Oct 13 2023
Levels of Insecurities- Part 1
How many areas of your life has been affected due to having deep insecurities? Yes, I know we all have them and it's something that requires consistent work, but when it gets deep, this is where it can be a major problem. We have to realize that NOBODY has the view we have of ourselves, the same thing we hate is what someone wish they had! In this episode I share a story about my hesitation with putting on a bikini for the first time, and how this experience still affects me until this day. I also detail how deep insecurities drives major decisions that we make, and sometimes not in a great way. This is our sign to work on minimizing our insecurities and we will!!!
In this episode, we will explore:
The effects of having deep insecurities within ourselves
What happens when you let insecurities drive you decisions romantically, professionally, etc
What can help minimize insecurities
How to authorize happiness and joy in your life and so much more!
How did you feel listening to this episode? Do you feel like there are any areas in your life affected by deep insecurities? I want to hear your thoughts! Let me know on savethegoodgirl.com in the contact section, in the comments or on social media!! I value your feedback and would love to know if this episode helped in any way!
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