Goals, Grit, and Some Woo Woo Sh*t

Oonagh Duncan

"BREAKING NEWS: Your dream life (and your dream bod) isn’t just going to happen because you made a vision board. Join Oonagh Duncan (fitness expert and bestselling author of Healthy As F*ck/Ditch The Diet) to examine the habits of kicking ass every day - so you can create a life of no regrets. Whether you want to lose weight, get rich, or save the whales while writing bestselling mystery novels- get ready to be inspired. This isn’t about incantations and putting the right crystals in your bra. This is about having the courage to take responsibility for your life, the grit to do the actual work and—most importantly—constantly training your brain to be your b*tch. Here’s what you can expect: Sometimes you’ll get the most tender loving b*tch slap in your ear about why you need to exercise - even when you don’t f*cking feel like it. Sometimes you’ll get a sleep expert teach you the exact steps on how to fall back asleep at 3am so you don’t feel like a zombie all day. Sometimes you’ll hear from someone who ran the marathon, kicked the addiction or manifested their dream threesome on the beach and you’ll think “If they can do it, so can I” And when you start thinking thoughts like that… you will be inspired to stop drifting and being a victim of your circumstances - and start actively creating the life you want. It takes Goals. It takes Grit. And it takes some Woo-Woo Sh*t."

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Back Away From The Booze with Ruari Fairbairns
4d ago
Back Away From The Booze with Ruari Fairbairns
Have you ever had a whispering voice in the back of your mind *alcohol is holding you back*?Maybe the amount you consume on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis contributes to your answer. Like, hey, I’m a mom, and I need my one glass of wine at the end of the week.Okay, fair enough, but what if I told you that even that habit shows alcohol is holding you back?“Oognah…. I’m not pouring whiskey into my coffee. I’m fine.” Right. Maybe you are *fine*, but don’t you want to be better than fine? The best version of yourself, even? You are going to love this conversation with Ruari Fairbairns, a former oil broker and professional partier, who created One Year No Beer.Ruari’s entire life changed when he took a break from alcohol. In his own words, he became fitter, faster, healthier, a better dad, and a better husband. And he wasn’t tossing them back first thing in the morning either.So what gives? Why is alcohol holding you back? Ruari explains the science behind alcohol's effect on the body and mind and how it actually worsens the things you use it for. Stress? Worse with alcohol? Depression? Worse.  Self confidence? Worse. And other things too… It's likely your struggles with weight and health problems are directly contributed to by alcohol use, even in small amounts.In his programs One Year No Beer and Complete Control, he rebukes the idea of abstinence as the solution, and dives into the underlying causes of compulsive behavior to help people mitigate stress and control their alcohol use.You don’t have to get sober (I know that feels like a bad word), and you don’t have to be the boring anti-social person. Just start simple. Drink less. Take control of your alcohol use. It could turn your whole life around. What’s Inside:One Year No Beer, a challenge to take a break from alcohol.Is alcohol actually making your stress worse?Who is the victim of the highest rate of peer pressure to drink?How can a break from alcohol impact your health and daily life?WOAH. You can feel the heart from Ruari in this episode. Did this one strike a chord? What steps are you going to take to drink less? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:One Year No BeerRuari Fairbairns on InstagramOne Year No Beer (@oynb) on InstagramPodcast | Alcohol-Free Insights | One Year No BeerTransform Your Body & Habits In 28 Days.  Guaranteed.Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on Instagraminfo@fitfeelsgood.com
How Not To Age with Dr. Michael Greger
May 21 2024
How Not To Age with Dr. Michael Greger
This is one of those moments where I am jumping up and down like a giddy teenager. I got to interview Dr. Michael Greger, a physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition.You’ve probably read or heard of his books, How Not to Die and How Not to Diet but today we’re talking about How Not Age. (Ummm, aging is inevitable, right? Maybe not?) Dr. Greger’s research cuts through all the nutritional noise and nonsense, and he comes equipped with some really surprising knowledge bombs.Alright, I know you’re with me in the thought; Aging is natural… Just embrace it. Should we? According to Dr. Greger, aging could actually be considered a disease just as natural as tuberculosis or the common cold; should we embrace those too?In the barrage of pills and potions to cure every ailment and tighten every wrinkle, the cold truth is they won’t save you.The #1 killer in America? The American Diet and, coming in second, tobacco. HEY! That’s good news; that means we can wake up, be accountable and actually do something about it.When talking about reducing aging and living a longer life, Dr. Greger explains the Blue Zones. Areas around the world have recorded longer longevity. Well, what’s their secret? The secret is in the sauce—the plant-based sauce, that is. People in these Blue Zones eat a primarily plant-based diet, and that makes all the difference.I could rattle off a bunch of mind-blowing research-based facts, like, as far as longevity goes, a burger = 2 cigarettes, or the truth is, spinach makes much more of an impact than extra protein, but you have to listen to all the mind-blowing goodness yourself.Prepare to be triggered. Prepare to question everything you know. And also, prepare yourself to be equipped with the knowledge that could really stop aging in its tracks.  What’s Inside:Is aging a disease?What are people in the Blue Zones eating that’s making them live longer?What is the number #1 killer in America?Nutritional guidance that can literally stop aging?Misconceptions about your diet, who should you trust?I’ll be the first to admit, there were some tidbits in this episode that left me uneasy and a little defensive. What surprised you the most and what are you going to do with that info? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:How Much Does Meat Affect Longevity?True Health InitiativeNutritionFacts.org (@nutrition_facts_org) • InstagramHow Not to AgeNutritionFacts.orgNutritionFacts.org (@nutrition_facts_org) • Instagram photos and videosNutritionFacts.org - YouTubeNutritionFacts.orgMichael Greger, M.D. (@nutrition_facts) / X@Nutrition_Facts_org on TikTokTransform Your Body & Habits In 28 Days.  Guaranteed.Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) • Instagram photos and videosinfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Healthy Habits For ADHD Women
May 14 2024
Healthy Habits For ADHD Women
Imagine my surprise when I found my name at the center of a heated discussion on Reddit and it wasn't in the Super Healthy Hot Babes forum. No. It was the ADHD Women forum. What??My tips for a healthy habit loop sat at the top of a thread, and the responses? Women in tears, angry, and ready to throw fists.Listen, I think they had every reason to feel that way, and I love a push to learn more. *In walks guest and ADHD Expert Brooke Schnittman stage left*.Brooke is an awesome author, podcast host, entrepreneur and ADHD woman herself.She blew my mind and really changed how I will approach and understand people with ADHD from now on. And I’m not one to make bold claims (wait, yes, I am), and I think you will too.So let's get to the nitty gritty. Can ADHD women (or men or children) form healthy habits? Well yes. But Brooke explains that the need to form habits goes way beyond fitness or health goals, habits become crucial to an ADHD person's very basic needs. Okay, I will eat my words when I say that brushing your teeth isn't a chore.  When it comes down to it, ADHD women rebel at the nearest sign of structure, but the truth is they need it to thrive. Structure, schedules, routines, microchanges, tools, rewards, medication—these are the mix bag of things ADHD women need to make things happen.But don’t forget about the superpowers; people with ADHD have these internal processes and hyperfixations that can totally outdo us neurotypicals. It’s a double edged sword.Tune in to hear how ADHD looks different based on your gender or age, common signs, and the accepted testing formats.And if you were listening to this episode and thinking, FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS ME as you break down to your knees in answered prayer.Then, hey, this one was for you! Reach out to Brooke, reach out to a coach, find a way to get your life structured, and secure those habits in a way that helps you thrive. It’s not as easy as brushing your teeth; it’s as HARD as brushing your teeth, but you CAN do it.  What’s Inside:How does the habit loop work for people with ADHD?How does ADHD differ in women compared to men and children?How can people with ADHD structure their lives for better performance?What tools and supports are available to those with ADHD?Yes, I can say that after this experience, I can see how it may not be easy to brush your teeth or take a shower. There is so much more that goes into it. Do you have ADHD? How do you create healthy habits and support yourself with structure?  Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Coaching With BrookePodcast | Coaching With BrookeActivate Your ADHD Potential Book | Coaching With BrookeBrooke Schnittman | ADHD Coach (@coachingwithbrooke) on InstagramTransform Your Body & Habits In 28 Days.  Guaranteed.Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on Instagram photosinfo@fitfeelsgood.com
When To Bail On Your Goals
May 7 2024
When To Bail On Your Goals
Hey you…healthy hot listener.Before you start blushing and looking over your shoulder… Yes I’m talking to you. *cue the John Hughes movie background music*But really, our goals our a desired identity. And its less about doing and more about becoming.Time to step into that new identity and embrace the feeling that we’re after. Because, after all, feeling good is the whole point. So I wanna talk about embracing that attitude and feeling good at every step. There are two archetypes of people, Turtles and Tigers.Turtles are so afraid of stress that they don't take risks, and they tread lightly at every step. Tigers go full speed ahead, no pain - no gain. But hey…stress isn’t bad, and it isn’t good. You have to know the difference.Let’s go over Good Grit and Bad Grit. Good Grit is feeling energized after a tough workout. It’s pushing through a tough project to reach that celebratory relief. It’s investing your cash for a big benefit in the long run. It’s doing the things you want to do, even if they’re hard.Bad Grit is pain. Its working out through an injury that requires rest. It’s working day and night with no end or reward in sight. It’s spending all your money and digging yourself into a whole. White knuckling your way through life.Bullying yourself into doing things you don't want to do is not grit. And its not smart.Leave this conversation today…ready to work hard on those goals. Becoming who you desire so you can feel good every day. Bad grit? It doesn’t move the needle.Good grit? Well, that’s what you’re all about, healthy, hot listener.  What’s Inside:Goals are not about doing and all about becoming?What is the difference between good grit and bad grit?How to feel good during stress and embrace good grit.What’s a goal you’re working toward? How have you practiced good grit to get there and what bad grit are you leaving behind?   Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Transform Your Body & Habits In 28 Days.  Guaranteed. Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on Instagraminfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Goal: Lessons from One Year of Podcasting and Ten Years of Business
Feb 13 2024
Goal: Lessons from One Year of Podcasting and Ten Years of Business
Cue the kazoo and maybe some celebratory fireworks.Season 2 is coming to an end. Can you believe we’ve been at this for nearly a year?And seriously, dry your eyes because season 3 is just around the corner (Helloooo Spring 2024).But before I go, I am gonna spill the tea on how I ended up spending 10 years in business with Fit Feels Good, a milestone I’ve all but glossed over. [Dude, celebrate those milestones. Big and small. They were once dreams, and look at you—you freaking did it!]My spiel goes way further back than 10 years, all the way to 2001, when I took my first fitness instructor class, passed (thank you, generous instructor), and failed up with shitty aerobics class after shitty aerobics class.And as I collected fitness cert, after fitness cert I landed myself as a bootcamp instructor, eventually going rogue and morphing into the very first version of Fit Feels Good. (If you want more, my friend, you’re gonna have to listen to the ep).So much goodness came from that little bootcamp—even my first book, Healthy as Fuck. I couldn’t be more grateful, but don’t get it twisted; this episode features the highlights. Growth is not linear; it’s plateaus and tiny climbs up a hill and a little step down and back up again. But through that growth, I learned 5 things that are EVERYTHING in business and life. Be awesome all the time. Thinking with your ego will F$%& you. Let yourself suck and move on. Do different shit.Community is everything. You can find out why each of those little (okay, not so little) lessons is so important by listening to the full freaking episode!!!Now, I’m saying see ya later dudes…I’ll see you in the spring. Oh, and one last thing, what do YOU wanna see next season?  What’s Inside:Oonagh’s journey through the fitness business, the sparknotes version.What made Fit Feels Good successful?5 top tips and lessons learned over a decade.Season 3… what’s next?WOO! What a journey! I hope sharing these deets gave you some good insight or just your fill of juicy gossip. Next up, Season 3…what do you wanna see?  Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Free Goal Setting Masterclass with Oonagh DuncanGoals, Grit, and Some Woo Woo Sh*t hosted by Oonagh DuncanTransform Your Body & Habits In 28 Days.  Guaranteed.Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on Instagram photos and videosinfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Goal: Declutter Your Digital Life with Amanda Jefferson
Feb 6 2024
Goal: Declutter Your Digital Life with Amanda Jefferson
*minimize tab, close tab, close tab…* Ahh, there you are. Sorry,  I couldn’t see you through all the chaos that is my computer desktop. Maybe Amanda can help me with that?In fact, if anyone can, it's definitely her. Trained by Marie Kondo herself, Amanda Jefferson is a KonMari Consultant helping people with her company, Indigo Organizing, declutter their homes and their digital lives!Marie Kondo is practically a household name, famous for her joy sparking method of organization. Amanda focuses on the practicality of sparking joy and how that looks different for everyone, even her.One thing she really emphasizes is letting go of the shoulds… Like I should definitely keep this black blazer because everyone should have one. I mean, should they? Why? So beyond in home organization, Amanda's new service, Done-With-You Digital Organizing, aims to help her clients clear out that common clutter that can cause total mental overload. (queue me slowly raising my hand in admittance to crazy tabs and no rhyme or reason for any of my files).Whether your email is out of control, your files have no system, or your photos have been abandoned in oblivion due to the sheer amount of aardvark photos you took at your last family zoo trip…Amanda teaches clients how to get started and how to utilize the tech tools that are available to get organized and stay organized.  Everything has energy, and it’s in your life for a reason… get organized and let those things be of service to you, whether it's for practicality or joy; it’s important.If you wanna hear more from Amanda, check out her podcast Good Enough-ish and find out about her services with a special discount on the Indigo Organizing website. What’s Inside:Your physical AND digital environment are reflections of your brain.What it means to let go of the ‘shoulds’.The practicality of “Sparking Joy”.Done-With-Digital Organizing, Four 1 hour sessions.Understanding tech so it can help you stay organized and find joy.We covered a lot of ground. Be honest, do you think your digital life might be as cluttered as mine? What’s sparking joy for you and what should you know you’ve gotta let go of?  Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Indigo Organizing Amanda on InstagramOverwhelmed with digital clutter?  (Use code GRIT at checkout to get 10% off!)Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) • Instagraminfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Goal: Make No Regret Decisions With Shannon Lee Simmons
Jan 30 2024
Goal: Make No Regret Decisions With Shannon Lee Simmons
Mo’ money more problems; no money more problems.We all have a relationship with money; we spend money, owe money, save money, throw big piles of money in your bathtub, and swim in it? (sounds like a thousand paper cuts to me). Whatever your deal is with money, Shannon Lee Simmons, founder of the New School of Finance has the secrets figured out. She's a Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Investment Manager, and *drum roll please* a life coach!Today in this long awaited convo, she answers some big questions like how to get out of a financial rut, totally turn things around, or make really big emotional decisions around money…and do all of this with no regrets. You’ll learn that Shannon’s philosophy around money has one surprising special ingredient, hope. Small acts of hope indicate work toward a future in which you have reached and are continuing to reach those important goals in life. And I know some of you will be stoked to find out, Shannon’s first step to saving cash isn't nixing takeout or your beloved morning coffee run. Your money is well... yours, and you should enjoy it. The key is knowing how much you CAN spend on the things you enjoy.Money goals are a lot like fitness goals; it takes grit, ditching the all or nothing mindset, and small, sustainable actions over time. You gotta listen to the full pod to really get the scope of Shannon’s advice—stay to the end for resources for my fellow Canadians. All national and international listeners alike can access Shannon’s books and courses too!What’s Inside:Find total clarity and create a long term plan for your money.Can you actually manifest money? Do you need to give up take out and morning coffee runs to be financially savvy?How little acts of hope make the biggest financial impacts.How to find the balance of spending and saving.The secret to making emotional finance decisions with no regrets. We hit on a lot of hot points, I know many can relate to. What stuck out the most for you? Ever made a good financial decision with a bad outcome? Do you regret it…after listening, why or why not?  Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Shannon Lee SimmonsBuy the books — Shannon Lee SimmonsNew School of FinanceFit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on Instagraminfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Goal: Get the Passion Back In A Long Term Relationship with Dr. Cheryl Fraser
Jan 23 2024
Goal: Get the Passion Back In A Long Term Relationship with Dr. Cheryl Fraser
Okay, lovely listeners, let’s do a little exercise. [And no, I'm not asking you to break a sweat in this episode.]Close your eyes and think back to when you and your partner were first together. It was all giggles and romance and constant romps in the bedroom, am I right?Keep ‘em closed…What does it look like today? Have you entered Marriage Inc.? Friendly routines and business as usual? Scheduling and rescheduling sex that you’re only kinda, sorta interested in?Dr. Cheryl Fraser is overflowing with wisdom (and redeeming humility) when it comes to long term relationships, finding fine, and then not settling for anything other than exceptional. She shares familiar anecdotes that we all fall into that affect our internal happiness and our relationships.Pining after a fictional soulmate, focusing on what you're getting rather than what you’re giving, hyper fixating on the traits your partner doesn't have over what they do—all common stories that ring true to the philosophy that whether you’re happy or not depends on your mind. She offers solutions and habits to debunk these inner thoughts and do the work on the outside. And she dispels the not so golden rule everyone’s heard: Never Go To Bed Angry. Resonating? I thought so. Rate your relationship with Dr. Cheryl’s Passion Quiz and tune in for the full episode.Now, try some of the tips in this episode and go give your partner a smooch! xxWhat’s Inside:Why you shouldn’t settle for fine in your long term relationship. Why romance and passion is important. Tips and advice to rewrite the stories in your mind.You never know: 1 rule to follow before leaving your loved ones.Is it really okay to go to bed angry?Have you entered Marriage incorporated? What sort of inner stories have led to this and what are you going to do to rewrite them? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Sign up for weekly love bytes -Science based Tips and Techniques to create Love that Lasts a Lifetime Rate your relationship - Take the Passion QuizInterested in the Become Passion online couples program? Next session begins Spring 2024. Learn more and get on the waitlist to be the first to be notified when doors open hereBook Buddha’s Bedroom - A Mindful Loving Path to Sexual Passion and Lifelong IntimacyPodcast Sex Love and Elephants with Dr. CherylFit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on Instagraminfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Grit: Overcoming Food Addiction with Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson
Jan 16 2024
Grit: Overcoming Food Addiction with Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson
Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson is in the house!!Susan is my dear friend, and she brings her inspiring story AND some explanation around her philosophy around food with Bright Line Eating. [Admittedly, her program could not be more different than mine if she tried, and for good reason.]Bright Line Eating is just what it sounds like—a big, fat, glaring, BRIGHT LINE in the sand when it comes to setting boundaries and structuring your eating habits. But why?Susan’s expertise comes from her own experience with addiction. What first was an alcohol and substance addiction she overcame at age 20, transformed into a food addiction as she made her way through college and her PhD. [Don’t settle for this sparknotes version. Open the episode right now and listen to her incredible story. Yes. Right now.]Where my health goals thrive with moderation and the idea of filling half your plate with veggies, Susan's is hard nos around processed foods like sugar and weighing all your portions for every meal. She digs into why this structure is so important. For people with food addiction, structure and boundaries = freedom. It’s the only way. Susan also has some great anecdotes for the excuses already spilling out of your mouth, like “I don’t think I could ever have birthday cake again.” Get ready for this wisdom… The you NOW can’t imagine that, but the future you doesn’t even think about birthday cake. And there's more where that came from; Susan is bursting with some really empowering statements and insane knowledge… we even touch on the wonder drugs Ozempic and Wegovy.Before you sneak off… if this episode resonated with you, go check out Bright Line Eating online and take their susceptibility quiz to know where you stand with food addiction. AND please please please leave me a review with your thoughts too!What’s Inside:What is food addiction?Explaining the necessity of abstinence vs moderation in foods.Bright Line Eating and susceptibility to food addiction.Breaking past the bummer thoughts and lies to start your path to healing. Food addiction can be a triggering topic… What resonated? What did this talk bring up for you? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Bright Line EatingSusan Peirce ThompsonFit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on Instagraminfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Woo Woo Shit: The Top Health Trends of 2023
Jan 9 2024
Woo Woo Shit: The Top Health Trends of 2023
Happy New Year! Let's talk about health trends.They’re bullshit. Bye, see ya next week!Okay seriously… I did take a Google dive into what was spun by the media as super duper important to your health this past year and found some interesting things.Mushrooms [we’re talking powders, capsules, and teas with benefits ranging from nutritional additives to stress management], Sleep Syncing [this is not a new sleep hack and I do really find it beneficial], Mouth Taping [stop snoring but sleep with a piece of tape over your mouth? No thanks], & Face Yoga [okay, you HAVE to watch the video for my beautiful demonstration, although I can’t promise it’ll erase your double chin]. Tune in for some other trends I get asked about A LOT. I’ll give you my take, including the unlikely reason Ice Baths are actually a trend I can support. Health trends come and go, and most of the time they’re harmless. Do your research and if they really fuel your fire... Go for it. But be warned, these fads alone will do jack shit for changing your life and how you feel about yourself. What will? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The 7 habits of highly healthy MF’s.Eat a shit ton of veggies, go the f*ck to sleep, back away from the booze, chill out, dude, eat everything...  in a balanced way, prep and plan your food, and exercise consistently.That is a lot of effort, but these are the things that really matter. So if these novel and media-crazed trends don’t make you feel totally amazing...  ignore them. Need something to fill your brain? Instead, challenge your mind. Try asking yourself questions that can light you up. What’s your why? When was the last time you felt your best? Idk dude find the questions that mean something to YOU.At the end of the day… or the start of the year… do what makes you happy! (Alongside those 7 super important habits and your life WILL be changed).What’s Inside:What’s up with the latest and greatest health trends?Are health trends vital to a healthy life?The 7 habits that beat out health trends every single time.Questions that might fuel your fire.Okay so you’ve got the 7 healthy habits on lock,  but you want something new and fun to add... Is there a trend you’re super excited about trying? OR maybe one you’re totally staying away from? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Fit Feels Good - Transform Your Body & Habits In 28 Days.Join Masters of Fitness Awesomeness - Transform Your Body & Habits In One Year.Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on Instagraminfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Grit: Hormones, Hashimotos and Adrenal Fatigue Dr. Sadaf Jeelani
Jan 2 2024
Grit: Hormones, Hashimotos and Adrenal Fatigue Dr. Sadaf Jeelani
“Hey hormones!! What the hell is going on?”Dr. Sadaf Jeelani drops the truth about hormones and diseases and what’s causing weight retention. Dr. Jeelani explains that you either have a disease process or…you don’t. Some common ones can be Hyperthyroidism or PCOS, and less common but more extreme, Cushings. [Make sure you listen so you can get all her really good smart science talk and find out if you should be concerned and what to do.]And what about balancing your hormones? That’s a thing, right? Nope. You’ve just gotta trust your pituitary. Balancing hormones is more of a wellness industry marketing catchphrase with no medical basis. *sheesh* That's a relief! You don't actually have to drop hundreds of dollars on supplements you see on Instagram. The downer to this revelation is that the fix is boring and hard. And it's more of a forever lifestyle change than a “fix”. Yup. I’m gonna say it and so does Dr. Jeelani…the secret to feeling better is solid nutrition, consistent strength training and movement, better sleep, drinking water, and reducing stress. Surprised? I’m sure you’re not. Dr. Jeelani brings on the info when it comes to the medical implications of obesity, fad diets, surgeries, and medication you don’t actually need. So you heard it, people. There's no quick fix. Being healthy is a lifelong journey that takes positive choices and habits, day after day after day.What’s Inside:I’m retaining weight…is there something medically wrong?Can you actually balance your hormones?Health and medical implications of obesity, fad diets, medications, and surgeries?The secret’s out…how to be healthy forever.Do you have concerns about your health beyond a healthy lifestyle? What symptoms and signs that Dr. Sadaf Jeelani described applies to you? What’s your next step? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:https://fitfeelsgood.com/primeHormones DemystifiedDr. Jen GunterFit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on InstagramJoin the Masters of Fitness Awesomenessinfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Goals: What Everyone Is Doing Wrong When They Set Their Yearly Goals
Dec 26 2023
Goals: What Everyone Is Doing Wrong When They Set Their Yearly Goals
New year = must set weight loss goals….right? Wrong.Look, you don’t have to wait until the ball drops, the clock strikes 12 and it’s officially 2024. The new year doesn't mean all those goals are instantly more acheivable.If you set goals this past year and haven’t achieved them. I’m telling you, your goal setting SUCKS. The truth is you can’t just set a goal to lose 10 lbs and call it a day. Firstly, just setting a goal doesn't automatically make it happen. Second, do you even want to lose 10 lbs?You have to stop making goals just for the sake of it. Set goals you actually have F’s to give about. The more F’s you have… the more habits will change… the more likely you’ll reach your goal.It’s not gonna be easy. It WILL be uncomfy. But if it wasn’t you’d have already done it. The key to setting achievable goals is making SMART goals. And it's more than just being smart about it. It’s a fancy acronym with real tips to help you! Tune into the pod to find out what SMART goals are and how they’ll make you a millionaire or whatever. Once you’ve soaked up all that goodness, head on over to my Goal Setting Masterclass  so I can help you even more. What’s Inside:Why your goal setting sucks.How to pick the right goal…one you’ll actually give an F about.What’s a SMART goal? Okay, I know you have one, what’s your Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Risky, Timeable goal? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Goal Setting MasterclassFit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) • Instagram photos and videosJoin the Masters of Fitness Awesomenessinfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Woo Woo Shit: Being Totes Psychic (and Way Happier) With Reverend Meg
