Nesha’s Open Diary


Welcome To Nesha’s Open Diary Where Real Stories Come to Life! Nesha Unravels Stories Through Personal Narrations of Her Life & Delves Into the Harsh Complex Realities of Life read less


The Weirdest Pap Smear Ever(Sheet Over His Head???)
May 6 2024
The Weirdest Pap Smear Ever(Sheet Over His Head???)
Join Nesha in the latest episode of 'Nesha's Open Diary' where she questions a gynecologists unorthodox pap smear examination methods.  After he places the exam sheet over his head. Nesha is unsure if he is doing something he shouldn't be doing.This raw and captivating episode titled : "The Weirdest Pap Smear Ever" will have listeners deeply engaged with Nesha's personal narrations of her life events. Nesha unravels the story of how the pap smear was different from any other she had ever had before. Pointing out how it became strange after the doctor placed the sheet over his head to perform the examination. Where she then began to feel uneasy about the doctors actions as they were unexpected and not what she usually experienced during pap exams. She battled with her thoughts as she laid on the exam table wondering if the doctor was doing anything wrong. As Nesha prepares her self mentally to protect herself if it became clear the doctor was intentionally doing anything unlawful or made any unwanted sexual advances towards her. Although she is hesitant and not quite sure how to approach the situation. Being that she was at her place of work and didn't want to make a spectacle of herself.  She kept quiet about the uncomfortable way the doctor made her feel and has never publicly spoken about it until now. Find out what transpires as Nesha tries to endure the pap smear that doesn't feel quite right. You don't want to miss this. Tune into 'Nesha's Open Diary' where real stories come to life!
Juggling Night School, Motherhood, and a Troubled Relationship Pt.2
Apr 25 2024
Juggling Night School, Motherhood, and a Troubled Relationship Pt.2
Join Nesha in this episode of Nesha's Open Diary as she shares her raw and real experiences from a challenging period in her life when she attempts to juggle night school, motherhood, and a troubled relationship. As Nesha recounts her journey, she unravels a tale of endurance, self-esteem, and courage. In this episode, she delves into a typical work day. Where she finds herself at work when her baby father's aunt and two other females come to her job. To try to attack her after she threw the algebra book at her child's father. The tension building up between Nesha and her baby's father escalates during the journey, revealing issues in their relationship. But she remains focused on her commitment to make money and take care of her child, no matter the hostility she faces. Listen as Nesha navigates verbal abuse and the looming threat of physical violence, all the while trying to secure a better future for herself and her son. Nesha finds herself at work amidst a conflict that followed her to her place of work that could potentially give rise to violence. She shares how she threw an algebra book at her child's father, which then his aunt and two other females decide to come to Nesha's job to confront her about. With intentions of physically assaulting Nesha to teach her a lesson for throwing the book at her child's father. Nesha explains the actions, and emotions that she went through in order to ensure her own safety. The episode hums with tension as she ejects the intimidation the aunt and other women aim at her. Once home, the conflict doesn't end as Nesha calls her child's father to ask why they were sent to her work place. Engage with this riveting episode as Nesha extracts important lessons from her lived experiences all while exhibiting her dedication to her child's well-being and her own. Find out how she navigates this turmoil. Follow Nesha's Open Diary on all major social media platforms and catch up on Nesha's full story at
Juggling Night School, Motherhood, and a Troubled Relationship
Apr 23 2024
Juggling Night School, Motherhood, and a Troubled Relationship
Join Nesha in this episode of Nesha's Open Diary as she shares her raw and real experiences from a challenging period in her life when she attempts to juggle night school, motherhood, and a troubled relationship. As Nesha recounts her journey, she unravels a tale of endurance, self-esteem, and courage. In this episode, she delves into a typical evening. Where she finds herself en route to night school with her baby's father and his brother. The tension building up between Nesha and her baby's father escalates during the journey, revealing issues in their relationship. But she remains focused on her commitment to education and her child, no matter the hostility she faces. Listen as Nesha navigates verbal abuse and the looming threat of physical violence, all the while trying to secure a better future for herself and her son. Situated in a different location than her regular school, Nesha finds herself in night school amidst a conflict that could potentially give rise to violence. She shares how she threw an algebra book at her child's father, which changes the entire dynamic of the evening, leaving her fearing potential reprisals. Nesha explains the fears, actions, and emotions that she went through in order to ensure her own safety. The episode hums with tension as she ejects from the hostile environment and relies on public transport to return home. Once home, the conflict doesn't end as Nesha receives an earful from her mother. Engage with this riveting episode as Nesha extracts important lessons from her lived experiences all while exhibiting her dedication to her child's well-being and her own education. Consequently, Nesha leaves her audience on a cliffhanger, prompting them to tune into the next episode to find out how she navigates this turmoil. Follow Nesha's Open Diary on all major social media platforms and catch up on Nesha's full story at
Mistakes of the Past Don't Have to Become the Mistakes of Future Generations.
