The Inviting Shift Podcast

Christina Smith

Embrace the authentic, confident you so you can feel good in your skin and have deeper relationships. The Inviting Shift Podcast focuses on how we step through this messy journey of life confidently so we can feel good about how we show up, have more connected relationships and connect to purpose and meaning. Or in short, how we manifest the lives we crave in practical, tangible ways.

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S2 Episode 24: Uncover the Truth: Pain and Discomfort are not Inevitable in Aging
Nov 30 2023
S2 Episode 24: Uncover the Truth: Pain and Discomfort are not Inevitable in Aging
Do you feel like you're at war with your own body as you're navigating through midlife? Don't worry, you're not alone. We have the pleasure of hosting Janis Isaman (@mybodycouture), a movement specialist, as our guest in this enlightening episode. She shares her profound insights on the physical, emotional, and intellectual transformations we undergo as we age. Janis debunks the myth that pain and discomfort are inevitable parts of aging and empowers us with pragmatic strategies to maintain a harmonious balance amidst the onslaught of fitness marketing and the temptation to simply throw in the towel. We continue our engaging dialogue with Janis on how we can adapt mind-body fitness programs to meet the changing needs of our bodies as we grow older. Discover the critical role of hyaluronic acid in maintaining tissue hydration and elasticity and how this impacts our bodies' look and feel. This episode underscores the significance of listening to your body and redefining what feels good for you, rather than seeking external validation. Embark on this journey with us to uncover ways to reduce stress, challenge deeply ingrained beliefs, and cultivate a healthier, more attuned relationship with your midlife body.ABOUT Janis:Janis Isaman is a movement specialist based in Calgary, Canada. She is the founder of My Body Couture, a movement therapy studio that provides personalized training and rehabilitation services to clients with chronic pain, injuries, and other movement limitations. Janis has been working in the health and fitness industry for over two decades, and she has extensive training and experience in various movement modalities, including Pilates, yoga, and functional movement.Janis is known for her holistic and personalized approach to movement therapy, which involves addressing the root cause of movement limitations rather than just treating the symptoms. This includes trauma modalities and she has trained with Bessel van der Kolk’s The Trauma Centre as well as Gabor Mate’s Compassionate Inquiry. She believes that every person's body is unique and that each session should be tailored to each individual's needs and goals. Janis has helped numerous clients overcome chronic pain and improve their physical and mental health through her innovative and effective approach to movement therapy.CONNECT with Janis:Website  |  Facebook  |   Instagram  |   Elephant Journal  |  LinkedIn  |  YouTube  --------Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.Don't forget to rate & review!Email me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube Channel
S2 Episode 23: Who Am I Now: Embracing the Midlife Transition
Nov 21 2023
S2 Episode 23: Who Am I Now: Embracing the Midlife Transition
Welcome shifters! Are you ready to face the question we've all been dodging: Who am I now? In the throes of midlife, with our children growing up, careers morphing, and a sudden abundance of free time, let's confront this new stage head-on. No more hiding in the comfort zone! In this episode, we'll seek answers, guided by our values, gifts, and desires. Armed with easy strategies, you'll uncover who you are beyond the roles you've known so far. It's time to embark on this incredible journey of self-discovery and redefine your identity.In an empowering session, we'll unlock your unique gifts and cravings, aligning them to form your life's vision. Beyond the labels of mother, grandmother, sister, or daughter, you'll explore your true essence and what truly sets your soul on fire. The intentional and aligned approach will be our compass, leading us to pin down our intentions and align our choices with what we desire. The question is no longer 'Who am I now?' but 'Who do I want to become?' Let's delve into the world of possibilities and embrace this new phase with open arms and hearts. Embrace the transformation, shifters! It's time to reveal your true essence.Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more. CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 22: A Guide to Courageous Conversations about Intimacy: Tips from the Intimacy Doctor
Nov 16 2023
S2 Episode 22: A Guide to Courageous Conversations about Intimacy: Tips from the Intimacy Doctor
Ever thought about how compromise can be the poison pill for your intimate relationship? We tackle this provocative question as we challenge the traditional relationship advice of constant compromise with our esteemed guest, Dr. Alexandra Stockwell, the Intimacy Doctor. Together, we dissect the dangers of passionless relationships and explore the pivotal role of emotional intimacy in keeping the flame alive in long-term bonds. Dr. Stockwell guides us on this journey to deepen emotional connections. Tune in to uncover how judgment-free curiosity can create a safe space for your loved ones to open up and share their deepest thoughts and feelings, fostering connection, creativity, and diminishing disconnection.The closing segment of our conversation takes an intimate turn, focusing on communication about sex. This often awkward and tricky topic is handled with sensitivity, with Dr. Stockwell providing a practical guide on initiating and navigating this crucial conversation outside the bedroom. Tune in now!ABOUT Alexandra:Alexandra Stockwell, MD, aka “The Intimacy Doctor,” is widely known for her ability to catalyze immediate and profound shifts in high-achieving couples who want it all–genuine emotional connection, sensual passion, and erotic intimacy. A physician coach and Intimate Marriage Expert, Alexandra is the best-selling author of “Uncompromising Intimacy,” host of The Intimate Marriage Podcast, as well as a wife of 27 years and a mother of 4. Couples who work with her discover the key to passion, fulfillment, intimacy, and success isn’t compromise–it’s being unwilling to compromise--because when both people feel free to be themselves, the relationship is juicy, erotically alive, and deeply nourishing.For over 20 years Alexandra has shown men and women how to bring pleasure and purpose into all aspects of their relationship: from the daily grind of running a household to intimate communication and ecstatic experiences in the bedroom–all while achieving extraordinary professional results. She offers private relationship and intimacy coaching, group programs, and independent study courses.FREE GIFT from our Guest:The first chapter of Dr. Stockwell's book, "Uncompromising Intimacy." The chapter is called "Is Companionship as Good as it Gets?" about the four main types of relationships and how to have the one you want. Get it here.CONNECT with Alexandra:Website  |  Instagram  |  Facebook  |  LinkedIn  |  Youtube  |  Tiktok--------Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.Don't forget to rate & review! Email me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube Channel Join the community in the Modern Midlife Mentorship! Learn more here.
S2 Episode 21: Taking Charge: How to Shape Personal Boundaries for an Empowered Life
Nov 14 2023
S2 Episode 21: Taking Charge: How to Shape Personal Boundaries for an Empowered Life
Ever felt overwhelmed or powerless? Fret not. This episode is about rediscovering your power and taking charge of your life through setting personal boundaries. I will guide you on how to create a balanced life and tackle the challenging feelings of being overwhelmed. Let's take a deep look into how identifying what we don't want, pinpointing the behavior that contributes to it, and determining what we will do instead can shape the boundaries we need. Remember, it's not about dictating rules, but understanding ourselves and carving a more empowered space for us.At the heart of this episode lies the profound and empowering act of setting boundaries. We'll explore how this can remarkably influence our relationships. We focus on our non-negotiables, the behaviors that are not serving us well, and how we can alter them. Breaking down the process into three parts: identifying the emotion or trigger, understanding the data related to the situation, and figuring out our desires, we aim to establish boundaries in advance that can lead to a more balanced state and less overwhelming emotions.Lastly, we dive into empowerment through boundaries. Experience the transformative power of setting clear boundaries in our relationships, learn how to identify your non-negotiables, and gain control over your circumstances. We're here to help you reduce feelings of overwhelm and achieve balance. And if you're unsure about creating a boundary for yourself, we're here to chat. Tune in, get to know yourself better, and discover how boundaries can pave the way for a safer and more empowered personal space. Let's start the journey to a more balanced and empowered life!Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site Join the community in the Modern Midlife Mentorship! Learn more here.