Dec 19 2023
Woo Woo Shit: Being Totes Psychic (and Way Happier) With Reverend Meg
Reverend Meg and her guides join the pod in this episode to explain the woo behind being psychic and happy.At the core of our talk is the classic story—think victim, villain, and hero—complete with an ego takeover that's basically us being "pretty apes" on autopilot thanks to our ancient fight or flight vibes.We also talk triggers…unfortunately more of a problem for women but still such a catalyst to those victim roles. Rev Meg's advice? Detach your worth from those triggers like you're unplugging from a bad Netflix series. But don’t just scroll on past; Rev Meg explains how to do more than bypass those garbage feelings by turning inward to isolate, identify, track the story, and reveal the truth. Are you ever stuck on that side of social media that's draining and triggering you over and over? Rev Meg likens spiritual and social media algorithms; you get what you give attention to. Picture it: spiritual TikTok as a vortex of enlightenmentLater, we're getting psychic, intuitive, and spiritual. Positive thinking, conscious flow, and practice. Shifting your thinking is not a lightswitch, and as Rev Meg so perfectly says, the universe is NOT your Uber. It takes action without resistance.As you tune in, give yourself permission to think positive thoughts about yourself, your body, and your life. And don’t miss Rev Meg’s guide, Cassandra, and her incredible words of wisdom from beyond. Find  Rev Meg’s viral videos, amazing guided meditations, and coaching info at the links below. What’s Inside:The classic victim, villain, and hero roles; how do they impact inner stories?Tips to get past triggers and do the work.Giving yourself permission to think positive thoughts and love yourself.How to change your spiritual and social media algorithm.Flow: the universe is NOT Uber. A lot of our discussion comes back to these classic roles, where do you default to? Victim, Villain, or Hero? How does that impact YOUR story? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Reverend Meaghan Hammarsten (@rev.meg) on InstagramReverend Meg Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on InstagramJoin the Masters of Fitness Awesomeness info@fitfeelsgood.com
Grit: Women Who Dressed Like Men To Do Shit They Weren't Supposed To Do With Tracy Dawson
Dec 12 2023
Grit: Women Who Dressed Like Men To Do Shit They Weren't Supposed To Do With Tracy Dawson
Sugar, spice, and everything nice—that's what girls are made of?Tracy Dawson’s book, Let Me Be Frank (awesome title, am I right?)...pieces together history from the lives of women who dressed up like men to pursue their hopes, dreams, goals, and general badassery.We hear about Hannah Snell, who went off to war as a man to find her philandering husband, only to realize she loved being a soldier. And Dorothy Lawrence, who pursued journalism during the World War under the guise of manhood. There are die hard sports fans from Iran who spent time learning perfect makeup to transform into men to see their favorite teams live.BUT it wasn’t always so virtuous or wholesome either. Tracy tells the stories of history’s anti-heroines, a tortuous witch hunter and mutinous lady pirates. The breadth of research that went into this book is insane. And when it comes to goals and grit, these stories have it, along with a lot of lessons.Dressing as men gave these women freedom of movement in society to pursue dreams and ideals never possible for a woman, but also with their bodies freed from the shackles of girdles and long skirts.This is a must read, you can find it anywhere you get books. And when you do, take strength from these stories of women who have faced the shit and put themselves first.  What’s Inside:The brave tales of women disguised as men to achieve their goals.It's not all for good, the ani-heroines in men’s clothing.A perspective on freedom and mens clothing.Strength, grit, goals: what became possible when women put themselves first in history.What  story surprised you the most when it came to these women’s disguises and adventures? Would you change your appearance to achieve a wild goal or live a lawless life?  Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:TRACY DAWSONTracy Dawson (@dawsontracy)Let Me Be Frank on Amazon Let Me Be Frank – HarperCollinsFit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on  InstagramJoin the Masters of Fitness Awesomenessinfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Grit: Surviving a Destructive Marriage With Leslie Vernick
Dec 5 2023
Grit: Surviving a Destructive Marriage With Leslie Vernick
Turns out you actually don’t have to suffer for Jesus.Leslie Vernick is the author of many books, including the best selling, The Emotionally Destructive Relationship, which has stayed at the top of the list in the pastoral counseling genre for quite some time. Today she joins me with a message for many, especially those of faith: God does not hate all divorce. Some of you may be thinking, Divorce?? Isn’t that extreme? ??Leslie shares about the women she has worked with; And their marriages are beyond disappointing; they are destructive. She has a test on her website where you can figure out where your relationship stands. But for these women, there is likely no room left to improve or change; instead, the only person they can change is themselves, like switching up your dance moves with a bad dance partner.A destructive marriage is one filled with imbalanced power, abuse, dread, and no safety. This is bad for anyone, but particularly those with children. Leslie stands firm that every child deserves one healthy parent, way more than a “complete” family in a tumultuous state.In her book and counseling services, and even in church leader education, Leslie’s goal is for women to leave destructive relationships behind to become safe, sane, and stronger.If you believe in traditional Christian religion and its stories, Leslie wants you to know that the Bible doesn’t shame divorce, and God doesn't want you to feel pain.A destructive relationship might be part of your story, but it doesn't have to be the end of it; there can be a healthy, wonderful life on the other side.What’s Inside:Not all divorces are equal, why “God doesn’t hate all divorce”.How to tell the difference between a destructive versus disappointing marriage.The goal of Leslie Vernick’s book and counseling: Safe, Sane, and Stronger.The dangers in abusive relationships.Why one healthy parent is better than a complete family.Leslie speaks a lot about divorce in general and through the Christian lens. Are you struggling in your relationship? If her advice speaks to you, I wanna hear about it!  Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Leslie VernickLeslie Berg Vernick (@leslie.vernick) on InstagramFit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on InstagramJoin the Masters of Fitness Awesomeness info@fitfeelsgood.com
