

This is a collection of friends talking about anything, something or nothing depending on life at the time. It will be nothing short of embarrassingly hilarious. We are building from a start up and attempting to become something of sustinence. Join us along the journey from here and watch this little thing grow (giggity). I am fairly certain that you will be nothing less than entertained. It should be a great time.

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The Haight-Ashbury Enigma
6d ago
The Haight-Ashbury Enigma
Fan Mail Me BrrrruuuuunnndenPrepare to have the veil lifted on the CIA's most notorious venture into the mind's shadows, as Detto takes you on a journey through the chilling narrative of MKUltra. Casey and Detto open the floodgates to reveal how the seductive power of drugs, sex, and psychological tricks were employed in a quest to master control over the human psyche. We'll share the astonishing scale of these experiments, the government's insatiable LSD acquisition, and the eerie connections to figures like Charles Manson—were these the unintended mentors of manipulation?As we sweep through the decades, brace yourself for a hard look at today's digital sorcery, where social media and advertising weave a subtle web of influence. We question the identity behind the carefully crafted images and slogans that saturate our screens—is it mere commerce, or something more calculated? With a spotlight on the legal battles entangling TikTok and the enigmas of Snapchat, Casey and Detto scrutinize the strategies of tech giants and the bewitching nature of their creations. Could the government's hand be steering the helm of corporate influence?Finally, we pay tribute to the Grateful Dead's mysterious legacy, exploring their roots in the Haight-Ashbury scene and its potential overlap with covert CIA operations. Through stories of success and stereotypes, we investigate the Grateful Dead's enigmatic link to a time when 'free love' might have obscured a far more sinister narrative. Join us on this mind-bending escapade as we piece together a tale of psychological intrigue, cultural impacts, and the timeless question of what lies beyond the looking glass of control.Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
The Scholarly Skirmish
May 21 2024
The Scholarly Skirmish
Fan Mail Me BrrrruuuuunnndenCould the decision between college and a trade school shape your entire future? Kat and Detto fan the flames of this timeless debate, scrutinizing the merits and drawbacks of both educational routes. With the precision of a surgeon and the wisdom of a master electrician, we dissect career trajectories from the hallowed halls of universities to the buzzing workshops of tradespeople. Our banter, rich with personal tales and hard-hitting financial truths, promises to peel back the layers on this complex choice, leaving you with more than just food for thought.Imagine stepping into the shoes of a heart surgeon and then swapping them for a pair of steel-toe boots. Throughout our verbal tango, we challenge the preconceived notions that a four-year degree is the golden ticket to prosperity. We shed light on the unsung heroes of the labor market, the tradespeople, whose expertise runs the world behind the scenes. The discussion whirls around the shifting sands of societal norms, the relentless need for skilled hands, and the potential of trades to offer not just a sturdy income but a ladder to entrepreneurial success.Our episode is a mosaic of voices, a chorus of life stories from those who've walked divergent educational paths, underscoring that there's no one-size-fits-all roadmap to a fulfilling career. As Detto champions the value of education, be it academic or vocational, as a fundamental safety net, we volley between perspectives, ultimately acknowledging the unique nature of every individual's journey. Prepare to be engaged, entertained, and perhaps leave with a few more questions as we stitch together an episode that pulls no punches in the college versus trade school debate.Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
The Athletic Upheaval
May 14 2024
The Athletic Upheaval
Fan Mail Me BrrrruuuuunnndenThe heated debate around Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) in college sports ignites as Keebler and Detto square off, dissecting the seismic shifts and enduring controversies this policy has introduced. Step into the ring with us for an episode that dares to unravel the complexities of NIL, scrutinizing the historical NCAA framework and its profound financial implications on student-athletes. While Detto shines a harsh light on what many consider to be the exploitation of college athletes, Keebler flips the script, proposing the positive spin of athletes capitalizing on their own fame. Together, we revisit landmark cases like that of Ed O'Bannon Jr., and forecast the uncharted futures of minor leagues amidst these groundbreaking changes.The reverberations of NIL extend far beyond the stadium, weaving into the critical issues of student loans and mental health crises among the young academic population. We don't just stop at the surface level; we probe deeper into the NCAA's failed attempts at antitrust exemption and the burgeoning necessity for fair regulation. Through our lens, witness the transformation of youth sports into a high-stakes game, where the innocence of Little League Baseball fades against the backdrop of profit-driven parental ambition. As we shed light on these pressing challenges, we call into question the true cost of competition and its impact on the spirit of sportsmanship.Nostalgia takes a backseat as we lament the evolution of youth sports, from the joys of Little League to the exclusivity of travel leagues. We're not afraid to stir the pot, sharing fiery opinions on participation trophies and the cultural shift they symbolize. But it's not all critical—we champion a fair compensation system for college athletes, drawing on the star power of collegiate sensations like Bronny James and Caitlin Clark to illustrate our point. Tune in to join our impassioned debate and unravel the ethical, financial, and cultural threads that are redefining the landscape of athletics right before our eyes.Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.
The Sonic Insurgence
May 7 2024
The Sonic Insurgence
Fan Mail Me BrrrruuuuunnndenSeason 2 is revving up, and this time, we've thrown the rulebook out the window. Buckle up as I, Detto, return to the mic with more fire and fury, ready to shake the airwaves with controversial takes, untold personal epics, and a behind-the-scenes peek at the podcasting world that's so raw, it might just start a revolution. Joined by the dynamic crew – sassy T-Bot, AKA  Kat, steadfast Casey, and ever-quirky Keebler – plus a host of electrifying new voices, this season is about turning up the volume on stories that matter, from the wild fringes of conspiracies to the very pulse of today's life currents.Hang on to your hats because we're not just here to chat; we're here to challenge. Forget what you think you know about podcasting as we navigate through what it took to get here, from our editing bloopers to our equipment treasures. We're all about interaction too, so head over to and drop us your email for a chance at trivia glory and prizes that range from the simple joy of a koozie to the elusive thrill of a matchbox car. Get ready for a season that's not just a step but an entire leap forward, as we promise to entertain, enlighten, and maybe even provoke – all with the signature Detto panache.Come back every Tuesday for a new episode each week. You won't be dissappointed, I'll tell you that for free. Subscribe and like us over at as we begin the best part of our journey into podcasting yet, interacting with all of you. Give us your email as we begin to have more promotions and contests along with my personal favorite, trivia. Thanks everyone and as always, be good.