How to Un Picky Your Picky Eater

Christine Miroddi Yoder

Is your child a picky eater? Maybe they are fussy about trying new foods or actually have a fear of trying new foods. In this podcast, we learn tips and strategies on how to get your picky eaters enjoying mealtimes by shifting mindset, working with their sensory system, improving their oral motor skills, remediating gut issues and more. Your host is a mom and a pediatric feeding therapist with extensive training in oral motor, speech, sensory feeding, mindset, and nutrition. We talk everything from breastfeeding to detoxing and everything in between! Support this podcast: read less


What's Missing From Your Child's Current Diet?
May 6 2024
What's Missing From Your Child's Current Diet?
Today, we explore the significance of a balanced diet for children's development, using the analogy of building a house to describe the roles of macronutrients and micronutrients. We delve into how picky eaters often miss out on crucial nutrients and I highlight the potential health issues arising from these deficiencies. We also discuss alternative sources for these nutrients, particularly emphasizing the benefits of non-dairy calcium sources.   For parents uncertain about their child's dietary needs, our special course offers personalized reports and actionable advice tailored to address specific nutritional gaps, ensuring that children receive the necessary building blocks for healthy growth.   If you’re unsure what specific nutrients your child is missing, join our course! You'll receive a tailored report detailing what’s lacking in your child’s diet and practical advice on how to incorporate these essential nutrients effectively. This isn't general advice; it's customized specifically for your child!   By understanding and addressing these dietary gaps, you can help ensure your child develops healthily and happily. Thanks for tuning in, and don’t forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes on nurturing your child’s health through better nutrition.   Learn More About The Course:   Register For the Free Webinar:
Bluey's Food Adventures: Teaching Picky Eaters One Bite at a Time
Mar 25 2024
Bluey's Food Adventures: Teaching Picky Eaters One Bite at a Time
Hey parents! 👋 In this week's episode of How To Unpicky Your Picky Eater, we're diving into the wonderful world of Bluey, the beloved Australian cartoon pup, and her food adventures! 🐶🍽️ We're unpacking two fantastic Bluey episodes that teach valuable lessons about food and picky eating that we can apply to our own kiddos. 📺💡 In these episodes, Bluey and her family navigate the ups and downs of mealtime, from exploring new foods to dealing with picky eaters. Sound familiar? We've all been there! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ But fear not, because Bluey and her family offer some fantastic tips and tricks that can help even the pickiest of eaters take that brave first bite. 🥦🍎 Join us as we break down the key lessons from these episodes and discuss practical ways to apply them in your own family's mealtime routine. From creating a positive and relaxed atmosphere around food to encouraging adventurous eating habits, we've got you covered! 🌟 So, grab a snack (hopefully a new one you're trying 😉), tune in to the episode, and let's embark on this food-filled adventure together! 🎧 Don't forget to share your own tips and tricks in the comments below. Let's support each other on this journey to raising healthy and happy eaters! 🥳👩‍👧‍👦 #Bluey #ParentingTips #PickyEaters #FamilyMealtime #KidsNutrition #PositiveEatingHabits #PodcastForParents #FoodAdventures #HealthyEating #MealtimeFun   Support the show by rating, reviewing, and subscribing – your feedback means a lot! Explore our website,, for virtual parent courses, and more resources to assist your picky eater. Check out my books on Amazon: Mealtime Mindset⁠, and Food Explorer's Log Book Appreciate your continued support! Looking forward to having you with me again next week! Warm regards, Christine
Navigating Controversies: Neurodiversity & Intuitive Eating Unpacked
Mar 18 2024
Navigating Controversies: Neurodiversity & Intuitive Eating Unpacked