S2 Episode 20: Mastering the Art of Midlife Relationship Changes
Nov 9 2023
S2 Episode 20: Mastering the Art of Midlife Relationship Changes
When relationships shift and evolve during our midlife years, how do we gracefully navigate these changes? That's the question Maryam Solhjou, a resilience and midlife coach, helps us tackle in this episode. Drawing from her deep experience, she guides us to understand that acknowledging the natural progress in our relationships can bring about tranquility and reduce stress. We explore the significance of identifying and managing our emotions during these transitions, and how these changes can often resurrect past hurts, opening an avenue for personal growth and healing.We then move on to the art of asserting our needs in relationships and taking command of our emotions rather than trying to control the other person. By recognizing what triggers us, we can better manage relationship shifts. The power of setting boundaries also comes into play here, showing us that personal growth can significantly impact our friendships. We further delve into how acknowledging and respecting our diverse backgrounds can prevent conflicts and misunderstandings.In the concluding part of our discussion, we emphasize the strength of female friendships and the importance of nurturing and developing new connections. We share practical advice on finding like-minded groups using platforms like Meetup and Nextdoor, and how volunteering can broaden our social circles. The golden thread running through this conversation is the imperative of actively creating opportunities for new friendships rather than merely waiting for them to occur. Tune in and learn to navigate the changing dynamics of midlife relationships with resilience and grace.ABOUT Maryam:Maryam is a resilience + midlife coach. She's been married for about 35 years, with two adult children and one pup who keeps her on her toes. She has a masters in Org Psy, with a research background in positive psychology and women's psychology. She's struggled (and grown) from navigating midlife's new variables, and she works with her clients to do the same.FREE GIFT from Maryam:Get Maryam's Midlife Guide right here.CONNECT with Maryam:Website  |  Instagram  |  LinkedIn-------Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more. CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 19: The Art of Nurturing and Supportive Relationships
Nov 7 2023
S2 Episode 19: The Art of Nurturing and Supportive Relationships
Imagine transforming your relationships into powerful tools for personal growth. That's exactly what we're going to do in this episode, where we unveil the art of nurturing and supporting relationships, particularly in midlife. We begin our journey by shedding light on how to switch from a judgment-based approach to a data-based one when handling conflicts. We also share 10 pivotal guidelines that will help you build and maintain flourishing relationships, and we delve into the power of connection and the significance of getting your needs met.Do you find conflict resolution challenging? Well, we've got you covered! This episode is all about mastering the skill of effective communication in resolving conflicts. We'll show you how to truly listen, see things from the other person's perspective, and take ownership of your own emotions. We also discuss the importance of establishing boundaries and crafting resolutions that are mutually beneficial. In the final part of our episode, we focus on owning our emotions and setting boundaries. We explore the subtle difference between boundaries and requests, and how recognizing our own feelings can lead to more nurturing and supportive relationships. We teach you how to use 'I' statements for effective and honest communication. By the end of this episode, you'll find yourself better equipped to handle brave and vulnerable conversations, manage relationships, and approach conflict in a way that is both respectful and honest. Join us on this transformative journey and turn your relationships into a source of personal growth and fulfillment.Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more. CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 18: Breaking Barriers: Permission to Create Self-Defined Success
Nov 2 2023
S2 Episode 18: Breaking Barriers: Permission to Create Self-Defined Success
Have you ever felt a yearning to stray from the path society has laid out for you? Do you feel a need to redefine your life on your own terms? Our guest today, Trang Nova, knows exactly what that feels like. He bravely ventured off the beaten path, experiencing a quarter-life crisis, leaving his norm, and making the bold decision to start his own business and live life on his terms. Follow us as we unpack his inspiring journey and discover the power of embracing change and growth.As we traverse the landscape of Trang's life, we uncover how societal norms can box us in, dimming our ability to see the multitude of choices within our reach. Trang's story demonstrates the dissatisfaction that can arise from following these expected paths and the awakening realization that we may not be living our true lives. Tune in as we navigate this complex world of societal expectations and learn how to break free and steer toward the life we truly desire.Transitioning towards the close of our conversation, we venture into Trang's career switch. We discuss the importance of not letting our past anchor us but using it as a springboard toward our future. He emphasizes that changing course is not a waste of time, but a valuable opportunity to apply past knowledge to new pursuits. The focus shifts to the invaluable power of seeking support during such transitions and the importance of granting ourselves the freedom to take risks and carve our own life paths. Listen in and embolden your journey towards breaking barriers and achieving success.ABOUT Trang:Trang Nova is a mentor and speaker for women who are hungry to pivot careers and build their dream business, so they can live out their potential and purpose with freedom and fulfillment.In her mid-20s, Trang experienced a quarter-life crisis that led her to leave the sports industry so she could help women not just as athletes, but as human beings. Now, Trang is determined to help others step into their greatest power and thrive in their lives of impact. Ultimately, she believes that when enough individuals are thriving, then humanity will thrive. And when humanity thrives, then the world can thrive for all forms of life and future generations.FREE GIFT from Trang:WEEKLY CREATION METHOD 3-step guide to creating mind-blowing weeks of productivity, alignment, and fulfillment! Get it here.CONNECT with Trang:Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Website | Podcast--------Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube Channel Join the community in the Modern Midlife Mentorship! Learn more here.
