The INDEED Evaluation Podcast

INDEED Project

The INDEED Evaluation Podcast interviews leading practitioners, experts, policy makers, researchers and evaluators working in the fields of evidence-based evaluation, policy and practice in preventing and countering violent extremism and de-radicalisation. The podcast of the INDEED Project – – the podcast is made possible due to the generous funding of the European Commission.

The INDEED Projects has received funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-SU-SEC-2020 under grant agreement no 101021701.

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Social SciencesSocial Sciences


Ep. 15 Leena Malkki "Strengthening cooperation between researchers, policymakers and practitioners"
Sep 30 2024
Ep. 15 Leena Malkki "Strengthening cooperation between researchers, policymakers and practitioners"
In this episode Kai Brand-Jacobsen sits down with Dr. Lena Malkki, a leading expert in the field of Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) and de-radicalisation. Together, they dive deep into the critical role of collaboration in these areas, highlighting how involving evaluators early in the process can bridge the gap between on-the-ground realities and research insights, leading to more effective, evidence-based outcomes. Dr. Malkki shares her insights on the unique advantages academic researchers bring, particularly their deep understanding of the sensitive and complex nature of violent extremism, and how this complements the technical expertise of consultancies.They also explore the growing importance of institutional mechanisms like conferences and knowledge hubs that facilitate collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners. These platforms are essential for not only sharing evaluation results but also for exchanging good practices and lessons learned, helping to elevate the field as a whole. Additionally, Dr. Malkki discusses innovative proposals for creating repositories and communities of practice that could revolutionize the approach to evaluations in PCVE and de-radicalisation.See also the video interview here: more information about the INDEED Project visit our website:
Ep. 1: Stephan Klose "Introduction to Evidence-Based Evaluation in the P/CVE and De-Radicalisation Fields."
Aug 21 2024
Ep. 1: Stephan Klose "Introduction to Evidence-Based Evaluation in the P/CVE and De-Radicalisation Fields."
In this episode, Stephan Klose, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Brussels School of Governance, provided valuable insights into Evidence-Based Evaluation (EBE) within the fields of Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) and de-radicalization. With extensive academic background including a PhD from VUB and an MA from Lund University, Klose has dedicated the past two years to studying EBE policies and practices.The interview delved into the nuanced understanding and implications of Evidence-Based (EB) concepts, highlighting their role as a cornerstone in contemporary policy frameworks. Central to EB practices are a meticulous review of existing evidence, informed professional judgment, and a conscientious consideration of community values and circumstances. Klose emphasized the reciprocal relationship between evaluation processes and EB practices, advocating for rigorous research methodologies to underpin effective policy decisions. Recognizing the challenges of accessibility and stakeholder engagement, particularly in sourcing and utilizing evidence effectively, Klose underscored the need for comprehensive, inclusive approaches to enhance the impact of P/CVE initiatives worldwide.See also the video interview here: more information about the INDEED Project visit our website: