence, and for those entangled in the complex threads of maternal relationships.This isn't just my story—it's a tapestry of shared experiences and communal healing. We traverse the unpredictable waves of grief, occasionally finding ourselves blindsided by a fresh surge of loss during what might seem like an ordinary day. I reflect on the peace that has been two and a half decades in the making, and I offer a space where we can collectively unpack the emotions Mother's Day stirs within us. Whether your mother is present in your life, you're facing her absence, or you're grappling with feelings of anger or gratitude, this episode aims to be a companion through it all, providing understanding and solace in our shared journey.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Turning Criticism Into Strength: Navigating Online Hate, Body Image, and Self-Acceptance
May 6 2024
Turning Criticism Into Strength: Navigating Online Hate, Body Image, and Self-Acceptance
Send us a Text Message.The sting of a critical comment can linger, but what if instead, it becomes the very thing that propels you forward? That's the heart of our latest conversation, where I navigate the murky waters of online criticism and the resilience it takes to turn that into a force for good. This isn't just about deflecting the negativity; it's a deeper exploration into the psychology behind the trolls and the strength we can find in ourselves to rise above it. Buckle up as we candidly broach the topic of body image in the digital age, where the line between community support and cyberbullying is often blurred. Here's where the rubber meets the road: dealing with the insecurities that harsh comments can evoke the stout-heartedness required to confront them.  Join me for this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where we learn to see ourselves not through the lens of critique but through the clear eyes of success and self-acceptance.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
The Journey Through Friendships Past, Present, and Future
Apr 29 2024
The Journey Through Friendships Past, Present, and Future
Send us a Text Message.Ever felt the sting of embarrassment while backing away from friends during tough times? It's a familiar throb in the heart, one that I've navigated and now extend a hand to guide you through. Together, we'll sift through the layers of friendships—those for a lifetime, a season, or a reason—as I share my journey of nurturing connections that withstand the test of time. Navigating the complexities of modern friendships means embracing tech as much as we do heart-to-heart chats. This episode peels back my own communication preferences, as I confess my aversion to phone calls in favor of texts and FaceTime. We'll ruminate on the importance of shared experiences and how they cement bonds or signal when it's time to release them. It's a candid look at the art of friendship maintenance, understanding that growth might mean outgrowing certain ties while cherishing those that evolve with us.The personal triumphs and tribulations of mental health recovery cast a new light on the friendships that flank our sides. This heart-to-heart includes a peek at how innovative platforms like Bumble BFF and Wink are redefining how we forge new friendships post-trauma, offering solace in the digital age. Join me, your companion in this emotional sojourn, as we celebrate the quest for supportive, life-affirming friendships that mirror our journey to self-discovery and healing. Now the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Unraveling Taylor Swift's Tortured Poet Society and the Situationship Blues
Apr 22 2024
Unraveling Taylor Swift's Tortured Poet Society and the Situationship Blues
Send us a Text Message.Ever found yourself in the throes of a situationship, where the lines of love and friendship blur? That's the emotional landscape Taylor Swift paints in her double album "The Tortured Poet Society," and I, Christi Chanelle, am here to take you on a lyrical journey dissecting the magic behind her music. We'll untangle the complex web woven by Swift's experiences with Joe Alwyn, Matt Healy, Travis Kelsey, and the surprising antagonist Kim Kardashian. As we peel back the layers of these captivating tracks, I'll also share my own story of passion and caution with a man who was the epitome of a modern-day dichotomy, met on the battleground of Bumble.As our session wraps, I reflect on the poignant moment of recognizing when to walk away from what doesn't serve our long-term dreams. With echoes of gratitude and the soft promise of our next meeting, I bid you a temporary farewell. Remember, our stories have the strength to connect us, to hold us together across the airwaves, and that's the beauty of what we share here. Stay tuned for our ongoing saga—because, as always, there's so much more to come. Love u, Miss you, Bye.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Candid Moments and New Horizons for Women Aged Forty Plus
Apr 15 2024
Candid Moments and New Horizons for Women Aged Forty Plus
Send us a Text Message.As we ride the waves of midlife, finding our tribe becomes more important than ever. That's why we've opened the doors of our sanctuary, embracing the heartfelt tales and triumphs of women aged 40 to 60. My latest episode is a treasure chest of listener stories, from navigating menopause to personal health journeys, and the quest for a hashtag that unites us in sass, not clichés. Step into my home studio, where we lay down tracks of change and growth, and learn how a simple shift in scenery can rejuvenate the soul and inspire our community to keep pursuing their dreams.When content creation meets authenticity, you get a raw, behind-the-scenes glimpse of what it takes to stay true to our mission. No guest goes unnoticed, even those whose stories diverge from our core demographic. Join us as we shine a light on the candid moments that don't make the public cut but are shared intimately with our Patreon supporters. We also delve into the cosmic awe of a total solar eclipse and mull over the excitement and fears that come with organizing meetups. This episode is for those yearning for connection and a place to share, laugh, and grow together in the most transformative years of our lives.PATREON the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Embracing the Freedom of RV Living: Casey Roman's Quest for Authentic Happiness