Apr 22 2024
Mistakes of the Past Don't Have to Become the Mistakes of Future Generations.
Welcome to another enlightening episode of Nesha's Open Diary, where tales of love, loss, and personal growth serve as both a catharsis for Nesha and an opportunity for listeners to reflect and learn from her experiences. Tune in for a deep-dive into her journey as she candidly shares her worst relationship experiences, and how they led to personal growth and a strong mother-daughter bond. In this episode, Nesha opens up about her past relationships, grappling with betrayal, neglect, and emotional abuse. She narrates the heart-wrenching tale of undergoing an abortion where the responsibility fell solely on her while the to-be father disregarded their shared transgression, leaving her to deal with the aftermath alone. The painful memories etch a harsh portrait of a man insensitive to emotional bonds, unwary of the results of his actions. However, the focus of the story pivots to hope, as Nesha emphasizes breaking the cycle and imparting wisdom to her daughter. With frank discussions about relationships, respect, and manipulation, Nesha aims to empower her daughter with insights she wish she had known in her youth. Her earnest approach to facing the struggles head-on and learning from the past is inspiring. The episode sends the powerful message that mistakes of the past do not have to become the mistakes of future generations. It underscores the importance of open communication in nurturing trustful relationships, and the transformative power of candid conversations. Join Nesha as she courageously breaks the cycle, using her experiences to nurture and protect her daughter from the harsh realities she herself had to face. Let Nesha's Open Diary be a beacon of empowerment, resilience, and a testament to the unconditional bond between a mother and a daughter. Tune in and be a part of this empowering journey!
OMG Look At Her ???Part 2 (The Visual)
Apr 17 2024
OMG Look At Her ???Part 2 (The Visual)
Welcome to Nesha's Open Diary: a platform where I share real, unfiltered stories and experiences from my daily life. Jump into a world of candid narratives, captured moments, and authenticity that will make you feel connected to the real world. In today's episode, I continue from where we left off yesterday. I had promised to share video footage illustrating the event I was talking about. This footage showcases a story time that involves some unexpected visitors with primitive intentions. Managed to pull this footage from my cameras this morning and believe me, it took a while to find just the right moments for you. From the camera angles, you'll be privy to my fun side and witness me shaking a leg. However, you won't be able to see those pesty corner sitters until I fetch my cell phone. Watch as the story unfolds and how they make their escape. For those doubting the authenticity of this story time - I live my life transparently. Every story I share has been lived by me, they're raw, real, and threaded with truth. I named this podcast Nesha's Open Diary, because that's exactly what it is - a reflection of my life without any filters. As more episodes roll out, you'll see my experiences, the good, the bad, and the unexpected. And remember, every time someone tries to confront or judge me, they won't find anything more than what I've already shared - because I've got nothing to hide. So get ready to see what happened with your own eyes - presented in raw, unedited footage straight from my camera. Don't forget to follow the journey by tapping into Nesha's Open Diary on Facebook , Youtube, and Instagram. I'll see you where the pen meets the diary. Until next time, dear story seekers.
Oh My God Look At Her???
Apr 16 2024
Oh My God Look At Her???
