Bookish Flights: Book Recommendations and Reading Tips for Busy People and Kids

Kara Infante

Bookish Flights is a show where we tell our stories through our favorite books. It is sure to grow your to-be read (TBR) pile and not leave you wondering what to read next.

We are all busy and this show encourages you to make time for your reading life. You will be inspired to read more, to try a new genre and to get more out of your reading life.

If you want to read more good books, you have come to the right place! Head over to to learn more.

This show will provide answers to questions like:

* What are the best fiction and non-fiction books?

* What books should I read?

* How do I find more time to read?

* What books should I read to explore new genres?

* What books should my kids be reading?

* What is the publishing journey like for authors?

* What are my favorite authors reading?

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