Apr 1 2024
Embracing the Freedom of RV Living: Casey Roman's Quest for Authentic Happiness
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt tethered to a job that drains your spirit, fantasizing about a life that aligns with your passions? Casey Roman did, and she's here to recount the raw journey of exiting her stable news industry career to embrace the freedom of RV living, as chronicled in her memoir "Looking Up." Our conversation with Casey peels back the curtain on the emotional roller coaster of such a major transition, emphasizing the courage it takes to chase authentic happiness. It's not just about the allure of the open road; it's about the soul-searching, the year-long "divorce" from a former life, and the quest for content accessibility, like turning her book into an audiobook for on-the-go audiences.The social media landscape is a battlefield, where the demand for drama often eclipses the yearning for uplifting content. Casey Roman shares her firsthand experience with this harsh reality, including the unexpected challenges of content creation and the darker side of online engagement. From the online harassment to the solidarity found within a supportive digital community, our discussion uncovers the strategies for weathering the storm of negativity. Further, we delve into the unique challenges that come with being a woman traveling solo, providing insights into the strength required to face and transcend the impersonal yet impactful nature of RV life.Writing a book is no small feat, and Casey enlightens us on the dedication it demands, from the underestimated time commitment to the struggles with publishers. She opens up about her decision to maintain the rawness of personal stories in her work, including her father's suicide, and the delicate balance of staying true to one's narrative while navigating the publishing industry. As we wrap up with a behind-the-scenes glimpse of audiobook recording and a heart-to-heart on the financial realities of authorship, Casey leaves us with a piece of invaluable advice for aspiring podcasters and influencers: Authenticity isn't just a buzzword, it's the foundation of a genuine connection with your audience and the key to building lasting relationships.Support the Show! Casey's Book, Looking Up the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Navigating the Twists and Triumphs of a Podcasting Journey
Mar 25 2024
Navigating the Twists and Triumphs of a Podcasting Journey
Send us a Text Message.Ever had one of those moments that felt like an epic fail, only to discover it wasn't the disaster you imagined? That's exactly what happened to me, Christi Chanelle, after a recent interview gaffe. As I peel back the layers of my journey, you'll hear about the rollercoaster of emotions I faced, from self-doubt to a surprising realization of success. We're not just talking about my personal growth here; I'm thrilled to share how my YouTube channel took a turn for the spectacular, with one video finally catching fire. And if that's not enough to toast to, there's nothing quite like the warmth of a fan's encouraging words to remind me why I pour my heart into projects like "Love U, Miss U Bye" and "Code Green Plant."If you've ever felt the jitters about stepping outside your comfort zone, you're in good company. Join me as I navigate the nerves of interviewing and the growth it fosters while creating content that truly resonates. Your feedback has been the wind beneath my wings, so let's keep the conversation alive on social media, celebrating the unfiltered journey of crafting episodes that hit home, and staying true to the emotions that drive us.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Aging, Self-Image, Mindset and the Menopause Rollercoaster
Mar 18 2024
Aging, Self-Image, Mindset and the Menopause Rollercoaster
Send us a Text Message.Hitting 50 can be a revelation in more ways than one, and I've certainly felt the seismic shifts—in my self-image, the way younger generations perceive me, and in the relentless march of technology that has left my encyclopedias gathering dust. Walking you through this milestone, I peel back the layers of my personal experience, from the startling reflection in the mirror to the workplace dynamics that subtly remind me of my tenure. And yes, there's a whole chapter on Botox—no needles spared—in this candid conversation about the allure and the apprehension of cosmetic procedures. The tension between aging naturally and the cultural obsession with youth has never been more palpable, and I'm laying it all out, inviting you to weigh in with your own stories of navigating this delicate dance.Now let's talk about the rollercoaster that is menopause, where hot flashes are just the tip of the iceberg. It's more than just a biological shift; it's an emotional and societal tug-of-war that comes with its own set of rules. The decision to embrace gray hair, the secret society of frozen shoulder sufferers—it's all under the microscope as we dissect the lesser-known side effects of growing older. We're stripping away the taboos, getting real about weight management, and acknowledging how our moods swing with the hormonal tides. Feeling fabulous at any age isn't just a catchphrase—it's a crusade. And as your host, I'm here to rally the troops and champion the cause. Join me for a frank, fearless, and sometimes funny exploration of what it means to age on your own terms.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Date Rape, Consent, and Surviving Childhood Trauma - Part 2
Mar 11 2024
Date Rape, Consent, and Surviving Childhood Trauma - Part 2