Welcome to another enthralling episode of Nesha's Open Diary, a podcast intended to share true life stories and experiences. This episode entails a very recent and peculiar encounter with some overly intrusive neighbors. As Nesha indulges in her annual spring yard clean-up, her privacy is infringed upon by a suburban couple, leading to a rather amusing showdown. Nesha's Open Diary, known for its authenticity, is not a stranger to eccentricity. And today’s episode is no different. Be prepared to gasp, laugh, and possibly cringe as Nesha bares all - from her experience of living in a predominantly white neighborhood as a black family, neighborhood tension, to the audacity of a strange couple who couldn't seem to mind their own business. The podcast is guaranteed to keep you on your toes. There's a fair share of drama, laughter, and outright weirdness up for grabs. Nesha's audacious response to the sticky-beak couple, involving a twerk extravaganza, gets even more hilarious as her confrontation with the couple takes an unexpected twist. What was supposed to be a peaceful yard cleanup quickly spirals into a weird yet humorous showdown. Nesha’s larger-than-life personality and passionately told stories never fail to entertain. Nesha's Open Diary promises to deliver a podcast experience like no other. The claws and the twerk moves are all out in this episode! Tune in to fully immerse yourself in Nesha's world. Follow Nesha on all socials to get a video clip of the encounter at Nesha's Open Diary, and visit her website for more captivating stories. Until next time, meet Nesha where the pen meets the diary.
Battling Bullying and Discovering Self-Worth
Apr 15 2024
Battling Bullying and Discovering Self-Worth
Prepare to be captivated by Nesha's honesty and resilience in this episode of 'Nesha's Open Diary'. Here, Nesha recounts a heartfelt, choosing real-life experience about the hardships she faced in school and how it shaped the person she is today. Join Nesha as she takes us back to her sixth-grade days at Robert Fulton Elementary School, where she first experienced the harsh realities of materialism and stereotyping. Nesha opens up about the judgments she faced because of her affordable footwear, and how these experiences led her to form strong friendships, develop self-confidence, and a unique personal style. In this compelling tale, Nesha sheds light on the all-too-common problem of bullying and how it triggered her transformation. She expresses the sheer importance of self-presentation, recounting the actions she took, despite life's challenges, to rise above the critique and lay down her personal fashion statement fearless and unapologetically. Nesha's experiences empowered her to stand up against societal standards, embrace her identity, and ensure she always presented herself in the best way possible, no matter the occasion or circumstance. Her story serves as a stirring reminder that no external factors or opinions should shape our worth or dignity. For Nesha, her journey has taught her to carry herself beyond materialistic values and focus on her self-worth, principles, and moral stability. Tune into 'Nesha's Open Diary' for more heartfelt and inspiring real-life stories from our host, Nesha. Don't forget to follow her on Facebook and Instagram at Nesha's Open Diary, and join her where the pen meets the diary.
The Downfall of a Lifelong Friendship"
Apr 9 2024
The Downfall of a Lifelong Friendship"
On today's episode of Nesha's Open Diary, Nesha explores true friendship, unveiling a heartbreaking tale of deception and disloyalty. Through her vivid recollections, she addresses the hurtful and transformative effects of a secret that unfolded within her trusted circle. What followed was a complicated web of intrigue and eventual heartbreak, culminating into an end to a long-standing friendship. Nesha dives deep into a moment in time when her childhood best friend kept a relationship hidden between her partner and another woman from their shared school environment. This gripping tale highlights the importance of honesty, loyalty, and openness in friendships. Nesha confronts the painful realization that not everyone who stands by our side truly has our best interests at heart. Throughout this, Nesha never shies away from expressing her raw emotions, providing an authentic reflection on how secrets can shatter the strong bonds of friendship. This episode is an open-ended exploration of betrayal, featuring a cast of characters who bring both tension and pain to Nesha's life. Ultimately, this is a tale of hurt, loyalty, and the power of opening up. Nesha wraps up the episode with a plea to her former friend, extending an emotional olive branch as she attempts to connect, to resolve the pain of their broken bond. This episode will resonate strongly for anyone who has dealt with the pain of broken friendships and the sting of betrayal. Join Nesha in this insightful and emotional journey through the corridors of friendship, loyalty, and loss. Be prepared for a raw, honest, and deeply personal episode that will leave you contemplating the true value and meaning of friendship.