Goal: Stay Fit Over the Holiday Season
Nov 28 2023
Goal: Stay Fit Over the Holiday Season
This might come as a surprise, but the holiday season does not equal being swallowed by a vortex of cheese and chocolate only to be spit out in the new year feeling like junk in uncomfortable pants.You can actually make the conscious choice to emerge feeling like the god or goddess that you are AND still enjoy your holiday. [keep listening, I’m not totally crazy].The key to this is the conscious part; you have to actually set a goal and take some small, immediate action…  yes immediate. AKA, it doesn't have to be January…it doesn’t have to be Monday…do it right now even if it's 3 p.m. on a Wednesday.And it wouldn’t be very efficient advice if I didn't come to you with some tips and steps. In this episode, I give you three tips to kick your mindset into gear, plus three tips to keep that fingernail hold on fitness this December.It’s the end of November; you are not DOOMED to feel sluggish and fat the rest of the year. In fact it can be your best month yet!You have to tune in so you can see how you can utilize the joy of the season, gain family support, and even become known as the “healthy” person.  See what THAT’LL do for your motivation.What’s Inside:Why wait till the new year to focus on a better, healthy you?3 tips to shift your mindset this holiday season.3 tips to keep a fingernail hold on fitness this December.Simple and seamless habits that can happen anytime, not just on Mondays or January.What tips do you think can be a gamechanger for you this holiday season? What are you afraid will happen if you focus on fitness instead of getting sucked into the cheesy, chocolaty vortex? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Healthy MFers ​in MallorcaLess Stuff, More Buff: A healthy gift guide for you and the planet!Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on InstagramJoin the Masters of Fitness Awesomenessinfo@fitfeelsgood.com
Grit: How to Overcome Challenges at Home (And Not Lose Yourself in the Process) With Dayna Abraham
Nov 21 2023
Grit: How to Overcome Challenges at Home (And Not Lose Yourself in the Process) With Dayna Abraham
“You probably think this meltdown is about you, don’t you, don’t youuuu.” *sings to the tune of You’re So Vain by Carly Simon*Have you been there with chaos in your family…  feeling like a failure as a parent, like you must be doing something wrong? Dayna Abraham is a best selling author who has totally helped me Calm the Chaos, the title of her latest book. It’s a fail proof road map for parenting even the most challenging kids.She shares the story of her struggles as a mom with a son who has violent meltdowns in school and is constantly kicked out of school and programs - spending more time on suspension than even in the classroom at just 7 years old.Since then, she has developed a community and a program that helps parents break past traditional parenting advice and conventional parenting tools. There is not a one size fits all parenting guide...  and it shouldn't be a surprise because every kid is different, and even more so, every parent is different. Whether you’re catastrophizing everything or blinded by ideas that your child is manipulating you, Dayna has tools and habits to pull parents into reality and be the best parent they can. While maybe society needs some redesigning, we’re focusing on what we can handle, like The 5 Minute Energy Plan and Dayna’s 4 pronged framework.With the purchase of Dayna’s book, you’ll get access to the 7 Days To Less Chaos program and so many more resources.Take a breath, give yourself grace,  we are all doing the best with what we’ve got.  What’s Inside:Tips to shift your thinking and take care of yourself.How to stop catastrophizing situations with your child.The 5 Minute Energy Plan, quick habits to uplift your day.Is a diagnosis important to your parenting style? The value in meeting the individual needs of YOUR child.Let’s get you from surviving to thriving! Are conventional parenting tools just not working for you anymore? What tips from Dayna can you put in place today? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Dayna Abraham, Calm the Chaos : Parenting Challenging Kids (@calmthechaosparenting) on Instagram Lemon Lime Adventures Calm the Chaos Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on InstagramJoin the Masters of Fitness Awesomeness info@fitfeelsgood.com Oonagh on Insta
Grit: Survive the Maintenance Phase of a Weight Loss Journey
Nov 14 2023
Grit: Survive the Maintenance Phase of a Weight Loss Journey
What if I told you it’s okay to maintain the body you’re in, even if you haven't reached your fitness goals yet?Put down the weights, drop your meal prep containers, and listen…  Maintenance is not stopping that work towards your goals; it’s actually an important piece of the process.Now, maintenance and a plateau are not the same thing; you’ll have to listen in for the differentiation so you can get a clear picture of what you need to do.The most important thing is listening to your body (no, your muscles are not going to be screaming; let me rest; I mean, if they did, would you listen?). Here are some ways you can tune in:-10 minute rule: After 10 minutes of warm up, if you still feel tired, run down and not totally stoked for your workout...  move to a more restorative form of exercise. -Full recovery: Before your next workout, your muscles should feel fully recovered from the last time you worked them.-Energized not exhausted: You want to end your workouts feeling amazing, not like a roadkill.Alright, so now that we know WHEN you need it, let's talk HOW. Because active recovery is not sitting on your ass, that’s just called sitting on your ass. -Reduce volume and intensity of workouts, but don’t stop moving.-Prioritize sleep (check out last week's badass guest for more sleep advice).-A shit ton of water: i.e. half your body weight in ounces.-Don't eat like an ASSHOLE, take this as a chance to drop the strict rules and focus on eating to feel good, full, and satisfied.Whether you crave constant movement, you feel like exercise is somehow the only valid form of self care (it’s not), or your head is full of fat anxiety chatter...  Remember that active recovery and maintenance are not going to hurt your goals. In fact, it will only help it!What’s Inside:Maintenance versus plateau…what’s the difference?When to chill, tips for listening to your bod.Active Recovery: Surprise! It’s not sitting on your ass.Mindful reminders for constant movers and fat anxiety.Is it time to give your body a break and move into active recovery for even better results? What’s holding you back? Is it fat anxiety, or can you just not survive a day out of the gym? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Fit Feels Good (@oonaghduncan) on InstagramJoin the Masters of Fitness Awesomenessinfo@fitfeelsgood.comOonagh on Insta
Goal: Go the F*ck To Sleep with Janet Whalen
Nov 7 2023
Goal: Go the F*ck To Sleep with Janet Whalen
"Ugh, it's 3am, I have to be up at 6...  that's in 3 hours. I only went to bed at 11. That means I’ve only gotten 4 hours of sleep.  I’m wide awake. I can’t survive off of 4 hours of sleep. Why am I up right now???”Anyone been through this middle of the night spiral full of complicated word problems you thought you left behind in 7th grade? Janet Whalen says NO. MATH. AT. NIGHT!!!! She is a Sleep & Life coach and the founder of Permission to Sleep. As someone who suffered from insomnia herself to now self proclaimed "the world's most amazing sleeper” she shares her tips for those also suffering from the stress of not getting the rest they deserve.First things first, Janet is NOT a doctor. Anyone who may be suffering from problems that could be medical, such as sleep apnea, night terrors, or trauma requiring sleep medication, should seek a sleep study and medical advice from their doctor. Janet is a champion of the idea of embracing wakefulness. She even poses this super deep question, Why do we need sleep? The best way to get sleep and rest is to be calm, so preventing that 3 a.m. freak-out is key. Just because you're awake doesn’t mean something has gone wrong. Another factor we discuss is... what's keeping you awake? Your personal drama and anxiety? Aging and hormones? Your partner's snoring? Each requires individual attention and strategies that Janet has ideas for.What about melatonin? That’ll solve all my problems, right? Wrong! Janet explains the purpose of this supplement and who really needs it…  and what can happen when you’re oversupplementing.Sleep is sacred. It’s special. It rejuvenates us. But it should not be a source of stress. That’s where Janet comes in! Unfortunately, Janet isn't accepting clients at this time.What’s Inside:What it looks like to give yourself the rest and sleep you deserve.How embracing wakefulness can actually promote better sleep.The culprit of your insomnia and what you can do about it. Aging, hormones, and their effect on your sleep.The dangers of oversupplementing melatonin?What does sleep medication really do?“Sleep Divorce” may not be as bad as it sounds.I had a ton of questions for Sleep & Life Coach Janet Whalen, what did I miss? What’s keeping you up at night? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:info@fitfeelsgood.com Oonagh on Insta
Woo Woo Shit: How To Calm Your Mind With Chris Bailey
Oct 31 2023
Woo Woo Shit: How To Calm Your Mind With Chris Bailey
When I first picked up How to Calm Your Mind, I didn’t realize this was the book I NEEDED!Chris Bailey, productivity expert, author, speaker, and master of calm, tells the story of how he caught a glimpse of himself in the overflow drain (yeah, that's what that weird metal piece in your tub is called), only to see he looked forlorn, sad, and depleted. The next day, he had a public anxiety attack.We are all Chris. We all fall somewhere on the anxiety spectrum and surprise… the bottom of the spectrum is not 0 anxiety…it’s beyond that:`q1 deeply calm. But how do we get there?First, we need to truly understand the word burnout. We throw this word around like candy, but to really be burnt out you need to have these three signs: Exhaustion (ding ding ding), Cynicism (talking to you, Negative Nancy), and Inefficacy (Yeah the OPPOSITE of productivity).And what causes these? Chris explains 6 factors that occur at work and all throughout your life. If these aren't aligning with your beliefs and needs, you will most certainly reach your boiling point.Then there's the matter of dopamine. That chemical our brain is constantly chasing, but isn’t always finding truly fulfilling. Chris explains the concept of a “Stimulation Fast” where you eliminate these empty sources of dopamine for an extended period of time. The easiest example? Social media. It consumes a ton of our time but leaves us with almost no satisfaction. When you remove these stimuli, you find you have time for your hobbies, passions, and needs that truly do bring fulfillment and happiness (bye bye TikTok, helloooo knitting!?).Most of us want to live a life that's meaningful. Chris asks this really beautiful and eye opening question that I want you to consider… Are you in pursuit of a life that you find personal value in or that the world values? What’s Inside:Why exactly would you want to calm your mind?Burnout is more than just exhaustion. What are the three symptoms?Six factors at work that contribute to burnout, stress, and anxiety. Can you fix them?Do you need stimulation fast? Taking a look at empty sources of dopamine?If you’re like me, you’re less wanna be calm and more wanna hype up 10x but after reading How to Calm Your Mind, I gained a new understanding of what calm really means. So where do you fall on the anxiety spectrum? Highly anxious or deeply calm? Let me know on Insta!Mentioned In This Episode:Chris BaileyFit Feels Good info@fitfeelsgood.comOonagh on Insta