S2 Episode 17: Harnessing Strength and Resilience through the Crone Archetype
Oct 31 2023
S2 Episode 17: Harnessing Strength and Resilience through the Crone Archetype
Do you ever wonder why some people seem to bounce back from life's hardships with grace and strength, while others get bogged down? That's the power of resilience, and we're breaking it down for you in this enlightening discussion. Resilience, contrary to common belief, isn't about numbing yourself to feelings or submitting to life's ups and downs. It's about deeply feeling, genuinely caring, and taking control of what you can. It's about not allowing emotions to hijack your actions and words and being able to bounce back without getting embroiled in difficult emotions.As we unfold the wisdom of resilience, we also embrace the Crone archetype, an empowering retreat when discomfort strikes. Stepping into the crone archetype isn't about retreating into weakness, but about stepping into a resilient, empowered energy. We explore how embracing this archetype and harnessing resilience can lead to transformation. Our most challenging experiences can be our greatest teachers, fostering compassion, wisdom, and empathy within us. Join us as we guide you through exercises to connect with your Wise Woman Energy and channel the crone archetype to journey beyond our wounds and into our power. Embrace discomfort, harness resilience, and connect with your inner Wise Woman.Want to celebrate your Crone? Try a Croning Ceremony here. Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 16: Building Confidence in Career Transitions
Oct 26 2023
S2 Episode 16: Building Confidence in Career Transitions
Have you ever found yourself yearning for a career transition but holding back due to fear of the unknown? Or are you frustrated with the Generation X stereotype of sticking to one job for decades? Urvina and Anjali from UKAN Coaching are in the studio to share their insightful journey from corporate jobs to founding their own coaching business. They expose the challenges Generation X faces and highlight the importance of tuning into your body’s signals for a more fulfilling career path. Navigating a career transition is never easy. It requires a clear understanding of what you want and what you don't want careful planning, and honest financial discussions. Urvina and Anjali break down these steps, sharing critical strategies that eased their career transitions. They emphasize the importance of using past experiences as a stepping stone and having a clear understanding of the potential benefits to smooth the transition path. Imposter syndrome is a widespread phenomenon, especially during career transitions. Irvina and Anjali tackle this head-on, sharing tips on building confidence and celebrating every victory, big or small. They further explore gaining clarity in objectives, leveraging skills and strengths to your advantage, and reflection to identify talents and capabilities. If a career transition is on your horizon, or if you’ve already embarked on this journey, this enlightening conversation with Urvina and Anjali is a must-listen.About Urvina & Anjali & UKAN Coaching:Urvina & Anjali are co-founders of UKAN Coaching specializing in aligning mid-professional women to careers they want and enjoy with confidence.Urvina has worked for 27+ years within the National Health Service as a Therapeutic Radiographer of which 15+ years was as a Clinical Learning Facilitator working with students and staff towards their career and personal development.Anjali has worked in financial services for 15+ years spending the majority of her time training, developing, mentoring, and coaching teams whilst navigating organization structures and culture to enhance her own career.Their approach is based on their personal journey and experiences within their respective careers, using their own systems to transform careers from stagnation to ascension.FREE GIFT from UKAN Coaching:Free Career Complacency Assessment - get it here.CONNECT with UKAN Coaching:Instagram  |  Facebook  |  LinkedIn - Urvina  |  LinkedIn - Anjali Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more. CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 14: Unraveling the Mystery of Anxiety: A Transformation Journey with Savannah Blake
Oct 19 2023
S2 Episode 14: Unraveling the Mystery of Anxiety: A Transformation Journey with Savannah Blake
Ever felt trapped by the invisible grips of anxiety? Meet Savannah Blake, a yoga and meditation teacher who turned her 23-year struggle with anxiety into an empowering journey of self-discovery. Savannah, once rendered mute by her anxiety, unraveled that her panic attacks weren't solely because of social situations but also due to unexpected health issues and food allergies. Join us as Savannah narrates her transformation story, a mesmerizing tale of evolution from hiding behind screens to basking in the glow of newfound freedom.Recall those sleepless nights spent worrying about things that never happened? Or those uneasy feelings in the pit of your stomach before a big event? That's anxiety for you, and it comes in various forms - postpartum, trauma-based, food-related, and more. In our riveting conversation, Savannah sheds light on the importance of recognizing the type of anxiety you're dealing with. From self-awareness and acceptance to reaching out to the right people, we discuss a range of strategies that help keep anxiety at bay.Have you ever wondered if you could manage your anxiety with just deep breathing or a simple walk? Savannah walks us through some practical tips for dealing with anxiety. She also shares her wisdom on using methods like yoga, meditation, and essential oils for self-healing. The importance of understanding your body, treating yourself with compassion, and being present cannot be understated. So, tune in to our episode and let Savannah’s inspiring journey guide you towards a peaceful state of mind.ABOUT Savannah:Savannah Shea Blake is a Yoga & Meditation Teacher and podcast host of Align, Vibe, Flow. She spent her first 23 years of life unable to speak due to crippling fear and anxiety. Now, by guiding others though the chakra system, she helps them overcome the emotional and mindset obstructions brought on by society and culture that's held them back from being their true vibrant and confident selves. Through healing the individual, we heal the world.FREE GIFT from Savannah:Dive into Savannah's FREE Chakra Course here.  CONNECT with Savannah:Website  |  TikTok  |  Facebook  |  Instagram  |  Twitter  |  YouTubeJoin us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 13: The Power of Clarity and Self-Love in Midlife Transformation
Oct 17 2023
S2 Episode 13: The Power of Clarity and Self-Love in Midlife Transformation
Looking for clarity in your life? Wondering how you can cultivate self-love? Mastering self-love is not an easy journey, but it's a worthy one. In episode 11, we talked about the first 2 steps to unlocking self-love. And the next step is clarity. We often get caught up in our inner critic's judgment, focusing on flaws and imperfections, and seeking approval from others. But the truth is, the key to self-love lies within us. It's about understanding who we are, what we want, and being true to ourselves. Navigating midlife can be a challenge. Society often makes us believe that midlife means the end of dreams and aspirations. We’re here to tell you that's not true. We’ll be exploring midlife as a transformative phase, a time to ask ourselves important questions, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Midlife is not about losing yourself; it's about finding yourself, redefining your dreams, and creating a life you love.We’ll also be illuminating the path to reclaiming and embracing your hidden gifts. How often do we ignore our talents and passions, choosing to fit into societal norms? We'll teach you how to recognize your gifts, cultivate them, and draw inspiration from those you admire. It's time to stop limiting yourself and start embracing the infinite potential within you. Join us, as we uncover the treasures of self-love, clarity, and midlife transformation.Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 12: Feeding Self-Love: Mindful Eating and Nurturing Food Choices with Mira Dessy
Oct 12 2023
S2 Episode 12: Feeding Self-Love: Mindful Eating and Nurturing Food Choices with Mira Dessy
What if the secret to self-love and well-being was right on your plate? Allow us to take you on a delicious journey as we explore the profound connection between self-love, mindful eating, and nourishing food choices with our guest, Mira Dessy. Together, we unpack our personal journeys with food, discuss the lessons we've learned, and examine how eating can become an act of self-love. We also delve into issues like orthorexia and the pursuit of the "perfect" diet, reminding you that food is not just about nourishment for the body, but also about fostering community, connection, and joy. In our exploration of mindful eating, we guide you to break away from automatic eating habits and become more conscious of the emotional and energetic ties we have with our food choices. Discover how to truly nourish your body and how your cravings can evolve as you become more mindful. We call you to celebrate your sensitivity, listen to your body, and find joy in every bite you take. As we journey into the realm of self-care, we provide you with practical tips on how to make healthier food choices, manage your cravings, and plan meals that cater to your unique needs — even solutions as simple as pre-made salads. We underscore the power of self-compassion, and the importance of nurturing ourselves through our food choices. So tune in and join us on this delectable adventure. You might just be inspired to whip up a nourishing, love-filled meal for yourself today!ABOUT Mira:Mira Dessy is The Ingredient Guru. A holistic nutrition professional, author, and popular public speaker, she knows that it's not just what you eat, but what's in what you eat.  Mira is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner who helps clients find holistic solutions for chronic health issues.Mira is a member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Additionally, she is on the Board of Directors for the American Holistic Health Association and is a member of the Professional Advisory Board for the Turner Syndrome Society.  She can be found online at GIFT from Mira:Mira is all about being prepared even in a Crisis! Get your tips here. CONNECT with Mira:Website  |  InstagramJoin us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more. CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 11: Unlocking Self-Love: Overcoming the Inner Critic and Embracing Growth
Oct 10 2023
S2 Episode 11: Unlocking Self-Love: Overcoming the Inner Critic and Embracing Growth
What if the secret to a happier, more fulfilled life was as simple as loving yourself more? Sounds too good to be true, right? But it's not. In this enlightening episode, we examine why our society discourages self-love and how this lack of self-appreciation traps us in a cycle of harsh self-judgment. Through understanding the two archetypes related to self-love (or the lack of it) - the Wounded Child and the Inner Critic - we shine a light on the barriers obstructing our path to self-love. We also discover how discomfort can serve as a catalyst for growth and empowerment.Are you ready to silence the inner critic and nurture self-love? By focusing on our unique abilities and talents, we can quiet that critical voice inside us. But it's not just about quieting the critic; it's about engaging our curiosity and openness to help us along the journey of self-love. So, when the inner critic pipes up, question it. Ask it why it's saying what it's saying, challenge its assumptions, and broaden your perspective. It's through this inquisitiveness, this curiosity, that we can navigate through self-doubt and criticism.But the journey doesn't stop at questioning. It's time to celebrate! Celebrating our accomplishments, no matter how small, can lead to a stronger sense of self-love. As part of this episode, I am thrilled to introduce a half-day workshop designed to further explore and discuss self-love. Let's delve into the impact our inner critic has on our capacity to love ourselves and how by changing our perspective and celebrating our accomplishments, we can fully embrace self-love. So what are you waiting for? Listen in, and let's start practicing self-love together!Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site Join the community in the Modern Midlife Mentorship! Learn more here.
S2 Episode 10:The Art of Self-Love: The Roundtable
Oct 5 2023
S2 Episode 10:The Art of Self-Love: The Roundtable
Ready to embrace a whole new level of self-love? Join us as we delve into every facet of self-love with our esteemed guests Julie Hunt, Emma Bradford, and Sarah Maurer. Each of them brings a unique perspective to this vast topic, engaging in a profound conversation on the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of self-love. From finding tenderness within ourselves to using language to foster self-love, this episode is all about celebrating our individual journeys rather than chasing a specific goal.OUR GUESTS:Emma Bradford:Emma Bradford, with 11 years of experience has been supporting clients worldwide in falling back in love with themselves and life. Artist, NLP Trainer, and Founder of Creating Change: The Art of Connection, Expansion & Celebration an exploratory training to reconnect to the authentic self within through creative means.Website FREE Gift: 'Awaken to the Magic of Life' - Download it here.  Julie HuntJulie is a certified Chopra Global Ayurvedic health and meditation instructor and a Chopra coach. She authored Shout from the Rooftops in Your Stilettos and continues to teach meditation, mindfulness, and manifestation techniques to help you harness the boundless realm of infinite possibilities. You can find her guided meditations and wellness insights on her YouTube channel.YouTube Channel  |  WebsiteSarah MaurerSarah Maurer is a certified life coach, hypnotist, and breathworker based in Denver, Colorado. She loves creating healing journeys that help people change their lives through deep relaxation, meditation, music, and self-exploration. Her signature program Healing Deep Dive is a six-month experience designed to help clients release old patterns and step into who they really want to be. Catch up with Sarah on Instagram (@missadventurepants), on her podcast Climb Your Mountain, and in her Meetup Denver Breathwork Collective.FREE Gift:Unconventional Morning Routine Checklist here!Instagram  |  Meetup (Breathwork)Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: Tune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site Join the community in the Modern Midlife Mentorship! Learn more here.
