The Holly Hall Show

Holly Hall

Master Astrologer-Renown Speaker, Teacher, AstroPsychology, Psychic, Business Life Coach For Soul Readings and Life Coaching go to FIND ME HEAR ME read less


The Heros Journey-Explained 1 of 4 Series
Feb 19 2024
The Heros Journey-Explained 1 of 4 Series
"The Hero's Journey" redirects here. For other uses, see The Hero's Journey (disambiguation).Illustration of the hero's journey In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero's journey, also known as the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. The Hero's Journey is a narrative framework that describes the typical stages of an adventure or quest undertaken by a hero in mythology, literature, and storytelling. This concept was popularized by the American scholar Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." The Hero's Journey consists of several key stages, which often include: 1. **The Call to Adventure:** The hero is called to leave their ordinary world and embark on a journey or quest. 2. **Refusal of the Call:** Initially, the hero may hesitate or refuse the call to adventure, often due to fear or a sense of inadequacy. 3. **Meeting the Mentor:** The hero encounters a wise figure or mentor who provides guidance, advice, or magical tools to help them on their journey. 4. **Crossing the Threshold:** The hero leaves their ordinary world behind and enters the unknown or the "special world" of the adventure. 5. **Tests, Allies, and Enemies:** Along the way, the hero faces a series of challenges, meets allies, and confronts enemies that test their skills and resolve. 6. **Approaching the Inmost Cave:** The hero comes to the edge of a dangerous place or faces a critical challenge that represents their greatest fear or the central conflict of the story. 7. **The Ordeal:** The hero faces their greatest trial, often a life-threatening challenge that forces them to confront their fears and weaknesses. 8. **The Reward:** After overcoming the ordeal, the hero receives a reward, such as knowledge, power, or an object of great value. 9. **The Road Back:** The hero begins the journey back to their ordinary world, often pursued by enemies or facing new challenges. 10. **The Resurrection:** The hero faces a final test, which may require them to use all of their newfound skills and wisdom. 11. **Return with the Elixir:** The hero returns to their ordinary world, transformed by their journey, and brings back a boon or "elixir" that benefits their community or society. The Hero's Journey is a powerful storytelling tool that resonates with audiences because it reflects the universal themes of growth, transformation, and the triumph of good over evil. It has been used in many famous stories and films, including the "Star Wars" saga, "The Lord of the Rings," and "The Wizard of Oz." Discover your Heros Journeys --- Send in a voice message:
The Art of Calm (+by sun sign)
Feb 14 2024
The Art of Calm (+by sun sign)
Staying calm can be influenced by various factors, including personality traits associated with sun signs in astrology. However knowing your entire chart thro a reading is important, focus on: C-consciously A-aligning L-loving M-myself Here's a general guide for each sun sign: 1. **Aries (March 21 - April 19)**: Practice patience and channel your energy into productive activities. Engage in physical exercise to release tension. 2. **Taurus (April 20 - May 20)**: Create a peaceful environment and stick to a routine. Ground yourself through nature walks or indulging in sensory pleasures. 3. **Gemini (May 21 - June 20)**: Practice mindfulness to quiet your busy mind. Engage in deep breathing exercises and focus on one task at a time. 4. **Cancer (June 21 - July 22)**: Find comfort in familiar surroundings and prioritize self-care. Seek support from loved ones when feeling overwhelmed. Book a Session 5. **Leo (July 23 - August 22)**: Practice positive self-talk and cultivate a sense of self-confidence. Engage in creative pursuits to channel excess energy. 6. **Virgo (August 23 - September 22)**: Make lists and prioritize tasks to reduce anxiety. Take breaks to avoid overthinking and perfectionism. 7. **Libra (September 23 - October 22)**: Seek balance in all aspects of life and surround yourself with harmony. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. 8. **Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)**: Embrace introspection and acknowledge your emotions. Release pent-up energy through intense physical activity. 9. **Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)**: Maintain a sense of humor and focus on the bigger picture. Explore new perspectives through travel or learning experiences. 10. **Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)**: Set realistic goals and establish boundaries to manage stress. Take breaks to recharge and prioritize self-discipline. 11. **Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)**: Embrace your individuality and allow yourself to detach from stressful situations. Connect with like-minded individuals for support. 12. **Pisces (February 19 - March 20)**: Practice visualization and embrace your intuitive nature. Find solace in creative outlets and prioritize self-care routines. Remember, while astrology can provide insights, individual experiences and coping mechanisms may vary. It's essential to explore various techniques and find what works best for you to stay calm and centered. --- Send in a voice message:
What is Cosmic Consciousness
Feb 4 2024
What is Cosmic Consciousness
Book a Session "Cosmic Consciousness" is a term that has been used to describe a state of heightened spiritual awareness or a deep connection with the universe. It often refers to a transcendent or mystical experience where an individual feels a profound sense of unity with the cosmos, a heightened perception of reality, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. The concept of Cosmic Consciousness has been explored in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. It is sometimes associated with the idea that individuals can achieve a higher state of consciousness, transcending the limitations of the individual self and experiencing a profound connection with the entire cosmos or a universal consciousness. TRY MY USUAL MORNING ROUTINE MY MORNING ROUTINE The term gained popularity through the work of Richard Maurice Bucke, a Canadian psychiatrist, who wrote a book titled "Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind." In his book, Bucke described cosmic consciousness as a new form of awareness that he believed was emerging in the human species. It's important to note that interpretations of Cosmic Consciousness can vary among different belief systems and spiritual traditions. Some view it as a spiritual awakening or enlightenment, while others may approach it from a more secular or psychological perspective. Overall, it is a concept that reflects the idea of a profound and expanded state of consciousness that goes beyond the individual self to encompass the vastness of the cosmos. --- Send in a voice message:
Return to Soul Series "DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL"-eps 1