Send us a Text Message.Haunted by a chilling encounter from my youth, I peel back the layers of personal safety in social settings, revealing how a close call transformed me into the protector of my circle, always sober and vigilant behind the wheel. Through heartfelt anecdotes, we navigate the murky waters of teaching our children to safeguard themselves, and the profound implications this carries into adulthood. This episode is an unflinching look at the lessons etched into our being from the experiences that shake us, and how these moments shape the counsel we pass on to the next generation.A confrontation that I once shied away from comes to light, as I recount the harrowing tale of calling out my rapist. It's an exploration of the all-too-common guilt that plagues survivors and the deep-seated myth that vulnerability is an open invitation for assault.  It's a raw discussion about the jagged path to closure and the strength discovered in the echoes of our truths.In the closing chapter of our odyssey, Pheobe James, discusses the familial bonds and the soul-crushing void left by parental addiction and the search for those fleeting moments of connection that we yearn for. We plunge into the emotional whirlpool of coping with a loved one's terminal illness, the choices it forces us to make, and the profound metamorphosis that follows. This is a tribute to the indelible marks left by loved ones, like Freddy, whose tales of love, struggle, and enduring legacies provide a beacon of understanding for anyone navigating the complexities of relationships and loss.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Viral Self-Love Lessons Inspired by JLo's Story
Mar 4 2024
Viral Self-Love Lessons Inspired by JLo's Story
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt the sting of heartbreak echo through a song that seems to narrate your life? Join me, Christi Chanelle, as I open up about the profound impact JLo's movie "This Is Me Now" had on my journey of love and self-discovery. The song "Broken Like Me" struck a chord, reflecting my own pattern of ricocheting between relationships without taking the necessary time to heal and grow. Throughout this intimate episode, I'll share my raw take on the healing process depicted in the film, juxtaposed with JLo's own rollercoaster of public romances, and I'll let you in on why my TikTok video about self-love and internal work before new love sparked a viral conversation.As we wrap up, I want to extend a heart-filled thank you to each and every one of you tuning in and joining this poignant exploration. Your support fuels this journey, and I'm thrilled to invite you to contribute to the dialogue as we navigate the complexities of love, healing, and happiness together. Remember, you can find our community and all episodes ready for you at, as well as on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Here's to finding the courage to face our own reflections and the love we deserve.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Shattering Ceilings in the World of Technology- LUMUB DROP
Mar 1 2024
Shattering Ceilings in the World of Technology- LUMUB DROP
Send us a Text Message.Discover the untold story of Grace Hopper, the mother of computer programming, as we pay homage to a woman whose brilliance in STEM reshaped our digital world. Get ready to be inspired by the legacy of a trailblazing mathematician and US Navy Rear Admiral who didn't just break the glass ceiling but shattered it completely, ensuring that computer coding was accessible to all. This month's edition of Love u, Miss u, Bye is a celebration of Women's History Month and a tribute to a woman whose life's work forms the very foundation of the technology we rely on every day.Embark on a journey through the remarkable achievements of Grace Hopper, as I share anecdotes and insights that illuminate the life of this extraordinary pioneer. With COBOL still at the heart of telecommunications infrastructure, we unpack how Hopper's tenacity led her to overcome a decade of skepticism and mockery, eventually influencing 80% of computer code worldwide. Grace's story isn't just about technology, but about the power of perseverance and the triumph of innovation against all odds. So, tune in and join us for an engaging look at one of the leading figures in the history of computing, and carry forward the spirit of Grace Hopper in your day-to-day tech encounters. Love u, Miss u, Bye.Support the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle
Peeling Back the Layers of Past Trauma and Abuse; Survivor's Story-PART 1
Feb 26 2024
Peeling Back the Layers of Past Trauma and Abuse; Survivor's Story-PART 1
Send us a Text Message.When the wounds of the past threaten the promise of the future, where do we find the courage to share and heal? Join me and Phoebe from Code Green Plant for a poignant conversation that traverses the rocky terrain of mental health and the deep-seated effects of trauma. In a space where vulnerability meets strength, we unpack the shadows of our childhoods, the complexities of discussing traumatic memories, and overcoming them one day at a time. Our dialogue extends beyond our own struggles, touching the lives of many who wrestle with the echoes of turbulent pasts. From the anxiety that lingers from witnessing substance abuse and violence at a young age, to the heart-wrenching decision making of whether to confront an abuser, we confront the dilemmas that shape a survivor's journey. This isn't just storytelling; it's an act of reclaiming power over the narratives that once held us captive, and an offering of empathy to those who may see their reflections in our words.As the episode unfolds, the resilience of the human spirit shines through. Tales of early entrepreneurship reveal the hustle born of adversity and the courage to face a world that juxtaposes harsh realities with the potential for profound growth and healing. Through shared experiences and the support systems that emerge in crisis, this episode is an ode to the survivors, the thrivers, and anyone on the path to reconciling their past with the hope of a brighter tomorrow.WATCH NOW: the Show.Watch the episodes on YOUTUBE: Love u Miss u Bye ChristiChanelle - Love u Miss u Bye / The Sassy Onions ChristiChanelle