Words That Make Us

Tony Bailey and Rama Shaar

Two teachers from very different cultural backgrounds share their thoughts on the power and impact of words in shaping our identities, beliefs and experiences. Each episode focuses on a different word and through a range of readings, poems and texts the pair explore how these words have had an impact on their thoughts, emotions and actions. read less


20. Words That Make Us: Food
2d ago
20. Words That Make Us: Food
In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Food”. Listen to them discuss the foods of their childhoods and respective countries. What are some statistics about meat and other foods around the world? How is food seen in stoicism, Islam and Christianity? How is the food industry evolving to keep up with modern trends? They also share with you some poems about food. Trigger warning: If you find the topic of eating disorders triggering, be sure to skip the poem “The Diet” by Carol Ann Duffy. On Eating and Drinking (from The Prophet) Kahlil Gibran  https://poets.org/poem/eating-and-drinking-0   Evolution of Diet / Timeline https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/evolution-of-diet/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_food   Learning to eat the stoic way https://thestoicgym.com/the-stoic-magazine/article/127 Organic Foods Statistics https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/organic-food6.htm   On US food consumption https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nZxOh7ghMjKeo2Y49_mb98OIzP1GUa2t/edit#gid=2065436962   Corned Beef and Cabbage BY GEORGE BILGERE https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/52248/corned-beef-and-cabbage “The Diet” by Carol Ann Duffy https://poemanalysis.com/carol-ann-duffy/the-diet/ FUN FACTS ABOUT FOOD! https://www.thefactsite.com/100-random-food-facts/ If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at:  wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com
19. Words That Make Us: Holidays
Jun 4 2024
19. Words That Make Us: Holidays
In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Holidays”. Listen to them as they discuss the different types of holidays and holiday makers. Which are the most visited countries? Which countries make the most revenue from travel? What is “Paris Syndrome”? What are some poems about travel and the feelings it conjures. Country tourism revenue and statistics: https://ourworldindata.org/tourism Paris Syndrome: https://qz.com/emails/quartz-obsession/1850677468/paris-syndrome-troubles-in-tourism#:~:text=Symptoms%20include%20dizziness%2C%20anxiety%2C%20vomiting,in%20Paris%2C%20in%20the%201980s.   Shakespeare on holidays: https://www.folger.edu/blogs/shakespeare-and-beyond/how-william-shakespeare-invented-the-holiday-romcom/   History and evolution of holidays https://www.inghams.co.uk/blog/inghams/the-history-and-evolution-of-holidays-and-travel/#:~:text=31%20BC%2D1484%20%E2%80%93%20The%20Romans,the%20way%20to%20southern%20Egypt! https://culturetourist.com/cultural-tourism/history-of-travelling-how-people-started-to-travel/ https://familyholidaycharity.org.uk/our-story/how-times-have-changed-social-history-holidays Holidays  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  https://poets.org/poem/holidays Vacation - Rita Dove https://poets.org/poem/vacation If Once You Have Slept On An Island by Rachel Lyman Field https://allpoetry.com/If-Once-You-Have-Slept-On-An-Island Extreme Wanderlust: https://www.elitedaily.com/life/culture/damaging-side-effects-wanderlust/610398 The types of travelers: https://travel.earth/different-types-of-travellers/ If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at:  wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com
17. Words That Make Us: Teachers
May 21 2024
17. Words That Make Us: Teachers
In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Teachers”. Listen to them as they discuss their experiences with teaching both as students and teachers. They read a range of humorous poems and share some research about teaching. My Teacher Wasn't Half As Nice As Yours Seems To Be by Roald Dahl https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/my-teacher-wasn-t-half-as-nice-as-yours-seems-to-be/ Napoleon BY MIROSLAV HOLUB https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/51047/napoleon   Stoicism on teaching https://www.alphabetpublishingbooks.com/stoicism-relevant-teachers/ The Lesson by Roger McGough https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-lesson/ Mrs Stein By Bill Dodds  https://www.giggleverse.com/?gv_poem=mrs-stein The Supply Teacher by Allan Ahlberg https://www.poemhunter.com/allan-ahlberg/ Where in the world are teachers most respected https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/12/teachers-where-most-and-least-respected/ https://www.bbc.com/news/business-46063947 https://www.anefore.lu/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/EURYDICE-THE-TEACHING-PROFESSION.pdf European teacher salaries and other statistics https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/07/05/teachers-pay-which-countries-pay-the-most-and-the-least-in-europe#:~:text=Annual%20gross%20starting%20salaries%20of%20teachers%20(2020%2F2021)&text=Leaving%20aside%20Luxembourg%2C%20the%20annual,than%20half%20the%20German%20figure. Maya Angelou about her teacher: https://www.boredteachers.com/post/celebrities-teachers-changed-their-lives If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at:  wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com
13. Words That Make Us: Music
Apr 23 2024
13. Words That Make Us: Music
In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Music”. Listen to them as they discuss why music is powerful, where the oldest piece of music came from and why music is banned by some regimes. They also share their favourite songs and read to you poems about the power and beauty of music. Enjoy!   Quote on music in a car: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/222581-i-love-the-way-music-inside-a-car-makes-you   Music is a vicious cancer: https://theweek.com/culture-life/music/why-chechnya-has-banned-music-that-is-too-fast-or-too-slow The oldest (surviving) piece of music in the world. Video within the article: https://theweek.com/culture-life/music/why-chechnya-has-banned-music-that-is-too-fast-or-too-slow Give Me The Flute by Khalil Gibran (altered translation) https://allpoetry.com/poem/14326975-Give-Me-The-Flute-by-Khalil-Gibran   Cultural differences in scale and harmony   https://www.hoffmanacademy.com/blog/our-list-of-music-scales-from-around-the-world/   Why music moves us   https://www.pfizer.com/news/articles/why_and_how_music_moves_us#:~:text=The%20limbic%20system%2C%20which%20is,when%20our%20ears%20perceive%20music.&text=The%20chills%20you%20feel%20when,of%20pleasure%20and%20well%2Dbeing.   https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologist/how-does-music-make-you-feel   Erbarme Dich by Johann Sebastian Bach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBeXF_lnj_M   The Atlantic Article: Inside the Heads of People Who Don't Like Music https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/03/please-dont-stop-the-music-or-do-stop-the-music-i-dont-really-mind/519099/   Music by John Miles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb6XtyFNawM   Waiting for a girl like you by Foreigner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dWmKSj5HjI   Hero by Lissie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6bo14aOe1I Music and Stoicism https://www.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/comments/6i8yjb/music_is_antistoic_what_do_you_think/ If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at:  wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com
11. Words That Make Us: Beauty
Apr 9 2024
11. Words That Make Us: Beauty
In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Beauty”. Listen to them as they explain what the word means to them and what they consider beautiful. Why do humans gravitate toward shiny objects? What makes them deem something or someone beautiful? Of course, there’s poetry too! Why humans like shiny things (theory): https://www.thecut.com/2014/01/maybe-we-love-shiny-things-because-were-thirsty.html What makes things beautiful, novelty or familiarity? https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/science-of-choice/202110/how-beautiful-things-make-our-lives-better Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? By William Shakespeare https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/william-shakespeare Pied Beauty BY GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/gerard-manley-hopkins Bizarre beauty standards around the world and in different eras: https://steemit.com/life/@ruth-girl/ten-weird-beauty-standards-from-around-the-world https://elle.in/bizarre-beauty-trends-history/ Change in beauty standards over time https://www.scienceofpeople.com/beauty-standards/ https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/07/health/body-image-history-of-beauty-explainer-intl/index.html   Social Media and Beauty Standards https://www.dove.com/us/en/stories/campaigns/social-media-and-body-image.html https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/73271   Cosmetic Surgery https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshwilson/2023/01/18/cosmetic-surgery-is-on-the-rise-with-technology-and-hollywood-is-at-the-centre-of-it/ https://www.isaps.org/discover/about-isaps/global-statistics/reports-and-press-releases/global-survey-2022-full-report-and-press-releases/#:~:text=The%20report%20shows%20a%2011.2,non%2Dsurgical%20procedures%20performed%20worldwide.&text=The%20report%20shows%20a%20continuing,over%20the%20last%20four%20years. Stoic attitude to Beauty https://dailystoic.com/a-stoic-response-to-beauty/ Still will I harvest beauty where it grows by Edna St. Vincent Millay https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/148565/still-will-i-harvest-beauty-where-it-grows If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at:  wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com