Jan 17 2024
Return to Soul Series "DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL"-eps 1
The "Dark Night of the Soul" is a profound and transformative spiritual experience characterized by intense inner turmoil, despair, and a deep sense of existential crisis. It is a term often associated with mysticism and spiritual growth, and its roots can be traced back to the works of mystics like Saint John of the Cross. During the Dark Night of the Soul, individuals may grapple with feelings of emptiness, loss of meaning, and a sense of separation from the divine or their true selves. It is considered a crucial stage in the journey towards spiritual enlightenment and self-realization. This experience often involves a dismantling of old belief systems, attachments, and ego structures, leading to a profound inner transformation. The term has been adopted and expanded upon by various spiritual and psychological traditions, encompassing moments of deep crisis, existential questioning, and inner turbulence that precede personal and spiritual growth. It's important to note that the Dark Night of the Soul is a highly subjective and individual experience, and its manifestations can vary widely from person to person. Despite the challenges it presents, many view it as a necessary and transformative passage on the path to deeper self-awareness and spiritual awakening. Namaste, Holly Hall Clairvoyant Life Coach *BEST* LINKT.EE/Askhollyhall HERE ALL MY LINK --- Send in a voice message:
Couples Heal using Astrology?!
Jan 2 2024
Couples Heal using Astrology?!
Couples Heal using Astrology?! Astrology can be a valuable tool for couples for several reasons: 1. **Understanding Compatibility:** - Astrology provides insights into the compatibility of individuals based on their birth charts. It analyzes the positions of planets and their influence on personality traits, helping couples understand each other's strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of compatibility or conflict. 2. **Communication Styles:** - Astrology can shed light on communication preferences and styles. For example, an individual with a strong Mercury influence might communicate more analytically, while someone influenced by the Moon may express emotions openly. Understanding these differences can enhance communication within a relationship. 3. **Conflict Resolution:** - By analyzing astrological aspects related to conflict and resolution, couples can gain insights into how they approach disagreements and challenges. This awareness allows them to find more constructive ways to navigate conflicts and maintain a harmonious relationship. 4. **Personal Growth:** - Astrology encourages personal growth and self-awareness. When individuals understand their astrological profiles, they can work on personal development, which positively impacts the relationship. Couples supporting each other's growth often experience a deeper connection. 5. **Timing and Transits:** - Astrology considers planetary transits, which can influence specific periods in individuals' lives. Understanding these transits can help couples navigate times of change, challenges, or opportunities. It provides a roadmap for both personal and relationship development. 6. **Shared Interests and Values:** - Astrology can highlight shared interests, values, and goals between partners. Aligning life paths and aspirations fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose, contributing to a more fulfilling and meaningful connection. 7. **Prevention of Misunderstandings:** - Misunderstandings often arise from differences in perspectives and approaches. Astrology helps couples anticipate potential challenges and celebrate each other's unique qualities, minimizing the likelihood of misinterpretation. 8. **Timing for Major Life Events:** - Astrology can offer guidance on auspicious times for significant life events, such as marriage, starting a family, or making important decisions. Couples can use astrological insights to make informed choices about the timing of major milestones. 9. **Empathy and Compassion:** - Knowing each other's astrological profiles fosters empathy and compassion. Recognizing that cosmic energies influence certain behaviors or reactions encourages a non-judgmental understanding, promoting a more supportive and loving partnership. 10. **Fun and Shared Exploration:** - Exploring astrology together can be a fun and bonding experience for couples. Learning about each other's charts and discussing astrological concepts can deepen the connection and create shared interests. While astrology can offer valuable insights, it's essential to approach it with an open mind and recognize that individual experiences may vary. It should be used as a complementary tool for self-awareness and relationship enhancement rather than as a strict determinant of compatibility. Try a Couples session now! Full or Mini BOOK MINI BELOW OR FULL ABOVE --- Send in a voice message:
Healing Momma Trauma- A Course in Healing
Dec 17 2023
Healing Momma Trauma- A Course in Healing
Healing a trauma with one's mother as an adult child can be a deeply transformative and healing process. Trauma is an emotional wound that can be caused by a variety of experiences, including abuse, neglect, violence, or any event that overwhelms an individual's ability to cope. Trauma can affect one's mental, emotional, and physical health, and can have lasting impacts on one's relationships, self-esteem, and overall sense of well-being. One reason why someone may want to heal a trauma with their mother as an adult child is that the mother-child relationship is often the most significant and influential relationship in a person's life. The mother-child bond begins at birth and can have a powerful impact on a person's development and attachment style. If this relationship is disrupted or traumatic, it can have a profound impact on a person's sense of self, their ability to form healthy relationships, and their overall mental and emotional health. Healing a trauma with one's mother as an adult child can also provide an opportunity to address unresolved issues and emotions that may have been present for many years. As adults, we may have a greater capacity to process our emotions and understand the root causes of our trauma. This can provide an opportunity for us to work through our pain and find healing and closure. In addition, healing a trauma with one's mother can help to repair and strengthen the mother-child relationship. When we are able to work through our pain and come to a place of forgiveness and acceptance, we can create a deeper sense of connection and understanding with our mothers. This can be especially important if we have children of our own, as we may want to create a healthy and supportive family environment for them. Overall, healing a trauma with one's mother as an adult child can be a challenging but deeply rewarding process. It can help us to find closure, strengthen our relationships, and move forward more positively and healthily. a course in Healing coming soon --- Send in a voice message: