Proof It’s Possible

Dayle Sheehan & Jamie Francis

“Proof It’s Possible” is the podcast full of everything you could ever want from a morning coffee chat with a close girlfriend - or sister! Hosted by sisters and best friends, Dayle Sheehan and Jamie Francis, these ambitious ladies want to chat with you about anything…from the light-hearted trending topics on their minds, to the real, vulnerable hardships they’ve each faced.

Everywhere they go, people comment on the unwavering bond that Dayle and Jamie have. A friendship so deep, they have the privilege of saying their truths out loud OR calling each other out when necessary - all while remaining best friends. Oftentimes, the people who interact with them or spend time in their presence say, “I wish I had a sister or best friend that I was this close with!”

Well, now you do! Come along and listen in on Dayle and Jamie’s morning coffee chats. The topics will range from styles they’re loving, to dreams they’re chasing, from fears they are facing, to the things they’re most excited about. You’ll hear about struggles and triumphs in business and life, and leave each episode shattering the glass ceiling on your own limitations! The topics are endless…so, join them every Thursday morning!

These sisters are creating a community of folks who want to live their best lives, dream SO big it scares you, and have all the fun along the way - who’s in?

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Why Are Some Emotions Considered Bad?
May 23 2024
Why Are Some Emotions Considered Bad?
Send us a Text Message.As a society, it is evident that we have deemed some emotions as good and some as bad, and haven’t questioned why this is the case. In today’s episode of Proof It’s Possible, we start to look at emotions differently and how we can use them for the better. We discuss how we must accept, feel and go through all of our emotions intensely and more deeply. Experiencing these emotions individually can work as a tool that can become beneficial, helpful, and most importantly can be able to motivate us! Join us to hear more about:• What makes both of us anxious, stressed and how to go about flipping your mindset to thinking about these emotions in more of a positive light to gain motivation from.• How you must feel every one of the low lows of your emotions in order to also feel the high ones too. • Why constant happiness around you all the time can make you become desensitized to it.• How there is discomfort in being “great” and choosing good vs. great in your life.• Why we must learn to accept our emotions, feel them in the moment, and work through each emotion all at once.We would love to hear all the ways you guys have negatively considered emotions before, and the amazing ways you have reframed them for good in your life! Let us know on Instagram @dayle_sheehan_designs & @jamiedfrancis!This episode is sponsored by our Ultimate Girls Trip! Be sure to go to for more info!For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
Searching For The Lesson
May 16 2024
Searching For The Lesson
Send us a Text Message.As we know, life is continuously filled with lessons. Whether they are good or bad lessons, it’s important to recognize in that moment what life is trying to teach you. In today’s episode of Proof It’s Possible, we discuss how lessons can at times be overwhelming, which makes it difficult to flip your mindset around as to why all these bad things are “always” happening to you and how in the end, everything can become a teachable moment. When we experience and go through different and challenging lessons, ultimately we get to learn, grow and evolve throughout our own personal journeys in life! Join us to hear more about: • Trying to decipher what the overall lesson is and what life is really teaching us. • Recognizing that there can in fact be bad AND good lessons in life, not just one or the other. • Taking up journaling as a way to let out all of your emotions and feelings. • Identifying the specific areas in your life or in your business that are working or not working so you can find solutions.  • How sometimes it can be helpful to admit that you are the problem and allowed yourself to be in that situation in the first place.  • Learning to accept the good moments so you can recreate them later on.We would love to hear the ways you have learned lessons both good and bad! Let us know on Instagram @dayle_sheehan_designs & @jamiedfrancis!This episode is sponsored by our Ultimate Girls Trip! Be sure to go to for more info!For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
Losers Are Surrounding Me
May 2 2024
Losers Are Surrounding Me
Send us a Text Message.We can all be grateful for the amazing people in our lives, but if you are in or are approaching a season of transition or leveling up, you may slowly start to realize you might not be in the right circle for that new phase of your dreams or goals. Whether this is the case in your friend group, business or workplace, on today’s episode we are talking about the signs and feelings to look for, how looking elsewhere has helped us personally and being okay with seeking a new community. Join us to hear more about:• The importance of having a community as a solo entrepreneur when facing difficulties and failures.• If you’ve never felt settled or “right” with something, perhaps it was never meant for you.• If the job you are doing is out of alignment with you, then the people around you will always feel wrong.• Seeking and learning from others can help stretch and inspire you with what's possible.• Don’t keep your unique business ideas to yourself- you could be solving someone else’s problems!If you are in search of your people, we would love to connect with you on socials @dayle_sheehan_designs & @jamiedfrancis! Plus if you were inspired by this episode, it would mean so much to us if you shared it with a friend too! This episode is sponsored by our Ultimate Girls Trip! Be sure to go to for more info!For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
Is Business Personal?
Apr 25 2024
Is Business Personal?
Send us a Text Message.This week on Proof It’s Possible, we are debating the famous line ““It’s not personal, it’s just business.” As business owners and entrepreneurs, we have each had our fair share of experiences in this department when working with clients or on a team. Do you think there are equal arguments against both sides? Join us as we share our honest opinions, thoughts and which one1 we both lean more towards! Tune in for more on:• Your job could be more personal than others depending on your line of work, like Dayle’s with interior design and working in people’s homes.• The great skill of learning how to manage your ego when receiving criticism or negative feedback.• How people pleasing and bending your own rules for someone can bite you back in the future.• The importance of evolving contracts and for both parties to be clear and concise on their expectations.• It has more to do with someone’s character, personality and how they show up than the task or job at hand itself.• How to move forward when working with someone who is generally unkind, necessarily harsh or has a bad attitude.What do you think? We would love to hear about a time business appeared personal (or not!) in your own life or workplace! Share your story with us in our DM’s @dayle_sheehan_designs & @jamiedfrancis! If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to give our podcast a quick review or rating wherever you are listening from! See you next week! This episode is sponsored by our Ultimate Girls Trip! Be sure to go to for more info!For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
Haters Gonna Hate
Apr 18 2024
Haters Gonna Hate
Send us a Text Message.Unfortunately we live in a world where there are always going to be people who just want to rain on your parade, especially when you excel at things in your life you are confident in. Today on Proof It’s Possible we get into the juicy topic of “haters”! We share what we think the deeper root of people’s anger and unkindness towards others could be, along with Jamie’s own personal experience with a hater herself! Listen in to also hear our advice on how to deal with hate and more about:• The hate being shown is really all about the hater themselves and not knowing how to understand their own feelings.• Jamie’s run in with a hater after publishing her book!• The best thing you can do in those situations and how to handle them. • You are not always going to align and you don’t have to be everyone’s best friend.• Having the self awareness to notice when you dislike or have jealousy for someone else. Have you had an experience with a hater in your life before? How did you handle it? Let’s spread the love online instead and shoot either of us a DM on instagram @dayle_sheehan_designs & @jamiedfrancis!Purchase our books here:Ya But, What If You're Happy? by Dayle Sheehan-BrittonLooking For Proof by Jamie Francis This episode is sponsored by our Ultimate Girls Trip! Be sure to go to for more info!For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
Be Your Own Guru
Apr 11 2024
Be Your Own Guru
Send us a Text Message.Do you have a group of gurus in your life? Whether that’s people whose advice and opinions you trust and appreciate? Or someone you listen to that you actually know or just from afar? Today we are sharing our thoughts on gurus and what happens when they say something that you are not aligned with, how do you let that impact you? With so much information, coaches and influencers out there, it can be easy to get caught up and lose yourself, when learning how to be your own guru can also be so vital to your personal growth and in your business! So let’s dive into:• You don’t have to stick to just one guru and can have advice on different areas in your life from multiple people.• You can acknowledge their brilliance while also not blindly believing in everything they say.• Other people can tell when you are following advice that you genuinely don’t agree with or that doesn’t align with who you are. • Learning how to filter messages through your own ideas and sensibilities. • The secret to being your own guru in order to trust yourself and have others trust you. • Advice and tips on how to find what is authentic to you when you’ve become lost.We would love to continue to encourage our message of sisterhood and hear about a time you got off track of who you are and how you got yourself back to where you needed to be! Send either of us a DM on instagram @dayle_sheehan_designs & @jamiedfrancis!This episode is sponsored by our Ultimate Girls Trip! Be sure to go to for more info!For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
Are You A Winner Or A Loser?
Mar 28 2024
Are You A Winner Or A Loser?
Send us a Text Message.Let’s be honest, if you’ve never felt like an absolute loser before at least once in your life, we’d definitely call you on that bluff! Join us on this episode of Proof It’s Possible as we get into the nitty gritty of the age old question “Are you a winner or a loser?” and what truly separates the two from each other? Dive into this chat as we discuss:• The winning vs. losing mindset and how to change your state of mind.• The times we both felt the most like losers in our lives.• The realization that only you can make the change and may be looking for excuses.• “Victimhood” mindset vs. being in control of your own happiness.• The necessary decisions and changes we can all make in order to not lose. • How to handle someone saying “Everything is easier for you.”• Should we give out participation medals? Making the decisions to go after things that are hard takes a lot of perseverance, but it is POSSIBLE to come out on top! You have to ask yourself, how far are you willing to bend to get to the winner’s circle? What have you done to get yourself into a winner’s mindset? Our DM’s are open @dayle_sheehan_designs & @jamiedfrancis and we would love to know your thoughts!This episode is sponsored by our Ultimate Girls Trip! Be sure to go to for more info!For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
Love Languages
Mar 21 2024
Love Languages
Send us a Text Message.A great topic you can discuss with your family, friends, partner and generally any other important people in your life is learning about the 5 love languages. If you’ve never heard about this before, on this episode we will be talking about what each of the love languages are and our personal preferences regarding each one! At the end of the day, we all deserve love and we are giving you full permission to express what you need the most! It’s also such a great and intentional way to connect with others! Tune in to hear more on:• What are the 5 love languages and their purposes.• What’s ranked highest on both of our lists.• A possible unpopular opinion on receiving gifts.• Our definition of what counts as quality time and our favourite way to spend it when we are together. • Are we huggers and hand holding people?• The impact your words can have on others even when its not their top love language or they have hard time receiving. Take some time to think and evaluate how you’d rank your own love languages! We would love to hear what your top ones are on socials so definitely send us a message at @dayle_sheehan_designs & @jamiedfrancis, let’s keep this coffee chat going!  This episode is sponsored by our Ultimate Girls Trip! Be sure to go to for more info!For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
Finding Your Voice and Creating Impact with Anita Parker
Mar 14 2024
Finding Your Voice and Creating Impact with Anita Parker
Send us a Text Message.Today we have the most incredible guest, Anita Parker with us on the podcast! A dynamic force in the realm of personal development, Anita has been carving her niche as a certified coach and speaker, with an unwavering commitment to empowering others and creating lasting impact. Additionally, she is also the branch director of Wine, Women and Wellbeing in Kelowna and Fort McMurray, which connects women and builds community through events, workshops and wine, of course! We are so delighted to have Anita here to talk all about how she reinvented herself, her story of transformative healing and her desire to truly help others in this life! So get cozy and dive in to hear:• A look into Wine, Women and Wellbeing’s WILD event and its speakers.• How Anita began to take the front seat in the call to share her story on stages.• Anita’s powerful healing journey of overcoming abuse at a young age, finding her voice and creating space for others to find their own.• Learning to let go in order to allow room for growth in other places.• Tapping into what living your best life really means. We are deeply inspired by all Anita does and her ability to get vulnerable, share her story and truly impact others! You are not going to want to miss seeing Anita at the WILD event and we would love to connect with you on socials if you’ll be attending! Anita’s Links:Anita’s Instagram @anitabestlifeWine, Women and Wellbeing WebsiteWILD On The Road on April 11th in Kelowna- Tickets HereDress For Success Kelowna DonationFor More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website
The Highs and Lows of Entrepreneurship with Kristina Bartold
Feb 8 2024
The Highs and Lows of Entrepreneurship with Kristina Bartold
Send us a Text Message.Welcome back to Proof It’s Possible! Last month we had the pleasure of getting to be guests on Kristina Bartold’s Podcast Build Your Digital Community, and we are delighted to share that episode recording with all of you today! So join us as we chat with Kristina about overcoming obstacles, our unique entrepreneurial journeys, attracting what you really want in life and so many other amazing tidbits of wisdom! Tune in for a great time and to hear our thoughts about: • How we each got into our business careers.• Using circumstances out of our control as fuel for success. • The power of compounding wins, mindset shifts and gratitude. • Not getting stuck in the comparison game when you can’t see behind the scenes.• How to attract the supportive and encouraging people you want in your circle.We hope this episode inspires you to go after your dreams, even when it seems difficult! Don’t forget to acknowledge all you have accomplished so far too! If you enjoyed this episode, definitely share it with your business bestie! Kristina’s Links:Instagram LinkedIn Build Your Digital Community PodcastPurchase our books here:Ya But, What If You're Happy? by Dayle Sheehan-BrittonLooking For Proof by Jamie Francis For More Information:• Proof It's Possible WebsiteDayle: • Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn • Website• Interior Design Jamie:• Instagram • Facebook • LinkedIn• Website