S2 Episode 9: Nurturing the Self: Exploring Self-Love
Oct 3 2023
S2 Episode 9: Nurturing the Self: Exploring Self-Love
Ever wondered what self-love truly means? It's a term bandied around, often misconstrued as narcissism or vanity. Well, dear listeners, we're here to set the record straight - self-love is all about recognizing your worth, accepting your flaws, and being kind to yourself when you stumble. It's not about reaching some unattainable standard of perfection. It's about empathy and compassion, extended to the person you should care about the most - yourself.In our insightful chat, we delve into the nuances of self-love, differentiating it from self-care, and explaining why both are vital for a fulfilling life. However, if you think self-love is a tricky concept, don't worry, we've got your back. We break down the keys to self-love into five accessible components: compassion, courage, curiosity, clarity, and choice. We also discuss the power of grounding ourselves, treating ourselves with the same care we would show to someone we truly respect. We dive into the concept of the 'mother archetype' and how it can guide us in reparenting ourselves, fostering compassion, and grace.In the realm of self-love, inner archetypes play a significant role. We explore the mother, lover, and queen archetypes, revealing how they can fuel our inner love. The warrior energy, though often getting in the way of self-love, isn't left out. We talk about how to navigate it for a healthier relationship with ourselves. So, what does self-love look like for you? We encourage you to join our enlightening discourse as we journey through the fascinating world of self-love.Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: Tune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 8: Navigating Difficult Conversations and Care for Your Aging Parents with Mary Remmes
Sep 28 2023
S2 Episode 8: Navigating Difficult Conversations and Care for Your Aging Parents with Mary Remmes
Are you feeling sandwiched between the responsibilities of child-rearing and elder care? You're not alone! Listen in as we welcome our special guest, Mary Remmes, a seasoned nursing home administrator and life coach. Mary captivates us with her wealth of knowledge on handling the complexities of health care for the elderly.With Mary's empathetic insights, we delve into how to listen to and understand our parents’ needs and goals. We tackle the hard but necessary conversations without making our parents feel defensive. Mary's strategies on how to approach these conversations with compassion and understanding are invaluable. She offers advice on how to gather information, initiate small dialogues and respect that our parents' life goals may differ from ours.Finally, we broach the topic of those tough conversations with our parents. Mary shares her expertise on handling our parents' fear of the unknown and how to avoid rushed decisions. She emphasizes the importance of evaluating the situation objectively and respecting our parents' wishes, even if they make us uncomfortable. Ensuring a safe environment that doesn't compromise their independence and dignity is paramount. You'll come away with actionable advice for balancing your relationship with your aging parents while ensuring their needs are met. So, join us for this enlightening and much-needed perspective on caring for our beloved seniors.ABOUT Mary:Mary Remmes is a certified Life Coach & Aging Parent guide.She leverages her years of experience as a licensed nursing home administrator with her skill as a life coach to help adult children navigate the ever-changing landscape of life with an aging parent.Her own mother suffered from dementia & Mary, along with her 4 siblings, experienced the myriad of circumstances and emotions that come with caring for an aging parent in decline & in need of care.As your life coach, she will help you create more of what you want in your life with an aging parent.FREE GIFT from Mary:"How to Feel matter how crazy your situation seems" This short video & workbook will help you find the perspective you need to create more peace and less angst in your life. Get it on her Website. CONNECT with Mary:Website  |  Facebook  |  LinkedInIs the Modern Midlife Mentorship for you?Find out here. CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: TUNE IN wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsInviting Shift SiteYoutube Podcast Channel
S2 Episode 7: From Surviving to Thriving: Navigating Midlife with Support and Coaching
Sep 26 2023
S2 Episode 7: From Surviving to Thriving: Navigating Midlife with Support and Coaching
Are you navigating the tumultuous waters of midlife and feeling like you're just surviving instead of thriving? What if we told you asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, but a form of self-care? Join us as we peel back the layers on the importance of seeking support, sharing candid experiences, and offering up strategies on how to reach out without feeling like you're imposing on others. If you're in the middle of life's journey, you don't have to go it alone.In the heart of this episode, we decode the numerous ways we can find support in our everyday lives. Be it through family, friends, mentors, peers, or coaches, there's a myriad of resources readily available. We delve into the potency of coaching and how it can fast-track your personal growth, offering external perspectives and tools that you might not have had access to. For those who feel they lack a supportive circle or can't afford a coach, we got you covered. We spotlight organizations and groups that can provide assistance and resonate with your interests.Finally, we're going to get real about the transformative power of investing in yourself. We're talking about 'skin in the game,' clear goals, and expectations, and how these elements can enhance your personal development journey. Not to mention, we delve into the delicate art of cultivating a supportive network outside of coaching. Wrapping up, we discuss how finding the right kind of support and mentorship can offer a sense of confidence and joy that can completely reshape your life. So, strap in for an enlightening discussion, because we're about to make midlife a whole lot less daunting together.Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship.Learn more.CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: Tune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site
S2 Episode 6: Understanding Your Body's Signals Through Perimenopause with Melissa Ayres
Sep 21 2023
S2 Episode 6: Understanding Your Body's Signals Through Perimenopause with Melissa Ayres
Ever felt overwhelmed dealing with the discomforts of perimenopause or menopause? Is it possible that your body is communicating with you through these symptoms? How can natural remedies and the balance of masculine and feminine energies aid in this journey? Melissa Ayres, an expert menopause coach, homeopath, and theta healing practitioner holding over 15 years of experience, graces our podcast today to explore these engrossing topics.Melissa Ayres guides us through her personal journey, opening up about how she managed her perimenopausal symptoms that began when she was 47. She outlines her experience using natural remedies and delves into the connection between physical and emotional discomforts. Melissa, with her wealth of knowledge in homeopathy and theta healing, helps us understand how our bodies communicate and heal through symptoms. She further explains how theta healing can be harnessed to manage hormonal imbalances, release deeply held emotional issues, and relieve the effects of childhood traumas.The discussion transitions to the fascinating world of balancing masculine and feminine energies and the importance of acknowledging our feminine wisdom. Melissa wraps up by offering her insights on managing perimenopause and menopause naturally, shedding light on the crucial practice of hormone tracking. She offers her free masterclass to those interested in embracing this essential transition in life. Join us as we unravel a new perspective on navigating perimenopause and menopause.ABOUT Melissa:Melissa is a Menopause Coach, Homeopath and Theta Healing Practitioner with over 15 years of experience of working in natural health care. After healing her own perimenopausal symptoms naturally, Melissa developed the 'Menopause Revolution Programme' where she supports women by combining all of her knowledge and wisdom in managing hormonal symptoms naturally, with powerful intuitive healing to provide the emotional support required at this important life stage. FREE GIFT from Melissa:Melissa's FREE 30 minute Masterclass, 'Managing Perimenopause and Menopause Naturally'. Tune in now to learn more!CONNECT with Melissa:Website  |  Facebook  |  InstagramIs the Modern Midlife Mentorship for you?Find out here.Connect with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comTUNE IN wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsInviting Shift SiteYoutube Podcast Channel Join the community in the Modern Midlife Mentorship! Learn more here.
S2 Episode 5: Mastering Brave Conversations for Deeper Relationships
Sep 19 2023
S2 Episode 5: Mastering Brave Conversations for Deeper Relationships
Have you ever been so consumed with fear at the thought of a difficult conversation that you chose to avoid it altogether? This episode is going to change that. We're embarking on a journey to unravel the complexity of mastering hard conversations, and how this can become a springboard for personal growth and relationship building. We'll share our insights on preparing for these dialogues, and how to discern when it's your emotional baggage rather than the other person's at play. Our exploration doesn't stop there! We delve deeper into the art of effective communication in relationships, helping you comprehend how to stay vulnerable yet focused during heated discussions. We'll also shed light on distinguishing between everyday triggers and real abusive behavior. With us, you'll learn to set clear intentions, maintain vulnerability, and courageously brave through tough conversations. Remember, while we can't dictate the outcome of a conversation, we certainly can control how we show up. Join us in this insightful journey to create profound, more meaningful relationships through brave conversations.Join us in the Modern Midlife Mentorship. Learn more. CONNECT with Inviting Shift on Social:Instagram  |  FacebookEmail me and tell me what you think: christina@christina-smith.comDon't forget to rate & review and subscribe! Tune in wherever you listen to podcasts:Apple Podcasts/iTunesSpotifyGoogle PodcastsYouTube ChannelInviting Shift Site Join the community in the Modern Midlife Mentorship! Learn more here.