Hey listeners! 🎙️ In this thought-provoking episode of [Your Podcast Name], we're delving into two controversial topics that are sparking conversations and challenging norms: neurodiversity and intuitive eating. 💭🍽️ First up, we'll explore the fascinating concept of neurodiversity, which celebrates the diverse range of neurologies and minds. From autism to ADHD, dyslexia, and beyond, neurodiversity advocates for understanding, acceptance, and empowerment for individuals with different cognitive styles and abilities. 🧠🌟 We'll unpack the origins of the neurodiversity movement, its impact on society, and why it's sparking both support and controversy. Next, we'll dive into the world of intuitive eating, a revolutionary approach to food and nutrition that challenges traditional dieting norms. 🥑🍕 Intuitive eating emphasizes tuning into your body's hunger and fullness cues, rejecting food rules and restrictions, and fostering a positive relationship with food and your body. But is it all sunshine and rainbows, or are there criticisms and concerns to consider? Let's dig deeper. Join us as we navigate these complex and nuanced topics, exploring the intersections, controversies, and implications for our lives. 🌐🔍 Whether you're passionate about neurodiversity, intuitive eating, or both, this episode promises to challenge your perspectives and spark meaningful conversations. So, grab your headphones, tune in, and let's dive deep into these thought-provoking discussions together! 🎧✨
Unpacking ARFID And Other Common Feeding Terms
Feb 26 2024
Unpacking ARFID And Other Common Feeding Terms
Ever find yourself puzzled by the terms ARFID, Pediatric Feeding Disorder, food aversion, and plain old picky eating? You're not alone (Even the professionals are confused!). We'll explore what makes each one special and why sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. I'll also share why I think it's more important to help with the eating problems than to worry about the names. Join us as we clarify common misconceptions, discuss why the focus should shift from labels to symptoms, and offer insights on the most effective approaches to support and treatment. Whether you're a concerned parent, a curious professional, or just someone interested in the psychology of eating, this episode will equip you with a deeper understanding and a new perspective on addressing feeding issues.   Connect with me on Instagram by following @foodology_feeding at ⁠⁠. Thank you for joining me once again for another engaging episode! If you found value in today's content, I'd love to hear about it from you. Support the show by rating, reviewing, and subscribing – your feedback means a lot! Explore our website,, for virtual parent courses, and more resources to assist your picky eater. Check out my books on Amazon: Mealtime Mindset⁠, and Food Explorer's Log Book Appreciate your continued support! Looking forward to having you with me again next week! Warm regards, Christine
Unraveling the Picky Eater Puzzle!
Jan 29 2024
Unraveling the Picky Eater Puzzle!
I'm super excited to share our latest podcast episode with you, where we dive deep into the world of feeding courses and uncover the missing puzzle pieces that could transform your picky eater journey.   🧩 Finding the Missing Puzzle Piece to Picky Eating: In this episode, I spill the beans on the various feeding courses and help available online. While many are led by fantastic dietitians offering invaluable insights into gut health, nutrition, and even a bit of mindset magic, there's a crucial missing piece to the puzzle – oral motor and sensory issues.   Why Knowing Your Child's Profile Matters: Discover why understanding your child's profile, complete with a solid assessment of their strengths and weaknesses in oral motor and sensory areas, could be the key to unlocking progress. It's like finding the missing piece that makes the entire picture clear. Want to Get Your Child’s Profile? Register for Unlocking Mealtimes where you get access to our exclusive quiz that gives you a breakdown of your child’s picky eater profile. 👉 [Register for Free Now] 👉 [Grab Early Access Pass for $20]   But wait, there's more to this episode! We also delve into a commonly overlooked aspect – the subconscious mind. Unravel the mystery behind the all-day, everyday loop that tells kids certain foods are unsafe. Addressing this powerful subconscious force is often the secret ingredient to breaking through picky eating plateaus.   Did you know we have subliminal audio to help detangle the subconscious mind specifically created by us for picky eaters? Get it here   What You Can Do About It: I share practical tips and strategies to address these missing pieces, empowering you to take charge and make mealtimes a positive experience for your little one.   Connect with me on Instagram by following @foodology_feeding at ⁠⁠. Thank you for joining me once again for another engaging episode! If you found value in today's content, I'd love to hear about it from you. Support the show by rating, reviewing, and subscribing – your feedback means a lot! Explore our website,, for virtual parent courses, and more resources to assist your picky eater. Check out my books on Amazon: Mealtime Mindset⁠, and Food Explorer's Log Book Appreciate your continued support! Looking forward to having you with me again next week! Warm regards, Christine
Dive Deeper: Your Child’s Picky Eater Profile Unveiled!
Jan 22 2024
Dive Deeper: Your Child’s Picky Eater Profile Unveiled!
In the latest episode of our podcast, I'm unveiling something special – the "Picky Eater Profile." 🕵️‍♀️🍽️ Ever wondered about the unique mix of factors contributing to your child's picky eating habits? This is it!   🔍 Do you know your child's Picky Eater Profile? Dive into our latest episode to discover: - How a custom quiz breaks down the complex layers of picky eating - The key areas that heavily influence your child's relationship with food - A series of questions that unveil valuable insights into your child's eating behavior   It's not meant to replace professional diagnosis, but it provides invaluable guidance for parents navigating the picky eater maze. 🚀   Get Access: - Unlocking Mealtimes Workshop Registrants: The quiz is included for free as part of this parent workshop. Register now for your backstage pass to understanding your child's picky eater profile. If you're cool with waiting, you can register for the workshop for FREE here and get access when we relaunch in a few months. [Register Here: [Workshop Registration Link]] - Workshop Purchasers: If you don't love waiting and want access now, or If you've already grabbed your spot in the workshop, you're in luck! The quiz is bundled in, giving you even more bang for your buck. [Purchase Workshop Here: Buy Now For $20]   Here's the scoop – the information packed into this quiz rivals what you'd get in most standard insurance-based feeding therapy clinics. Trust me; it's a game-changer!   Ready to decode the mysteries of your child's picky eating habits? Tune in to the episode and take the quiz – let's make mealtimes a breeze together!   Connect with me on Instagram by following @foodology_feeding at ⁠⁠. Thank you for joining me once again for another engaging episode! If you found value in today's content, I'd love to hear about it from you. Support the show by rating, reviewing, and subscribing – your feedback means a lot! Explore our website,, for virtual parent courses, and more resources to assist your picky eater. Check out my books on Amazon: Mealtime Mindset⁠, and Food Explorer's Log Book Appreciate your continued support! Looking forward to having you with me again next week! Warm regards, Christine
The Real MVP in Tackling Picky Eating – You!
Jan 15 2024
The Real MVP in Tackling Picky Eating – You!
In this episode, I lay it all out on the table – no pun intended – about why parents are the true MVPs in the battle against picky eating. Sure, we love our feeding therapists, dieticians, OTs, and psychologists (they all have their time to shine), but let's get real about who holds the magic wand when it comes to transforming your little one's eating habits – hint: it's you! 🌈   I get it – many parents worry that their kids "won't do it for them" and seem to miraculously behave better when another adult steps in. But let's dig deeper. Why is there a struggle in that dynamic? That's where I step in to help you decode the mystery and repair the sometimes-broken relationship between your child, food, and, most importantly, YOU.   Outsourcing the help is like taking the scenic route when you could be cruising on the expressway. I break down why taking the reins as a parent can fast-track the transformation and save you precious time. 🚀   Ready for some real talk and actionable tips? Tune in now to discover why you're the superhero your picky eater needs!   Connect with me on Instagram by following @foodology_feeding at ⁠⁠. Thank you for joining me once again for another engaging episode! If you found value in today's content, I'd love to hear about it from you. Support the show by rating, reviewing, and subscribing – your feedback means a lot! Explore our website,, for virtual parent courses, and more resources to assist your picky eater. Check out my books on Amazon: Mealtime Mindset⁠, and Food Explorer's Log Book Appreciate your continued support! Looking forward to having you with me again next week! Warm regards, Christine
My Parenting Confession – Tackling Picky Eating Head-On!
Jan 8 2024
My Parenting Confession – Tackling Picky Eating Head-On!
In this latest episode, I spill the beans on why I've declared a mission to make my child less picky this year. You know the drill – the struggle is real when your little one has opinions about the presentation of their meals that rival a seasoned food critic! 🍽️   While my kiddo has made some impressive strides in the culinary adventure department, there's still that lingering resistance when it comes to embracing the unfamiliar. And let's be real – I get it! I mean, who can blame them for having strong feelings about the arrangement of peas on their plate?   The main culprit in my quest for foodie flexibility? Picture this: Envisioning a family dinner without the mental gymnastics of predicting which restaurants will meet the "presentation standards" – pure bliss, right? 🌍   I spill the beans on my not-so-perfect moments and share some strategies I'm planning to implement to up my parenting game. After all, we're all in this together, navigating the unpredictable waters of parenting with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of trial and error. 🚀   So, if you're up for some real talk about the joys (and challenges) of expanding a little one's culinary horizons, grab your favorite snack and tune in! Your fellow parent-in-crime is here, fumbling through it just like you. 🎧   Connect with me on Instagram by following @foodology_feeding at ⁠⁠. Thank you for joining me once again for another engaging episode! If you found value in today's content, I'd love to hear about it from you. Support the show by rating, reviewing, and subscribing – your feedback means a lot! Explore our website,, for virtual parent courses, and more resources to assist your picky eater. Check out my books on Amazon: Mealtime Mindset⁠, and Food Explorer's Log Book Appreciate your continued support! Looking forward to having you with me again next week! Warm regards, Christine
Reflections and Gratitude: A Heartfelt End-of-Year Wrap-Up
Dec 29 2023
Reflections and Gratitude: A Heartfelt End-of-Year Wrap-Up
As we bid farewell to another year, join us in this special podcast episode that serves as both a heartfelt thank you and (hopefully) a source of inspiration for all the incredible parents out there. In a world filled with challenges, uncertainties, and the constant quest for answers, we bring you a message of hope, resilience, and the transformative power of never giving up on your children. In this soul-stirring wrap-up, we share stories of triumph, setbacks, and the unwavering spirit of how this parent who refused to surrender to despair. This episode is a celebration of the countless unsung heroes—the mothers and fathers who faced the unknown with courage, determination, and an unyielding belief in the potential of their children. Through personal anecdotes and uplifting narratives, we explore the profound impact of perseverance and the incredible ripple effect it can have on a child's life. Christine shares insights into the transformative moments that can unexpectedly appear just around the corner, turning the tide and making life more manageable for both parents and their precious ones. This episode encourages you never to stop asking questions, to keep seeking solutions, and to believe that breakthroughs are always within reach.  As we reflect on the year gone by, this episode is a reminder that every effort, no matter how small, contributes to the greater narrative of your child's journey. So, grab a cup of warmth, settle into your favorite spot, and let this episode be a beacon of inspiration and gratitude for the incredible parents who refuse to give up on their children and, in doing so, inspire us all.
Cooking Up Fun: An Interview With Chef and Children’s Cooking Author Arlena Strode
Dec 18 2023
Cooking Up Fun: An Interview With Chef and Children’s Cooking Author Arlena Strode
Join us in this delightful episode as we sit down with the extraordinary Chef Arlena Strode, a culinary maestro, children's author, and the visionary behind the Children's Culinary Institute. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure tailored for the little ones as Chef Arlena shares her passion for combining the joy of cooking with the magic of storytelling. In our conversation, Chef Arlena takes us behind the scenes of her creative process, revealing the inspiration behind her enchanting children's books that revolve around the world of food. From exploring the wonders of different cuisines to instilling a love for fresh, wholesome ingredients, Chef Arlena's stories not only entertain but also educate young minds about the joys of a well-cooked meal. As we delve into the heart of our discussion, Chef Arlena enlightens us about the numerous benefits of involving children in the kitchen. Discover how cooking becomes a powerful tool for developing essential life skills, fostering creativity, and nurturing healthy eating habits from a young age. Chef Arlena shares practical tips and heartwarming anecdotes that highlight the transformative impact of culinary experiences on children. Whether you're a parent, educator, or simply curious about the magical world Chef Arlena has crafted, this episode promises to inspire and spark your imagination. Join us as we explore the intersection of food, storytelling, and education with Chef Arlena Strode, and learn how the kitchen can become a playground for learning and laughter. Tune in and get ready to embrace the delicious adventure of cooking with kids on this special and final episode of 2023. Don’t forget to find me on instagram at @foodology_feeding ⁠⁠ Thanks so much for joining me again for another episode! If you got any value from the episode, I would love to hear about it! You can rate, review & subscribe to help me out! You can find my virtual parent courses, free webinars, and more information on how we can help your picky eater on our website: ⁠⁠ You can find my book for sale on ⁠Amazon: Mealtime Mindset⁠,  and Food Explorer's Log Book Thank you so much! See you next week! Christine